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sd serations Review De arent gullies fu eprint rery bie ou sutures atin The el pace a peer ve rconnendatn proved hee tn genera the rguiernent for a cae paper tele extensive ang tit than those fora thesis or daetaton, Such papers uly hee fever eaten, ad nce they ate ot Hel tobe bound e rene ‘may be expected to folow certain guidelines set by your intro suggested nee 2 z "Tis spend acum hat you wil prepare Yur pape on om per and submit san lc ley hard coy, oF beth Aho, owt pocesing programe vary, most canbe used to st mares, ‘amber page pac snd urbe fotos and invert bln 3 gies ‘coring the gullies nhs append If you ae following specie babes forma cael aginst hose gainer before rman General Format Requirements Thi sectonsddrerts gener format iss that appt your paper tnatrruvement, ee As. Your inroce, epertnent,o nies ‘hay have gullies that iter fram the aie ofere er fe, thot Neary pepsin the United State re produced on stander page of bps inches Lee main of leat ne inch om al four eae the pag Fra thesis or deration intended tobe oud, youmy mee tolawe signer margin onthe le sée—oualy = inchs. esate hat any materi paced in headers of footersncing ape umber ander enters eA. fallewithn the agin ec fein yourlacal gids, ‘Typeface Choate a single, eadebl, end widely vale typeface (so cle commen typelace, you may need to embed the font inthe electron it ‘sid oramentl typefaces which an dtc reader and make Yur ork sem ee serious (for the characterises f pei peices Robert Bight, The Hemons of Tsp Si font Rober, Uh: ary and Marks, zou) in ener use test e-paper shiy cel point type forthe ody ofthe tet. Footnotes or endnote, eating and ote mena might requ other tp sae, check ost Spacing and Indentation besingespaced Hock quotations oe 25.22) fhe ee an ure apo f tet nappendies ‘Te lowing tens sould be saglerpced ineolly bt with 1 corsa elon nthe ont matter ie A) fcuding the be of enters and any Unt of gress or Doeriions 1 biographies orrference iat Sone deparments runes low orgie singe spacing or ce anda hf pce betwown tines nthe body othe text. Check our Joel pieties Pu ony one pce na wo flaming the terminal pancraion of sentence Uae ae onde ae than pace fr paragraph de tion and otber content requiring consent alpment loc quctationt ave teow rule for indentation, depending on wheter they are prove orporty ee 35.23) Pagination ‘age Number pages in the body ofthe paper and the back matter with Sahc numerals artng on the ft page af xt page= You cous the ‘ie pa) Ifpou ae wrtng thse or daseraon, number font mater sp ray fom the ret of the tert. any word procenar bve factions ‘och as section res hat an compli hea) 1 Font matter incides the tide page and various ther Slenents se ‘Aas Number thee pape coneruely wh loweeae rm nner le eee ble a.) ry page front ater exept the sob ‘sson page ie uta counted numbering but nolo thee paget ne numbers lpiyed ob them. Deparents and nies ofan ‘our ot flow the ines deseo nthe sppencin ‘Th at ofthe et, ncoing ck mnt eA) tbe cn. sete with abe namarae (uly tring Wt oa your these or desertion wry long and pape copy wl te bound, your departnntor nies tay bind In ple vlmes pero well a any spc requirements or bering ma ruacenevr, Peg numbers re usually placed none of fo ostink: ‘Sentero rh ight nthe er a the Bottom ofthe page) oc teed lath ight in the ede he topo the pas). For le pope, ‘eee coef thee ations el eow consent "dna, page number for ease and erations have bey paced in diferent loeatone depending onthe pa of the Papert Shown in the samples nti apped. nth fra foot matter page pagesinthe acta backer ‘eas, such ae the ist page chapter or an appendix ny deparents a universes have slated thane incione nd ow see content placement of page nambarsCrovghot + ‘hess or dceration. Same pecs oation wile others lew Joas ‘hoe nay psn, th umber