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Home » Blog » Variable Frequency Drive Harmonic Mitigation


Posted by  Craig Hartman  20/03/2014  1 Comment(s)

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Table of Contents
Background of Harmonics SEARCH NOW
IEEE 519 - Recommended Practices for Harmonic Control
E ects of Harmonics
Types of Harmonic Mitigation Equipment Popular Articles
Harmonic Mitigation Cost
Measurement Considerations
Appendix A: Harmonic Mitigating VFD Speci cation Recommendations

Background of Harmonics
Power system harmonics are associated with the operation of electronic equipment What is a Variable
in the course of normal operation. Electrical engineers have applied speci cations Frequency Drive?

that address harmonic distortion issues associated with Variable Frequency Drives  20/03/2014  258
(VFDs) in numerous ways. Initially some individuals thought that referencing IEEE
519 would be su cient. However, many vendors responded that IEEE 519 is a
system standard and not appropriate to reference in equipment speci cations. This
resulted in many vendors supplying equipment on projects at the lowest cost but
with no consideration for the resulting system harmonic distortion. In some cases,
electric utility companies have later sited IEEE 519 as a requirement and condition
for customers (with harmonic generating equipment) to continue electrical service
How to Read a Motor
(due to power quality concerns that could negatively a ect other customers).
 20/03/2014  31
In response to the growing concern regarding harmonics, some engineering rms
have become very speci c with their VFD speci cations by requiring speci c lter
brands or technologies such as 12 or 18 pulse arrangements. With this approach
however, it is often thought that follow-up veri cation and certi cation testing is not
required. While immediate problems might not have been noticed, the result has
been many installations that do not meet IEEE 519 recommendations. As an
example, some speci cations have required a VFD with a 12-pulse recti er but are
supplied without a phase shifting transformer that allows any harmonic mitigation VFD Buying Guide
at all. Also, lter manufacturer's test results are usually based on laboratory voltage  18/01/2014  72
conditions, which do not exist in most commercial electrical systems. The electrical
system source impedance and loading conditions will have a signi cant e ect on
harmonic mitigation results.
IEEE 519 - Recommended Practices for Harmonic

IEEE 519-1981 was originated as a result of concerned US based utilities regarding What is a VFD Control
their Free
customer's harmonics a ecting the grid. The original Recommended Practice Panel
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was a limit of 3-5% voltage THD (total harmonic distortion) at the PCC (point of  14/11/2014 SeHabla
7 Español
common coupling). General systems allowed 5% while special applications including
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hospitals and airports required a 3% voltage THD limitation. In 1992 the
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Recommended Practice was upgraded to also require total demand distortion
(TDD) to be within the range of 5-20% (depending on the size of the installation).
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TDD is the total root-sum-square harmonic current distortion, in percentage of the
maximum demand load current in a 15 or 30 minute window of time. The
maximum limit is based on the ratio of ISC/IL, which is measurement of the
How to wire a VFD
customer's a ect on the electrical distribution system. The higher the utility short
 15/03/2016  14
circuit capability (ISC) or the smaller the customer load (IL) results in higher allowed
limits. See the chart below:
Blog Categories
Location ISC/IL IEEE Allowed TDD
Variable Frequency Drives
<20 5.0

20 < 50 8.0
Recent Articles
50 < 100 12.0

100 < 1000 15.0

> 1000 0.0

The PCC could be de ned by the engineer at any point in the system (such as at an
MCC bus) but it is usually understood to be the point where the customer connects
Industry Spotlight: Using
to the utility (unless otherwise stated). Even though engineers are free to apply IEEE
VFDs for Swimming Pool
519 at other points in the system to require equipment compliance, the standard is Filtration Systems
still intended to be a system speci cation. European IEC 61800 speci cations, on
 05/08/2019 1
the other hand, are equipment (rather than system), based.
E ects of Harmonics
According to IEEE 519, the equipment most susceptible to harmonics, includes
communication and data processing equipment. "Most motor loads are relatively
tolerant of harmonics". However, IEEE 519-1992 states further that, "Even in the
case of the least susceptible equipment, harmonics can be harmful. In the case of VFD Panel Buying Guide
an oven, for example, they can cause dielectric thermal or voltage stress, which (Illustration)
causes premature aging of electrical insulation. A major e ect of harmonic voltages  07/04/2016 0
and currents in rotating machinery (induction and synchronous) is increased
heating due to iron and copper losses at the harmonic frequencies. The harmonic
components thus a ect the machine e ciency, and can also a ect the torque
developed". Harmonic distortion levels tend to increase over time in typical
buildings and production facilities. This is the result of upgrades or the addition of
electronic equipment such as computers, UPS systems, o ce equipment, motor
drives, control systems etc. The e ect of harmonic generating loads should be
planned for in advance. How to wire a VFD
   15/03/2016  14
Types of Harmonic Mitigating Equipment
Early harmonic mitigating equipment consisted of shunt tuned lters which attract
harmonic currents into a trap type lter. Later improvements consisted of installing
a series reactor to help solve resonance issues. Voltage rise was often a problem
with these type lters. 12-pulse VFDs were also an early implementation for
Industry Spotlight: Using
harmonic reduction. When two VFDs of the same size and load exist, simple delta-
VFDs with Reciprocating
delta (and delta-wye) transformers installed with the VFD can produce the same 12-

