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How International Students Can
Begin a U.S. College Search
Prospective international students don’t have to navigate the college search process alone.

KELLY MAE ROSS | U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT students can take to begin an effective U.S. college
search from anywhere in the world.

1. Learn about the U.S. higher education

system in general: This will give students a
sense of the variety of U.S. school options,
from community colleges to liberal arts
institutions to large research universities,
says John Wood senior associate vice provost
for international education at University at

The U.S. has “an institution for everyone or every

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interest, and really, every ability level as well,”

Wood says. “That’s one of the reasons the U.S. is so
attractive, because there is something
for everyone.”
Students can ask high school counselors for
information about the types of study opportunities
Chinese national Kexin Zhen says she in the U.S., like Zhen did. There are also helpful
first learned about U.S. liberal arts online resources, such as the College Board
website, experts say.
colleges during a meeting with her high
school counselor. 2. Connect with people who can help: In
From then on, Zhen focused her college search addition to counselors, there are other
on this type of school, which offers a more general people who can offer information and
education for undergraduates in the humanities, support to international students as they
sciences and social sciences, as opposed to having research U.S. colleges.
a professional or technical emphasis.
For example, EducationUSA advisers are available
“I didn’t really know my major and my career in more than 170 countries. Education USA is a
direction, so I preferred to go to a liberal arts network of advising centers supported by the U.S.
college,” she says. Department of State that offer free assistance to
Now she’s a rising junior at Wheaton College, a international students interested in studying in
liberal arts school in Massachusetts. the U.S.
Narrowing the scope of a college search is Students can visit the centers in person, or they
important because in 2015-2016, there were more can connect with advisers via phone, email or
than 4,500 colleges and universities in the U.S., Skype, says Umair Khan, country coordinator for
according to the National Center for Education EducationUSA Pakistan.
Statistics. That’s a lot of schools to choose from. Current international students are another good
Here are some steps prospective international resource. Prospective students who don’t have
(Continued on page 5)
How International Students Can
Begin a U.S. College Search

friends or family on a U.S. campus can reach out information about the schools’ location,
to a college’s admissions office and ask to be cost, financial aid availability, standardized
connected with an international student there, test score requirements and the academic
says Khan. programs that interest them, Khan says.
Prospective students can also attend an education
fair to meet with representatives from U.S. colleges Many websites offer information about U.S.
and universities. These events, also known as colleges and universities, including rankings
college fairs, offer a way to learn more about U.S. websites and college search engines.
higher education in general, as well as get an After completing their research, Khan says the
introduction to some specific schools. students in Pakistan work with an EducationUSA
“I think it’s a very good place to build a foundation adviser or their counselor to narrow down the
of understanding for how the higher education list to the five to 10 schools they’ll apply to based
system works in the United States,” says Joshua on the criteria the students believe are most
Stevens, director of admissions at Earlham College important.
in Indiana. “I always tell the students, ‘You’ve got to ask the
question to yourself: What kind of school fits for
3. Determine what you’re looking for in a you?’” Khan says.
school: There are many factors prospective Originally published by U.S. News & World Report
international students can consider when
searching for a school in the U.S., such as
their budget and intended major.

Admissions experts say one commonly overlooked

but important factor is a school’s location. “That’s a
big one,” says Stevens, “because the United States
is such a massive country.”
Clara Colas, a rising junior at Wheaton who hails
from Paris, says she limited her U.S. school search
to areas on the East Coast where she has family. “I
didn’t want to be completely alone,” she says.
Experts say students will also want to consider
whether they want to study in a big city versus a
smaller town as well as what type of climate most
suits them.

4. Research specific schools: Khan says

when Pakistani students meet with an
EducationUSA adviser for the first time, they
are often encouraged to research colleges
and universities and create a spreadsheet
of 20 to 25 they like. Students gather
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College vs. University in the U.S.:
What’s the Difference?
Don’t let confusion about these terms affect your school search as an international student.