shoul bea at half an ine om tounge to init ietiing information besides the page number In ade ote Fora casper our insactar ay a2 oo hmm Forlonge papers chapter orci es bp ent Op ttackof thse nthe tet The requirement for beater ae fo tein theres and deeratons ay consl your laa ule. Ties Depending ont complet your paper may const of many lens ‘oe the ste typace, pes an formating olface lc) forthe tite fie eens In general ed nleae your lca de ‘method cals fr fl capitalization but this has the undesirable eect of ‘On the te peg, center each lent and use hea se cp tatzaton fr al incadng he eof our pope, (ou lod guidelines ‘nay require sentence capalzaon forthe eof our pape soe as forthe wos) Ties forthe on and bac mater ae lo typi centred at are chaper number designations and chapter tle For chapter ties, soe ‘Alluch elements maybe na larger ye ze than the ext of our gourocal guidlines ae ele Jou may ue dferent yporapy 15 you ae consistent. Tite of lage dvsions (prs, chapeers should prominent when grr contre (rbot) in bale rita pe. er ialed sentence le "The most efclent way to ensure consetency in Ue eo ute your word pocesrto define nd apply a unique le peng pete, Tie pani, ie sping and ofr foreach pe of tie See les Fema Requirements for Spec ments Utes rand A ae paps drown fom dseratons writen ate Uni {jie tnd format recommenda in the manual your nero, eparaent o university bas ape gldlines tht fer om these sample they take precedence hin (3) ont mate) the tent of Ue paper oe ex back vary. depending on your pape Ina cas paper the ont mater il rabably Bea sng le page ‘andthe back materjurtaBBlogaphy or ference it. “Te ont mater of your thei or iseraton nay inca mee a, fhe flowing werent Deparment nd univers Ul Prve ‘peste drecons forthe onder of elements: yous doe now he fp rao seuny athe Sat page fhe doce Hit appt int on ‘ont does ot beara poge number ands ot counted in paging te “he submison page sates thatthe pope as ben subnted n pa lle ofthe requemets for an MA or PD dere (he word fg varie) and ncades space forthe spatres of the extinng onmnite embers ost departments en universe provide model ‘Steen page that shouldbe allowed erat fr wording an for ineleconic bison the natures may ned tobe omit. ‘ssa TITLE AGE. Cas papers should bela wih tide page ut some pt ‘he tide onthe st page of the tet cou your instructor Place ‘Boe ofthe paper a hn of the way down the page ill creed (Gee 5. paper nes both un ie nd abit pt he mn leona signe lowed by clon, ane bepn the ions line with an inceveing ine space. Sera ne Below I ace Your name long with any information requested by your instruct, uch 8 ‘he coue tide cing deparment sn mber andthe dt. ‘ue A shows asemple tle pge ora an pape Fer oat uch oper ora these or drortion, most departments sh universes po ‘ide mode tle pages tat sould be flowed ena for wording st form Otherse ue gure Az ar ode Cou the pape a8 Page ‘td not pr tnt ber on sn mare than on ome ne A), ou wll probly need roe ‘ bepart te page for each volun. Const ou lel pdlnes. ‘azas convaionrpkot,Inathese or deer ise copeght pag a ‘on it unless directed by your loca guidlines. Inchide the copyright 1o- ‘ener the btn ofthis page, ually Mush ein this orm Ce 20 Yar None : venareed ‘tring aie Pa Re ee ‘ou ned nt apy fora formal copyright. However in cane of fragment formal eemation provides waonal proteins For mare {nformatin ce chaper in he Chinge Mana of Spe (6 ed, 2010), toication, your department or univers allows ddistins, ou Thay inde» bet one to acknowledge someone whs has ben ep ‘aly import 9 you. Coun the ddan poe in aginating the font matin but oot pots page amber on ule cece by ou" Seelpidline, lace the deticton ir of te way dows, usally ‘need and et in rman type wih no tril punctatin, Yeu ‘eed not nce the weeds denon o eit imply ‘You may densify he peron to whom you dada the werk (7 my