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I. Put the verbs into the correct form of Past Simple.

feel .........felt........

1. become .................................. 6. bite........................................

2. keep ....................................... 7. catch.....................................
3. steal........................................ 8. dream...................................
4. let .......................................... 9. win.......................................
5. throw...................................... 10.grow....................................

II. Choose the right verb and put it into Past Simple.

pay eat fall go lose

ride be can think

I .....was.....very tired after working in the garden the whole day.

1. In the past, you ................................. find a parking space easily in town.

2. Yesterday I ........................................ a horse for the first time.
3. We the cinema and had a great time there.
4. As a child I ..................................... a lot of chocolate.
5. When I was walking down the street I slipped and ...................................down.
6. It’s incredible! Jane .................................... 10 kilos in 2 months.
7. I ...................................... the weather would be better in Croatia.
8. We .................................. only $800 for that car. It was a good bargain.

III. Use the verbs in brackets in the right form of Future Simple (will) or Present Continuous.

Tomorrow it ....will be......(be) cloudy and rainy.

1. He ..........................................(have) an important appointment next week.

2. I think people ...........................................(use) computers more and more often.
3. I can’t play tennis this afternoon. I .........................................(see) my boss in his office.
4. A: I’ve got heavy luggage. B: Don’t worry, I .......................................... (help) you.
5. I don’t think the weather ...........................................(change) rapidly at the end of the week.
6. My husband ...........................................(fly) to London on Friday.
7. A: Can you pick me up at 4 o’clock? B: Yes, sure. I ...............................(be) there on time.
8. I can’t see you tonight because I .....................................(go) to the theatre with my friends.

IV. Use the following adjectives in the sentences.

scared stiff delighted worried excited

awful nervous loud great disappointed

He spoke in a very ....loud.... and deep voice at the meeting.

1. Before the final leaving exam I felt quite ..................................................

2. Tom was very ................................................. when he didn’t get the job.
3. Have a ............................................... time on your holiday in Spain.
4. My aunt was absolutely ......................................... when she saw a big spider in her bed.
She hates them.
5. My child came home very late yesterday. I was very .......................................... about him.
6. Jane was very ......................................... when she heard the news she had been promoted.
7. The whole day was absolutely .............................................. I had a horrible headache, my
boss told me off, and moreover I missed the last train home.
8. Alex was very ............................................... about going on the journey around the world.

V. Match a sentence (1-6) with a response (a-f).


1. By, I´m going out now. ___e)___

2. Hi! I haven’t seen you for ages! How are things? ________
3. So, Peter, can you repair the roof for us, then? ________
4. Would you like to see The Dark Blue World tonight? ________
5. I’m sorry I’m late but my car broke down on the way to work. ________
6. Would you mind if I opened the window? ________
7. Could you meet me at the airport at 6 p.m? ________

a) Oh yes, no problem. I’d like the work.

b) Certainly. I will be there on time.
c) It’s O.K. Don’t worry. You can start working now.
d) Of course not. It’s really stuffy here.
e) Oh, O.K. Have a nice time!
f) Fine. How about you?
g) Yes, I’d love to. When will we meet?

VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

Camilla, Duchess of Lochmar, talks about when she was young.

I was born on May 7th, 1919, at the family home, Foxton House, in Leicestershire. Our family
has lived there for generations. We had the most beautiful gardens. People used to travel miles
to see our rose garden in June. I was the youngest child and the only girl. I had three older
brothers. They weren´t there while I was growing up. Of course, my mother and father used to
spoil me, my father especially. He died when I was sixteen. It was a terrible time for my
mother and me. Fortunately, I was at home with her. I never went to school. I had a governess
for a few years, so I didn´t have much education. My mother thought it was more important
for a girl to learn to dance, to go to parties, and look pretty. My best memories are two years
before I married – all those dances and parties. I loved it.

1. Camilla´s family didn´t live in Foxton House for a long time. ______
2. A lot of people admired their roses in the garden. ______
3. Camilla was the only child. ______
4. Her parents were very strict with her. ______
5. Her mother and governess gave her some education. ______
6. Camilla enjoyed dancing and parting very much. ______

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Cítil jsem se velice trapně, když jsem se bavil o šéfovi a on vešel do místnosti.

2. Myslím si, že v budoucnu lidé nebudou jezdit tolik autem, ale hromadnou dopravou.

3. Snažím se každý den zopakovat vše, co jsem se v hodině naučil.


4. Příští týden navštívím své příbuzné v Praze. Neviděl jsem je už několik let.

5. Pamatuješ si na svůj první den ve škole?


I. Divide the words into 3 categories according to the stress. There are 4 in each category. .

democracy engineer Japanese reliable

magazine necessary photographer policeman

secretary probability vegetable interesting

Stress on 1st syllable Stress on 2nd syllable Stress on 3rd syllable

___secretary______ _________________ _________________
________________ _________________ _________________
________________ _________________ _________________
________________ _________________ _________________

II. Complete the sentences using appropriate adjectives from the box in comparative or

difficult long realistic

safe strong loud large

intelligent beautiful

His voice is .....louder ......than mine.

1. The Sahara desert is ............................................ desert in the world.

2. Photographs are ............................................ than drawings.
3. The Nile is ..............................................river in the world.
4. This is .................................................... view I’ve ever seen.
5. Handwriting is .................................................. than typing.
6. This coffee is ......................................... than that one I had at home.
7. My friend is ................................................. student I know.
8. Villages are usually ............................................ than towns.

III. Rewrite the sentences changing the countable nouns into uncountable and vice versa.

He couldn’t give me much information about the conference.
He couldn’t give me many details about the conference.

1. There were some chairs and tables in the room.
2. Shall I help you to carry your luggage?
3. It’s very quiet in this area. There isn’t much traffic.
4. There aren’t many flats to rent in this town.
5. Nowadays there isn’t much employment for school leavers.
6. We have to buy a PC, a printer, a telephone, etc. for our new office..

IV. Complete the sentences with correct prepositions.

I didn’t like the performance

1. In general people don’t write many things ........................... hand.

2. I’m afraid the manager is away .......................... holiday right now.
3. Can I speak ...................... Mrs. Brown, please?
4. Are you interested .......................... any kind of sports?
5. I’ll explain the grammar rules ...................... you later.
6. Do you remember your first day ........................ primary school?
7. My mum was very worried .......................... me.
8. I can always rely ....................... you. You never let me down.

V. Finish the sentences in your own words.

1. People sometimes scream when ...............................................................................................

2. I wouldn’t like to be ........................................ because .........................................................
3. They usually whisper when.......................................................................................................
4. I think in twenty years people ..................................................................................................
5. When I’m studying English I usually ......................................................................................

VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

Tony Blunt is a former police-dog handler who retired early to establish Hearing Dogs for the
Deaf in 1982. Many of the dogs that are trained come from rescue centres and Tony may
spend up to a year deciding whether the dog is suitable or not. It then spends 16 week at a
training centre where it is taught to respond to certain sounds such as alarm clocks,
telephones, fire alarms, etc. Dogs are taught to put their feet on the bed to wake the person
when the alarm goes off, or to run up to the person and touch them before taking them to the
source of the sound. The exception is the fire alarm. In this case they teach the dog to attract
attention and then lie down.

1. Tony Blunt used to work for the police in the past. ______
2. Dogs at the training centre are taught how to help deaf people. ______
3. All the dogs trained at the training centre are transported from rescue centres. ______
4. Every dog is suitable for the training. ______
5. When the alarm clock doesn´t ring, the dog wakes up the person. ______

VII. Translate the following sentences.

1. Můžeš mi podat dnešní noviny? Neměl jsem ještě možnost si je přečíst.


2. Nemáme v autě dost místa, abychom je vzali s sebou.


3. Potřebujeme získat nějaké další informace o té nehodě.


4. Znáš někoho, kdo je schopný mi vysvětlit, co se tu stalo?


5. Po jeho vystoupení vznikla velice nepříjemná a napjatá situace.



I. Divide the following words into 4 categories. There are 4 words in each category.

court crossword puzzles listening to music playground

swimming pool walking in the countryside ice-hockey net playing cards

trainers cycling skiing javelin racket stadium football

Sport facilities Sport equipment Leisure activities Sport and games

E.g.__ court___ ______________ _______________ _______________

_____________ ______________ _______________ _______________
_____________ ______________ _______________ _______________
_____________ ______________ _______________ _______________

II. Answer the questions.

1. What do you think of boxing?_________________________________________________

2. What’s your favourite sport and why?___________________________________________
3. In your opinion, which sport requires a lot of skill?________________________________
4. Except sport what do you do in your free time?___________________________________
5. Which sport can’t you stand and why?__________________________________________

III. Complete the sentences using infinitive or –ing form.

Finally Jane decided accept....... ( accept) that job.

1. With this sport, it’s difficult to avoid .................................................(spend) a lot of money.

2. He managed .................................................. (encourage) her not to give up .
3. It’s not easy to imagine .............................................. (do) this sport if you’re middle-aged.
4. You need ..............................(be) physically very fit if you want ................................. (do)
this job.
5. You should start ............................................ (work) as soon as possible.
6. I refused .............................................. (go) with him to the party.
7. I can’t stand .............................................(wait) in long queues.
8. It took him a couple of hours to persuade them ......................................... (not join) the sect.

IV. Match the adjectives with the opposites.

1. complicated __c)___ a) interesting
2. shy ______ b) nervous
3. awful ______ c) easy
4. calm ______ d) lazy
5. tense ______ e) relaxed
6. boring ______ f) cheerful
7. loud ______ g) confident
8. upset ______ h) fantastic
9. hardworking ______ i) quiet

V. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

3 people are talking about sport.

Max: I tried to avoid playing games when I was at school, and I absolutely refused to play
physical games such as rugby or football. I could never understand why other boys wanted to
kick a ball around on a cold, wet windy afternoon in the middle of winter. But my two sons
adore football, and I quite enjoy watching them play for their school teams.
Sam: I decided to take up golf because friends of mine played. At first it was just for fun and I
wasn’t interested in winning at all. Gradually though, as I improved, I became more and more
competitive. Now I can’t stand losing.
Patrick: I used to be afraid of going up ladders, then I met a couple of people who spent every
weekend rock climbing, and they persuaded me to go with them. At first I was terrified, but
gradually I overcame my fear, and now I can’t imagine being afraid of heights.

1. Max didn’t play football only when the weather was wet and windy. ____
2. In spite of the fact that Max avoided playing games, his children are enjoying that. ____
3. The reason Sam took up golf was that he was eager to win. ____
4. Patrick was influenced by some people to try rock climbing. ____
5. Now Patrick is a real enthusiast of rock climbing. ____

VI. Complete the table. One example has been done for you.

Noun Adjective Noun Adjective

1. interest interesting 6._____________ confident

2. ___________ boring 7.competition ____________

3. fear _____________ 8._____________ kind

4. ___________ optimistic 9._____________ lazy

5. knowledge _____________ 10.success ____________

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. I když je Tom olympijský atlet, je stále velice nesmělý, když má mluvit na veřejnosti.

2. Můžeš se naučit hrát golf velice rychle, ale určitě strávíš roky zdokonalováním své

3. Podle současného výzkumu se rozdíl mezi ženami a muži v atletice bude stále zmenšovat.

4. V zimě jezdím lyžovat každý víkend, ale záleží to především na počasí.


5.Vždy jsem se cítil trapně, že neumím plavat, proto jsem se rozhodl se to pořádně naučit.

I. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the box.

scoop tabloid newspapers sections editor

forecast performance election

obituary agreement

An ...editor... usually writes articles for newspapers.

1. Each newspaper is divided into several ...................................... such as financial, sport, etc.
2. Foreign ministers of France and Germany should reach a/an ............................. next Friday.
3. ...................................... have usually big bold headlines and lots of colour photos.
4. In a/an ................................... you can read who passed away recently.
5. I haven´t read the weather ............................................ yet.
6. The theatrical ......................... has been cancelled because of the illness of one of the actors.
7. I must quickly decide who to vote in the local ..................................................
8. An exclusive article is often called a/an ...........................................

II. Put the irregular verbs into Past Simple and Past Participle.

Past simple Past participle

bend ___bent________ ___bent________

1. wear ______________ ______________

2. fight ______________ ______________
3. shine ______________ ______________
4. stand ______________ ______________
5. ring ______________ ______________
6. drive ______________ ______________
7. know ______________ ______________
8. think ______________ ______________
9. lie ______________ ______________
10.bite ______________ ______________

III. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.

Yesterday Sue ....bought.....(buy) a new pair of jeans.

1. When ............................. you last ............................... (do) something to keep fit?

2. Jane is getting married next week. ................................ you ...........................(hear) of it?
3. I ........................... already ..................................(read) at least 20 books in English so far.

4. My colleague ........................................... (finish) the article a couple of days ago.
5. I ............................................(lose) my glasses. I can´t find them.
6. This house ............................................ (build) by my grandfather in 1960.
7. This is the first time I ............................................... (ride) a horse.
8. I .........................................(live) in this flat for more than 10 years.
9. My father ..........................(visit) Paris several times. There´s always something to do there.
10. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I .........................................(not disturb) her.

IV. Insert the correct preposition after the verb.

Are you afraid ....of....spiders or snakes?

1. Last week I read an interesting article called “How to cope ...................... stress at work”.
2. Women are not the only ones to suffer .......................... sexual harassment.
3. A famous film star was arrested ........................ drug dealing.
4. My mom was very worried ........................... me because I came after midnight.
5. My sister is really keen ........................ photography and drawing.
6. I was shocked ........................ the news I heard.
7. The reporter talked ..................... the experts about this issue.
8. Catherine never lets you down. You can always rely ...................... her.