pulse results. As harmonic mitigation became more prevalent, broadband lters
 20/03/2015 2
and 18-pulse VFDs appeared on the market. Broadband lters are able to reduce
harmonic levels down to 10-15% but are bulky and expensive. 18-pulse VFDs, while
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expensive, are able to achieve levels down to 3-5% if the phase shifting transformer Se Habla Español
is properly designed. In the last several years, new hybrid lters have reduced
harmonic mitigation down to the 8-12%  range
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(or lower).Hybrid lters have
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elements of both the "shunt tuned" and "broadband" lters. When these are
optimized, they are not only economical, but can achieve results down to the 5-8%
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range (if optimized and properly integrated with a VFD system). It is also interesting
Industry Spotlight: Using
to note that broadband lters have the best performance at light loads while hybrid
VFDs for Irrigation and
lters o er the best performance at full load.
   16/02/2015 2
Harmonic Mitigation Cost
Like all technologies, initial costs for reducing harmonic distortion in power
electronic equipment was high, sometimes doubling the cost of the equipment. As
speci cations required harmonic mitigation, costs were reduced. As an example,
electronic uorescent ballasts add little cost in the newer high power factor, low Join and receive exclusive o ers,
THD designs. Low harmonic distortion UPS systems now carry less than a 20% cost news, and more!
adder and some manufactures only o er the low THD designs. While future
designed VFDs could reduce costs, current harmonic corrected or ltered VFDs
presently result in a 20-300% cost adder depending on HP size, level of THD
required, and the required options in the VFD package. See the cost comparison
table below.
HP 10 30 100 300

Bare Bones Nema 1 VFD $1,025 $2,398 $6,400 $18,025

Typical VFD System with Circuit Breaker, Bypass &

Optimized Reactor $2,260 $3,823 $9,067 $26,474
(~30-40% THD)

VFD System with Typical Separate Mount Shunt

Tuned Harmonic Filter or 12 Pulse Con guration (~15- $3,791 $7,305 $14,692 $38,272
20% THD)

VFD System with Hybrid Integrated

Harmonic Filter $3,006 $4,818 $11,215 $33,366
(~7-10% THD)

VFD System with 18 Pulse Con guration w/ Phase

Shift Transformer N/A $11,582 $17,725 $40,913
(~4-6% THD)

VFD System with Active Recti er or Integrated Active

Filter $4,310 $8,619 $21,867 $58,524
(~3-4% THD)

