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Basic concepts.

Free hardware.

The hardware are the physical components of a computer tales such as the hard
drive, the optical drive, the floppy drive, the mouse and the keyboard. Basically
when we hear the word hardware we have to relate something tangible, that can
be touched. Now, when we talk about free hardware, we are relating to public
access that is when it says that specific hardware devices and schematic diagrams
connected to be free, that they can acquire for free or make some payment.
Confirming so free does not always mean free. The free hardware aims to create
innovative computer device designs for students, amateurs or professionals openly
and that they can market.

Free software

The software are all the instructions we use to communicate with the computer,
basically they are the programs we use for the development of an activity. Free
software is the freedom for users to execute, copy, distribute, study, modify and
improve the software.

Essential freedoms to make it free software.

1. The freedom to execute the program as desired, for any purpose (freedom
2. The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to do what you
want (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a necessary condition for
3. The freedom to redistribute copies to help others (freedom 2).
4. The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to third parties
(freedom 3). This allows you to offer the entire community the opportunity to
benefit from the modifications. Access to the source code is a necessary
condition for this. [1]

Micro controller

The micro controllers, like a computer, also have inputs, outputs and a series of
internal components such as a memory, a hard disk and a processor among
others, that is to say, it is a complete computer in a single integrated circuit. The
inputs in the micro controller are changed by sensors (temperature, light, sound,
etc.) and as outputs we have the motors, LEDs, relays, etc.) [2]


Arduino was considered as a programmable device just like a computer, tablet or

cell phone. You can also say that in this device we can change the functionality
with orders in a special language and that it finally processes and executes them.

In an arduino the inputs are the sensors and the outputs the actuators that through
the processing of the electrical signals we can convert them into physical

Arduino is considered an open source platform, its function is to facilitate electronic

projects. It is a free hardware and software board or device. If we talk about
history, this project started in 2003 at the interactive design institute of ivrea, Italy,
in order to facilitate the processes and uses of electronics in general. The primary
objective was the students of electronics, they had to provide their materials, at
that time the popular BASIC Stamp was worth more than $ 100 and not everyone
could have them. As a final result arduino was created where you can connect
inputs and outputs of a micro controller and can be programmed in Windows,
macOS and gnu / Linux. This device did not consist of more than 2 dollars and
fulfilled everything necessary to develop electronics projects.Arduino It is basically
a board based on an ATMEL micro controller. This micro controller has an input
interface, which are connections where we can connect the different types of
peripherals and that will be responsible for processing the data provided.
The types of peripherals are linked to the use that will be given, this can be
cameras, keyboards or sensors.

The output interface is responsible for carrying the information that was processed
in the arduino to other peripherals such as screens or speakers.

In the market we find different types of plates depending on the type of project to
be developed.

Arduino in mechanical engineering is very important, there are companies that are
working today in autonomous vehicles using this type of technology and that is also
very economical. Through ultrasound sensors, 3D scanners and geo positioning
we can obtain the corresponding inputs so that our vehicle is autonomous. We can
also control the temperature of a machine, or process and implement new indicator
reading devices that facilitate our work.

In conclusion we can say that arduino has enormous flexibility that makes it
possible to use the sensors, arduino microcontrollers and famous actuators to
interact with the imagination.


[1] 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. The GNU operating system.


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