V. Match the extract of an article with the right newspaper section.

1. .....and the competition takes place ....... __e)_ a) obituary
2. ....will always be remembered for his strength and... _____ b) financial news
3. ....except the south west where there´ll be windy.. _____ c) arts
4. ....a 3-room flat for rent. Call... _____ d) home news
5. ....the Prime minister supports the project...... _____ e) sport
6. ....the latest inflation and unemployment caused..... _____ f) weather forecast
7. ....the comeback of the famous star ...... _____ g) advertisement

VI. Answer the questions.

1. What thing would most improve the quality of your life?

2. In which situations do you read magazines or newspapers?
3. What is your favourite news section? Why?
4. Which sections do you never read? Why not?
5. What is one of the latest news? Describe it briefly.

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Uvažuji o tom, že si zajistím předplatné těchto novin na příští rok.


2. Pokud porovnáš tento film s jejím posledním, uvidíš obrovský rozdíl v kvalitě.

3. Tento časopis je určen ženám středního věku.


4. Nikdy jsem nepřemýšlel o tom, zda bych žil v cizině.


5. Když jsem byl mladší, věnoval jsem se víc sportu než teď.

I. Fill in the missing words concerning family relationship.

If a woman gives a birth to two kids on the same day, they are called ...twins..

1. Your sister´s son is your ...............................................

2. Your brother’s wife is your ................................................
3. If your mother remarried and had a boy, he would be your ..........................................
4. Your mother’s sister is your ..........................................
5. Your wife’s| husband’s father is your .............................................
6. Your uncle’s kids are your ..............................................
7. Your grandfather’s mother is your .................................................

II. Complete the questions using correct prepositions.

If I have a problem, who can I talk

1. Who are you waiting ..................?

2. What does this situation depend .......................?
3. Who could you turn .................... for advice?
4. What did you complain ..............................?
5. If you have a difficult financial situation, who could you borrow money ......................?
6. Who had you lived ....................... before you moved?
7. If you have a personal problem, who could you confide .....................?
8. Who does this book belong ...................?

III. Correct any mistakes in these sentences.

I don´t think people won´t use mobile phones so much in the future.
I don´t think people will use mobile phones so much in the future.

1. Parents are fewer strict with later children than with their first child.
2. If you need an urgent help who would you call for?
3. Although I worked very hard this month, I don’t feel tired.
4. I definitely go to university next year. I haven’t decided yet.
5. A: ”Where did you get the money to buy the bike?” B: ”I lent some from my parents.”
6. What do you think of parents which are busy and don’t have time for their kids?

7. I met an adult and two kids over there. The childrens’ father was quite familiar to me.
8. I don’t agree with you at all. It isn’t definitely true.

IV. Match the words (1 – 11) or phrases with the opposite meaning (a – k).

1. well-educated __f)__ a) attractive
2. to ignore _____ b) probably
3. married _____ c) arrogant
4. to wake up _____ d) to dread
5. fortunate _____ e) to lend
6. to look forward to _____ f) badly-educated
7. to hate _____ g) divorced
8. definitely _____ h) to pay attention
9. to borrow _____ i) unlucky
10. modest _____ j) to fall asleep
11. ugly _____ k) to adore

V. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

Aunt Emily
Of all my relatives, I like my aunt Emily the best. She´s my mother´s youngest sister. She has
never married, and she lives alone in a small village near Bath. She´s in her late fifties, but
she´s still quite young in spirit. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing
you notice is her lovely, warm smile. Her face is a little wrinkled now, but I think she is still
rather attractive. She is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem.
She likes reading and gardening, and she goes for long walks over the hills with her dog,
Buster. She´s a very active person. Either she´s making something, or mending something, or
doing something to help others. She´s extremely generous, but not very tolerant with people
who don´t agree with her. I hope that I am as happy and contented as she is when I´m her age.

1. The writer´s mom is the only child. ____

2. Aunt Emily is the person you can confide in. ____
3. In her free time Emily likes repairing things. ____
4. Emily lives with her dog far away from people. ____
5. Although Emily is kind and generous, she tends to be aggressive from time to time. ____

VI. Finish the sentences in your own words.

1. In ten years´ time I will definitely ...........................................................................................

2. Next year I might ....................................................................................................................
3. My English is likely ................................................................................................................
4. In my private life I doubt if .....................................................................................................
5. In the next five years, I definitely won´t .................................................................................

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Ačkoliv jsme s Danem spolu jen několik měsíců, nedokážu si bez něj představit život.

2. Rodičovství znamená velkou zodpovědnost, neboť zahrnuje výchovu dětí.


3. Pokud chceš hrát s námi pravidelně tenis, měl by sis vyřídit členství v klubu.

4. Příští rok možná pojedu na půlroční pobyt do Velké Británie.


5. S kým z rodiny dobře vycházíš?


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, Past Simple or Past Continuous. One
example has been done for you.

A special holiday in Madeira

Last February, I ......decided..........(1.decide) to go on holiday to the island of Madeira. On the
morning I ............................(2.leave) England it ............................(3.rain), but when I
.......................( in Funchal, the capital of Madeira, the sun ...........................(5.shine)
and a lovely, warm breeze ............................(6.blow) from the sea. I .........................(7.take) a
taxi to my hotel. As I ........................(8.sign) the register, someone ...........................(9.tap) me
on my shoulder. I ..........................(10.not can) believe my eyes! It was my old girlfriend. She
..........................(11.stay) at the same hotel. The next day, we ........................(12.go) for a
walk together in the hills and we ........................(13.see) hundreds of beautiful wild flowers. It
..........................(14.get) dark when we ......................(15.return) to our hotel after a very
interesting day. We .........................(16.spend) the rest of the week together. It was very
romantic. We...........................(17.feel) very sad when the holiday ..........................(18.end).

II. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

1.take off _k)__ a) my arms
2. plug in ____ b) a seat belt
3. spill ____ c) a fire
4. fasten ____ d) a tram
5. hurt ____ e) a present
6. jump ____ f) a queue
7. wrap up ____ g) my leg
8. fold ____ h) a suitcase
9. pack ____ i) a TV set
10. get off ____ j) coffee
11.light ____ k) a jacket

III. Complete the sentences with an appropriate verb from the box and a reflexive pronoun.

teach burn look after cut enjoy look at introduce

I hardly ever ...look at.... myself.... in the mirror when I get up.

1. He .............................. .......................... with that sharp knife when he was cooking.

2. All the people ................................ .............................. at the party last night.
3. There was nobody to help us when we arrived, so we had to ........................ .......................
4. Can you ............................. ............................. before you start making a speech?
5. She ............................... ................................ when she lit those candles.
6. Did you .............................. ................................ to play a musical instrument?

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of get + past participle.

If you’re crossing a busy road, you can ...get knocked down... by a car.

1. Every time I go for a walk to the countryside after the rain I .................... ........................
2. When they were camping by the river they ..................... .......................... by mosquitoes.
3. In the morning I first ..................... .......................... and then I have breakfast.
4. The last time I went to the forest I ..................... ............................ It took me two hours to
find the way out.
5. I didn’t know that Simon was .................... .................... next month. Who will be his wife?
6. When I was going back home late at night last week I ........................ ........................... by
two men in masks.

V. Complete the sentences using a multi-word verb in a correct form from the box.

turn down take off look up throw away put out

wake up try on find out fill in

Jane is asleep. Don’t.... wake ....her.... up....

1. If I don’t know the meaning of a word, I ............................. it ............... in the dictionary.

2. It was my first flight. I was very nervous as the plane .................................. .................
3. Could you .................................. ................... this registration form?
4. The fire-brigade soon arrived and ................................ ................... the fire.
5. I think I’ll ................................... ..................... these old newspapers.
6. Can I ................................... .................. these jeans?
7. I have to ................................... ................... some information about the trains.
8. The radio is too loud. Can you ................................... it .................. a bit?

VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

One way to make life easier is to introduce “queue management”. Customers at supermarket
cheese counters can now take a ticket with a number which appears on a screen when it is
their turn. And while they wait for their number they can do a bit of shopping.
In some booking offices there is also a system telling customers how long they may have to
wait before they are served.
One of the latest technical innovations is an electronic scanner which can read all the contents
of your shopping trolley in just a few seconds. If these become popular, queuing in
supermarkets may become a thing of the past.

1. “Queue management” is the only way how to make life easier. _____
2. According to “queue management” customers can do some shopping while
waiting to pay. _____
3. An electronic scanner has become very popular recently. _____
4. An electronic scanner would prevent queuing in supermarkets. _____
5. Nowadays there aren’t any systems, which help customers save their time. _____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Předtím než nastartuješ motor auta, by sis měl zapnout bezpečnostní pás.

2. Předbíhání ve frontě není přípustné za žádných okolností.


3. Zatímco jsem večeřel se svou rodinou, zavolal šéf, že mám okamžitě přijet do kanceláře.

4. Podle současného výzkumu jsou děti vychovávány zejména svými matkami.


5. Když se Jim vracel večer domů, usnul za volantem a narazil do stromu.


I. Match a school subject on the left with its related word on the right.

1. architecture __d)_ a) experiment
2. mathematics _____ b) novel
3. politics _____ c) health
4. economics _____ d) building
5. medicine _____ e) speech
6. literature _____ f) calculator
7. religion _____ g) soul
8. agriculture _____ h) profit
9. history _____ i) pray
10.physics _____ j) cereal
11.psychology _____ k) battle

II. Put who, which, that only where necessary.

We stayed at the hotel Tom recommended to us.

1. The girl .................... was injured in the accident is now in hospital.

2. Have you found the keys ..................... you lost yesterday?
3. The building ..................... was destroyed in the fire is now being rebuilt.
4. The last course .................... I did was extremely interesting and useful.
5. The people .....................we met at the party were very friendly.
6. Do you know the woman .................... Tom is talking to?
7. The people .................... work in the office are very reliable and helpful.
8. Where is the cheese .................. was in the fridge?

III. Fill in the right column using the correct suffix.

Subject Person
Example engineering ___engineer________

1. philosophy __________________
2. mathematics __________________
3. athletics __________________
4. interpreting __________________
5. history __________________
6. art __________________
7. psychology __________________
8. economics __________________

IV. Finish the sentences in your own words.

1. I wouldn’t be willing ..........................................................................................................

2. I might find it difficult ........................................................................................................
3. It would be easier ................................................................................................................
4. I wouldn’t be able ...............................................................................................................
5. It would be horrible ............................................................................................................

V. Complete the sentences using have/has to, don’t/doesn’t have to in the correct tense,
Present Simple or Past Simple.

Why ..... did ... have to ....go to hospital yesterday?

1. Good actors ................................................. think and respond creatively.

2. When I was a child I ....................................................... go to school every day.
3. In the past writers .................................... use computers but nowadays they usually have to.
4. The car park is free – you ................................................. pay to park your car there.
5. We couldn’t repair the car ourselves. We ................................................. take it to a garage.
6. A politician .............................. make a speech, but he ........................................ be creative.

VI. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. It costs just over $8.000, but that includes 86 lessons on a wide range of skills.
2. Sometimes students announce imaginary visitors, and walk with wine glasses on their
heads while carrying champagne on a tray.
3. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to train to be a butler?
4. Among the skills belong how to bow, present and pour wine, pack a suitcase etc.
5. If so, you could stop wondering and find out for yourself by doing Ivor Spencer’s special
course for trainee butlers.

Write the numbers here. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Asistentka mi vysvětlila, jak se zapsat do kurzu na počítače.

2. Řekl jsem Johnovi, aby mě dvě hodiny nerušil, protože potřebuji dokončit práci.
3. Pokud uděláš všechny povinné zkoušky, můžeš získat závěrečný certifikát.
4. Nikdy jsem nelitoval, že jsem odešel z university, kde jsem studoval filozofii.
5. Dobří herci musí být zejména talentovaní, kreativní a agilní.

I. Write appropriate opposites to the following words.

for __against___

1. win _____________ 5. pros ____________

2. paid _____________ 6. theory ____________
3. agree _____________ 7. hide ____________
4. loss _____________ 8. advantage ____________

II. Put the following phrases into 3 categories. There are four in each category.

I’m very sorry but... O.K. No problem. Do you mind if I......?

I’d be grateful if you could.... I’m afraid it won’t be possible.
I wonder if I could.... I can’t help you, sorry.
It would be great! Would it be all right if I.....? Yes, sure.
No, I don’t mind it at all. I don’t agree with that.

Asking for permission Refusing Accepting

I wonder if I could ..... _________________ _________________
___________________ _________________ _________________
___________________ _________________ _________________
___________________ _________________ _________________

III. What are some pros and cons of being self-employed? Link your ideas in a paragraph.

One of the main advantages of......................................................................................................

In addition,....................................................................................................................................
On the other hand, ........................................................................................................................
Another disadvantage is that ........................................................................................................

IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

get fix make solve consult divide solutions

evaluate possible briefly take reach

All heads of companies have to ....make.... difficult decisions.

1. I realize you are very busy at the moment, but would it be ..................................... for you
to meet me again .................................. one afternoon next week?
2. I’ll ring you tomorrow to see if we can .................................. a time together.
3. It’s the manager’s job to ................................... problems and find .......................................
4. You all should .............................. the situation and .......................... an agreement together.
5. Some managers ........................................... other people before making decisions.
6. During the summer all the workers ................................... their holiday at the same time.
7. First you need to ................................................ the order and then you can
.....................................the tasks among others.

