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GWD Suite 2010 – Feature Note

Know where you are every day with Scrum


The importance of SCRUM reports cannot be under estimated. In agile methodology, the main role of
the project manager is to facilitate team empowerment and remove all the impediments to project
progress. A project manager (usually the SCRUM Lead) uses the SCRUM reports to highlight the issues
and accomplishments to the wider audience
audience,, to ensure smooth progress of the project.

GWD SCRUM Report (Refer to the sample below)

At JamBuster Technologies, we understand the importance of SCRUM meetings and SCRUM reports in
an agile environment. GWD SCRUM Report has been tailored keeping in mind the needs of various
stakeholders in the project. Not only is the information tailored but also pushed to all the relevant
stakeholders (subscribers) everyday
everyday.. So, managers do not have to run from pillar to post to get the right

GWD SCRUM Reports prominently highlight the following aspects of the project.

At an individual (team member) level


• Allocated tasks for the previous day and the progress achieved
• Tasks allocated for the following day
• Challenges in completing the tasks

August 2010

GWD Suite 2010 – Feature Note

At the team level:

• SCRUM Leads assessment of the project progress

• Actual delivery progress as against planned delivery
• Resource utilization levels

Project Managers and other stake holders can use this information to remove the impediments as well
as smoothly steer the project towards success.

Reports with Happy Faces ☺

SCRUM is foremost about people. They need to feel good about their jobs, their accomplishments and
know that they are visible across the hierarchy. With this in mind we have tweaked the SCRUM reports
to include the happy faces of all the team members. Our custo
mers (especially ones with multi site
operations) are extremely delighted to have this new feature. They are now able to connect to people
(in cases where they have never met in person) in a better way; needless to say that this personal touch
has improved the teamwork at our client sites.

(Refer to the sample below)

August 2010

GWD Suite 2010 – Feature Note

Sample GWD SCRUM Report


Test : Scrum Report : 23-Aug-10

Trainee Scrum Lead : Bhaskar Entigowni

Yesterday's Sub
Sub-Tasks Today's Sub-Tasks

Scrum Team
Challenges for
Description Team Member Comments ETC % Complete Description

1. Test cases updated for

Diya Patel
SIP/SCCP SIP service
2. Test cases updated for
service active active test
SCCP test. 0.00 100.00 None.
test execution execution on
3. Logged new 4 bugs in
on FTB200V2. FTB200V2
ETS-264, 265, 266,

Sanya 1) Couldn't test record

Ghume Record functionality as the issues
SIP network
functionality with the live call are still
active test
testing on pending. 0.00 100.00 None.
execution on
Stealth 2) SIP/RTP network active
bomber. test on FTB 200 v2.
Logged defects ETS-263.

Mekala Record functionality testing
Record is postponed. H248 service
functionality Test Execution of H323 test active test
0.00 100.00 None.
testing on Defect Verification and execution on
Cobra verified ETS
ETS-228,221,136 FTB200V2
and ETS

TL Comments and Assessment

Executed - 46.33%; Pass- 39.31%; Fail - 7.02%; TBT -54.69%; Blocked-0% .

Total defects :267( Open -23(P0-1,P1-10,P2

Ankush is on unplanned leave today.

Team Efforts (Hrs)

Assigned Delivered Delivered Delivered

Planned Assigned % Utilization
FTE Planned Unplanned Total

3.00 24.00 24.00 8.00 4.00 12.00 25.00

August 2010

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