Father, Sbutan Wale") and give other information suche Br eh dee snicaana, tf your department or university allows engeps, you may ice lf oe in adion oor nse of dedication egg ‘quotation tat enablers theme of tl paps is os Pp ‘Swen ts words ar expecially stings que’ capture te spit ejour wort. Count te epgng pein paging he font mater bat donot pura page amber on tune etd by Your nel plein. “owshould wot nctade te word egaph on he page hac the epph athi of he way down te pag, er centred cr tented se lock gusttion (ee 522) Donat endow en gute tin mar. ive the ours on newline sts ph and proceed byron em dash 2172) Often the sthars name alone sutcent, le nclde the of th work ie 33.3328, the ston, ntscon aldose othe ded ate ane Som vena cnnty tsais Serpe may seo appara the begining ofa captor section: seersagend hea ‘A216 Tame or convents. Alpopers died nt chaps requires tab ot Contant, Number al pope of hs ment with oman mer abe ‘he it pape Cnt he top ofthe page theta of conten ‘more than ee page donot epet the de, Leave two Bsn in be trees the Se and theft tm ted, Single pec odd Rens "re bat as lane afer ach. ete het forthe ne stack mater andthe bape o betwen parte vues fay lene to ak nes “table of contents doesnot lst pages tat pce ic ebmision ap, pgs copyright ran pe doiestion, pap) oth te. Tie of contents ba shoud bein withthe ont mater Doge hat {oo it Fling tenets lt in oder the pts, chapter er nf th and then the element of he bck mater Ifyou ave subeads inthe tet ee 2.24) you ned ot ined them in yor fake of coments Ifyou do Scheer, it nly he Ss vl les furthers re pec enough tog reades an accuse overview of Yyourpaper eure thatthe wording caption, umber [ic Toman, or soli oi) and punctaston of ie and sbheade xe ‘A mach exact thowe inthe paper yu have generate your bie ofcontentssomticly th your word procera check the ‘lve page numbers ony for he ist pug of och ment (2th fl spa of pepe and uae lowerate rman sabe numer a9 he ‘age theese Let pgp mumbers us ph ana you choose ine of periods or dot (eid ede, feature eae em the tab ering of most word procera reader ej rom each eo ‘he page number gue Agshows asample tale of contents for paper with simple ssractre Par sd chapter ties apes sh ith page numbers ‘ah he Forarorecompler pape follow thelog of yur paper opaiton ‘ress our lea gullies requ specie format. gre A shows ‘he oscond page ofa long le of content To distinguish hapa et Sete ndeted alin tothe eto he preceding eel. ‘in mare than one volume, ou may nee to repeat he able of conta. ora atthe vlernt tings fr in ech vole ae he ft ‘on on some eats yor cl ppe ines gure, ables, oot, you may shoo oi hem in the font mater Number al pages of ‘lk is wih rman numeral our pape incest rs oe Chapter a6 for sasnions abl the St page Pare othe top of te Pg inches ony abies, abel ae instead het mare the ite and theft em ted. Single spac nv ite ated, bar kote a lank ie Between stems Figure As shows = sample tof ‘you paper includes both ures and tables, you ay provide sep arate lis foreach, or your local guidelines may allow you t eembine ‘herntoasngl ist theater av Ibe! the at abuts en “he each tbl or igure numer in arabic numerals and weraly sign the lst on the at it you sing double naman (a {igs} ln the number on the decal stead. gue caption and ae ils sold atch the wording capa fersanof thoes inthe pape tl otf they ae very long sore te ‘nado way nhs (See 262-2 and 36.33 or more on abe ee sod gare captone) Lat page numbers ash ight ane you coon, ‘ne ener doe fee A..16) to connect he eaptlons a tiesto page PACE. ma ths rset Jou may ined efaceto ein ‘horeseareh an the purpose ofthe peper The peace ay also ode scents uses thy re merous and ctaled hat ey ‘ether own secon (ee A213) Numeral page of his elament ‘eth oman mare Label the fst pgs Pee a he op ofthe page. ‘nines betwen he le andthe fit ne of text Douespace the