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Christian naturism

Christian naturism is the practise of naturism or nudism by


Naturism is the practice of recreational social nudity in a

natural environment, such as at a beach, lake, or in a forest or
other wilderness area.[2] It is not certain that Christian
naturism exists in any formal organisations, however, there are
informal (mostly online) networks of Christians who practise

Many of the early protagonists of naturism were Christians.

For example, authors such as Ilsley Boone, Henry S.
Huntington and Elton Raymond Shaw were writers of books
on naturism and on Christianity. The dean of St Paul's
Cathedral, the Very Revd William Inge, known as Dean Inge, Baptism of Jesus, Bordone, Giotto 1276-
offered support to the cause of naturists in his support of the 1336
publishing of Maurice Parmelee's book, The New
Gymnosophy: Nudity and the Modern Life.[5][6]

Nudity and historical Christian sects
Bible passages involving nudity
The Garden of Eden
Other scripture
Naked Christ
Naturist Christian worship
Naturist Christian camping
See also
External links



Originally, Jewish mikvahs, and later, early Christian baptisms[7] were

performed with individuals naked. This included mass baptisms involving
men, women, and children. They signified the participant's restoration to
man's original sinless condition, having their sins blotted out. Others claim
that children were baptized first, then men, then women, all separately.

Public bathing was the common practice through the time of Jesus and still
occurs today in a few cultures, including the Turkish bath or hammam, the
Finnish sauna, Japanese onsen or Sentō, and the Korean Jjimjilbang. With
the exception of the family-focused Finnish sauna, most public baths are
3rd-century baptism, St.
gender-segregated today. Entire families took part in the public bath—
Calixte Catacomb
including Christians. Jesus even preached at the public baths in Jerusalem.[8]

Some historic religious sects, both Christian and syncretist, have made
nudism a general practice. Probably the best-known of these were the Adamites, though some of their
beliefs were contrary to orthodox Christianity.[9] The post-resurrection belief of the unclothed body being
evil or sinful may originate in Platonic asceticism (founded largely on the works of ancient Greek
philosopher Plato) which was adopted and passed down by "Christian" Platonists in early church history.
Platonism is a dualistic theology which proposes a realm of forms to include, on the one hand, "pure ideas",
which are good; and, on the other hand, "matter", which is evil. When applied to humans, the soul is
necessarily good, and the body is necessarily evil. Therefore, according to this philosophy, our "evil" bodies
must be covered by clothing. Christian naturists reject such notions as unbiblical.[10]

Plotinus (c. 204 – 270 AD) was a major philosopher of the ancient world who is widely considered the
founder of Neo-Platonism (along with his teacher Ammonius Saccas). His metaphysical writings have
inspired centuries of Pagan, Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Gnostic metaphysicians and mystics. About 150
years later, Saint Augustine (354-430 AD) was heavily influenced by the teaching of Plotinus.[11] As one of
the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity, St. Augustine strongly endorsed
asceticism, which meant self-denial of worldly pleasure and total sexual abstinence. Eventually, this reached
its peak in monasticism. Those pursuing a monastic life are usually called monks or brethren (brothers) if
male, and nuns or sisters if female. While similar activities existed previously in pre-Christian times, early
Christian monasticism attracted a large number of followers due to its enormous prestige and high social
status in the period where the Roman Empire was near collapse.[12] St. Augustine is one of the very few
saints considered important not only by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox religions, but by many
Protestants as well (including Martin Luther and John Calvin).[13] Christian Naturists do not believe that
monasticism, along with its clothing requirements and isolation, is how Jesus taught us to live. If asceticism
is practiced, it begins by living nude.


In the United States, the Christian naturism movement (which was the first naturism movement of any sort
in the U.S.) began in the late 1920s. This occurred at nearly the same time as the start of the Great
Depression, under the leadership of New Jersey Dutch Reformed minister Ilsley Boone.[14] Initially, he was
vice president of the American League for Physical Culture. By October 1931, Boone had taken over as
president, and renamed the club as the "American Sunbathing Association" (ASA). Soon, naturism began
expanding nationwide.

