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Mantra 9-11

Assignment 3.1
Explain in your own words, how the process of spiritual life
as given to us by Çréla Prabhupäda, enables us to achieve a
balanced program of spiritual and material knowledge.
In your response:
· give reference to Sri Ishopanishad Mantra 11 verse and
· give examples from your own experience and from the
experience of devotees in ISKCON in general
Assignment 3.2
Explain with reference to Sri Ishopanishad what Srila
Prabhupada means by “universities are centres of nescience”,
as well as the corresponding analogy regarding “the
advancement of learning by a godless people”.
Use your own words and, if possible, concisely draw on your
own experience to convey your understanding.
Assignment 3.3
Mantra 11 may appear to be somewhat contradictory in that it
appears to support the study of nescience.
Resolve and explain this apparent inconsistency.

Assignment 4.1
Considering the (many) current topical issues in
society, choose a verse/passage that could
constructively contribute towards that debate.
Explain why you chose this verse/passage.
Assignment 4.2
Choose one verse or passage from this section
which reflects Srila Prabhupada’s Mood and
Mission (or just one of these).
Write a paragraph or two exploring this

Assignment 5.1
Choose one verse/passage from this section
which you find difficulty in understanding —
examine and explain why. If you don't have any
difficulty in understanding, then explain the
verses 15 to 18 to a layman or a complete
beginner to Krishna consciousness in a way he
can understand.

Assignment 5.2
Establish, in your own words, with appropriate
evidence from all the verses of Sri Ishopanishad
and purports, analogies and Srila Prabhupada’s
Sri Ishopanishad lectures, the personal form of
the Lord.
You should have at least 8 points in your answer
with reference to at least 4 verses/purports

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