text the preface and oma tomate he min ot Aexwowtspenterrs. thes o desertion you may bave «sepa {apis or nant indi intone tet pated ou ‘mater of din ering special equipment sd source material). Yu nay aa be regia to acknowledge the owner of copyrighted mate. altho tan hen you permiesion'o reproduce Ue wor ou only ‘Sknowledgents ae fr tie help by an advisor oa comin, Sede the in the prefte ne abe) or at there enti Number “page the acknowledgments with roman numeral Label the Set [eur Aobuldgments athe top ofthe page Hf he acknowledgments hemor han one page donot rept te te, Leave to Bank ies ‘Etween the tie ad thea ae of et. Double epae te eo the ‘nonladgnenty and fom eto mat the ain ex |A2ta0UlET oF annneviaions. If your thesia of dissertation (or, in some ests your case pope) inches ap unkouel numberof orestns ‘ter dan the common type cused in hapa a4 thee inthe font mater Expl of ere f nla would te abbreviations lor ouces cle frequent ee 164) of for engarizations that are nat ‘cn nwn 413). uber al page of chat wih rom maser abel the fst age Abevton a th top ofthe page the isis more tan one Fa, {not repent tile Lee olan ines berween the ile and thetiat iemlted Single space intel tensed but eaves bln ine be ten tre Piura asamp ofaBeeions (Theta ‘hsampleare alc oni beauoe hy ae ero aed was) ‘Note tat he tems ae srangd alphabetical by the abbreviation, oy the spel ut et The abbots thematve ae sh le pete-ou tenn Gisading snow) ae ot om a consent inde ‘hatalows aout «half ich of pas betwen he longest bbrevaon Inte ft corn and the et word nthe econ clam, |Anme.ossaty, Yourmay need gostary your hee or deertton on ome ese your clas pepe) cles ay foreign words ec {erm and jrote ht nay be unfair your ear Some dear Ines and universities lox ele te goesny tobe paced in he ‘ack ater flr ny appended before the endnotes na big apy or reference you ae fet hoor, putin the ont mat ter only if enere most know the etalon etre he begin ceding ‘thew putin the backer ne A293), i appear inthe font ater, number al page of leary with roman sumer Label heat page Casa at thetop ofthe page he [oeay x more than ae ge, dont repent See, eave Wo Bs Ener beowenn te ties te et tem ted, Single space nao nse inthe tye Metre CDs oc, tnt chapars and sometimes no prs tos, and subateons. Many longer cle papers ar seo divided in hs ay Since most of the txt consists of paragraphs ying ot your Ings tc ae nat sient forthe body ote text Te ony ‘eiooa nes are how opin vison of the tex bow to fom ‘ots or arentetealcatlon, nd bow te pain ae snd gure iin eo Begin the arb murberng of our paper with the st pape of the ‘ext nomaly page # ate.) versooucrion, Many theses and dsertions (end, Sn some eats, ‘hs pape) bog wth a secon tat previews the cosets and mp Inet ofthe ete paper andl otic thatthe rite apres fom the resto the ope he acroundof the projet and yess that infeed he earch hold be covered the prety A218) typ Begin with sucha notion, bel he Se pape eric a the tp ofthe page Do not epeat the ide on subnequent pags of te inoducton, Leer two btnllinesbatween he ea the atin oF teat ifthe rubaneeofyourntcutory teal sot eri eine {fom te chapters hat fol conser norparating tit our Met chapte anys fou divide the text of your thers or dasertaton ito wo ot ‘nore para each eading two r moe chaps, begin ach pat with ‘parti page The et pari age ows the introduc een Itt induction seed chapter Couns pare page in a ‘tg but do not pots page number one except ne cae described ‘ow rules ected by yourloa pidene Label hs page fl Towed the part mabe the top ofthe page Dapending on your ca fides, the par nomber ether eapitaoed roman names {oral out (ob sure to nutber the chapters na diferent file the par har a denarii ei adn os amber, ple ‘his two bass down, flowing aban ine "you Inlae tot nti the contents ofthe pr on the par side page utner the pag with an aie marta