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A list of proposed projects
The following items are not complete by any means. Lot more information is
available on each and is not included to keep the file size short! The names in the
parenthesis refer to those you should contact for more information. You could always
write to with your inquiries. We welcome your ideas to
improve and expand the list.

1. Sanskrit Dictionary
Participate in preparing an online Sanskrit Words glossary. One line meaning
of words is targeted for time being. For details, access

o dictionary.txt OR
o and related links.
2. Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita Stories
Extract gita-s and stories from Ramayana and Mahabharata A list of types of
Gita-s is available. allgita.itx | allgita.asc | A stand alone file for each
of the stories could be prepared. Someone who has books with Gita-s other than
Bhagavadgita should come forward to supply information and proofread.
Portions from Mahabharata can be extracted from encoded text for better
understanding. Please see available Gita files. Contents of the Mahabharata are
given in mahalist.itx |

3. Maintain and Improve the web and email interfaces

An on-line interface developed by Hari Adiseshu is available where one can
type the text in English ITRANS scheme and the output is obtained in
Devanagari interactively, right away! Please check it

An email utility, developed by Atul Narkhede for creation of devanagari output

and receiving to your account over email is also available, see email-interface
readme file for more details and examples.

4. Why Sanskrit Discussion

Initiate and participate in discussion `Why Sanskrit?'.

o Why should we learn it?

o Are we learning or conversing in Sanskrit merely because it is our
`ancient' language?
o What are the reasons that it is not widely used?
o Does it need revival?
o What can we do to help those who are teaching and learning Sanskrit?
o Is Sanskrit study going to jeopardize our professional/technical work?
o Is speaking Sanskrit going to create a class of people in isolation?
o How can we be better humans by persuing studies in Sanskrit?
o Is there a tendancy to treat everything in Sanskrit as sacred and
o What are the reasons for opposition to Sanskrit? Gautam Buddha did not
adopt it for teaching since he preferred Prakrit-Pali to make common
person understand the revelations.
o Is it for entertainment in disguise?

Those interested in responding could reply addressing each question and more
OR write an article on this subject. (Couple of responses are already in!)
Someone should collect all the responses, document and edit them for
everyone's use. For now, send your comments to

5. Encode Upanishads
Many of the upanishhad-s are available on the Sanskrit Documents site
Thanks to Dr. Sunder Hattangadi for encoding most of them.

One can help encode the additional upanishads.

6. Literary Works
Encode literary works by Kalidasa, Bhavabhuutii, Chanakya etc. writers. Some
examples are as follows:
o Chanakya-s arthashaastra(in Sanskrit) is available and needs
proofreading. ( artha.itx | artha.txt | )
o Texts and information on Ayurveda, Chanakya's nItishhastra. and other
o Panchatantra, kathaasaritasaagar, jaatakakathaa etc in original.
o In recent past, Pandit Bhatkhande wrote a book on Music,
``shriimallakshyasangiitaM'' completely in Sanskrit, ``under the
pseudonym Chatura Pandit, and cited it as a reference in his other
writings. Being a work in Sanskrit many people automatically thought
that it was an old work, and therefore worthy of the respect owed to
canonical works.'' (From his biographical sketch available on
net. bhatkhande.tex | It may be useful to get hold of this
book and encode important portions mainly for information.
o The amarakosha of Amarasinha is available in different formats. Please
see the Sanskrit goodies site by Prof. Avinash Sathaye

We need to complete the grouping of the verses with English meaning

which will help in learning Sanskrit.

o Professor Yano ( has coordinated

encodings of many etexts of dharma-s including manusmriti. The files
are available at anonymous ftp site at the directory
pub/doc/sanskrit/dharmas directly at dharmas and jyotisha gaNita .
7. Sanskrit Grammar tables
Prepare comprehensive grammar tables (words and vibhaktii-s). Please
see grammarintro.itx | and noun.itx | files. Most of
these files are in preparation. Please point out errors as soon as you notice

A dhaatuukoshha is in preparation and will need some programming and

encoding help. Please contact Himanshu Pota for more

A list of common errors in transliteration and Sanskrit conjunts, and others

should be prepared to assist the newcomers to transliterations and Sanskrit. The
work has started with file name as commonerrors.txt.

