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Grade: 4 Date: Tuesday March 10, 2020

Subject: Writing Duration: 40 minutes

Title: Research

Desired Results
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond
personally and critically to oral print and other media texts.
 Use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to
enhance understanding of ideas and information
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and
 Locate information to answer research questions, using a variety of sources,
Learning Outcome(s)
such as maps, atlases, charts, dictionaries, school libraries, video programs,
elders in the community and field trips
 Use a variety of tools, such as indices, legends, charts, glossaries, typographical
features and dictionary guide words, to access information
 Organize ideas and information, using appropriate categories, chronological
order, cause and effect, or posing and answering questions
 Record ideas and information that are on topic
Essential Questions of the Unit
 Why is it important to read and process research material before copying it down?
 How does representing information with pictures and with words help us to understand the information
we are reading and writing?
 Where might we use research skills outside of school?
Learning Objectives
 Students will use strategies to participate in research.
 Students will demonstrate their ability to work cooperatively with peers.

Assessment Evidence
 Observations throughout the lesson
Summative Formative
N/A  Check-In with each student and partner group to
Assessment Assessment
ensure research process is underway

Learning Experience
 Get iPads or computers  Whiteboard marker
Tech Resources  iPads or computers
to Do to Bring  Pencils
 Erasers
Time Content/Description Differentiations
Review of Assignment Overview
5 minutes  The teacher will go through the details of this assignment and
allow for students to ask questions
Review of Research Expectations
5 minutes  The teacher will go over the expectations for the research
Research Time
25 minutes  Students will grab an iPad/computer and be given time to work
on their research with their partner
Clean-Up and Questions
5 minutes
 Students will be instructed to log off their iPads/computers and
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Grade: 4 Date: Tuesday March 10, 2020
Subject: Writing Duration: 40 minutes
Title: Research

to return to their desk with their papers

 Papers will go in their binders/writing folders
 Students will be able to ask any questions that came up
throughout their work time

and Follow Up

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