In Rome, Pope Pius XI strongly condemned the naturism movement throughout the early 1930s, calling it
"paganly immodest".[15] This prompted the head of the New York Legion of Decency, former New York
Catholic Governor and presidential candidate Alfred E. Smith, to try to outlaw all nudism. A recent court
ruling had declared private social nudity to be legal per current law. Eventually, their efforts failed in the
state legislature.[15] After Boone's passing in the late 1960s, the ASA became more secular, along with
American society in general. In 1995, the ASA was renamed as the American Association for Nude
Recreation (AANR), which has its headquarters in Florida.

Pope John Paul II began his papacy in 1978, becoming the first non-Italian pope in four and a half
centuries.[16] His views on naturism differed substantially from that of his predecessors. Authoring the book
Love and Responsibility (1981),[17] he wrote: "Nakedness itself is not immodest... Immodesty is present
only when nakedness plays a negative role with regard to the value of the person, when its aim is to arouse
concupiscence, as a result of which the person is put in the position of an object for enjoyment".

With the beginning of the modern internet in the mid-1990s, Christian Naturism became much more
organized in the U.S. than ever before. The website founded in 1999 is the largest
website devoted exclusively to Christian naturism. Annual Christian Nudist Convocations began early in the
decade of the 2000s.

Nudity and historical Christian sects

Adamites – A sect in North Africa in the 2nd through 4th century that believed they were "re-
establishing Adam and Eve's innocence".
Naaktloopers ("naked walkers") – A group of 11 Anabaptists in Amsterdam who, on Feb 11,
1535, stripped and ran naked through the streets proclaiming the "naked truth". They were
later executed.[18][19]

Bible passages involving nudity

The Garden of Eden

Christian naturists view the story of the Garden of Eden as a model for their beliefs. It is also the main
scripture where their interpretation disagrees with denominations where clothing is required. When Adam
and Eve were created and placed in the garden as a couple by God, they were both naked and "felt no
shame." (Genesis 2:25 (–2:25)) Although in the
English of today "naked" often does imply shame or lewdness, when the King James Version (KJV) was
released in 1611, "naked" (Germanic[20]), and "nude" (Latin[21]) were synonymous. The KJV uses "naked"
47 times in 45 verses[22] throughout the Bible, while "nude" does not appear once.[23] No major English
translation of the Bible uses "nude" in Genesis 2:25 either.[24]

Christian naturists see Adam and Eve being in the blameless state that God had intended them to be. God
knew that they were naked, as this was how he had created them, in His image. Even before Eve's creation,
God had warned Adam "...but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when
you eat of it you will surely die". (Genesis 2:17 (–2:1
7)) Despite God's warning, first Eve, then Adam, eat the forbidden fruit after being persuaded by the devil in
the form of a serpent. (Genesis 3:1-6 (–3:6)) After
doing so, they realize that they are naked, and sew fig leaves
together as coverings in a futile attempt to hide their loss of

Shortly thereafter, Adam and Eve hear God walking in the garden,
which results with them fearfully hiding among the trees. God
queries Adam, "Where are you?" In spite of the fig leaves, Adam
replies that he is afraid because of his nakedness. God further asks
Adam, "Who told you that you were naked?" Only God, Adam, Eve,
and the devil are a party to this matter, as there are no other humans
on the planet at this time. Therefore, Christian naturists believe it
was the devil who told Adam and Eve that they were naked. Their
shame was not of God; nor would the fig leaves cover this shame,
regardless of their genitals being covered. God was displeased not
only by their disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit, but also with
Adam and Eve, by Albrecht Dürer
Adam and Eve's subsequent attempt to cover up their bodies.
Christian naturists maintain the fig leaves were worn in a futile
attempt to hide what the couple had done from God—not each other,
noting they were married, and equally guilty of the same original
sin.[25] The second sin was to cover parts of the body.[26] The devil had chosen the sexual organs as the area
of shame because, unlike God, he has no ability to create life. As the next chapter begins with Adam and
Eve engaging in appropriate marital sexual relations,[27] they conclude the couple would have seen each
other naked subsequent to the fall of mankind.

