Idea Tracker

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Idea Tracker - TESOL Methodology

Module Idea /Activity/ Why it is Why it may be Why it may be Things to keep
Resource /Quote important to relevant for my interesting to in mind
me students my colleagues (possible
1 The use of It is important to me It is relevant to It may be Equality
English as a because we my students interesting should be
global communicate to be since the because there highlighted in
language but understood by others. medium of are a lot of all aspects of
being It also serves as a way communication techniques and learning cycle
culturally to see, comprehend in most subjects references that to be able to
sensitive and and appreciate things in school are can be give
adheres to from a different point English and we adopted at the opportunities
the practice of view. With this, we work hard to help classroom to all learners.
of equality. are given the equal our learners level to We should also
opportunity to express express improve the keep in mind
our selves, show our themselves in teaching styles that there is a
respect to other culture such language. and also being need to be
and be equally Each students culturally culturally
sensitive since has different sensitive to sensitive and
everyone of us has level of learning each learners. thus respect
strengths and and capacities should be
weaknesses. especially in foremost
Furthermore, it can communicating important.
personally help me to with English and With this, good
be be more particular being culturally relationship
with the backgrounds, sensitive would will foster and
culture, experiences of inspire and better
each learners. encourage them communicatio
to practice more n can take
and sooner help place.
them in reaching
their own
2 Use of It is important to me This is very My colleagues It is important
Varied since it gives me wide important to my will find this to take into
Learning range of ideas and students because interesting consideration
Strategies options on effective the incorporation because they the types of
ways on how to engage of varied learning will be able to learners we
my students while strategies during increase their have when
enjoying the class but classroom consciousness / choosing
not sacrificing the discussion will knowledge on learning
quality of learning . help them in different strategies
With this, I have to understanding, learning because each
design my lesson plan acquiring new strategies that learner has
in an instruction that skills and may help them different
each learner will knowledge from in improving the capacities and
participate but seeing their teacher. delivery of capabilities.
to it that the following quality teaching Always have the
are highlighted: to their Learners Profile
enhance academic students. to help us in
achievement and planning our
promote important learner-
learning skills, such centered
as critical thinking, activities,
problem solving, and improve our
the ability to work teaching styles
cooperatively work with and create a
others. conducive
that maximizes
participation of
every learner.

Module Idea /Activity/ Why it is Why it may be Why it may be Things to keep
Resource /Quote important to relevant for my interesting to in mind
me students my colleagues (possible
3. The idea of I find it relevant since This may be It may be Highlight the
Brown on giving any form of relevant to my interesting concept of
“Humans rewards makes a students because because it will INTRINSIC
are learner feels good making them feel help the rewards than
motivated to about him/herself. their self-worth teachers the EXTRINSIC.
act, behave Whether the can make a improve their Encourage
and work motivation is in a form change in their learners learner to set
better if of compliment, a good school performance as their goals and
there is an grade, or a candy. We performance as well as the to reach them.
anticipation all know that our well as how they personal As teachers we
of rewards” learners have different view his/herself. attitude of can our
personal backgrounds learners. intrinsically
that sometimes affect Moreover, motivate our
their school when attitude is learners by
performance. Intrinsic improve, giving a pat on
rewards /motivations teamwork and the back or
like this will help them collaboration saying "job well
perform better, among other done".
increase their self- learners will Beginning
worth and not just also be criticism with
simply getting the idea changed. "you're on the
of a reward driven - right track, but
performance. One of here are some
the common problem areas to
in our school improve" or
nowadays, is starting with the
emotional stability of positive
our learners and we elements will
can help by using the motivate
concept of rewards learners to
(both the INTRINSIC continue
and EXTRINSIC), but working toward
highlighting the a good
INTRINSIC. performance
and make them
feel their self-
4. CARES It is important to me This may be It may be CARES Review
Review Form because the process in relevant to my interesting to Form has its
(5 Step very friendly, logical students because my colleagues limitation but we
Model for and effective. It has no they can both because they have to bear in
Feedback on tensions between develop the skills can use this mind that when
Revising and writer and the of a reviewer with their we do
Giving Peer reviewer. This can be using the CARES learners and review/editing
Feedback) very helpful since you format. also reviewing we need to
are giving Furthermore, it other written open,
opportunities for both will help the works. constructive,
writer and reviewer to learners receive realistic,
enhance their skills. I thoughtful insights pleasant and
also like the CARES and additional helpful.
format because it is comments and Remember that
easy to follow and suggestions for teaching and
understand. improving one’s mastery is a
paper. long process
and we need to
be patient since
we are to
confidence and

Module Idea /Activity/ Why it is Why it may be Why it may be Things to keep
Resource /Quote important to relevant for my interesting to in mind
me students my colleagues (possible
5 “Many This is important to me This is relevant to It may be The way to
activities we because I was able to my students interesting to improve our
do in the evaluate myself on the because they will my colleagues listening skills is
course of a activities I was doing be able to practice because this is to practice
listening with my learners. I active listening. can used in Active Listening.
lesson are learned about active their own It may sound
actually not listening - how to classroom easy but it is
listening” incorporate it with activities. actually
discussions in class. I complex. We
would like to share this can develop it
phrase, taken from the through
reference pack that practicing eye
“good listening task is contact, paying
one with “active attention to the
responses occurring person we are
during, or between talking to but
parts of, the listening still being relax,
passage, rather than at be open to ideas
the end” (Ur 1984, 4). and ask

Prepared by:


This is a program of the U.S. Department of State administered by

FHI 360 and delivered by WORLD LEARNING

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