KELLY MAE ROSS | U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT themselves colleges and those that identify as


Oftentimes schools with “college” in their name are

smaller institutions that emphasize undergraduate
education, Johanna Fishbein, head of university
advising at the United World College of South East
Asia’s Dover Campus, an international school, said
by email. This is not a strict rule, since there are a
number of exceptions. Some colleges, known as
liberal arts colleges, give students an education
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in a broad range of academic areas as opposed

to having them specialize early in one particular
Since liberal arts colleges are uncommon outside
the U.S., prospective international students aren’t
always familiar with them, says Carly Mankus,
The word “college” doesn’t have the senior assistant dean of international admission at
same meaning in every country, which Franklin and Marshall College, a liberal arts school
in Pennsylvania.
can create confusion for prospective
international students interested in Prospective students may also sometimes
mistakenly believe liberal arts institutions only
studying in the U.S.
focus on the humanities, admissions experts say.
“In Spanish, ‘colegio’ means high school,” says But many of these schools offer degrees in science
George DaPonte, director of international fields too.
admissions at the University of Tampa in Florida, Another common misconception is that schools
citing one example. with “college” in their name don’t offer much in
For this and other reasons, some prospective the way of research opportunities, said Fishbein,
students may pass over U.S. schools that have who serves as president of the International
“college” instead of “university” in their name, Association for College Admission Counseling. But,
admissions experts say. By doing so, students for example, 65 percent of Franklin and Marshall
could miss out on a school that may have been a students participate in research before they
good fit. graduate, Mankus says.
While some four-year postsecondary institutions Another type of school in the U.S. with “college” in
in the U.S. have “college” in their name and others its name is a community college. These are two-
have “university,” both types grant undergraduate year schools that grant associate degrees and
degrees. Here are some things to keep in mind career-related certificates. Community colleges
when researching U.S. institutions that call vary in enrollment size – some are large, despite
(Continued on page 8)


College vs. University in the U.S.:
What’s the Difference?

having “college” in their name. Some students

begin their education at a community college and
then transfer to a four-year college or university to
complete a bachelor’s degree.


Many schools with “university” in their name are

larger institutions that offer a variety of both
undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Public universities are some of the most sizable
schools, sometimes enrolling tens of thousands of
students. These schools are also highly committed
to producing research.
But it is a misconception that all schools with
“university” in their name are big, says Chelsea
Keeney, assistant director of international student
recruitment at the University of Minnesota—
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Twin Cities.
Some are relatively small, such as Marymount
California University, which had a total enrollment
of 985 students in fall 2016, per U.S. News data.
Also, not all universities are public. Private may need to compete with graduate students for
universities include, among many institutions, resources and opportunities,” Fishbein said.
some of the Ivy League schools, like Princeton
University. Which Type of School Is Right for You?
Sometimes adding to the confusion for
international students, Keeney says, is the fact that Mankus from Franklin and Marshall says
large universities are often made up of smaller prospective international students may want to
divisions called colleges. Each of these colleges keep their options open by applying to different
has a specific academic focus, such as business, types of institutions in the U.S. She says students
engineering or social work. often learn new things about themselves and their
options later in the application process.
And liberal arts-type study is not exclusive to small
colleges. Some, but not all, universities have a core “If some place really interests you or some place
curriculum for undergraduates, meaning students just sounds so tantalizing, even if it’s not that same
take a variety of general education courses before type that you think you might want when you start
focusing on their major. out, keep it in the mix,” Mankus says. “What harm
could it do?”
By nature of their size, large universities tend
Originally published by U.S. News & World Report
to offer a wider array of research opportunities
than small colleges. “But undergraduate students


How International Students Can
Gauge U.S. College Fit
Academics are just one factor to consider to find a good school match.

KELLY MAE ROSS | U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT • Does this school have what I’m looking
for academically? The first thing students
need to look into when researching colleges
and universities is whether a school offers the
major they’re interested in.

“That’s the No. 1 key because you’re about

to spend a lot of money and a lot of years
working toward a degree,” says Djuana Young,
associate vice president for enrollment at Texas
Wesleyan University.
Students should also think early on about whether
they are interested in a liberal arts program or a
more narrowly focused degree program, says Gail
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Berson, vice president for enrollment and dean

of admission and financial aid at Mount Holyoke
College in Massachusetts. Liberal arts programs
provide undergraduates with a more general
education in the humanities, sciences and social
sciences, as opposed to having a professional or
Studying overseas in a new place can technical emphasis.
be intimidating. But there are things an Addington says students should try to identify
international student can look for in a the type of learning environment in which they
U.S. college or university to make the perform best – for example, does a student feel
transition more comfortable and the more comfortable in smaller classes? This can help
experience more beneficial. them determine whether they would be more likely
to succeed at a small, mid-size or large school.
It’s all about finding a good fit, admissions
Additionally, students should make sure they meet,
experts say.
or come close to meeting, the academic criteria for
“Fit encompasses a lot of things,” says Lindsay international student applicants at the institutions
Addington, associate director of international they are considering, says Stephen Lazowski, vice
initiatives at the National Association for College president for enrollment management at Marietta
Admission Counseling. She says a school that’s a College in Ohio. To do this, prospective students
good fit will meet a student’s expectations with can check school websites to see if their own high
regard to academics, extracurricular activities, school grades and standardized test scores – such
post-graduation plans and more. as IELTS or TOEFL scores – are within the range of
U.S. News asked admissions experts and others to what the school is looking for.
explain, more specifically, the criteria prospective
international students should consider to
determine whether a U.S. school is a good match.
(Continued on page 10)
How International Students Can
Gauge U.S. College Fit