V. Divide the following words into 2 categories. There are six in each group.

exercises an appointment a mistake a speech

the washing-up someone a favour my best a phone call
the housework the shopping a noise coffee

make do
Example ______coffee_____ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________
________________ _________________

VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

Most people, when they have serious disappointment or disaster, go through stages of
ignoring the problem, then anger, then depression. These stages paralyze their thinking.
Sidney Shore has invented a simple but very effective method of finding a way out of this
difficult period. It consists of writing out all the things that are good about a difficult situation.
People begin to see the situation in a new light. They may develop new attitudes to the
Would you like to try it? If so, read on. Take five minutes. List all the possible thoughts and
ideas about this question.
What’s good about losing job from tomorrow?
I now have time to stop and think what I really want to do in life. Another thing is that I’ve
got a lot of experience which will be helpful in a new job. Moreover, I’ve discovered new
strengths in myself in dealing with crisis, and I feel good about that.

1. When having a serious problem many people go through 3 different stages. ____
2. Sidney Shore is now working on a very effective method concerning how to
cope with their problems. ____
3. The stages of ignoring, anger, depression make people think more effectively. ____
4. People can develop new attitudes to their problem when they see the
positive side of it. ____
5. One of the good things about losing a job is that one can think over what to
do in the future. ____

VI. Translate the sentences.

1. Mohli bychom naši plánovanou schůzku posunout na příští týden?


2. Přednáška byla zaměřena na to, jak čelit stresu v zaměstnání.


3. Naše firma měla v posledních době svá dobrá a špatná období, ale nyní je vše stabilní a pod

4. Obávám se, že se kvůli nemoci nebudu moci toho výcvikového kurzu zúčastnit.

5. V současné době mě velice podporuje a pomáhá rodina a přátelé.


I. Rewrite the sentences using Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.

Somebody cleans the room every day. The room is cleaned every day.

1. Police arrested the man outside the theatre. _________________________________

2. Water covers most of the Earth’s surface. _________________________________
3. They give guests a meal and a gift. _________________________________
4. The storm damaged the roof of the building. _________________________________
5. People advised us not to go out alone. _________________________________
6. The company employs 200 people. _________________________________
7. Careless driving causes many accidents. _________________________________
8. Somebody accused me of stealing money. _________________________________

II. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words concerning birth, marriage, death.

What’s your best experience from your ...childhood...?

1. At the wedding the ..................................... usually wears a white dress and the
................................... wears a fancy suit.
2. My grandfather, who is a pensioner, has already made a ..................................., in which he
gives all his money to his son.
3. Two years after the .................................... of their first child, Maria became
....................................... again. She hoped it would be a girl.
4. After the stage of childhood and before you become an adult, you are in
5. When John’s grandmother died they held the ................................. service in a local church.
6. The first stage after the baby is born is called ....................................................
7. When you are ..................................... you don’t go to work, and you have more time for
your interests.
8. After the wedding the newly-married couple went to Greece for their ...................................

III. Use the correct forms to express obligation, permission, prohibition.

In this country you... aren’t allowed to ..... drive a car until you are 18.

1. If you travel abroad, you .................................................................. take your passport.

2. In the ZOO you .............................................................. feed the animals.
3. In some Arabic countries, you .................................................... buy or consume alcohol.
4. .............................................................. I go out with my friends this evening?
5. First you ................................ finish your work and then you ....................................... leave.
6. You ................................................................... wear a crash helmet in a car.
7. In most countries, you ......................................................... have a licence if you own a gun.
8. When I used to go to school, I .................................................... do my homework every
day. It was a very strict school.

IV. Answer the questions.

1. What weren’ t you allowed to do when you attended primary school?

2. What housework do you have to do at home?
3. Are you allowed to leave your work place without permission?
4. What are parents obliged to do?
5. What aren’t you allowed to do in your present job?

V. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One example has been done for you.

pension flat against argument hire shout

senile hard of hearing illness home help
delivered nursing home take care of

Dear diary,
Mum and Dad had an (1)...argument.... again today. It’s about Grandma. She’s getting really
old and she can’t (2)............................ herself anymore. She lives in a little (3).....................
across town, and has her meals (4)....................... by special service, but her (5)......................
has been getting worse and worse and she just can’t look after the place anymore. She is also
getting a little bit (6)................... , and she’s so (7)......................... that you have to
(8)........................ everything in her ear for her to hear it. All she has to live on is her
(9)........................ , so she doesn’t have enough money to (10)...................... a live-in nurse or
any kind of (11)........................... Mum doesn’t even want to talk about sending her to a
(12).......................... She wants her to come and live with us, but Dad is (13).................... it.

VI. Put the sentences in the right order.

Family values, old and new

1. One of the most obvious characteristics of the new family is that there are not always two
2. Due mostly to the rise in divorces since World War II, single parent families are becoming
more and more frequent and accepted in British society.
3. In Britain and around the world, the image of the family continues to change.
4. Usually, it is the mother who takes responsibility for upbringing the child, and she has to
balance the pressures of earning a living and raising her children at the same time.
5. The traditional “Victorian family”, in which the man was the breadwinner, the woman the
homemaker, and the children numerous and obedient, is giving way to new ideas of what
the modern family should look like.

Write the numbers here. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Myslím si, že nejlepší doba, kdy začít se zahradničením je ve středním věku.


2. Ve Walesu rodiče nemusí své děti posílat do školy, pokud jim mohou sami zajistit
dostačující vzdělání.

3. Musel jsi ukázat svému současnému zaměstnavateli diplom, když ses ucházel o práci?

4. Před tím než se usadím a najdu si práci, bych chtěl žít pár let v zahraničí.

5. V minulosti žila většina mladých lidí se svými rodiči až do svatby.


I. Complete the phone conversation in a suitable way. One example has been done for you.

A: Hello?
B: Oh, hello. Can I ..................speak to.................(1) Tom?
A: I’m afraid Tom ..................................................(2)
B: Oh, right. Do you know what time ........................................................(3)?
A: I think at about 5 o’clock.
B: Well, could I .............................................(4)?
A: Yes, sure. Wait a second. I’ ll just .......................................(5) my pen. O.K., go ahead.
B: Could you ask him ........................................(6) when he comes back? My name is Jane.
A: O.K. .......................................(7) as soon as he gets in.
B: Thanks very much.
A: Bye.

II. Match the sentences on the left with their responses on the right.

1. Is that you, Jo? __c)_ a) Tell him that Robert was.
2. Could I have extension 2154, please? ____ b) Yes, sure. I’ll bring my pen.
3. Hello, can I speak to John? ____ c) No, it’s Nigel.
4. Shall I get him to ring you? ____ d) I think at about six.
5. Could I leave a message? ____ e) Sorry, the line is engaged now.
6. Do you know when he will be back? ____ f) I’m afraid, he isn’t at home.
7. Who shall I say was calling? ____ g) No thanks, it isn’t necessary.

III. Match the words with their synonyms.

1. chat _d)_ a) sack
2. deteriorate ____ b) expect
3. hang on ____ c) boss
4. put off ____ d) conversation
5. cut off ____ e) get worse
6. hostile ____ f) not safe/damaging
7. dismiss ____ g) wait a second
8. harmful ____ h) postpone
9. supervisor ____ i) interrupt
10. compulsive ____ j) aggressive/unfriendly
11.anticipate ____ k) driven by a desire that is impossible to control

IV. In which sentences can you use used to without changing the meaning? Write O.K. if
there is no change and rewrite the sentence where possible.

The situation in Iran got worse. O.K

1. As a child I was playing with other kids in the playground.
2. In the days before the car was invented, people were travelling by horse or on foot.
3. Finally I managed to find a well-paid and interesting job.
4. Yesterday I bought a new pair of jeans.
5. My father had a beard 10 years ago. Then he shaved it off.
6. When the kids were younger, they were watching TV for many hours.
7. My brother visited his aunt every week.

V. Fill in the gaps with appropriate phrases from the box. One example has been done.

at his desk real purpose still at lunch another strategy incredible idea
get through small expedition very rarely make a decision stepped out
in a meeting wants to speak to will achieve want to speak to repeating your name

When you try to ring someone important, you often ....get through .... to their secretary who
says, “I’ll just see if he’s ....................................(1)”. This suggests the
....................................(2) that an assistant can’t actually see the boss without going on a
....................................(3). The real meaning is, “I’ll just ask him if he
........................................(4) you”. Often the secretary .......................................(5) the same
end by asking, “And what did you say your name was?” and then .........................................(6)
in a voice loud enough for the boss to hear and ..............................................(7).
........................................(8) is to say, “He’s not at his desk right now” and “He’s just
........................................(9) of the room. “He’s taken a late lunch” also comes into this
category, because its .....................................(10) is to protect the boss. The real meaning is:
”Even though it’s five o’clock, he’s .......................................(11) and may well be drunk.”
Offering very little hope of speaking to the boss is, “I’m afraid he’s
........................................(12). This ...................................(13) means that the person is
actually in a meeting. It usually means, “He doesn´t..................................................(14) you.

VI. Match the words from box A with the words from box B to form compound words.

machine traffic alarm gun

answer telephone table phone
physical extension number exercise Example
department time directory store machine gun
pedestrian burglar lights crossing
................................................. ...................................................
................................................. ..................................................
................................................. ..................................................
................................................. ..................................................

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Postupně se Jackův stav zhoršoval a on se stal závislý na alkoholu.


2. Zeptal jsem se sekretářky, zda mne může spojit se šéfem.


3. Dříve jsem hodně luštil křížovky a často jsem i vyhrál nějakou cenu.

4. Poté co jsem několikrát vytočil špatné telefoní číslo, jsem zavolal na informace.

5. V poslední době bylo z továrny propuštěno více než padesát zaměstnanců.



I. Write at least 3 more related things to the following words.

1. ballpoint pen, notebook, ...........................................................................................

2. video, TV set, ...........................................................................................................
3. computer, keyboard, .................................................................................................
4. bicycle, car,...............................................................................................................
5. jumper, trousers,........................................................................................................
6. washing machine, oven,............................................................................................
7. wellington boots, trainers,.........................................................................................

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple or Future Simple.

If I change (change) schools, I... will have to work ... (have to work) harder.

1. You ...................................certainly......................................(regret) if you ............................

(not buy) the camera.
2. If you ..................................... (buy) a tape recorder, the sales assistant ..............................
probably............................(ask) you if you need any blank tapes.
3. If I ......................................(not work) hard, my parents .....................................(not feel)
4. What in the mountains if
there......................................(be) no snow?
5. If you ....................................(lose) the guarantee to the product, you ...........................(not
be able) to complain about it.
6. If I .......................................(fail) my exams, I .....................................(not be able) to stay
at this school.

III. Choose a suitable verb from the box and use the form „to have something done“ in the
following sentences.

develop deliver cut gift-wrap shorten clean build

My grandfather.... had ..... his house..... built ..... in 1965.

1. Is it usual in your country to ................................. milk .................................. to your home?

2. Yesterday I ................................ my hair....................................... at a famous hairdresser´s.
3. I usually ................................ presents for my friends and relatives .................................. in
4. I´ve bought a very long skirt. I should ................................. it ..............................................
5. I occasionally ................................ my car windows ............................................ at a petrol
6. Last week I ............................... the film from my holiday .....................................................
IV. Write appropriate adjectives with suffixes -able or -ible.

You can wash it. It´s washable.

1. You can break it. It´s ........................................................
2. It´s possible to eat it. It´s .......................................................
3. You can lock it. It´s .......................................................
4. It´s impossible to break it. It´s .......................................................
5. You can carry it. It´s........................................................
6. You can´t rely on it. It´s .......................................................
7. You can throw it away. It´s .......................................................
8. You can´t read it because
the handwriting is so bad. It´s ........................................................

V. Use will/ might in the correct form.

I haven´t decided yet where to go for holidays. I......... might ..........go to Ireland.

1. Don´t worry about your exam. I´m sure you ........................................................ pass it.
2. There´s no need to take an umbrella with you. It ...................................................... rain.
3. I haven´t made up my mind yet whether to apply for that job. I .................................... try it.
4. I´m not sure what to do tomorrow evening. I .............................................. go to the cinema.
5. Do you think Sarah ....................................................... like the present we´ve bought her?
6. Don´t make too much noise. You ................................................ wake up the baby.

V. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. However, examples of goods which are not of proper quality would be a clock that keeps
poor time, or clothes that are torn, or cups and saucers that are cracked.
2. It is not always easy to decide if goods are of proper quality.
3. And the key factors here are often the price of the goods and the way they were described.
4. You have to ask yourself the question „Should these goods have been sold in this
5. So, if you buy goods in a sale at a lower price, you can expect a lower standard.

Write the numbers here. _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

VI. Translate the sentences.

1. Balíček, který jsem obdržel minulý týden, byl poškozen.


2. Pokud si v obchodě koupíš fotoaparát, prodavač se tě může zeptat, zda nechceš i film.

3. Je ve vaší zemi běžné, že vám telefon nainstalují do týdne?


4. Na benzínové pumpě jsem si nechal umýt okna u auta.


5. Zítra konvici vrátím zpět do ochodu a budu požadovat své peníze.



I. Complete the text with the missing words from the box. The first has been done as an

humid heavy hot weather blows snows spell vital winds dry

The single greatest influence on Japanese is the wind. During summer it
.............................(2) from the Pacific, causing ................................(3) and humid weather, but
in winter the north-westerly ............................(4) from Siberia are very cold and it
.....................................(5) heavily on the mountains of the north west. The south-eastern parts
receive cold ...............................(6) air. Between June and mid July, there is a
..............................(7) of wet weather when the rice fields get the water
..................................(8) for growth. After that, there is less ..........................(9) rain, but the
air is still .................................(10).

