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case 21 • Case Assignment Questions

TJX Companies: Its Strategy in Off-Price

Home Accessories and Apparel

Assignment Questions
1. Describe TJX’s strategic vision and corporate strategy. Is its vision and strategy consistent with the
characteristics of the retail sector? Support your answer.

2. What are TJX’s key resources and capabilities? Does a VRIN analysis suggest that any offer competitive
advantage potential? How well are the company’s capabilities aligned with external opportunities? Is the
company well-positioned to defend against competitive threats?

3. Using the data in case Exhibits 6 and 7, what does an analysis of TJX, Inc.’s consolidated financial
performance reveal about the company’s profitability and liquidity?

4. Compare TJX’s business segments. Which segment appears to have the greatest potential? Are any business
units a detriment to overall corporate performance? Support your answer.

5. Does TJX have a good internet versus brick-and-mortar mix? Are there opportunities to revise the retailing
approach of its business units?

6. What recommendations would you make to TJX management to improve business unit and corporate
performance? Support your recommendations.

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