• Will my needs be met outside of the Schools often provide data on how many of
classroom? Experts advise students to think their students are employed after graduation.
about the type of location they’ll be most Addington says prospective students can ask
comfortable in – such as a big city versus a institutions to show them employment data
small town since the U.S. is a large and specifically for their international student
geographically diverse country. The culture of graduates.
a campus and the surrounding community is As prospective students research U.S. schools,
a further consideration. it’s likely that they’ll have questions. The schools
themselves are often willing and able to provide
Another factor is whether a student has friends or the answers.
family in the area. Such connections can provide
additional support during a student’s time in the “Engage with the college,” says Lazowski. “You have
States. the opportunity to reach out at a small school or at
a big school and talk to an admissions counselor
Other types of support services to look for include or director of international recruitment.”
tutoring and a strong international student office.
Originally published by U.S. News & World Report
An additional way to gauge how supportive a
school is of its international students is to talk
with current students about their experiences on
campus, experts say. Addington, of NACAC, says it
might be particularly helpful if students can speak
with someone from their home country.
Admissions offices can often help connect
prospective and current international students.

• Can I afford this school? Cost is another

major component of fit. Studying in the U.S. is
expensive, and students need to be realistic
about what they can afford, experts say.

International students sometimes have to pay

additional fees at U.S. schools. Lazowski, of
Marietta College, says prospective students should
research these fees, which can sometimes total
thousands of dollars, in advance. “Make sure it
doesn’t become too over-burdensome,” he says.
Some schools offer financial aid to international
students, but many do not.

• Will this school help me achieve my career

goals? Students might also want to consider
how well a school will prepare them for life
after graduation – either graduate school or
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Use a Spreadsheet
to Compare U.S. Colleges
Prospective international students can download a template from U.S. News to begin their comparisons.

KELLY MAE ROSS | U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT Ultimately, having data about many schools
in one place can help you determine which
institutions are a good fit, says Umair Khan,
country coordinator for EducationUSA Pakistan.
EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State-
supported network of advising centers that offers
free assistance to international students who want
to study in the U.S.

Researching and Compiling the List

Before you begin collecting data, do a bit of self-

reflection, says Jennifer Ann Aquino, an author
and independent educational consultant. She
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recommends first thinking about the factors

that are most important to you in a school, such
as academic offerings, cost and the size of the
international student population, to name a few.
Having a sense of what you’re looking for will help
you narrow down options.
With thousands of U.S. colleges
and universities to choose from, Experts say researching schools online is a good
way for international students to begin learning
organization is critical for prospective
about U.S. institutions.
international students during their
As you research colleges, visit multiple websites,
college search process.
Hyde advises, because each online resource offers
Experts say using a spreadsheet to catalog different types of valuable information. “Research
information about various schools is a great way to is not one-stop shopping,” he says. Some online
achieve this goal. college information resources experts recommend
include the College Board, CollegeView, Peterson’s
“You’re going to be bombarded with so much
and colleges’ own websites.
information that if you don’t organize it, if you try
to just keep it in your head or if you try to maintain When you come across a school that interests
it sort of piecemeal in these different places, you – perhaps because it’s a good academic fit or it
you’re going to lose track of everything,” says offers scholarships to international students – add
Erick Hyde, college counselor for the University of its name to your spreadsheet. Then fill in details
Pennsylvania’s English Language Programs. about the school, its application process and the
academic profile of its students, experts say.
By creating a college spreadsheet, you can quickly
and easily compare schools you are interested
in. This tool can also help you keep track of
application requirements and deadlines, which
vary by school.
(Continued on page 13)
Use a Spreadsheet
to Compare U.S. Colleges