II. Complete the sentences with suitable adverbs.

The book I´ve read was absolutely fantastic.

1. I ............................................. visit my relatives in South Bohemia because it´s far away.

2. They told me his lecture was ............................................................ interesting.
3. My sister was ..................................................... exhausted by the end of the walk.
4. My father was ............................................. furious when I took his car without permission.
5. When I returned home after 20 years, everything have .......................................... changed.
6. The new flat they´ve bought is ...................................................... large and spacious.

III. Match the words on the left with the words on the right to form compounds.

1. Christmas __e)__ a) plugs
2. electrical _____ b) brush
3. beach _____ c) spray
4. sleeping _____ d) mask
5. cuff _____ e) decoration
6. electric _____ f) umbrella
7. mosquito _____ g) appliances
8. spare _____ h) links
9. ear _____ i) room
10.clothes _____ j) bag
11. eye _____ k) fan

IV. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words. The first has been done as an example.

Ice breaks
Swedish businessman Nils Berqvist is delighted ....with....(1) the response to his new
accommodation concept, ................................(2) world´s first igloo hotel. Built
...........................(3) a small town in Lapland, it has been attracting ...............................(4) of
visitors, but soon the fun will be over. In two weeks´ time Berqvist´s ice creation will be
nothing more ..........................(5) a pool of water. „We don´t see melting .............................(6)

a big problem“, he says. „We just look forward ............................(7) making a bigger and
more beautiful one to replace .........................(8). Berqvist .............................(9) his first igloo
in 1991 for a local art exhibition. It was so successful that he designed the current one,
............................(10) measures roughly 200 square metres. Six workmen
............................(11) more than eight weeks piling 1000 tons of snow onto a wooden base.

V. Answer the questions.

1. Where do you usually keep the things you don´t need very often?
2. How do you feel during a violent storm?
3. What are some of the things you can´t manage without?
4. Do you belong to those people who find difficult to throw certain things away?
5. Have you ever had to survive in difficult conditions? What were they, and why?

VI. Read the text. Answer the questions below.

Healthy habits
The best piece of advice this summer is to take care in the sun. Strong sunshine increases the
amount of damaging free radicals produced in the body. Wear a sun hat, sunglasses and
balanced UVA and UVB sun protection products and avoid the midday sun. Regular exercise
is another essential for better health and will give you greater energy for life. Brisk walks with
the dog, cycling to work or running up flights of stairs are great ways to get your body
moving. Why not take up a social sport, such as tennis or badminton and get fit while having
fun? If you prefer a more solitary approach, swimming is great for all-round fitness. Pollution
is on the increase, so if cycling, choose quiet routes free from traffic fumes. If you live or
work in a polluted area, consider the extra protection that a vitamin supplement could provide.

1. Do free radicals help your body?

2. Which kinds of sport should you take up if you want to enjoy the company of your friends?
3. Should you stop sunbathing?
4. Where should you ride your bike?
5. How can you protect yourself against pollution?
VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Věci, které často nepotřebuji, skladuji buď v prostorném sklepě nebo na půdě.

2. Ve Skotsku bylo včera zataženo a deštivo, v některých částech byly silné bouřky.


3. Tenisový kurt měří přibližně 300 metrů čtverečních.


4. Raději bych se toho starého nábytku zbavila nebo ho prodala do obchodu s použitým

5. Ve městě jsem potkal starého přítele, který bydlí už dvacet let v Austrálii.


I. Divide the following words into 4 categories. There are four in each category. One example
has been done for you.

commit thief prison murder steal court pickpocket theft robbery

victim protect arrest assault judge jail site of a crime

People Places Verbs Type of crime
____thief____ _____________ ______________ _______________
____________ _____________ ______________ _______________
____________ _____________ ______________ _______________
____________ _____________ ______________ _______________

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Past Simple of Conditional).

If there were (be) more police on the streets, there would be (be) less crime.

1. If the government ...........................................(reduce) unemployment, there

....................................... (be) very little crime.
2. What ..................................... (happen) if I ...........................................(reveal) the secret?
3. If I ................................(lose) my job, I .......................................(not be) unhappy because I
am thinking of leaving it anyway.
4. What if you ......................................(win) a
million dollars?
5. If we ........................................(stay) in this hotel, we .........................................(spend) a lot
of money.
6. if I ...............................(open) the window?
7. If you ..................................(take) more exercises, you .......................................(feel) better.
8. If someone ..............................................(walk) in here with a gun,
I.................................(be) very frightened.

III. Make one sentence from two using who, which, that.

The woman is a doctor. She lives next door.
The woman who lives next door is a doctor.

1. We met some people at the party. They were friendly.

2. We stayed at the hotel. Tom recommended that to us.
3. Barbara works for a company. This company produces washing machines.

4. We know a lot of people. They live in London.

5. This morning I met an old friend of mine. I haven´t seen him for ages.
6. My office is very small. I´m using it at the moment.

IV. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase.

A ...... judge ...... is a person who decides whether you are guilty or not.

1. The ............................................... is the place where you report a crime.

2. If you park your car in a forbidden place you´ll get a ................................................
3. You´ll be ............................................... if you commit a crime.
4. A ........................................ is someone who is accused of crime.
5. You would be put in ......................................... if you killed someone.
6. A ........................................ is a person who tells the police what he knows about the crime.
7. ..................................... is a crime which involves breaking into people´s houses and
stealing from them.

V. Complete these sentences in a logical way.

1. In prison you´re locked in your room, whereas in hospital......................................................

2. Going to the cinema is different that...............................................
3. Wind is similar ........................................, except that .............................................................
4. Burglary is a crime against property, whereas .........................................................................
5. Interpreting is similar to translating, except that interpreting ..................................................

VI. Read the text. Mark the statement true (T) or false (F).

In 1981, Marianne Bachmeir, from Lubeck, West Germany, was in court watching the trial of
Klaus Grabowski, who had murdered her 7-year-old daughter. Grabowski had a history of
attacking children. During the trial, Frau Bachmeir pulled a Beretta 22 pistol from her
handbag and fired eight bullets, six of which hit Grabowski, killing him. The defence said she
had bought the pistol with the intention of committing suicide, but when she saw Grabowski
in court she drew the pistol and pulled the trigger. She was found not guilty of murder, but
was given six years imprisonment for manslaughter. West German newspapers reflected the
opinion of millions of Germans that she should have been freed, calling her „the avenging

1. Bachmeir was accused of the murder of her daughter. _____

2. Grabowski hasn´t committed any crime before. _____
3. According to the defence, Bachmeir´s intention was to kill
the murder of her daughter. _____
4. Bachmeir was found innocent of murder. _____
5. Many Germans were interested in that case. _____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. To je ten zločinec, který ukradl nějaké šperky, jež byly nalezeny na parkovišti.

2. Většina kriminálních činů je páchána mladými delikventy, z nichž některým není ani 18.

3. Kdyby mladí lidé trávili více času v centrech volného času, snížila by se tím kriminalita.

4. Znáš někoho, kdo byl již vykraden?


5. V poslední době je nejčastějším zločinem v této oblasti pašování drog a vydírání.


I. Complete the sentences with suitable words. There is one in each gap. One example has
been done for you.

I never forget a face

I´ll tell you a strange thing about me - I never forget a face........the........(1) only trouble is that
usually I´m quite unable .....................................(2) tell you the name of the person. I know
what you´re going to say - you suffer..................................... (3) the same thing yourself. Lots

..........................................(4) people do, to some extent, but I´m not
.........................................(5) that. When I say I never forget a face, I mean it. I can pass a
......................................(6) in the street one day and recognise him months after,
.........................................(7) we´ve never spoken to each ......................................(8). My wife
says sometimes that I ought to .......................................(9) a reporter for the newspapers and
wait about at first nights at cinemas, looking for all the famous people
..........................................(10) go to see the films. But, as I tell her, I should not be able to do
very well .....................................(11) that. I should see the famous man or woman,
.........................................(12) I should not be able to .................................(13) which one it
was. That´s my trouble, as I say - names.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Perfect).

I ......... rushed....... (rush) to the station but unfortunately the train .....had gone.... (go).

1. We ................................ (arrive) at work in the morning and ..............................(find) out

that somebody ..................................(break) into the office during the night.
2. The house...................................(be) very quiet when I ....................................(get) home.
Everybody.................................(go) to bed.
3. When I ...................................(get) on the bus I.................................(realize) that
I......................................(leave) my money at home.
4. Last year we ......................................(go) to Denmark. We .............................................( not
be) there before.
5. When we ................................... (arrive) at the cinema, the film ...................................
already ..................................(begin).
6. I ................................(offer) Sue something to eat but she ..................................(not be)
hungry. She ............................. just ...................................(have) breakfast.

III. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.

She is a very ..........imaginative................ and gifted child. (imagine)

1. We should sign this .................................................. by the end of the week. (agree)

2. His ......................................... was caused by careless driving. (die)
3. When I was at school we had to .................................passages from the textbook. (memory)
4. The book you gave me was very .............................................. (enjoy)
5. The man looked at me very .......................................................(suspicion)
6. Teachers should develop children´s ...................................................(create)
7. The flight to Paris was.................................................... because of bad weather. (cancel)
8. The person who applied for that job ................................................... (success)

IV. Match the verbs with appropriate nouns or phrases.

1. dive __c)__ a) across the field

2. get on ______ b) grammar
3. jump ______ c) into the lake
4. creep ______ d) a tram
5. cancel ______ e) in a traffic jam
6. hide ______ f) into a tree
7. correct ______ g) in a bush
8. crash ______ h) a meeting
9. get stuck ______ i) the queue

V. Answer the questions.

1. What would you do if you saw a burglar coming to your neighbour´s house?
2. What do you say when you come late to work?
3. What´s your favourite means of transport and why?
4. What was the last book you read about?
5. Describe the place in the countryside you like the best.

VI. Put the sentences in the right order.

1. I used to sit and watch it and became so fascinated with it that I began to believe there must
be a real person with a face like it.
2. It all started just over a year ago.
3. My search quickly became an obsession.
4. I was staying in an old house in Great Ormond Street which had large patches of damp on
the walls.
5. And you know, one of these patches looked exactly like a human face.

Write the numbers here. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Představili mi nového kolegu Simona, ale já jsem si byl jistý, že jsem se s ním již setkal.

2. Vojáci se plížili přes rozlehlé pole, aby se dostali blíž k nepříteli.


3. Když jsem se procházel parkem, narazil jsem na mého starého známého.


4. Na cestě domů jsem píchl kolo, takže jsem musel jít domů pěšky a pak si nechat kolo

5. Ve Španělsku se mi nejvíce líbily vysoké bílé útesy na pobřeží, písčité skály a zelená údolí
v horách.


I. Complete the sentences using Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.

My brother.... has... just.... returned..... from his trip to Egypt.

1. He´s out of breath because he ..............................................................................

2. How long ............................. you .........................................English? For 5 years.
3. ever........................................... to Asia? No, never.
4. I friend for more than 10 years.
5. I´m sorry. I´m late. .......................... you ...............................................long?
6. I´m not hungry. I lunch.

II. Complete the sentences using an infinitive or gerund.

My parents let me... do ....(do) whatever I want.

1. The masked men threatened him.................................................(not tell) anything.

2. I helped my parents ...................................................(clean) the house.
3. Tom refused ....................................................(cooperate) with our team on the project.
4. I would like ............................................(congratulate) you on your wedding anniversary.
5. His mother always made him ....................................................(play) the piano.
6. We must prevent Sue from ...................................................(leave) the country.
7. Don´t forget .......................................................(post) the letter.
8. I agreed ...............................................(stay) in the cottage longer.

III. Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right. One example has been done
for you.

1. get on well with _i)__ a) seldom

2. row ____ b) friend
3. elevator ____ c) line
4. queue ____ d) chat
5. spot ____ e) argument
6. chum ____ f) lift
7. rarely ____ g) free
8. leisure ____ h) place
9. natter ____ i) have a good relationship with somebody

IV. Complete the story using the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. One example has been
done for you.

A funny thing...... happened.......(happen) to me the other day. I ................................( in a

hurry to get to work and I found that my car wasn´t working. I ................................(2.have to)
rush out of the house to catch the bus. While I .....................................(3.walk) along the
streer, I .................................(4.notice) a woman of about my age on the opposite side of the
road. I looked at her again and I ........................................(5.realize) that we
.......................................( before. She arrived at the bus stop a couple of seconds after
me. „She must be catching the bus, too“, I thought. We ...............................just

..............................(7.miss) the previous bus and we had fifteen minutes to wait before the
next one. I looked at the woman behind me again and I was sure that I
................................(8.know) her. „Excuse me, have we met before? I´m sure that I
................................(9.recognize) you“ I said. She looked a bit surprised, but she
......................................(10.tell) me that her name waas Angela Barker. „You
...............................( history at Liverpool University“ I shouted „from 1985 to
1988!“ „That´s right!“ she replied, „And you´re Claire.....?“ „Lewis. Well, my name was
Lewis but I ...........................................( married now. What nowadays?“ I asked.
„Well, I .........................................( in the Central Museum in town and
I...................................( in this area for about three years“, she replied. „You´re
joking! I live round the corner from here. I ..............................(16.not believe) it! We
.................................( neighbours for three years and we
.........................never.............................(18.see) each other!“ I said.