It can be seen from the above table that standard shunt tuned lter arrangements
and 12 pulse recti ers with phase shift transformers have become outdated in
general purpose VFDs. This is based on the cost premium and marginal THD
mitigation improvement. To meet IEEE 519-1992, most facility speci cations have
required equipment limiting current THD to 8-15%. Using the most cost-e ective
harmonic mitigating methods usually results in an average of 20-30% cost addition
over the typical packaged VFD system. Installations with very large drives and a very
high percentage of the total load being on VFDs sometimes requires a 5% current
THD level which results in a cost addition of 50-100%. It should be noted from the
table that small VFDs are not practical in 18-pulse con gurations. Also, active
recti ers and lters are generally the most expensive solution today but it is
believed will become very cost e ective in the future as volumes increase. 
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When a utility applies IEEE 519-1992 as a condition of service the PCC would
typically be designated as the point at
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which the utility connects power to the
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customer. Harmonic distortion would be measured in terms of both voltage THD
and current TDD (described above).
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From IEEE 519-1992 and the utility perspective, it is less important what the THD %
is when equipment is operating at reduced load as is typical with VFDs. This is
important because most harmonic mitigating technologies are designed for
maximum performance at full load. As an example, a 100HP VFD operating at full
load might produce 43 amps (out of 124A for 35% THID) of current distortion at full
load with no lter and 9 amps (out of 124A for 7% THID) with a lter.
At 80% speed this could change to 29 amps (out of 75A for 38% THID) with no lter
and 8 amps (out of 75A for 11% THID) with a lter. Also, at the utility PCC, a building
operating with the same 100HP ltered VFD on a fan would measure 7% THID when
running by itself which would change to less than 5% THID when another 56 amps
of linear load such as a compressor turned on.
At the same time, other non-linear loads such as computers, elevators and other
electronic equipment will add distortion in the same fashion, which needs to be
Therefore, it is important that an engineer, who speci es VFDs, consider the other
loads in the building or facility and then speci es which levels of harmonic
distortion will be acceptable in consideration of the added cost.
In view of the information presented to this point, it can be seen that in order for an
engineer to comply with the Recommended Practice outlined in IEEE 519-1992, he
must carefully consider facility loads and the equipment serving them. Older
facilities that have been upgraded with electronic equipment, will likely be require
additional ltering at some point. In new installations, which specify nonlinear
equipment such as VFDs, lters or mitigating techniques can be included in the
design to limit current distortion amps to a speci c level or range to satisfy the
overall objective. A general rule of thumb might be presented as follows:
Level 1 - No Harmonic Mitigation Equipment:
When a facility is comparatively large with a signi cant amount of linear load
compared to nonlinear load, one or two small VFDs under 5 or 10 horsepower may
not justify any speci c harmonic ltering or mitigating technique. However, it is still
recommended to add source impedance in the form of a simple AC or DC reactor.
In addition to providing equipment protection, this will typically keep current
distortion below 40%.
Level 2 - Standard O -The-Shelf Harmonic Filtering or Mitigation
Manufacturer's catalog equipment is typically available for harmonic mitigating
levels of 12-20%. Facilities that have (or will be adding) a moderate amount of
nonlinear load compared to linear load should make harmonic mitigating
equipment a speci c part of the VFD speci cation. Full load ITHD % Values
(measured at the equipment) should be speci ed with the intention of meeting an
IEEE 519-1992 TDD % level at the PCC. See example #1.
Level 3 - Extensive Designed or Highly Optimized Harmonic 
Mitigation VFDs or
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Highly optimized lters or 18-pulse VFD systems can achieve harmonic correction to
allow the addition of no more than 3-5%
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at full load. A facility that has
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predominantly nonlinear loads may require speci cations, which de ne a VFD that
adds no more harmonic distortion than the same level required by IEEE 519-1992 at
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the utility PCC. See example number 3.
Example #1
An engineer desires to add a 100HP VFD to an existing building with a 500A load
measured at 4% TDD. He desires to maintain 8% TDD at the PCC to meet IEEE 519-
1992. To achieve the 8% level he can allow 20 more amps of harmonic distortion to
the 20 amps that already exists. With a 100HP full load of 124A this would be 16%
ITHD and a lter would be speci ed appropriately.
Example #2
A new building is considered for construction with an estimated 2000A electrical
load and a maximum of 5% ITHD to meet IEEE 519-1992. 5% of the load is assumed
to be nonlinear at a 50% ITHD level in addition to (5) 15HP, (5) 60HP and (2) 75HP
VFDs on HVAC equipment (682 amps). With 50 amps of existing nonlinear load, only
50 more amps of distortion can be allowed (approximately 7% of the full load of the
VFDs). Appropriately, the VFDs would be speci ed with harmonic mitigating
equipment to add no more than 7% ITHD at full load.
Example #3
A pump station is being designed which will have 50 amps of lighting and
receptacles and the remainder of the load consists of (3) 500HP pump motors with
