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CG Jirame Promise, Love English version by Spanish Tango Frederick H. Martens ‘Languido Voice —y he Piano p_pooo rubato To- dos di- cen queps men-ti- ra que te quiero, Por-que ‘They all say_say love for you is just pro tending, For they F Yo te ju- ro que yo mis-ma no com- And I vow that I am still_past com-pro-| i nun-ea meha-bian vis-to.¢-na-mo- ra- da, know my heart has ne'er felt loves e - 1a-tion; — Bo 2 & om El por - que me fas-ci- na tu mi - ra- da. sf] ‘AN that lends to your glance its fas-ci - na- tion. | When to - Af 9700 Peoprledad asegurada para Ia Republica Mexicana, Copyright, 1926, by @ Schirmar, Inc, tae, Registrado eosforme a 1s ley. Todos Lo steers =e . eS oS toy cer- ea do ti xpstiston-ten-to, No qui - geth-er, hearts in hap-pi-ness co-ment-ed, Pa je-ra que de na-die tea-cor- Inyour mem-ry thought of oth-ers Td have r ten. aé- ras; Ten-go co - los has-ta del pen-sa-mien-to Que pue- da re-cor- per-ish, E- ven thoughts make me jeal-ous, dis- con-tent-ed; Be-cause they may re - be —— =f > == RAG \ maf cock. Sy a a+} —+ ¥ dar-te ao-tra mu-jer \a- matda. / ‘Ji -ra-me_______ que wus que pa- se mu-cho call come other gis] whom you cherish, Pronmise, love, that your heart, the years de- o_O Ee tiem-po Nopl-vi-da-ras el mo-menso, Hn que yo te co-n0- ef. fy- ing, Will re-call that hour un - dy-ing When wefirst swore to be true. Trust me, love, sempre iE EB 87700 “These bracketed notes are not sung in the second stanza frat. a __ pues nqhay na-da mis pro-fun-do Ni més gramdepnes-te mun-do Quel ca-ri-fioque-to _ amght on earth is a0 un-bound-ed,Noth-ing has the deeps un-sound-ed Of thelove I of-for : S- — 3 docel, molto Bé-sa-me,_____ con un be-sqe-na-mo - ra- do, Co- mo na-diomg)a be- Kiss mo,love, with a kiss ardent fla-vor Robs each oth-er kiss of \ - ypre colla voce sa-do Dos- del dia en que na- ef. Quis-re- me,_____ quié-re-mehasta Ia Io- sa-vor, Since your lips my own lips knew. Love me, love, to the ver - y point of = j= — lento Gm Melos, ‘ f=) SS 7 cu - ra___. A-ni en-bréelaa-margu-ra Queps-toy su-frien-do por tf, mad - ness, ‘Thon youll know the bit-ter sad-ness I suf-fer be-cause of you. SO eento De colla voce arre0

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