V. Underline the word which is different in pronunciation.

neighbour foreigner chain claim

1. cat sand ham pass

2. pick hostile fine smile
3. lose pose nose chosen
4. think that thoughtful threat
5. accuse refuse fuss abuse
6. male congratulate desperate name

VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

The popular image of wolves is not a pleasant one. In children´s stories they are often
portrayed as cruel, evil creatures, and many people are brought up to fear and dislike them. In
reality, though, they are rarely aggressive to people, and within their own groups in the wild
they are extremely tolerant and supportive.
Wolves are, in fact, very social animals, and as a group their social structure is similar to our
own, but often works better because it lacks destructive human emotions such as greed, envy
and revenge. Well-established groups usually comprise about ten members, and they have
hierarchical structure which includes upper, middle and lower class. The upper class includes
the dominant male and a female, the middle classes generally consist of non-breeding adults,
and the lower classes would include any outcasts and youngsters under two years of age.

1. In general, people especially children don´t like wolves. ____

2. Wolves are perceived as the symbol of cruelty. ____
3. Greed, envy and revenge belong to the typical behaviour of wolves. ____
4. There are no dominant females in wolves´ social structure. ____
5. The oldest wolves belong to the lowest class in their social structure. ____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Pokud má některý z mých kolegů opravdu perný den, nabídnu mu, že mu pomohu s jeho

2. Pokaždé když uvidím někoho, kdo je v depresi, tak se snažím s ním mluvit a rozveselit ho.

3. Lucy pracuje pro tuto společnost už pět let.


4. Občas se hádám se svými kolegy, ale většinou s nimi vycházím dobře.


5. Svezl jsi někdy někoho ve svém autě, když pršelo?


I. Match the questions with the responses.

1. Would you like to have something to eat? _c)__ a) Of course, no problem.
2. What about going to the theatre? ____ b) I´m just looking around.
3. Let´s sign this agreement now. ____ c) No, thank you. I´ve just eaten.
4. Would you mind if I opened the window? ____ d) I´m afraid, I can´t. I´m busy.

5. Can I use your phone? ____ e) I´ll have to think it over.
6. Can I invite you for drink? ____ f) Absolutely not. It´s stuffy here.
7. How can I help you? ____ g) That´s very kind of you.

II. Correct a mistake in each sentence.

It looks as though it´s going to rain. It looks as if it´s going to rain.

1. I wish I have my car here. ________________________________________

2. I have never been to England. So have I. ________________________________________
3. I won´t tell the secret to nobody. ________________________________________
4. I realized I left my umbrella in a shop. ________________________________________
5. What is weather like in your country? ________________________________________
6. I´m looking forward to go on holiday. ________________________________________

III. Form opposites of these words using in-, un-, dis-, -less.

successful unsuccessful

1. obedient ________________ 5. sufficient __________________

2. harmful ________________ 6. helpful __________________
3. organised ________________ 7. reliable __________________
4. pleasant ________________ 8. formal __________________

IV. Complete the sentences in a suitable way.

I wish....... I had my glasses ......then I could read what it says.

1. It´s only Tuesday - this week seems so long.. I wish ...............................................................

2. It´s so hot in this office. I wish .................................................................................................
3. There´s so much work to do. I wish .........................................................................................
4. I would like to live in such a beautiful house. I wish ...............................................................
5. I´m so tired now. I wish ...........................................................................................................
6. I´ve always liked curly hair. I wish ..........................................................................................

V. Agree with each of these sentences using so or neither.

I have just returned from a long journey. So have I.

1. I haven´t got much money with me. _____________________

2. I can speak both English and Spanish. _____________________
3. I went there two weeks ago. _____________________
4. I have never eaten Indian food. _____________________
5. I´m the tallest of my class. _____________________

6. I don´t believe in God. _____________________

VI. Complete the sentences using some, any, no, every + their compounds.

I´m sure there must be ....somebody..... who will help us.

1. Would you like to have ................................................. to eat?

2. I didn´t see ................................................... on my way home.
3. .................................................... has to sign this list before they leave.
4. There is .................................................. I can talk to. I´m so lonely here.
5. She didn´t tell them ................................................... about our plan.
6. There is ................................................. to do here. It´s so boring.
7. If ................................................... calls, tell them I´ll be here about five.
8. Tell me .............................................. you know about the journey.

VI. Translate the sentences.

1. Co bys dělal, kdyby tě někdo požádal o peníze? Pravděpodobně bych mu žádné nedal.

2. Sotva kdy čteme v našich hodinách knihy v angličtině.


3. Kéž bych nemusel jít do práce a mohl jen relaxovat.


4. Myslím si, že si zasloužím zvýšit plat. Půjdu a řeknu o tom šéfovi.


5. Cartrovi se přestěhovali v roce 1993 do Bristolu a od té doby tam žijí.



I. Complete the sentences with a suitable container word.

There are several ....cans... of coke in the fridge.

1. I will have to buy four ............................................. of wine for the party.

2. A ......................................... could contain potatoes or coal.
3. I have sweet tooth. I think I´ll buy a .............................................. of chocolate.
4. I can´t find the ........................................... of glue I bought yesterday.
5. What have you done with that .......................................... of jam?
6. There´s always a ........................................... of fruits on the table.
7. There are two ........................................... of biscuits in the cupboard.
8. In the fridge there are no ........................................... of milk. We have to buy some.

II. Complete the text using appropriate words from the box. One example has been done for

which sank had the a make later sail called himself else
being about already managed how there so when was reached

When.... the.... writer Daniel Defoe published The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe in
1719, he based his tale on the story of what ........................................(1) happened to
Alexander Selkirk, ...............................(2) man who had left his home to
......................................(3) his living as a sailor and had spent five years alone on the island of
Juan Fernandez in the Pacific.
In the book, the ship on ....................................(4) the hero was travelling
.....................................(5) in a violent storm. Robinson Crusoe ..................................(6) to
escape from the ship and ....................................(7) a desert island. There, alone, because
everyone ...................................(8) on the ship had drowned, he had to learn to survive. Defoe
describes in vivid detail.................................(9) Crusoe went .....................................(10)
coming to terms with his environment. ......................................(11) the tools he had saved
from the wrecked ship, Crusoe built .....................................(12) a house and also a boat in
which he could .....................................(13) around the island, though could not escape from
it. .....................................(14) were some goats on the island, and Crusoe domesticated them,
.....................................(15) that he had milk and meat to live on.
Robinson had ........................................(16) spent twenty-five years on the island
....................................(17) it was visited by a group of cannibals. He was shocked by what
they did and he saved one of their prisoners from ......................................(18) killed. This
man, who Crusoe ...................................(19) Friday, became his companion and helper.
Finally, some three years ..................................(20), an English ship came to the island and
Crusoe and Friday were rescued.

III. Fill in the gaps. One example has been done for you.

Noun Adjective Noun Verb

__power_____ powerful _____________ agree
____________ simple advertisement ______________
____________ elegant danger ______________
mystery _____________ _____________ entertain
glamour _____________ change ______________
knowledge _____________ _____________ reduce
luxury _____________ _____________ refer

IV. Write appropriate quantifiers in the gaps.

In the classroom there were only... a few ...students participating in the lesson.

1. I couldn´t believe my eyes! In the stadium there were ................................. people watching
the game.
2. I don´t have .................................. eggs left. There are only ................................... there.
3. We don´t have ............................... information about the project.
4. I need to add just ................................... salt into this dish.
5. There are .................................. problems we have to cope with.

V. Answer the questions.

1. Explain the term a package holiday.


2. What arrangements are usually done before going on holiday?


3. What was your last holiday like?


4. What do you think is good about advertisements?


5. What do you associate a chocolate with and why?


VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

Your room
You will have a single room with your host family unless you have requested a shared
accommodation. Your room should be comfortable and have a bed, wardrobe, chest of
drawers and a table or desk so that you are able to do your homework. There may be another
student staying with the family at the same time but there should be no other person of the
same nationality or speaking the same first language. We ask host families to show their
student guests how to use the washing machine. Some host families include their guests
washing with the family wash. It is polite to let your host family know the approximate times
you will be leaving the house and coming back. Try not to be late for meals and give a plenty
of notice if you intend to eat out. Your host family will give you breakfast and an evening
meal every day and also lunch at the weekends. If you wish to go out for the day at the
weekend, your host family will provide you with a packed lunch.

1. The student will have to share a room with another student

who is from different country. _____
2. The room should be sufficiently furnished for the student to

be able to study for school. _____
3. The host family is supposed to let you use the washing machine. _____
4. The student will get meals three times a day on weekdays. _____
5. The student is supposed to tell the host family the exact time of arrivals. _____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Před tím než jedu na zájezd, tak se snažím zjistit veškeré informace o místě mého pobytu.

2. Tato originální reklama na parfém je spojena s jemností a elegancí.


3. Potřebujeme koupit bochník chleba, konzervu tuňáka, sáček mouky a láhev nějaké perlivé

4. Často mám sklony kritizovat lidi, kteří neumí jasně vyjádřit to, co si myslí.

5. Kdybys musel pozvat dvacet lidí na zahradní večírek, jaké jídlo a pití bys zajistil?


I. Change the sentences into indirect speech using the reporting verbs from the box. Use each
word once.

tell refuse remind offer advise agree invite order beg

promise warn

„Tidy your bedroom!“ Chris said to the children.
Chris told the children to tidy their bedroom.

1. I think you ought to see the doctor“, Jo said to me.


2. „Don´t play with matches or you´ll burn yourself“, Sally said to her son.

3. „Shall we invite the neighbours to the party?“ John asked me. „Yes, OK“, I said.

4. „Please, please, help me! I´m desperate!“ the man said to us.
The man____________________________________________________________________

5. „Don´t worry! You can rely on me - I´ll sort out the problem“, Jane said.

6. „Don´t forget to call the dentist´s!“ I said to him.


7. „I´ll carry your case for you“, my son said.

My son_____________________________________________________________________

8. „Shut up and sit down!“ the soldier said to them.

The soldier__________________________________________________________________

9. „I won´t speak to him!“ she said.


10. „Would you like to go for a drink?“ they said to us.


II. Report the following statements and questions.

„I´m not feeling very well“ he said. He said that he wasn´t feeling very well.
1. „Do you want to go for a drink?“ they asked.
They asked__________________________________________________________________

2. „We´ve decided to get married“, they told their parents.

They told their parents_________________________________________________________

3. „How many times have you been to the United States?“ she asked me.
She asked me________________________________________________________________

4. „I won´t be able to leave until seven o´clock“, he told me.

He told me__________________________________________________________________

5. „I can´t swim very well“, she said.
She said____________________________________________________________________

6. „We took a taxi to the station“, they told me.

They told me________________________________________________________________

7. „Our luggage has been damaged“, they said.

They said___________________________________________________________________

8. We may stay until the weekend“, they said.

They said___________________________________________________________________

III. Divide the words into 3 categories. There are four words in each category. One example
has been done for you.

flood foreign policy election defeat drought earthquake famine inflation rate
redundancies ministerial row trade agreement riots making a speech

Economy Politics Natural disasters

____________ making a speech ______________
____________ _____________ ______________
____________ _____________ ______________
____________ _____________ ______________

IV. Fill in the missing words. Use the words from the box. One example has been done for

pressure independent operation trials countries donations aim law

world-wide prison religion handle prizes

Amnesty International is a organization, ......................................(1) of any

government or political party. It is our ..................................(2) to release prisoners of
conscience. These are men and women who are in ...................................(3) not because they
have broken the .................................(4), but because of their beliefs, colour, language, or
...............................(5). We try to get fair and early .....................................(6) by publicizing

their cases and by putting ..................................(7) on their governments to practise basic
human rights. Amnesty International has been in .....................................(8) for over twenty
years, and in that time we have helped prisoners in over sixty ....................................(9). We
have won several peace ................................(10), including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978.
Each year we ..............................(11), on average, nearly 5000 individual cases. Please help
us. We need your ...............................(12) to make us unnecessary in this world.

V. Answer the questions.

1. What is one of the good recent news?


2. What is one of the current news concerning natural disasters?


3. What famous personality do you admire and why?


4. Do you vote in elections? Why? Why not?


5. What do you think of the current economic situation in our country?


VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

No news is good news

Martyn Lewis believes that the media in Britain are obsessed with disaster and that they give
a distorted view of the world. He says that TV news visits people, organisations and countries
when things are going wrong for them, but rarely goes back when things start to go right. For
example, a few years ago, an area of the country suffered from riots and violence and this was
widely reported. But since then, through good policing and a new self-help community policy,
there has been a significant decrease in crime in the area, but this has not been reported on the
national news. He says that when news editors discuss the day´s priorities, there should be a
more representative balance of the stories that affect or change the country or the world we
live in. This will give more weight to achievements and successes, so that people who watch
the news are more aware of the changes that offer hope for the future.
1. The media in Britain seldom show news from the areas where things start to go right. ____
2. Media all over the world are obsessed with disasters and bad news. ____
3. As soon as there are some riots, violence in a certain area,
media doesn´t pay much attention to it. ____
4. According to Mr. Lewis, there should be the majority of good news on TV. ____
5. People should be given hope for the future in the news. ____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Nadcházející volby mohou přinést buď vítězství nebo porážku demokratické strany.


