Saol UAS Bahasa Inggris 3 Januari 2020

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Jl. Syech Abdul Somad No. 28 Tanggal : 14 Juni 2016

Kel. 22 Ilir Palembang Revisi : Pertama




Kode/Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris III

Program Studi : Ilmu Keperawatan
Semester/ SKS : Gazal / 2 sks
Waktu : 80 menit
Dosen Mata Kuliah : 1 Agus Wahyudi, M. Pd.
2 Arief Pamuji, M. Pd.

Petunjuk :
 Sebelum mengerjakan soal periksalah lembar soal dan jawaban yang tersedia
 Jawablah dengan ringkas dan tepat
 Selamat mengerjakan penuh percaya diri dan semoga sukses selalu menyertai saudara

1. Give one example of noncommunicable diseases!

2. Give 3 (three) causes of the above disease!
3. How to prevent the disease!
4. Give one example of health problem in our society now
5. How to protect the environment in Palembang, especially in rainy season!

1. Lengkapilah percakapan dibawah ini dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat

Conversation 1
Jane: Hi, Helen ?
Helen: Fine, thanks, and you?
Jane: . Where ?
Helen: To the library. I’ve got an English exam next week and need to start studying. Ugh.
Jane: Oh, no. Well, I’ll see you later then. Good luck!
Helen: Thank .

Conversation 2
2. Lengkapilah percakapan dibawah ini dengan menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat
Doctor: What seems to be the problem?
Cathy: Well, I have a bad cough and a sore throat. I also have a headache.
Doctor: How long have you had these symptoms?
Cathy: About three days now. And I’m really tired, too.
Doctor: Hmm. It sounds like you’ve got the flu.
________________. (Give suggestions to the patient minimum 50 words) Call me if you’re still sick next week.
Cathy: OK, thanks.

Joe is a male patient at a hospital in Palembang, he is 45 years old and suffering hypertension

3. Give minimum 3 sentences that recommending food and drink that must be consumed by Joe
4. Give minimum 3 sentences that recommending food and drink that must be avoided by Joe
5. What is the correlation between illness and pain?

Good Luck

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