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This technique for Fine Line is, to everything that can be consumed. If we analyze its impact on
web / app design, we see that in the beginning the Internet user has been considered a rational
user, hence our concern to create accessible and functional websites, but, we cannot forget our
emotional side, in the The Kansei concept comes into play to incorporate emotional variables into
the design.

Following the methodology to ensure continuous improvement and total quality, 3 levels should
be considered.

 The visceral level. (acts before thinking) Fast and stereotyped judgments, visceral design
 The behavioral level (experience of use) the physical sensation of the products, sensory
 The reflective level (understanding, thinking, reflection) meaning that we bring to objects
situations and people according to our educational and cultural level (brand image and
positioning in the mind of the consumer).

It is an engineering tool that allows users to capture the emotional needs of users and establish
mathematical prediction models to relate the characteristics of the products to those emotional
needs. What really distinguishes Kansei methodology from other methods is its ability to predict
feelings from the properties of the product.

Phases of the methodology:

 Phase 1: the feelings of the consumer are reflected on the product and, images that
describe these feelings are collected.
 Phase 2: the design characteristics of the products are related to Kansei feelings or words
through field studies or laboratory experiments in which the relationships between words
and design elements are investigated.
 Phase 3: Finally, computer tools are used to join the relationships found.

4 types of databases are used:

 Words: those that the consumer uses to describe the product.

 Images: related to design elements and words.
 Knowledge: from the previous data decide which are the suggested final elements for the
 Design and color: considering its correlation with the words used by the user.

In summary, a designer who has this tool introduces into the system the words that describe all
the attributes that he wishes to achieve with his product or service, the system searches the word
database to indicate the design and color elements that more fit the attributes sought.
-Technological availability.

Official Web Pages Fine line is a company, which has an updated

online catalog in real time, which shows the
clothes, accessories, hairstyles and makeup
available, in addition to the continuous global
trends. Above all, it shows fashion outfits,
which can help to project the type of change
you want to make, as well as prices, quotes
and service availability.
ERP System (Enterprise Resource Planning) An ERP system is a business management
software that allows you to plan and control
the business processes and resources of a
company in an integral way.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) CRM technology helps optimize the sales of
commercial organizations that make use of it.
A CRM system provides the necessary tools so
that the information of the clients is unified,
providing a global vision of each one of them,
in order to offer them a highly personalized
BI - Business Intelligence Decision making is a vital process in all
companies and it depends on how we act in
unforeseen situations, what strategies we
follow or how we define the tasks.
Warehouse Management System - SGA The main basic functions that it is essential for
any SGA to perform are:

Ticket Management
Load unit location management
Stock control management
Output control management
Electronic billing facilitate the sending of invoices to their
recipients by electronic means in electronic
format, replacing the physical paper document
and with the same fiscal and legal validity.

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