A comprehensive list of devanagari conjuncts is available from James E.

Agenbroad Please contact Bijoy Misra
(bmisra@husc.HARVARD.EDU) for further information.

8. Sanskrit Learning
Follow creative/innovative approaches to develop and maintain interest in
learning of Sanskrit language. This can include crossword puzzles, riddles,
poems, stories, word formatting etc. (Sid Harth


9. Sanskrit Numbers Database

Prepare a data base with numbers and corresponding information list -
Please see the files - numinfo.itx which carries about eight pages of
information. Please add new items such as saptapadi in marriage, dvaadasha
jyotirli.nga, aagamaa, etc. The list will grow into a unique data base and many
should contribute as soon as they encounter such a shloka or list.

10. Sanskrit Numbers

Encode a table of numbers from ekaM through nikharva and more!! For
example, is the number 50, pa.nchadasha or pa.nchaashata or ardhashata? Such
numbers are available in following files - ITX | PS | XDVNG | PDF.

11. Sanskrit-English technical Terms

Sanskrit - English technical/ modern terms Common substitutions for
Computer (sa.ngaNakaM) , software, cars/vehicles, clothes, shops, trades,
games, food items (chapaati, rice, pizza, doughnut:-) etc.

12. A list of English words originated in Sanskrit

Build a comprehensive list of English words originated in Sanskrit. Some of the
"loaned" are: karma; guruu; pundita; yoga; raajaa; aarya; svastika; dharma;
jungle (from ja.ngala); buddha; nirvaaNa et cetera.

Others with ancient relation, eiher through Latin or in some cross-culture origin
are (territory of etymologists) mind to mana, man to manu, father to pitR^i,
mother to maatR^i, brother to bhraatR^i, riti to ritual, ambrosia to amR^ita,
three to tri, sept in september to sapta, oct to octa or ashhTa, dec in december
deca to dasha, sugar to sharkaraa, medium ro madhyam, and so on.

See Sanskrit FAQ for details. Contact Prof. Brian Smith

at for a latest list.

13. Religious Shlokas and Meanings

Encode religious shloka-s with meanings. A large collection exists at here and
needs update.

As the collection is grouped according to deities, someone could write a script

to select the shloka-s interactively or by mail. With this utility people can
prepare a religious handout remotely, and can use in there local temples or for
religious meetings. A list with shloka number, deity, first line of shloka should
be circulated for people to choose.

People will select numbers, email it to central email address with specified
options(fonts, columns, title, introduction, footnotes, additional shloka-s etc),
his script will catenate those number files to one file, pass it on to ITRANS,
and mail a formatted postscript output . This will be an easy method compared
to the handouts seen in many places having mis-pronunciations, wrong letters,
distorted meanings, poor formatting etc.

The utility can be enhanced with on-line access and Java scripts.

14. Non Religious Shlokas/Subhaashhitas

Encode non-religious shloka-s or subhaashhita-s
(Contact kuuTashloka-s and yudhishhThira- yaksha
conversation, both from Mahabharat, can fall in this category. Some riddles,
known as prahelikaa, can be similarly compiled.

Swami Vivekananda was fluent in Sanskrit. There are few of his letters poems
which were written in Sanskrit. The complete works have some of them with
translations. These letters could be encoded and circulated for everyone's use.
Such correspondence between other Sanskrit scholars will be a valuable
addition in this collection.

15. Religious Stotras

Encode religious stotra-s. There are quite a few stotra-s already available on the
the Sanskrit Documents site.

Other examples which could be added are stotra-s by Adi Shankaracharya, (a

long list of his works is available in the encoding_wishlist) -

16. Religious shlokas Grouping

A different grouping of above mentioned shloka-s, ma.ntra-s and Sanskrit texts
for practices may be done. The categories could be those useful to chant or
meditate during birth, ceremonies, departure (prayaaNa),
death(mahaaprayaaNa) etc, What are shaa.ntima.ntra-s? Which shloka-s are
important to recite or understand in case of death of a close family member?