However, during the search process, Aquino

cautions students not to disregard too many
schools too soon. Exploring a range of institutions
– particularly in terms of school type, location and
size – will help you better understand how U.S.
schools actually differ and inspire further reflection
about what would be the best fit, she says.
Strive for some variety in your college list, Aquino
says. For example, even if you’re interested in
liberal arts colleges, be sure to include a few larger
national universities too.
Khan, of EducationUSA, also encourages students
to keep an open mind during the research
process. He says students should consider lots of
factors when looking at schools instead of looking
only at a single data point such as a school’s rank
or tuition price. “Have a more holistic approach
where you’re thinking about multiple things,” he
Experts recommend students aim to have around
20 schools on their initial list. However, they don’t
recommend applying to all 20 schools. Instead, talk
with a counselor after creating your list and choose
six to 10 schools to submit applications to.
The start of students’ second-to-last year of high
school is a good time to begin putting together a
college list, Aquino says. And the list may continue
to evolve over time, as you realize new things
about higher education in the U.S. and what
actually matters most to you in a school – it’s okay
to change your mind, she says.
Aquino says when she talks with students about
their initial college list, she tells them, “You may
apply to two of those universities, you may apply to
seven, you may apply to none of them. But it gets
you moving into the research phase.”
Originally published by U.S. News & World Report
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Research Universities’
International Student Career Services
Prospective international students should explore ways U.S. colleges help them achieve their career goals.

ANAYAT DURRANI | U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT Here are three factors to consider.

1. I nternational career services: Many university

career centers, like at Eastern Illinois, serve
all students with a range of support services,
while others have dedicated staff to directly
assess and address job seeking international
students’ needs.

Jing Han, a career counselor for international students

at the University of California—Berkeley, provides
one-on-one career counseling. She says the school
also offers “tailored workshops and events supporting
international students every semester,” such as
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providing an understanding of the U.S. job search

landscape, including recruitment and visa regulations.
Other universities, like Ohio State University—
Columbus, have discipline-specific career services
for international students, which may have more
Ghanaian national Owura K. Kuffuor, industry-focused connections and resources than
a political science graduate student at typical career centers.
Eastern Illinois University, wants to work OSU’s Engineering Career Services helped Indian
in the U.S. after graduation. To achieve national Md Fahad secure internships at an
automotive company during his sophomore and
that goal, Kuffuor has frequented the
junior years. “Mock interviews with ECS helped me
university’s career center, which he says strengthen my interview skills,” says Fahad and led to
advises students on everything from internships and then a full-time job.
proper job attire to expectations in U.S. job “I am currently working as a manufacturing engineer
interviews. at Hirschvogel Automotive in Columbus, Ohio,” says
“I have seen a career center counselor a couple Fahad, who graduated in May with a Bachelor of
of times to get my resume updated to the U.S. Science in mechanical engineering.
standards,” says Kuffuor. “The center was very Universitywide, discipline-specific and international-
helpful.” student-focused career centers can all provide useful
U.S. university career centers can be useful to job-related information for international students.
international students who are looking for internships But Indian national Sushruth Venkatesh, a 2015
and volunteer or post-graduation job opportunities. chemical engineering graduate of the University of
Minnesota—Twin Cities, says a career center with
Prospective international students who plan to international-student-focused staff may be more
remain in the U.S. and work following their studies beneficial.
may want to evaluate schools’ career centers and the
resources devoted to assisting international students.
(Continued on page 16)

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Research Universities’
International Student Career Services