2. V současné době bylo z automobilové továrny propuštěno více než padesát zaměstnanců.

3. Během pohovoru jsem byl dotázán, zda jsem dělal takový druh práce už předtím.

4. Zeptal se mě, kde je nejbližší banka a jak se k ní dostane.


5. Minulý rok byla tato oblast postižena ničivými záplavami, které způsobily ztráty na
životech a obrovské ztráty majetku.


I. Rewrite these examples of formal English in simple, everyday English.

Do not exceed the stated dose.
That means you mustn´t take more medicine than it says.

1. No refunds unless accompanied by receipt.

2. Visitors are requested to keep dogs on a lead.
3. Please tender exact fare and state destinations.
4. It is with great regret that I have to inform you that I will be unable to attend the reception.
5. Would it be at all possible for me to take a week´s leave of absence at the end of May?

II. Correct any mistakes in each sentence.

Have you ever done a speech at a wedding?
Have you ever made a speech at a wedding?

1. Can I have a question? I didn´t understand the grammar properly.

2. I said her that I would be late for dinner.
3. He wanted that the hotel refund his money.
4. I would do anything possible to avoid to take the plane.
5. We had better not to stay too long at the party.
6. My neighbour asked me when were we coming back from holiday.
7. The brochure consists of many useful informations.

III. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the box.

argument symptoms bite stammer thread

anxiety blank jargon long-winded sweat

A lot of people... bite ...their nails when they´re bored.

1. Every time I am frightened I start to ...................................... so nobody knows what I want

to say.
2. I was half-way through my talk and I just completely lost the ................................ of my
................................... It was very embarrassing.
3. In some situations my mind just goes ............................ and I can´t think of anything to say.
4. When two people of the same profession are talking, their speech is full of
5. The language of legal documents is always very complicated, formal and .............................

6. I start to ................................... all over my body every time I do aerobics.
7. A lot of people suffer from ........................................ which can have different mental or
physical ......................................

IV. Choose the right form of the verb (infinitive, -ing form or bare infinitive).

I hope to see/ seeing you at the next meeting.

1. I heard about a course which helped people living/ live with their fear of flying.
2. Remember to wake/ waking me before seven. I can´t be late.
3. I tried to jog/ jogging when I wanted to lose weight.
4. John refused to go/ going with us to the garden party.
5. After two hours of driving we stopped having/ to have a rest.
6. My grandfather always made me play/ to play the violin. I hated that!
7. Finally I managed to get/ getting out of the damaged car without an injury.
8. Although I was looking forward to meet/ to meeting her, I was afraid of making a bad

V. Use should/ ought to/ had better to express appropriate advice.

I don´t feel very well today. I have a sore throat and a fever.
You should go to the doctor and take a couple of days off.

1. I don´t understand the grammar we´ve learnt at school today.

2. I need to pay 100 for accommodation but I don´t have so much money.
3. I spent the whole night in a club. Now I feel very tired.
4. I don´t have all the ingredients I need to prepare the meal.
5. My car broke down on my way home.

VI. Complete your curriculum vitae.

1. Full name ________________________________________________________________

2. Date and place of birth _____________________________________________________

3. Present address ___________________________________________________________

4. Marital status _____________________________________________________________

5. Educational background (grades, certificates)


6. Professional qualifications and experience


7. Hobbies and interests


VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Dovol mi, abych ti poblahopřál k tvému úspěšnému ukončení studia na univerzitě.

2. Když mluvíš před publikem, neboj se podívat čas od času do svých poznámek.
3. Hovořil jsi už někdy nepřetržitě anglicky déle než 15 minut?
4. Raději bys tady neměl nechávat svoje auto – možná dostaneš pokutu.
5. Když jsem se ucházel o práci, tazatel se mne zeptal na mé vzdělání a pracovní zkušenosti.

I. Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the box. Not all the words are used.

scenery museum reproduction exhibition display picture

paint portrait gallery forgery landscape

I learned to ... paint ... with water colours when I was very young.

1. A .................................... is a copy which looks like the original and is intended to deceive
2. Have you ever painted a self- .................................?
3. ..................................... is the picture of a place, often part of the countryside with beautiful
4. There is a/ an ..................................... of his work at the new art .............................. in Soho.
5. You can buy a ..................................... of the original painting for about $50.

II. Transform the sentences from active into passive voice.

A well-known artist illustrated all the pictures in the book.
All the pictures in the book were illustrated by a well-known artist.

1. The artist has to do all drawings of the people from memory.

2. They shouldn´t charge entrance fees to people on low incomes.
3. Public usually can´t visit this private art collection.
4. Doctors must regularly check the health condition of their patients.
5. Many people will always remember this wonderful piece of work.
6. Two thieves have stolen a very valuable painting from the town gallery.

III. Put a, an, the or -- in the spaces. One example has been done for you.

Describing a painting
There are... a....(1) number of rather strange things about this bath scene, at ..................(2)
first sight. For ................(3) instance, ................(4) woman seems to be wearing some kind of
...............(5) vest and she hasn´t taken off her bracelet or hairband either.
And why has she got ...............(6) pocket watch in ................(7) soap dish? It seems
...............(8) odd place to put it. Obviously for this woman, ................(9) bath is .............(10)
time for ..............(11) relaxation and pleasure: in ..........(12) foreground there´s .............(13)
book open next to her, and she´s looking dreamy and distant, as if ...............(14) roses in her
hand are part of ..............(15) beautiful memory. Is she alone, I wonder? It´s ..............(16)
very restful, peaceful and sensuous scene with ..............(17) wonderful subdued colours in
..............(18) grey-green tones. I find it rather beautiful.

IV. Complete the sentences in your own words.

1. Although I wasn´t interested in art much,..............................................................................

2. After leaving university I would like to find a job. However,.................................................

3. I ordered the taxi for 5 o´clock but it didn´t come until 5:30. As a result, .............................
4. The new job will give me a great opportunity to travel abroad. In addition,...........................
5. In spite of his serious disease................................................................................................

V. Complete the text putting the verbs in the box into active or passive voice.
One example has been done for you.

disappear join not succeed return marry teach hold

introduce write try

Amy Johnson – the first woman pilot to fly to Australia

Amy Johnson ...joined....... the London Aeroplane Club when she was still a schoolgirl. There,
she ......................................(1) how to service planes and she .........................................(2) to a
pilot called Jim Mollison, who .....................................(3) the record for a flight to Australia.
In 1930, Amy ......................................(4) to beat his record. She .........................................(5),
but she was still the first woman to fly to Australia. When she .....................................(6), she
and Jim Mollison .....................................(7). Amy was very popular and a song
.................................(8) about her: Amy, wonderful Amy! Her death is a mystery. During the
war, in 1941, she and her aeroplane ......................................(9) into the sea.

VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

My dear Mr Livens,

Since I have been here in Paris I have thought of you and your work very often. You will
remember that I liked your colour, your ideas on art and literature, and I add, most of all your
personality. I have already thought that I ought to let you know what I was doing and where I
was. I find living in Paris much more expensive than in Antwerp. Because I don´t know what
your circumstances are, I dare not say: “Come over to Paris from Antwerp”, without warning
you. You know, everything is so expensive here, and that if poor, one has to suffer many
things - as you may imagine. But on the other hand, there is more chance of selling. There is
also a good chance of exchanging pictures with other artists. There is much to be seen here -
for instance Delacroix, to name only one master. In Antwerp I didn´t even know who the
Impressionists were, now I have seen them, and though not being one of the club yet, I much
admire certain impressionists´ pictures - Degas nude figure - Claude Monet landscape......

Yours truly, Vincent

1. Vincent doesn´t live in Paris any more. _____

2. Vincent strongly disagrees with Mr Liven´s ideas on art. _____
3. Vincent used to live in Antwerp in the past. _____
4. For an artist it is better to work and sell paintings in Antwerp. _____
5. Vincent is impressed by Monet´s painting very much. _____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. President jezdí všude autem s neprůstřelným sklem, aby byl chráněn před možnými

2. Majitel domu řekl, že zloděj vytáhl nůž a pokoušel se na něj zaútočit.


3. Vždy jsem toužil po hezkém obrazu krajiny do jídelny v mém bytě.


4. Jak vypadají turecké bankovky a mince?


5. Všechny výrobky této společnosti by měly být doručeny zákazníkům do týdne.


I. Use should or shouldn´t + past infinitive to express advice in the following sentences.

I didn´t pass my exam in maths. You should have studied harder.

1. I didn´t get the job I wanted so much.

2. I had a serious problem but I didn´t know who could help me.
3. I was very sleepy at work today. I stayed up long last night.

4. I didn´t win that competition.
5. I´ve put on weight a lot recently.

II. Fill the gaps with a suitable word. One example has been done for you.

Dear Mr Benton,
I saw your ...advertisement... for a business journalist in today´s Guardian newspaper. I am
................................(1) in the job very much and I think that I have many of the necessary
I .................................(3) politics and modern languages at Oxford university. I am
.....................................(4) in French, German and Spanish. I have ...............................(5)
widely in Europe and South America, and I have ..................................(6) as a business
journalist for the BBC ................................(7) the last five years.
I ....................................(8) a copy of my curriculum vitae. I .............................................(9) to
hearing from you soon. Please let me know if you need more .........................................(10).

Yours sincerely
Nancy Mann

III. Complete the sentences using Past Conditional and Past Perfect.

We wouldn´t have got (not get) the contract if I hadn´t done (not do) the research.

1. If I .................................................(know) that, I .....................................................................

(not go) there.
2. If he ...............................................(not panic), the plane ........................................................
(not crashed).
3. If I ..................................................(study) harder, I ..................................................(pass)
all my exams.
4. If she.................................................(not spend) all her money on clothes, she
.........................................................(save) some money for the trip.
5. If I......................................................(not lose) my camera, I ......................................(make)
many beautiful pictures of this place.
6. If he ..........................................(learn) foreign languages, he .................................................
(be able to communicate) fluently now.

IV. Answer the questions.

1. What would you have done if you hadn´t started to study at the Military academy?
2. Do you think it is acceptable to tell white lies when you´re applying for a job?

3. What would you advise a person who is going to apply for a job?
4. Have you ever tried any kind of unusual dangerous sports? If so, describe how you felt. If
not, would you try any? Why? Why not?
5. What would you have done if you hadn´t had good marks at school?

V. Complete the sentences using appropriate prepositions.

...At... last she managed to find a good job.

1. When I told her the bad news she burst ...................... tears.
2. Paula is responsible ................... that project we´re now working .....................
3. When I was applying .................. that job as a trainee ................... the first place, I didn´t
notice the reference ................... German .................. the advertisement.
4. Next month we´re thinking .............. coming down .............. London .............. a weekend.
5. I am going ................ a course .............. the autumn, which should be specialized
6. My friend is very good .............. playing tennis but he is hopeless ............. volleyball.
7. I am replying............the advertisement ...........The Times ............12 May ............. a
company interpreter.
8. He congratulated Marilyn ............ passing her exam.

VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

Pearl came from a wealthy family and although she had a very good job in management, she
never needed to work for living. When she was thirty, her grandfather died and left her a
fortune. She thought for a long time about what to do with it, then decided to do a number of
different things.
First, she decided not to give up her job, but to keep working. She also decided to give some
of the money to a charity for the protection of birds. She invested about a third of the total
sum in a friend´s rapidly expanding computer firm. She gave a small percentage to strangers
who heard about her good luck and wrote begging letters. She spent some of it on a round the
world cruise. She bought herself a modest holiday home in Jamaica. She didn´t keep any of it
in the bank, but hid quite a large amount of it in different places around her home: under the
bed, in cupboards, etc.

1. Although Pearl had a lot of money, her family wasn´t very rich. _____
2. She knew immediately what to do with money she inherited. _____
3. She lost some money, which she had invested in a friend´s firm. _____
4. There occurred some people who asked her for money. _____
5. She spent some of her money on the journey round the world on a ship. _____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Kdyby nebyl jel tak rychle, možná by ten řidičský průkaz býval dostal.

2. Tento typ výcvikového kurzu zahrnuje výstup na strmou skálu a jízdu na kánoi po řece se
silným proudem.

3. Práce, o kterou jsem se ucházel, je velice podnětná a zajímavá.


4. Možná bychom byli tu soutěž vyhráli, kdybychom věnovali více času tréninku.

5. Byl jsem vyslán na dvoutýdenní kurz do Vídně, který byl zaměřený na zdokonalení
komunikativních dovedností.

I. Organise these words into 4 groups. There are four words in each group. One example has
been done for you.

ginger bumble bee hedgehog crocodile cockroach daisy violet ant

wasp oak lizard donkey whale frog turtle squirell

Insects Mammals Reptiles Plants

_____________ _____________ crocodile ____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ ____________

II. Complete the sentences using used to, be used to, get used to.

I found it difficult to live in England, because I... wasn´t used to living ...(live) in a foreign

1. When I was a child I ..................................................(go) for a walk to the countryside very

2. Every night I ..............................................(read) a book or .............................(watch) TV.
3. After a couple of months he ...................................................(live) in a different
environment of south Africa.
4. People in Great Britain .....................................................................(drive) on the left.
5. Immediately I ...................................................................(wear) a suit for work.
6. In the past my father .....................................................(have) a moustache but then he
shaved it off.

III. Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the box in a correct form.

remedy sickness recover suffer bite itchy pills cure cough

From time to time my sister... suffers ...from depression.

