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Global Citizenship Essay

A Global Citizen is a citizen that has impacted and been involved with the community to further
produce a change to the world and their community as well. I believe that a global citizen that
makes a change is Robert Fitzgerald Diggs better known as RZA from the Almighty Wu-Tang
Clan.I find these characteristics of a global citizen in this person for the actions and knowledge is
reflected by RZA and through his musical output as well.He was born in July 5 1969,In
Brownsville New York.When he described growing up with familiar hardships as he lived with
his mother and sister and two older brothers in a small 3 bedroom house.His upbringing brought
him many challenges and new ideas to discover while being in Brooklyn New York.

His impact upon releasing albums by himself and also helping various other artist who he had
collaborated with is the actions he took after releasing music and being a commercially
successful artist.He has explained how he has found profound knowledge by understanding the
importance in training the brain to produce peace towards the world through the practices of
meditation and self education.He continued to promote literacy around the neighborhood he
grew up in.RZA also contributed to various non profit associations such as ​The Children's
Literacy Society​.​RZA ​ launched the contemporary 36 Chambers line, which is influenced by a
mix of hip-hop and Eastern philosophy,he revealed that 100 per cent of all sales of a
limited-edition Quilted Denim Motorcycle Jacket, which is part of the collection would be
donated to a literacy program for children.The program was created by RZA sister Sophia Diggs
Children's Literacy Society aims to bring awareness to this problem, as well as offering some
solutions by engaging children at a young age to discover the beauty and importance of reading
and writing.

The Global Outcome is shown as investigating the world as RZA found many inspirations from
different cultures by exposure to chinese disciplines and researching new movies that share the
same traditional ideas.I found the connection when he began to take a bigger concept of life as he
performed in different countries around the world.He found the enlightenment from the buddha
ideals and applied this lifestyle back into his living in New York.His representation of the
Wu-Tang Clan gave him bigger opportunities to express the connection to music to the human
being such as the brain,soul and heart all interconnected as one.His system wasn’t all about the
music aspect of his career but also how to adapt to a lifestyle where minorities in different areas
were not presented the same opportunities as other social groups living in New York in the
period of time he was experiencing.I Found his enlightenment was sourced in simple traditional
practices found in the buddha teachings such as frequent meditation,reading insightful books,and
practice good positive practices to enhance hope for the people still living through struggle and
hardships in life.

I believe the RZA has always been proficient in the art of communicating ideas.His
interpretation of various records he produced before the Wu-Tang Clan was profound because
Global Citizenship Essay

his knowledge was found before he spoken.He listened to new ideas and thought it’s real world
applications as he was going through the situations of being a mc established in New York but
also as a man introducing himself to the people who weren’t aware of the people and their
abilities as human beings.His records were being open about their life but also talking about the
power of unity and the positive outcomes that impacts the future generation.Records that provide
this insight was “Enter the Wu-Tang:The 36 Chambers”.The album did such an amazing job
from the production of many records being curated from sample tracks looped to spit rhymes
on.His passion was seeing people he truly cared about happy doing what they chose to,He was
trying his hardest by saying complex ideas over a rap beat.I was truly captivated by his intellect
which inspired me to pursue a music career.His production skills came from practicing at a
young teenager finding any possible way to attain wealth to buy beat machines for his basement
studio in the Bronx,New York.He used his family of individuals and came them a platform to
express new content for the world to hear.

The RZA began recognizing perspectives as a younger child growing up by reading huge
amounts of books as a child.Living around people who shared common intrest in music and
street art.The RZA found his sound through the combination of 80-90’s music and also classic
chinese kung fu movies.His favorites which he got when he was a kid were “​Five Deadly
Venoms”. He also discoursed how he used a movie he saw as a teenager which inspired the
group which would eventually become the Wu-Tang Clan. He discourses how “​ ​Chia-Liang
Liu’s The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, the first of about a half-dozen Chamber flicks. That one
changed my life. It’s like a kung fu ​Rocky​ but the training and the story are great.The RZA found
impression all throughout his younger youth as these aspirations were seen as a role model to a
better life as a protagonist going through hardships and challenges that were presented in these
kung fu movies and found wisdom in every movie he watched.A huge amount of these records
were made with refrences to these movies to pay homage and introduce the world of RZA into
the subconicious mind of the listenter.Persepectives were made once he took the first step into a
world being deveopled from absoutly nothing to a prophet to those who have met and worked
with the RZA.

The RZA found taking action as making a plan to bring change to the world every day as much
as he could.He studied supreme mathimatics and implemented a huge amount of this dsiciplines
into his music and the creation of the Wu-Tang Clan.The symbolism which the group sparked
back in theit time period was to find acceptance within the rap community while also leaving a
legacy for future generations to come after The Wu-Tang Clan.The production of making new

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