11th Physics

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Maharashtra Board Syllabus



Std. XI

1. Measurements

a) Introduction,
b) Need for measurement,
c) Units for measurement,
d) System of Units
e) S.I. Units,
f) Fundamental and derived units,
g) Dimensional analysis,
h) Order of magnitude And significant figures,
i) Accuracy and errors in measurement.

2. Scalars and Vectors

a) Addition and subtraction of vectors,

b) Product of vectors.

3. Projectile motion

a) Uniformly accelerated motion along straight line,

b) Non uniform motion,
c) Position time graph and velocity-time graph,
d) Equation of a projectile path,
e) Time of flight,
f) Horizontal range,
g) Maximum height of a projectile,
h) Relative velocity.

4. Force

a) Types of forces,
b) General idea of gravitation,
c) electromagnetic and nuclear forces,
d) Law ofconservation of momentum,
e) Work done by a variable force.
f) Work-energy theorem,
g) Elastic andinelastic collisions in one and two dimensions,
h) Inertial and non-intertial frames,
i) Moment offorce,
j) Couple and properties of couple,
k) Centre of mass,
l) Centre of gravity,
m) Conditions ofequilibrium of a rigid body.

5. Friction in solids and liquids

a) Origin and nature of frictional forces,

b) Laws of static friction,
c) Laws of kinetic friction,
d) Pressuredue to fluid column,
e) Pascal’s Law and its applications,
f) Effect of gravity on fluid pressure,
g) Viscosity,
h) Streamline flow,
i) Turbulent flow,
j) Viscous force,
k) Newton’s formula,
l) Stokes’law,
m) Equation for terminal velocity,
n) Raynold’s number,
o) Bernoulli’s principle and its applications.

6. Sound Waves

a) Waves and oscillations,

b) Progressive waves,
c) Characteristics of transverse waves,
d) Characteristicsof longitudinal waves,
e) Sound as longitudinal wave motion,
f) Relation between v,f and, ƛ
g) Newton’s formula for velocity of sound,
h) Laplace’s correction.

7. Thermal properties of matter

a) Temperature and heat,

b) Measurement of temperature,
c) Ideal-gas equation and absolute temperature,
d) Thermal expansion,
e) Specific heat capacity,
f) Calorimetry
g) Change of state,
h) Latent heat,
i) Heat transfer.

8. Refraction of Light

1) Refraction of monochromatic light,

2) Snell’s law,
3) Total internal reflection,
4) Critical angle,
5) Optical fibre,
6) Dispersion of light,
7) Prism formula,
8) Angular dispersion and dispersive power,
9) Rainbow,
10) Scattering of light,
11) Blue colour of sky,
12) Colour of sun at sunrise and sunset.
13) Elementary idea of Raman Effect.
9. Ray optics

a) Reflection of light by spherical mirrors,

b) Refraction at single curved surface,
c) Lens maker’s equation,
d) Combination of thin lenses in contact,
e) Concept of conjugate focii,
f) Correction of eyedefects,
g) Magnifying power of simple microscope,
h) Magnifying power of compound microscope,
i) Magnifying power of telescope,
j) Reflecting telescope - schematic diagram with explanation.

10. Electrostatics

a) Frictional electricity,
b) Charges and their conservation,
c) Coulomb’s law and dielectric constant,
d) Forces between multiple electric charges,
e) Superposition principle of forces,
f) Continuous distribution of charges,
g) Concept of charge density,
h) Electric field intensity,
i) Potential energy,
j) Electric potential due to point charge,
k) Relation between electric field intensity and potential,
l) Potential difference,
m) Volt and electron volt,
n) Electric dipole and dipole moment,
o) Electric lines of force.
p) Equipotential surfaces,
q) P.E. of single charge and system of charges.
11. Current electricity

a) Ohm’s law,
b) Resistance,
c) Specific resistance,
d) Temperature dependence of resistance,
e) Colour code of carbon resistor,
f) Series and parallel combination of resistors,
g) E.M.F. and internal resistance of cell,
h) Work done by electric current,
i) Power in electric circuit,
j) Cells in series and in parallel,
k) Elementary idea of secondary cells.

12. Magnetic effect of electric current

a) Oersted’s experiment,
b) BiotSavart’s law,
c) Right hand rule,
d) Magnetic induction at the centre ofcircular coil carrying current,
e) Magnetic induction at a point along the axis of a coil carryingcurrent,
f) Fleming’s left hand rule,
g) Force between two infinitely long current carrying parallelconductors,
h) Definition of Ampere,
i) Force acting on a conductor carrying current in magneticfield,
j) Torque on a current loop in magnetic field

13. Magnetism

a) Origin of magnetism due to moving charges,

b) Equivalence between magnetic dipole and circular coil carrying current,
c) Definition of magnetic dipole moment and its unit,
d) Torque acting on a magnet in uniform magnetic induction,
e) Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid,
f) Magnetic field lines,
g) Magnetic induction due to bar magnet at a point along the axis and at a point along
equator, Earth’s magnetic field and magnetic elements,
h) Electromagnets and factors affecting their strength.

14. Electromagnetic wave

a) Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics,

b) Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves,
c) Electromagnetic spectrum,
d) Space communication,
e) Propagation of electromagnetic waves in atmosphere.

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