1. Many people are ......................................... by mosquitoes in summer.

2. Do you know the ........................................ for this illness?
3. I must scratch all over my body. I feel very ............................................
4. If you have bronchitis you usually ........................................ a lot.
5. Have you ever suffer from travel .........................................?
6. If you have a fever and a headache, you should take some .......................................
7. I hope scientists will soon find the way how to ............................... some incurable diseases.
8. After a month my grandmother ..................................... from the heart attack.

IV. Fill in the gaps. One example has been done for you.

Noun Adjective Verb

1. decision _______________ decide

2. invention _______________ _______________

3.______________ _______________ destroy

4.______________ special _______________

5.______________ _______________ impress

6. success _______________ _______________

7.______________ _______________ change

V. Finish the sentences in your own words.

1. Unless we do something about our environment, ....................................................................

2. If you want to get that job, .......................................................................................................
3. Unless we find the remedy for cancer, .....................................................................................
4. In the past I used to ..................................................................................................................
5. I would never get used to .........................................................................................................

VI. Read the text. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

Researchers are finding out about the disease-fighting and life improving powers of everyday
foods. People who live in the Mediterranean countries are, in general, impressively healthy.
Some features of their cuisine - the reliance on fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, for
instance, are all part of a healthy diet. But others aren´t. For example, there is the „French
paradox“. The French eat as much saturated fat as the English, but the death rate from heart
disease for French men is only about 30% of that for English men. Some researchers say this
protection from heart disease is largely because of wine. In south-western France, the average
man drinks two to three glasses of wine, mostly red, every day with meals. Most
epidemiologists accept that moderate alcohol consumption - around two drinks a day -
probably has a protective effect on heart. But too much is obviously bad for you.

1. Scientists are finding out now new remedies for certain diseases. _____
2. The food of Mediterraneans is generally healthy and diet. _____
3. Although French eat as much fat as English,
they tend to have more heart diseases than English. _____
4. The more wine you drink, the healthier you will be. _____

VII. Translate the sentences.

1. Některé živočišné druhy jsou v naší zemi chráněné, protože jich mnoho již ve volné přírodě

2. Jako dítě jsem často navštěvoval své příbuzné na venkově.


3. V Řecku jsem si musel zvyknout spát pod lehkou přikrývkou u otevřeného okna.

4. Pravidelně chodím na prohlídky k lékaři, abych tak předešel možným chorobám.

5. Zajímají tě současné celosvětové problémy týkající se životního prostředí?


1.became 2.kept 3.stole 4.let 5.threw 6.bit 7.caught 8.dreamt 9.won 10.grew

1.could 2.rode 3.went 4.ate 5.fell 6. lost 7.thought 8.paid

III. having 2.will use seeing 4. will help 5.will change flying 7.will be

1.nervous 2.disappointed 3.great 4.scared stiff 5.worried 6.delighted 7.awful 8.excited

1.e) 2.f) 3.a) 4.g) 5.c) 6.d) 7.b)

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T

1. I felt very embarrassed when I was talking about my boss and he entered the room.
2. I don’t think that in the future people will drive so much but they will use public transport.
3. Every day I try to revise everything I have learnt in the lesson.
4. Next week I am visiting my relatives in Prague. I haven’t seen them for several years.
5. Do you remember your first day at school?

Stress on 1st syllable – secretary, vegetable, necessary, interesting
Stress on 2nd syllable – policeman, democracy, photographer, reliable
Stress on 3rd syllable – engineer, probability, Japanese, magazine

1.the largest 2.more realistic 3.the longest 4.the most beautiful 5.more difficult 6.stronger
7.the most intelligent 8.safer

1. There was some furniture in the room.
2. Shall I help you to carry your suitcases?
3. It’s very quiet in this area. There aren’t many cars.
4. There isn’t much accommodation to rent in this town.
5. Nowadays, there aren’t many jobs for school leavers.
6. We have to buy some office equipment.

IV. 2.on 7.about 8.on

Sample answers
1. People sometimes scream when they are terrified.
2. I wouldn’t like to be a politician because he has to speak in the public.
3. They usually whisper when they don’t want anyone to hear.
4. I think in twenty years people will be more concerned about environmental problems.
5. When I’m studying English I usually try to write all new words I hear.

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F

1. Can you pass me today’s newspaper? I have not had a chance to read it yet.
2. We do not have enough room in the car to take them with us.
3. We need to gain some further information about the accident.
4. Do you know anybody who is able to explain to me what has happened here?
5. His presentation caused an unpleasant and tense situation.

Sport facilities – court, playground, stadium, swimming pool
Sport equipment – net, racket, trainers, javelin
Leisure activities – crossword puzzles, playing cards, walking in the countryside, listening to
Sport and games – skiing, cycling, ice-hockey, football

II. No set answers.

1.spending encourage 3.doing do 5.working/to work 6. to go 7.waiting 8.not to

1.c) 2.g) 3.h) 4.b) 5.e) 6.a) 7.i) 8.f) 9.d)

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F

1.interest 2.boredom 3.frightening 4.optimism 5.knowlegeable 6.confidence
7.competitive 8.kindness 9.laziness 10.successful

1. Although Tom is an Olympic athlete, he is still very shy when he is supposed to talk in the
2. You can learn how to play golf very quickly, but you will definitely spend years improving
your technique.
3. According to the recent research, the difference between men and women in athletics will
4. In the winter I go skiing every weekend, but it depends on the weather first of all.
5. I always felt embarrassed that I could not swim, that is why I decided to learn it properly.


1.sections 2.agreement 3.tabloid newspapers 4.obituary 5.forecast 6.performance
7.election 8.scoop

1.wore worn 2.fought fought 3.shone shone 4.stood stood 5.rang rung 6.drove driven
7.knew known 8.thought thought 9.lay lain 10.bit bitten

1.did you do 2. have you heard 3.have already read 4.finished 5. have lost 6.was built
7.have ridden 8.have lived 9.has visited 10.didn’t disturb

1.with 2.from 3.for 4.about 5.on 8.on

1.e) 2.a) 3.f) 4.g) 5.d) 6.b) 7.c)

No set answers.

1. I am thinking of arranging a subscription to the newspaper for next year.
2. If you compare this film with her last one, you will see a big difference in the quality.
3. This magazine is aimed for the middle-aged women.
4. I have never thought of living in a foreign country.
5. When I was younger I devoted to sport more than nowadays.

1.nephew 2.sister-in-law 3.stepbrother 4.aunt 5.father-in-law 6.cousins 7.great

1.for 2.on 4.about 5.from 6.with
1.less strict 2.urgent help 3.I have worked 4.I might go 5.I borrowed 6.parents who 7.the
children´s father 8. it definitely isn´t

1.f) 2.h) 3.g) 4.j) 5.i) 6.d) 7.k) 8.b) 9.e) 10.c) 11.a)

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F

Sample answers.
1. In ten years´ time I will be definitely married.
2. Next year I might go to Greece on holiday.

3. My English is likely to improve because I´m studying hard every day.
4. In my private life I doubt if I settle down one day.
5. In the next five years, I definitely won´t have a child.

1. Although I have been together with Dan only for several months, I cannot imagine the life
without him.
2. Parentship means big responsibility because it involves upbringing children.
3. If you want to play tennis with us regularly, you should arrange the club membership.
4. Next year I might go for a half year stay to Great Britain.
5. Who from your family do you get on well with?

1.decided 2.left 3.was raining 4.landed 5.was shining 6.was blowing 7.took 8.was signing
9.tapped 10.couldn’t 11.was staying 12.went 13.saw 14.was getting 15.returned 16.spent
17.felt 18.ended

1.k) 2.i) 3.j) 4.b) 5.g) 6.f) 7.e) 8.a) 9.h) 10.d) 11.c)

1.cut himself 2.enjoyed themselves 3.look after ourselves 4.introduce yourself 5.burnt
herself 6.teach yourself

1.get mugged bitten 3.get dressed lost 5. getting married attacked

1.look it up 2.was taking off 3.fill in 4.put out 5.throw away 6.try on 7.find out 8.turn it

1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F
1. Before starting the car you should fasten your seat belt.
2. Jumping in a queue is unacceptable in/under any circumstances.
3. While I was having dinner with my family, my boss called me to come to the office
4. According to the present research, children are brought up mainly by their mothers.
5. When Jim was coming back home in the evening, he fell asleep behind the steering wheel
and crashed into a tree.

1.d) 2.f) 3.e) 4.h) 5.c) 6.b) 7.i) 8.j) 9.k) 10.a) 11.g)

1.who/that 2.--- 3.which/that 4.---- 5.---- 6.--- 7.who/that 8.which/that

1.philosopher 2.mathematician 3.athlete 4.interpreter 5.historian 6.artist 7.psychologist

Sample answers
1. I wouldn´t be willing to give up my job.
2. I might find it difficult to learn another foreign language.
3. It would be easier to solve the problem now.
4. I wouldn´t be able to take up another hobby. I´m so busy.
5. It would be horrible to do this amount of work again.

1.have to 2.had to 3.didn’t have to 4.don´t have to 5.had to 6.has to, doesn’t have to

3 5 1 4 2

1. The assistant explained to me how to enroll at/on a computer course.
2. I told John not to disturb me for 2 hours because I need to finish my work.
3. If you pass all the compulsory exams, you can get/gain the final certificate.
4. I´ve never regretted leaving university where I studied philosophy.
5. Good actors have to be talented, creative and agile first of all.

1.lose 3.disagree 4.profit 5.cons 6.practice 7.reveal 8.disadvantage

Asking for permission – I wonder if I could....?
Would it be all right if I ...?
I’d be grateful if you could..
Do you mind if I..?

Refusing – I’m very sorry, but..

I’m afraid it won’t be possible.
I don’t agree with that.
I can’t help you sorry.

Accepting – Yes, sure.

O.K. No problem.
It would be great!

No, I don’t mind it at all.

Sample answers
1.One of the main advantages of being self-employed is that you organize your time.
2. In addition, nobody tells you what to do.
3. Moreover, you can start and finish the work whenever you want.
4. On the other hand, you don´t have much free time.
5. Another disadvantage is that you have to do a lot of paperwork.

1.possible, briefly 2.fix 3.solve, solutions 4.evaluate, reach 5.consult 6.take 7.get, divide

Make – coffee, a speech, an appointment, a mistake, a phone call, a noise
Do – the washing-up, the shopping, someone a favour, the housework, my best, exercises

1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

1. Could we postpone our planned appointment for the next week?
2. The lecture was focused on how to cope with stress at work.
3. Our company has had its ups and downs recently, but now everything is stable and under
4. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to take part in that training course because of my illness.
5. Nowadays my family and my friends have supported me and helped me a lot.

1. The man was arrested by the police outside the street.
2. Most of the Earth’s surface is covered by water.
3. Guests are given a meal and a gift.
4. The roof of the building was damaged by the storm.
5. We were advised not to go out alone.
6. Two hundred people are employed in the company.
7. Many accidents are caused by careless driving.
8. I was accused of stealing money.

1.bride, groom 2.will 3.birth, pregnant 4.adolescence 5.funeral 6.infancy 7.retired

1.have to 2.aren’t allowed to/can’t 3.can’t/aren’t allowed to 4.Can/Could/May/Am I allowed
to 5.have to, may/might 6.don’t have to/needn´t 7.have to 8.had to


No set answers.

2.take care of 3.flat 4.delivered 5.illness 6.senile 7.hard of hearing 8.shout 9.pension
10.hire 11.special service 12.nursing home 13.against

3 5 1 2 4

1. I think that the best time when to take up gardening is in the middle-age.
2. In Wales parents don’t have to send their children to school if they give them sufficient
3. Did you have to show your present employer your diploma when you were applying for a
4. Before settling down and finding a job I would like to live abroad for a couple of years.
5. In the past the majority of young people used to live with their parents until they got

1. speak to 2. isn’t at home 3.he will be back? 4.leave a message 5.bring call me 7.I’ll
tell him

1.c) 2.e) 3.f) 4.g) 5.b) 6.d) 7.a)

1.d) 2.e) 3.g) 4.h) 5.i) 6.j) 7.a) 8.f) 9.c) 10.k) 11.b)

1.As a child I used to play....... 2. ...people used to travel.... 3.O.K. 4.O.K 5....used to
have... 6.....they used to watch.... 7. brother used to visit....

V. his desk 2.incredible idea 3.small expedition 4.wants to speak to 5.will achieve
6.repeating your name 7.make a decision 8.another strategy 9.stepped out 10.real purpose
11.still at lunch a meeting 13.very rarely 14.want to speak

answer phone, physical exercise, department store, pedestrian crossing, traffic lights,
telephone directory, extension number, timetable, burglar alarm

1. Gradually Jack’s condition was getting worse and he became addicted to alcohol.
2. I asked the secretary whether she could put me through the boss.
3. Earlier I used to do a lot of crossword puzzles and I often won a prize.
4. After dialing the wrong telephone number for several times, I called the directory enquiries.

5. Recently more than 50 workers have been sacked/ dismissed from the factory.

Sample answers
1. pencil, paper clips, ruler,...
2. hi-fi, CD player, cassette recorder,...
3. printer, mouse, floppy, .....
4. motorcycle, bus, tram,...
5. blouse, T-shirt, jeans,..
6. dishwasher, microwave, kettle
7. sandals, high-heel shoes, boots

1.will regret, don´t buy, will ask 3.don´t work, won´t feel 4.will you do, there is 5.
lose, won´t be able, won´t be able

1. have milk delivered 2.had my hair cut 3.have presents gift-wrapped 4.have it shortened
5.have my car cleaned 6.had the film developed

1.breakable 2.edible 3.lockable 4.unbreakable 5.portable 6.unreliable 7.disposable 8.