“Several times during my job search, I found Angela Froistad, assistant director of the University
companies that had fantastic positions but were not of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering’s
able to hire international students to those positions,” career center, says international students often use
says Venkatesh. the university’s International Student and Scholar
He believes career centers with staff devoted to Services in conjunction with the career center when
international students may be more equipped to job searching. She says ISSS “specializes in visa
guide them toward companies that hire international issues as well as more of the cultural expectations
students. Christine Bautista, career counselor for associated with a U.S. job search.”
international students at San Jose State University, At the University of Miami, Anna Kenney, Toppel
says during the school’s recent Just in Time career Career Center’s assistant director of internships,
fair, staff “redirected students to employers who were says the center offers sessions each semester
open to hiring international talent.” with the school’s ISSS on the curricular practical
training and optional practical training processes.
2. I nternational career services webpages: CPT allows international students to work in a job
Prospective international students can visit before graduation for training either required for a
each school’s career services webpage to student’s degree or to receive academic credit, and
determine the types of services it offers to OPT provides a 12-month work period for students to
prep students for working in the U.S. complete before or after graduation.
Allison Frees-Williams, interim director of career
For example, St. John’s University in New York has a
services at Eastern Illinois University, says the career
career services page for international students that
center works with the Office of International Students
lists workshops for them on topics like small talk and
and Scholars “to assist with the preparation of
networking through informational interviews.
required visas to be eligible to work in the state both
The University of Kansas’ career center similarly has during school and after graduation.”
a separate webpage for international students and
Kuffuor is currently working at the Eastern Illinois
provides information on everything from career
University ISS office as a summer intern. Following
exploration to Western resumes and interviewing.
plans to pursue a doctorate, he hopes to work in the
“The University Career Center offers a variety of U.S. higher education field.
services that we tailor to the career development
“I think the career center will equip me with the skills
needs of international students, including one-on-one
needed to get a job in the U.S.,” says Kuffuor.
counseling, group workshops, and print and
Originally published by U.S. News & World Report
online resources,” says Rachel K. Davis, the center’s
assistant director.
While a website can give prospective international
students a comprehensive look at available career
services, Venkatesh encourages students “ to
actually use the career center” and visit periodically,
once enrolled.

3. I nternational student services that partner

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with career services: At some universities,

international services and career services
offices work together to ensure international
students have everything they need to work in
the U.S.
30 Questions
to Ask at an Education Fair
These events help prospective international students learn how U.S. colleges and universities differ.

KELLY MAE ROSS | U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT which got me really interested in them,” Rupani says.
So interested, in fact, that he recently completed a
bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering at
the school.
Before attending an education fair, sometimes
called a college fair, students should create a list of
“vital questions” they want to ask, says Cesar Flores,
director of international recruitment at Arizona State
University—Tempe. Students can seek input from
their parents when creating the list, he says, since
Mom and Dad will probably have questions too.
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To help prospective international students

begin their list of questions, U.S. News spoke
with admissions and recruitment officers from
several U.S. schools – Arizona State, Embry-Riddle,
Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey and the
University at Buffalo—SUNY – as well as experts
from organizations that host fairs – the Council of
International Schools and EducationUSA.
As part of their recruitment efforts,
Here are 30 smart questions these experts say
some U.S. colleges and universities send students can consider asking at an education fair.
representatives abroad to meet with This list doesn’t contain all the questions students
prospective international students at can ask – it’s just meant to help them get started.
education fairs.
These events give students and families the (Students can fill in the [blank] with the academic
opportunity to learn about both the U.S. higher subject of their choice.)
education system in general and about specific
colleges and universities, says Alfred Boll, branch • What opportunities would I have if I majored in
chief for EducationUSA, a global network of [blank] at your institution?
international student advising centers supported by
• What differentiates your program in
the U.S. Department of State.
[blank] from programs offered at other U.S.
Yash Rupani only applied to one U.S. school – Embry- universities?
Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida – and he
• My favorite subject in school is [blank]. How can
first learned about the institution at an education fair
that translate into a major at your school?
when he was in high school in India.
• What happens if I want to change my major?
The Embry-Riddle representative at the fair “tried to
explain a lot of stuff to me regarding the programs, • What happens if I need to return home for
regarding what they do, how many campuses they a semester? Can I suspend my studies for a
have, how their programs work and everything, period of time and then come back?
(Continued on page 18)
30 Questions
to Ask at an Education Fair

Cost and Financial Aid Applying

• How much am I going to pay each year to • What kinds of qualifications do international
attend your school? students who are admitted to your school
• Can you tell me about other fees and costs in have?
addition to tuition? • Can you give me an idea of how the visa and
• What kinds of scholarships for international I-20 processes work?
students do you offer?
Career Preparation
• Are there separate deadlines for admission and
scholarship applications? • What are some examples of internships held by
• What percentage of the annual cost to attend students majoring in [blank] at your school?
your school can be covered by scholarships?
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• What percentage of international students • Is there someone at your school who will help
receive financial aid, and what is the average me find an internship?
aid amount? • How will your program in [blank] help me
• What opportunities are there for achieve my career goals?
on-campus employment? • What career services are available for
international students at your school?

(Continued on page 19)

30 Questions
to Ask at an Education Fair

English Language Support It’s also okay for students to approach

representatives from colleges or universities they
• Are English as a second language, or ESL, aren’t familiar with and ask for a basic overview, says
courses offered at your school? Katryna Snow, assistant director of higher education
• I’ve already taken an English language services at the Council of International Schools.
exam such as the TOEFL or the IELTS. Are there She says, “A student shouldn’t be afraid to say, ‘I’ve
any programs at your school that will accept never heard of you. Tell me more.’”
my score? Originally published by U.S. News & World Report
• Does your school offer an intensive
English program?