After the Fall, God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. He also made more durable and
protective garments from animal skins to replace the fig leaves before sending them out among the thorns.
(Genesis 3:21-23 (–3:23))

Other scripture

There are other references to nudity in the Bible, such as:[29]

1 Samuel 19:24 (

uel.19:24–19:24) "He (Saul) stripped off his robes and also
prophesied in Samuel's presence. He lay that way all that day and
night. This is why people say, 'Is Saul also among the prophets?'"

2 Samuel 11 (
11–11) From the roof of his palace, King David saw Bathsheba--a
married woman--bathing. David later committed adultery with
Bathsheba, impregnated her, and arranged for her husband Uriah to
die in battle.

Isaiah 20:2-4 (

2–20:4) The Lord said to Isaiah: "'Take off the sackcloth from your Painting Madonna and Child with St.
body and the sandals from your feet.' And he did so, going around Anne showing Christ unashamed to
stripped and barefoot. Then the Lord said, 'Just as my servant Isaiah be naked, being without sin. The
has gone stripped and barefoot for three years, as a sign and portent Virgin Mary is with her mother.
against Egypt and Cush, so the king of Assyria will lead away Caravaggio, 1606 [28]
stripped and barefoot the Egyptian captives and Cushite exiles,
young and old, with buttocks bared—to Egypt’s shame...'"
Micah 1:8a (–1:8) (Micah speaking:) "Because of this
[Jacob's transgression] I will weep and wail; I will go about barefoot and naked."

Matthew 6:25 (–6:25) and Luke 12:22-23 (http

s://–12:23) "Then Jesus said to his disciples: 'Therefore I tell
you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not
life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?'"

Mark 14:51-52 (–14:52) "A young man, wearing

nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment

John 19:23-24 (–19:24) "When the soldiers crucified

Jesus, they took his clothes, ... 'Let's not tear [the undergarment],' they said to one another. 'Let's decide by
lot who will get it....'"

2 Corinthians 5:1-4 (–5:4) "For we know

that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not
built by human hands. Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling,
because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are
burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so
that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life."

Gospel of Thomas Although no major Christian group accepts this book as canonical or authoritative (its
translation was unavailable until the 20th century), it relates the following conversation between Jesus and
his disciples:

His disciples asked, "When will you become revealed to us and when shall we see you?" Jesus
answered, "When you disrobe without being ashamed and take up your garments and place
them under your feet like little children and tread on them, then will you see the son of the
Living One, and you will not be afraid."[30]

Naked Christ


The story of the birth of Jesus is told in the gospels of Matthew[31] and Luke.[32] The Christian doctrine of
incarnation holds that the second person of the Trinity "became flesh"[33] by being conceived in the womb
of Mary, and came into the world naked[34] just like every other human being.
Virgin and Child in a Madonna and Child The Infant Christ
Landscape by an by the Master of the Sleeping by
anonymous artist Castello Nativity Bartolomeo


Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in the River Jordan.[35][36][37] Jesus was almost certainly naked when
he was baptised. The early Christian liturgy of baptism required those being baptised to be completely

by de:Adi Holzer by Giovanni di Paolo in the by Giovanni di Paolo


in the Museum of in the National

Fine Arts of Lyon Gallery of Art,
Washington, DC

Jesus was crucified after being stripped of his clothes by the executioners.[39]

by Konrad von at the Sagrada The Crucifix by

Soest Família Michelangelo at the
Santo Spirito,


In the Synoptic Gospels, the women who came to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body found only an angel[40] or a
youth[41] or two men;[42] all were wearing white or dazzling garments. In John's gospel, it is stated that
Jesus' grave clothes were left in the tomb;[43] there are also two angels in white,[44] in contrast to the
Synoptic Gospels Jesus is also present; however, no mention is made of Jesus wearing dazzling white
robes,[b] and Mary Magdalene mistakes Jesus for the gardener.[c] Knights 1999, p. 178 and Neal 2012 find it
likely that after his resurrection, Jesus emerged from the tomb naked.