eave t20 Bian Ties between te ile aad te ft ne fet the et ore han fone page ong donot rept the pre umber re Fellow» consistent format foal of oar are pages fone pt dav destitve tie in aditon tos number then pie al prt eee {he tile ione pat bas today tw, then aude Inogucery ‘oi of ro or move chapters Tach chapter begin on 9 em Page. abel this page Chapter flowed by the cheer umber atthe op of ‘he page You may ge the cheper umber ear nic mera or apalled os Fou Hf you paper has arn hoor diferent sof ‘numbering or the chapter umber orem, ut Chapter ou) Ihe chapter as» dope tien don ox number place thi ‘ie wo lines dwn, following ne ine. Dono eptember co ortho tie on sabsagaert pass ofthe chapter, Leave to Bank nes ‘between the tied the rt Ee text gre shows sample at age ofa haper with a epigaph on 252.3 4nd 3). ‘An leave format to he word Gaps eon the chapter amber nde ican then operon the same ig 290 tated acolo ora ab space Do not we thi format, bow out paper as parts se wel as captr 8 dos not have chapter tile ot ITtheres any pont of onfxings new chapter with any ther di A228 SteTIONS AnD suasEcTioNs, Long chapters in thes, clasertatos, {nog as papers mayb ter ied no ostins which nt ima be divided ino subeectons, eso on. your paper, ot # chapter ‘hin has al few secon, os may sgl the dvson ten ‘ecto informaly by centering the spaced seteraee(*") on tht Tf ou creat formal ection na paper ri capes, you may {ge each one town lcd ubhaing or ua, You ty have mule ees of sutheade, which are designed rt el sand led oon Unleas you ae wring amy lang a empl pape, ‘hin arf befor sing more tan tro othe emi of subhene athe then being hap they can become racing You sould ane atizattwo saben tay levl within he ye donot youd ‘sons may not be lal sauce, Two conectiesbhed lvls ‘ay eppeat together hot intervening te Unless your leat uieines have rule for mSbends, you may = ‘ise your ew (poy and format or them. Each lee of esd ‘heal consitent an ferent foal theres nt higher lee subheads should te more visual prominent than lower ee oe feral sabbends are more prominent when centered, in blac ot Kate type rcpt bad aye han wen ah et in rela ‘ype orcad seatence ate. Except or unin ubhead ne ‘4227 conciwsion. ne this or dscaraton on some cases, ong hase ‘spa you wil probably end with concson tht long enough % treat separate lore you inde rock a conan abel te fet peg oan athe top ofthe page Donat repent the ion reqent page ofthe concunon. eave wo Hen nes betwee hee thea ine of tx. ‘Yu may alo label the concson st the lt aumberee chapter f your paper you want fo emphasize connection tothe et You fen fe tst the word Cos as achaper lee A223, The back mater of your paper may const of al or some ar none of the flloving wanes. Departments and universe sully provi ‘Specie deton forthe cde element outs does nl te ‘der gen hee Number the back mater contnsouly wih the text ‘ulustesrions. Ifyou group all of your lmraton teeth the ‘dof your tess or dzeration (on some case, your elas Pape {teead of incng tam nthe tot ee 26) mae them he Et ‘Semant inthe bac mate Label thee pe of uch ect se tin ah top ofthe page Hi secon more han one page donot ‘peat th tile Tor inoraton about inserting ges no you pe, iF stn usta ae ple inthe tx, weve any hat ze woupedin the back mater mast be placed in an opps se A292 Anrenounes. your hess aeration (on some cae, your ast paper Soeider sential supporting msteal tat cannot be esl ‘eked ino the body of your pap pt the material im one oe more Sppendae inthe bck mater (Do nt put appends atthe ends of ‘hope Bompls of sch msn woul be tae and Sagres at fe ‘mally evant to our pico too age to pt inthe ex achedle {nd fr wedi alerting materi copie of documents no ata ‘let the reader und ease studies to long patio the te. abel heist page Apentic tthe tp of te age fhe appendix ‘sore than oe pags, do nt rept thee Leave