1. will 2.won´t 3.might 4.might 5.will 6.might

2 4 3 5 1

1. The parcel that I received last week was damaged.
2. If you buy a camera in a shop, the sales assistant might ask you whether you want a film.
3. Is it common in your country that you have a phone installed within a week?
4. I had my car windows cleaned at a petrol station.
5. Tomorrow I´ll take the kettle back to the shop and demand a refund.

I. 2.blows 4.winds 5.snows 6.dry 7.spell 8.vital 9.heavy 10.humid


1.rarely/seldom 2.very/really 3.completely/absolutely 4.absolutely 5.completely

1.e) 2.g) 3.f) 4.j) 5.h) 6.k) 7.c) 8.i) 9.a) 10.b) 11.d)

1.with 2.the 4.lots 5.than 9.built 10.which 11.spent

No set answers.

1.No, badminton 3.No quiet routes vitamin supplement

1. Things that I don´t need very often I keep either in the spacious basement or in the attic.
2. Yesterday it was cloudy and rainy, in some parts there were violent storms in Scotland.
3. A tennis court measures approximately 300 square metres.
4. I would rather get rid of the old furniture or sell it to a second-hand shop.
5. In town I´ve met an old friend of mine who has been living in Australia for more than 20

People - thief, pickpocket, victim, judge
Places - court, prison, jail, site of a crime
Verbs - commit, steal, protect, arrest
Type of crime - theft, robbery, murder, assault

1.reduced, would be 2.would happen, revealed 3.lost, wouldn´t be 4.would you do, won
5.stayed, would spend 6.would you mind, opened 7.took, would feel 8.walked, would be

1. The people that we met at the party were friendly.
2. We stayed at the hotel that Tom recommended to us.
3. Barbara works for a company which produces washing machines.
4. We know a lot of people who live in London.
5. This morning I met an old friend of mine who I haven´t seen for ages.
6. My office that I´m using at the moment is very small.

1.police station 2.fine 3.punished 4.defendant 5.jail/prison 6.witness 7.burglary

Sample answers
1. In prison you´re locked in your room, whereas in hospital you can go wherever you want.

2. Going to the cinema is different from going to the theatre in that you usually wear an
evening dress to the theatre.
3. Wind is similar to gale, except that gale is much stronger and more violent.
4. Burglary is a crime against property, whereas manslaughter is a crime against humanity.
5. Interpreting is similar to translating, except that interpreting involves an immediate reaction
of a speaker.

1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

1. This is the criminal who stole some jewellery which was found in a car park.
2. The majority of crimes are committed by young offenders, some of whom are even under
3. If young people spent more time in leisure centres, the criminality would be reduced.
4. Do you know anyone who has already been burgled?
5. The most frequent crime in this area has been smuggling drugs and blackmail recently.

1.the 3.from 4.of 6.person/fellow 7.although 8.other 10.who
12.but 13.say

1.arrived, found, had broken 2.was, got, had gone, realized, had left 4.went, hadn´t
been 5.arrived, had begun 6.offered, wasn´t hungry, had had

1.agreement 2.death 3.memorize 4.enjoyable 5.suspiciously 6.creativity 7.cancelled

1.c) 2.d) 3.i) 4.a) 5.h) 6.g) 7.b) 8.f) 9.e)

No set answers.

2 4 5 1 3

1. They introduced me a new colleague Simon, but I was sure I had met him before.
2. Soldiers were creeping across a large field to approach/get closer to the enemy.
3. When I was walking through the park, I bumped into an old friend of mine.
4. On my way home I had a puncture, so I had to go on foot, and then I had my bike repaired.
5. In Spain I liked high white cliffs on the shore, sandy beaches and green valleys in the
mountains the most.

1.has been running/jogging 2.have you been learning/studying 3.have you ever been 4.I
have known 5.have you been waiting 6.I have already eaten/had

1.not to tell 2.clean/to clean cooperate congratulate 6.leaving post stay

1.i) 2.e) 3.f) 4.c) 5.h) 6.b) 7.a) 8.g) 9.d)

1.was 2.had to 3.was walking 4.noticed 5.realized 6.had met 7.had just missed 8.knew
9.recognize 10.told 11.studied 12.´m 13.are you doing 15.´ve lived 16.don´t
believe 17.´ve been 18.´ve never seen

1.pass 2.pick 3.lose 4.that 5.fuss 6.desperate

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F

1. If a colleague of mine is having a really hectic day, I offer to help him with his work.
2. Every time I see someone who is depressed I try to talk to them and cheer them up.
3. Lucy has already been working for this company for 5 years.
4. Sometimes I have rows with my colleagues, but most of the time I get on well with them.
5. Have you ever given someone a lift in your car on a rainy day?

1.c) 2.d) 3.e) 4.f) 5.a) 6.g) 7.b)

1. I wish I had my car here.
2. I have never been to England. Neither have I.
3. I won´t tell the secret to anybody.
4. I realized I had left my umbrella in a shop.
5. What is the weather like in your country?
6. I´m looking forward to going on holiday.


1.disobedient 2.harmless 3.disorganized 4.unpleasant 5.insufficient 6.unhelpful
7.unreliable 8.informal

Sample answers
1.I wish it was Friday. 2.I wish I had an air conditioning here. 3.I wish I finished it. 4.I wish
I had a lot of money. 5.I wish I was in bed/on holiday. 6.I wish I had curly hair.

1.Neither have I. 2.So can I. 3.So did I. 4.Neither have I. 5.So am I. 6.Neither do I.

1.something 2.anybody 3.everybody 4.nobody 5.anything 6.nothing 7.anyone

1. What would you do if someone asked you for money? I probably wouldn´t give them any.
2. We hardly ever read English books in our lessons.
3. I wish I didn´t have to go to work and could only relax.
4. I think I deserve my salary increase. I will go and tell my boss about it.
5. The Carter family moved to Bristol in 1993 and they have lived there ever since.

1. bottles 2.sack box 5.jar 6.bowl 7.packets 8.cartons

1.had 2.a 3.make/earn 4.which 5.sank 6.managed 7.reached 8.else 10.about
11.with 12.himself 13.sail 14.there 16.already 17.when 18.being 19.called 20.later

power agreement
simplicity advertise
elegance endanger
mysterious entertainment
glamorous change
knowledgeable reduction
luxurious reference

1.loads of/hundreds of 2.many, a few 3.much 4.a little 5.several/many/a few

No set answers

1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F

1. Before going on a package holiday I try to find out all the information about the place of
my stay.
2. This original advertisement on the perfume is connected with softness and elegance.
3. We need to buy a loaf of bread, a tin of tuna, a packet of flour and a bottle of some fizzy
4. I often tend to criticize people who can´t clearly express what they think.
5. If you had to invite 20 people to a garden party, what meal and drink would you provide?

1.Jo advised me to see the doctor.
2. Sally warned her son not to play with matches.
3. I agreed to invite the neighbours to the party.
4. The man begged us to help him.
5. Jane promised to sort out the problem.
6. I reminded him to call the dentist´s.
7. My son offered to carry my case.
8. The soldier ordered them to shut up and sit down.
9. She refused to speak to him.
10. They invited us to go for a drink.

1. They asked if I wanted to go for a drink.
2. They told their parents they had decided to get married.
3. She asked me how many times I had been to the United States.
4. He told me he wouldn´t be able to leave until seven o´clock.
5. She said she couldn´t swim very well.
6. They told me they had taken a taxi to the station.
7. They said their luggage had been damaged.
8. They said they might stay until the weekend.

Economy - inflation rate, redundancies, trade agreement, riots
Politics - making a speech, foreign policy, election defeat, ministerial row
Natural disasters - flood, drought, earthquake, famine

1.independent 2.aim 3.prison 5.religion 6.trials 7.pressure 8.operation 9.countries
10.prizes 11.handle 12.donations

No set answers.

1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

1. The coming election might/could bring either victory or defeat of the Democratic party.
2. Recently more than fifty employees from the car factory have been made redundant.
3. During the interview I was asked if I had done that kind of work before.
4. He asked me where the nearest bank was and how he could get there.
5. Last year this area was affected by destructive floods, which caused some casualties and
huge loss of property.

1.They can´t give you your money back if you haven´t got a receipt.
2. Visitors should keep their dogs on a lead.
3. You must give the right money and say where you´re going.
4. I´m sorry to say that I can´t come to the reception.
5. Could I possibly take a week off at the end of May?

1.Can I ask a question?
2.I told her that I would be late for dinner.
3.He wanted the hotel to refund his money.
4. I would do anything possible to avoid taking the plane.
5. We had better not stay too long at the party.
6. My neighbour asked me when we were coming back from holiday.
7. The brochure consists of much/ lots of useful information.

1.stammer 2.thread, argument 3.blank 4.jargon 5.long-winded 6.sweat 7.anxiety

IV. wake 3.jogging go have 6. play get meeting

Sample answers.
1. You should/ ought to go to your teacher and ask him.
2. You should/ ought to borrow from your friend or parents.
3. You should/ ought to/ had better go to bed now.
4. You should/ ought to do the shopping first.
5. You should/ ought to have it repaired.

No set answers.

1. Let me congratulate you on your successful graduation from university.

2. When talking in front of the audience, don´t be afraid to look at your notes from time to
3. Have you ever spoken English continuously for more than 15 minutes?
4. You had better not leave your car here – you might pay a fine.
5. When I was applying for a job the interviewer asked me about my educational background
and professional experience.

1.forgery 2.portrait 3.scenery 4.exhibition, gallery 5.reproduction

1. All drawings of the people have to be done by the artist from memory.
2. Entrance fees shouldn’t be charged to people on low incomes.
3. This private art collection can’t be visited by public.
4. The health condition of patients must be regularly checked by their doctors.
5. This wonderful piece of work will be always remembered by many people.
6. A very valuable painting from the town gallery has been stolen by two thieves.

1.a 2.- 3.- 4.the 5.- 6.a 7.the 9.a 10.a 11.- 12.the 13.a 14.the 15.a 16.a 17.- 18.-

Sample answers
1. Although I wasn’t interested in art much, I decided to go to the art gallery with my friend.
2. After leaving university I would like to find a job. However, I might go to great Britain for
a couple of months.
3. I ordered the taxi for 5 o’clock but it didn’t come until 5:30. As a result, I came late for the
4. The new job will give me a great opportunity to travel abroad. In addition, I will get more
money than in my previous job.
5. In spite of his serious disease he managed to get out of the house and call the police.

1.was taught 2.was introduced 3.held 4.tried 5.didn’ t succeed 6.returned 7.were married
8.was written 9.disappeared

1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T

1. The president goes everywhere in a car with bullet-proof windows to be protected from
possible assassins.
2. The owner of the house said that the burglar had pulled out a knife and tried to attack him.
3. I have always longed for a nice landscape painting for the dining room in my flat.
4. What do the bank notes and coins look like in Turkey?

5. All the products of this company should be delivered to customers within a week.

Sample answers
1. You should have worn better clothes.
2. You should have come and talked to me.
3. You shouldn´t have stayed up so long.
4. You should have trained more.
5. You shouldn´t have eaten so much.

1.interested 2.qualifications 3.studied 4.fluent 5.travelled 6.worked 7.for 8.enclose
9.look forward 10.information

1.had known, wouldn’t have gone 2.hadn´t panicked, wouldn´t have crashed 3. had studied,
would have passed 4. hadn´t spent, would have saved 5.hadn´t lost, would have made 6.had
learnt, would have been able to communicate

No set answers.

1.into 2.for, on 3.for, in, to, in 4.of, to, for 5.on, in, in, at, in, of, for 8.on

1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T

1. If he hadn´t driven so fast, he might have got his driving licence.
2. This sort of training course includes climbing up a steep rock and canoeing in a river with a
strong current.
3. The job I applied for is very challenging and interesting.
4. We might have won the competition if we had spent more time training.
5. I was sent on a 2-week course to Vienna which was designed to improve communicative

Insects - bumble bee, wasp, ant, cockroach
Mammals - squirrel, hedgehog, donkey, whale
Reptiles - crocodile, lizard, frog, turtle
Plants - ginger, oak, violet, daisy


1. used to go 2. am used to reading and watching 3. got used to living 4. are used to driving
5. got used to wearing 6. used to have

1. bitten 2. remedy 3. itchy 4. cough 5. sickness 6. pills 7. cure 8. recovered

1.decision, decisive, decide
2. invention, inventive, invent
3. destruction, destructive, destroy
4. speciality/specialization, special, specialize
5. impression, impressive, impress
6. success, successful, succeed
7. change, changeable, change

Sample answers
1. Unless we do something about our environment, in a couple of years we won´t be able to
live on Earth at all.
2. If you want to get that job, you will have to learn English.
3. Unless we find the remedy for cancer, more and more people will die every year.
4. In the past I used to ride a bike a lot, but now I don´t have much time for it.
5. I would never get used to living in such an isolated place.

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F

1. Some animal species are protected in our country because there are not many of them in the
wild environment.
2. As a child I often used to visit my relatives in the country.
3. In Greece, I had to get used to sleeping under a light blanket and by an opened window.
4. I regularly go to see the doctor for a check-up to prevent possible diseases.
5. Are you interested in current environmental problems of the world?


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