Naturist Christian worship

In the U.S., a few naturist resorts have chapels (permanent or
makeshift) on their grounds for the purpose of providing worship

Cedar Waters Village, Nottingham, New Hampshire (only

open in summer months);
Garden Of Eden Church, Lake Como Resort, Lutz,
Glen Eden Nudist Resort, Corona, California (Easter
only);[46] Chapel at former Cherokee Lodge
Oaklake Trails, Depew, Oklahoma (only open in summer
Rock Haven Lodge, Murfreesboro, Tennessee (open from mid-March to early October); and
White Tail Resort,[47]Ivor, Virginia.

In the naturist village of Heliopolis on the Île du Levant, France, there is a chapel for Christian worship, but
the Roman Catholic services are not in the nude.[48]

Naturist Christian camping

While not actually a position of the Religious Society of Friends (or Quakers), naturism was the accepted
norm for a time in one of their camps for children and teens. The camps started in 1939 and sometime in the
1950s naturism among the coed campers was the norm for such activities as swimming, sauna and other
appropriate activities. This practice was abandoned in the mid-2000s due to concerns about maintaining a
safe and comfortable environment for the campers.

The founder of the Quaker camps (Farm and Wilderness Camps in Vermont) wrote in his book entitled As
Sparks Fly Upward:

A study of comparative cultures leads to the suspicion that it could be, that our culture is wrong
in this regard; that the evil that has falsely imputed to nudism is in fact an evil in our own
minds. It has cut us off from a health-given, wholesome and joyous practice in which children
thrive and adults may find an honesty and straight forwardness, and even a spiritual surety and
strength that we grievously lack at present. This “piece of work” that is man, how are we to
become convinced of its wonder if by the fetish of hiding the body we deny and destroy some
of the health and most of its godlike beauty?[49]

By far, the most frequent biblical argument against Christian naturism is that if God approved of people
being nude, he would not have clothed Adam and Eve after they sinned, thus making it a reminder to man
that we had, in fact, sinned.[50] The counter-argument is Adam and Eve had already clothed themselves
upon sinning, and God merely replaced the fig leaves with animal skins in granting them free will.[29]

Due to cultural tendencies to equate nudity with sex, many Christian denominations and groups are not
supportive of naturism and nudism. Such groups may feel that the temptation of lust is too difficult.
Christian naturists counter that the notion of Christians being unable to avoid lust where non-sexualized
nudity is present has no scriptural basis whatsoever.[51][52] Furthermore, they believe Christ has given
mankind the power to avoid sin.[53]

Christian naturists have been criticized for being nude around non-Christians (in the sense that some contact
between Christians and non-believers takes place), given that they might have no inhibitions against lust and
other carnal sin.[54]

In 1 Timothy 2:9 (–2:9), Paul urged the women in

the Christian church to dress modestly, with "decency and propriety". Critics contend it is in contrast to the
beliefs of Christian naturism that the apostle urges them to dress at all. Christian Naturists counter that Paul
was disallowing outlandish and/or expensive clothing (which is prohibited in Christian Naturism as well),
and not referring to those who choose not to dress.

Other criticism, while it may not oppose naturism per se, is concerned that it will hinder witnessing, divide
spouses, promote secrecy to prevent embarrassment, excommunication, etc.[55] As a result, some Christian
naturists are isolated from other Christians and their churches. In their effort to find fellowship, many have
formed local fellowships, while others are still accepted by their own church groups even though they are
known as naturists.[56]

In May 2002, a pastor in southern California was terminated due to his Christian Naturist
beliefs. The church was affiliated with the Grace Gospel Fellowship and Grace Bible
A written debate titled Is Social Nudism Condemned By The Bible As Sinful? with Mark
Roberts of the Westside Church of Christ, Irving, Texas in the affirmative, and John Kundert of
the Fig Leaf forum, Winnipeg, Manitoba in the negative is available online.[54]

See also
Nudity in religion
Christian clothing
Christian libertarianism
Issues in social nudity

a. This form of naturism is not to be confused with what Durkheim termed "naturism" as an
explanation for the origin of religion[1]
b. see the Transfiguration of Jesus
c. It is believed that outdoor work, like gardening, farm labour and fishing in biblical times was
often done naked.


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External links
Naturist Christians (
The Biblical Naturist Blog (
Latter-day Saint Skinny-dippers' Connection (

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