two Hake be tween he file andthe fe ine ef eto ter mater ene appendiemnteriais of erent ype fr earpiece end cate stdy-dvidecumongmee than one sppende inhi cae cach appendix a mame reer and deaigtv tie You may gre ‘he numbers nether eae numer, 2) splined ou (One, TW}. you may ue singe ees ofthe alphabet in vegetal ode (Put the mumber rte ollowing he word Append and place the eb ‘ee on the ex ine your pape has ol ne pend You tlk i ra deacipve tile but do ot give ea number oer) ithe appendix conse of our own explanatory tet, double space ‘ard ona to match te in et fla nt orm oon of primary document or case study. jou may chore to singe epce the tex especial tions eat suport mate hat canot be presented in pit fom, sch a nrge dts store muloea flea an spend Inde ‘it deception ofthe materia and oeton ecudnge hyperine ‘evant cone your lal gins for pei requirement er le tossany, I your these o seat on some cases, your ase Dap) ade «glossy (ne Aaa), you may ice in eter the front orb matter whee itll ry appndines and precedes end tots an the ibiopapy reference at Allo the spec forat ‘uerent derbi a1. sppyexep that he back mater s- ‘ry pes sould be numbered with wb instend of fman numerals gue A shows asanpe glosry pginatd forthe ot mate ‘wonorss, fyousreusingiblogrphy sty cons, and unless your loc eudelines quite oomotes or endo chper natn, You ma ‘Sade nee inthe back mre endnotes Label he Sat ogy 0 ie ‘Semen ou tthe op of the pag Do not repeat the ie on subse {fete and the Se ot and one Bak ine between nots The moter ‘Besos should be sno spaed wih standard pargraph indent the star of each one Ifyou estar muting fr ech chap ad = {beading tfoe the Sint nef ech caper. ig Ae tows & Se fein fr pape dies hae Se to THyou ae using author date ctations, you wi not ave endnotes. HatiosraPny om nrenence ssn you ar using blogepty soe latins you wil prebbl Inca 2 aiography in the back ates abel theft page fei lent HBaphy a he top ofthe pags F as ‘Do nt ropes the tle on sbeequent page of the Bogphy. eave two ban ine tween the tes he Sat nt, and pe lank ne eneen ete. The ete theraelves shouldbe single-spaced, with runoer indented haf n inch igre As shows asample page of 8 ‘og. For some pes of graphies you should se dierent tl, och Sours Coated. you co not sang the isboraphyspbabetcly by autor incade« headnots ebeadingsYormate consist oF th apna te rangement See 263 for hee ventions you ave wing autora ations, ou must nla a reference itn the bck mater abel he Set page ote it fre athe tp ‘th age Do nt epee tel onrebsnque page the eleenne Tat Love sw lak ne between the tile ad heat ny, and one Unie between singe paced ens. nde ranover ae nc Figure A hows a sample page of reference it inthe re coe that ou do not srange te ference st iphabe cally by autor ee 182 lade a hesnot, subheadings Formate ‘itn or both explsin the arangement Fe Preparation and Submision Regulrements Proparing Your Fes By fling sone bale rats for god lesan fle management hd preparation you can soi probs abd produce alee propery mated paper These pacce apply wheter you wil be sting, your paper ecole copy, Doth rive mawactnen. Ty to mini the ek that your at wi beet rope your prper a ingle lec le, egress of ts length. ‘lrg withing fl allows oat serch and make changer 2b zh tose your word pronestors atrted numbering functions ae ‘uty for otters, pagination, onde He) nd to deine an ay Sle cnsstenty fe a.) Fapreeobmtd eloeroicay mst ttnct sys be ina single fle, you ray die the le ito sc tone using werd processor futon for erin format requirement, ch alirting note tthe end of chapter or hanging headers are aber or iene ay need to be abated sear ss me he la smply and lope you save diferent versions ofthe fe over tine, noe them consstersiy(eey nding inte dt, for ‘plo avd confi of versions efor ial subsson check

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