Additional International
Student Resources

• How many international students are there at

your school, and where do they come from?
• What kind of support services and
programming are offered to international
students at your school?
• What kind of academic advising is available for
international students?
• Is tutoring available?


• What is the trip like to get to campus from my

home country? Will someone be there to pick
me up at the airport?
• How would you assess safety on campus, and
where can I get more information?
• What student clubs are available?
© Getty Images - Steve Debenport

• Would it be possible for me to create my own

student organization? What is that process like?
• What housing and meal plan options
are available?




How to Make a
Final U.S. College Decision
Postgraduation plans are one factor for prospective international students to consider before enrolling, experts say.

KELLY MAE ROSS | U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT educational advising coordinator for Southeast Asia
for EducationUSA, said via email.
That was the case for Farah AlHaddad, a recent
graduate of Macalester College in Minnesota who
hails from Syria. AlHaddad needed – and received –
financial aid to help fund her education.
Among other things, AlHaddad says international
students have to think about currency conversion,
“which might make someone’s education even more
expensive if they’re from a country where perhaps
their currency is weaker than the dollar.”

2. Career goals
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Prospective students should make sure the college

they choose offers a program in the field they want
to study, such as business or engineering.
“Most U.S. institutions don’t have every major
and every program,” says Mandee Heller
As U.S. colleges and universities Adler, founder and president of Florida-based
begin sending out acceptance letters, International College Counselors.
prospective international students who Students should also think about where they want to
applied and gained admission to more live and work after graduation, says Monica Gallego
Rude, a director at Collegewise, an admissions
than one school will have a big decision to
consulting company. If students want to try to stay
make. in the U.S. to work, they will want to pay attention to
Kexin Zhen, a junior at Wheaton College in a potential college’s U.S. job placement numbers for
Massachusetts who is from China, says after international students, she says.
applying to 13 schools, choosing among the eight or Admissions offices might be able to provide or
nine she was accepted to was a difficult process. direct prospective students to this type of
Here are four key factors prospective information. If not, students can reach out to the
international students should consider when institution’s career services office, says Gallego
deciding which U.S. college to attend. Rude, which may have a counselor dedicated to
working with international students.
1. Price On the other hand, prospective international
students and their families often have questions
“The biggest factor for most students and families about how a degree from a particular school will be
usually comes down to the cost of tuition and viewed abroad, experts say.
additional cost of living,” Charles Hornstra, regional “If students are returning to their home country, it

(Continued on page 22)

How to Make a
Final U.S. College Decision

can be true that employment then hinges more on Patrick Parnell, director of international services
the name of the university,” says Gallego Rude. at Missouri State University, says talking with
Gallego Rude says talking with the school’s current students is a good way to get a real picture
recent international graduates who have found of a college environment, in terms of safety and
employment in their home country can be a helpful otherwise. Many schools, including Missouri State,
way to gauge this. Colleges can sometimes make can connect prospective international students with
alumni introductions. current international students willing to answer
questions about campus life.
3. Support services “Whenever you know somebody who’s had the
experience themselves or is currently living it, that’s
Students will also want to consider available always going to be your best bet,” Parnell says.
support options before making a final decision. In
Originally published by U.S. News & World Report
addition to career services, some U.S. colleges and
universities offer other types of resources to help
international students adjust to a new country and
a new school, such as tutoring centers. A college’s
international student services office can usually
provide information about available programs and
services, experts say.
Support can also come from international peers, so
prospective students should consider the size and
makeup of a school’s international student body.
“For the most part, I feel like my international
students are happiest when there’s a community
of international students that they can rely on
and make friends with and feel comfortable with,”
says Adler.

4. Location

Gallego Rude says students should also consider

the logistics of travel from their home country to
a particular college campus. Sometimes students
© Getty Images - Stígur Már Karlsson/Heimsmyndir

and families are more comfortable knowing a direct

flight is available in case of emergencies or if the
student wants to come home during breaks.
Zhen, the Wheaton student, says one of the most
important aspects of a school’s location – for her
parents too – was safety. Once she narrowed her
options down to three schools, she says she did
some online research on crime rates in each of the
areas she was considering.



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