VFDs. If IEEE 519-1992 requires 5% TDD at the utility PCC, it becomes obvious that
each VFD must also be limited to approximately 5% ITHD.
Appendix: Harmonic Mitigating VFD Speci cation
The following recommendations are given to specify VFDs to achieve the desired
results concerning harmonic mitigation:
Include a section in the front General section under "Work Included"
or "Description of Work".
VFD harmonic mitigation equipment shall be included, as part of the integrated VFD
package to meet the THD levels required in the section titled "Harmonic Distortion
Include in "Quality Assurance" Section
IEEE Standard 519-1992 - Recommended Practices for Harmonic Control in
Electrical Power Systems
(based on the engineer-identi ed levels stated in the "Harmonic Distortion
Requirements" section).
Include in "Submittals" Section
Submit sample input current waveforms that are to be expected. This should
include examples from previous installations with similar integrated harmonic
mitigating equipment VFD packages. The data submitted shall meet the levels
required in the "Harmonic Distortion Requirements" section.
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The following vendors/manufacturers have demonstrated the ability to meet the
requirements of these speci cations 
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including the integrated harmonic mitigating
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equipment and commissioning requirements included herein: Energy Management
Corporation - Utilizing Motor Drives International packaged VFD systems with
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optimized integrated harmonic lters. (See Appendix B) Vendors requesting
approval by addendum must submit a point by point certi cation to these
speci cations at least 10 days prior to the bid. Information must include proposed
integrated harmonic mitigating equipment with sample waveforms from a
minimum of three local installations, which have been in operation for a minimum
of three years. Only vendors listed, or approved in writing by addendum, are
approved to bid the project.
Include in "Construction" Section
The VFD system and associated harmonic mitigating equipment shall be supplied as
a complete, pre-integrated, stand-alone package produced by a single
manufacturer regularly engaged in the production of same and maintains full
system support responsibility. The VFD system manufacturer shall integrate all
components and equipment required to meet these speci cation features and
functions as a single UL (or equivalent) labeled system. Vendors supplying non-
integrated equipment (or which require contractor mounting or wiring of separate
components) is not allowed. Vendors supplying equipment, which is not warranted
by a single manufacturer, is not allowed. Optional - Front door mounted, blown fuse
indicators, shall be included for all phases for all fuses associated with harmonic
lter capacitors.
Include in "Harmonic Distortion" Section
IEEE 519-1992 - Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems shall be a
requirement of this project. Harmonic lters (passive or active), phase multiplication
devices, or any other components required to mitigate harmonic voltage THD to 5%
(insert requirement 3% or 5%) and current THD to 8% (insert requirement 3-20%)
maximum levels shall be an integral part of the VFD system. Compliance
measurement shall be based on (insert one of the following) THD added (during
VFD full load operation compared to across-the-line operation) at the VFD circuit
breaker terminals or actual THD measurement at the VFD circuit breaker terminals
during full load VFD operation. Designs which employ shunt tuned lters must be
designed to prevent the importation of outside harmonics which could cause
system resonance or lter failure. Calculations supporting the design, including a
system harmonic ow analysis, must be provided as part of the submittal process
for shunt tuned lters. Any lter designs which cause voltage rise at the VFD
terminals must include documentation in compliance with the total system voltage
variation of plus or minus 10%. Documentation of Power Quality compliance shall
be part of the commissioning required by the VFD supplier. Actual job site
measurement testing shall be conducted at full load and documented in the
operation and maintenance manuals. Optional - Harmonic measuring equipment
utilized for certi cation shall carry a current NITS calibration certi cate. The nal
test report shall be reviewed and compliance certi cation stamped by a licensed
professional engineer (PE). Optional - Data (text and graphical) shall be supplied
showing voltage and current waveforms, THD (or TDD) and individual harmonic
spectrum analysis in compliance with the above standards.
Include in "System Commissioning and Certi cation" Section
Conduct and document harmonic distortion compliance testing as identi ed in the
"Harmonic Distortion" section of this speci cation.

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a Comment Variable Frequency Drive Control Panels Blog Outlet





1 Comment(s)

07/07/2017, 02:46:44 AM
Harmonic Filter Market worth 1.12 Billion USD by 2023

The harmonic lter market ecosystem includes component providers, such as

Koninklijke Philips N.V.(Netherlands), Fuji Component Parts USA, Inc.(US), and
Siemens AG (Germany), and manufacturers, such as ABB Ltd. (Switzerland), Baron
Power Limited (India), Comsys AB (Sweden), Schneider Electric SE (France), Eaton
Corporation Plc (Ireland), Danfoss A/S (Denmark), Siemens AG (Germany), Crompton
Greaves Ltd. (India), TDK Corporation (Japan), Scha ner Holding AG (Switzerland),
MTE Corporation (US), TCI, LLC (US), Enspec Power Ltd. (UK), Larsen & Toubro
Limited (India), Arteche (Spain), AVX Corporation (US), Mirus International Inc.
(Canada), LPI-NZ Ltd. (Australia), Mesta Electronics, Inc. (US), and REO AG (Germany).


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