Background and Purpose (Bab1)

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Language is very important for someone to

communicate with others. Communities need to
communicate to understand each other. Therefore,
languageis essential for life. Without language, it is
impossible to communicate within society.On the
other hand, languageas a system of
communicationenables humans to cooperate. At
the same time language is a part of the culture of a
community. Humans use language as a way of
signaling identity with one cultural group and
difference from others.

  As the foreign language, English is an important

language in the world. English has become a tool
for international communication in transportation,
commerce, banking, tourism, process of
technology, diplomacy, and scientific research
(Nunan in Cahyono, 2010: 91). It is formally
thought students of elementary school, junior and
senior high school, and even to university . English
is just learnt in the school with limit of time. So, an
English teacher has to know about strategies in
order to get better result in learning. Besides, she
or he has to know about strategy or model which
must be used to guide the students. The teacher
who has important role must guide the students to
have creativity in classroom. If strategy is not
suitable with situation of the class, the teaching
and learning will not be successful.
In this mini research activity, we will discuss and
discuss and analyze the texts in the "Bahasa
Inggris, Facil" book which we will analyze, whether
the text is in accordance with the requirements of
a text or not. We chose the book "Bahasa Inggris,
Facil" because the book "Bahasa Inggris, Facil" has
a lot of suitable text for our analysis material,
which is used as teaching material for students.


The purpose of this research is to find out wheter the texts in the
analyzed book contains 3 important points
 Main sentence
 Supporting sentences
 Concluding sentence

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