17. Yoga Scriptures

From Yoga-standpoint, the following texts will be instructional.

o Patanjali's yoga sutras in Sanskrit (available along with English

 yogasuutra.itx (ITRANS) |
 yogasuutra_meaning.tex (ITRANS) |
o Hatha yoga Pradpika (transliteration and translation).
o Dattatreya's Tripura Rahasya,
o Dattatreya's Avadhuta Gita.
o Vyasa's commentary and Shankara's vivarana on Patanjali's yoga sutras.

If at all possible -

o Yoga Vasishtha. The original/earliest version of the Yogavasishtha

called "Moksopaya" is downloadable at GRETIL in various encodings,
e.g. as UTF file: http://www.sub.uni-
o Many tantras, especially the kulaarNava tantra, where Shiva talks to

18. Nyaaya collection

(Vidyanath Rao Vidyanath has started
collecting several nyaaya-s along with examples and stories. He will need more
information on nyaaya-s in the form stories you have read or experienced, and
help in converting some of his nyaaya postings into Devanagari printable form.

19. Gita information

Prepare a comprehensive site which will link all that is available on the topic of
Bhagavadgita. Gita is considered to be useful for learning to read and
understand Sanskrit. Gita word dictionary is available as - Text
bgwords.txt (~0.2Mb) | Text bgwords.itx (~0.4Mb) | PostScript (~0.8Mb) | Text bgwords3.itx (~0.85Mb) | PostScript

20. Information Articles

Prepare information files (about 10 pages). Available files are on :=

o Kalidasa - kalidas.itx | | kalidas.html.
o Sarasvati River civilization - sarasvati.tex | | Updated web
o OM-kaar - om1.itx |
o sha.nkaraachaarya - shankara.tex |
o Vande Mataram - vande.itx |

Need to add information files on Sanskrit (different from sanskrit FAQ), the

concept of karma-yoga, varNaashrama, Vivekananda (work is initiated
see vivekananda.itx | Ayurveda basics, etc. The files should
give a glimpse of biographies or the topics and references for further reading.
Lectures on such topics will be useful if the speaker provides it in written
format or if they are transcribed.

21. Mathematics/Technology
Compile information on mathematics and ancient Technology based on
Sanskrit suutra-s. For example, there was a shloka on determination of value of
PI (ratio of circumference to the diameter of a circle.) Zero or shuunya is
another topic. Importance of the number nine is one more. There are few books
written on this topic so watch for copyright issue. An article, `The astronomy of
the age of geometric altars,' by Subhash Kak is available at
Subhash Kak

Sanskrit is chosen as one of the most flexible but still structured languages for
machine language and Artificial Intelligence studies. Prof. Rajeev Sangal,Dept
of Computer Sci & Engg, IIT Kanpur, "Rajeev Sangal is
still on the project and more active. He has brought out a book `Natural
Language Processing A Paninian Approach' published by Prentice Hall.
Functions for `sandhi viccheda' have been completed as part of an M.Tech
project. Now they are on `samaasa vigraha'. Several Sanskrit post graduates are
part of the Comp. Science & Engg. faculty. The project has expanded itself to
the Comp. Science Dept. in Osmania University, Hydrabad, where it has been
heard that better facilities exist for such projects." (from posting by

A discussion by the group (and details) on the topic of technology in ancient

India will be very useful. A reference for example is a book called ``vAstu
shAstra'' published in India by an Indian scholar(??); (Dhruba

22. Astrology
Astrology related data base. A list of basic information needed for a student of
astrology. Varaahamihiraa-s bRihat.hsaMhitaa is available and needs
proofreading. paaraashara horaa shaastra(in 97 chapters) is available and needs
proofreading. (Both are available in sociology_astrology secion. ).

A pa.nchaa.nga program written by Prof. Yano is now converted from Turbo-

Pascal format to standard C . Now, it can be run on various computer platform.
Please install it and check the display and contents and provide suggestions.
Thanks to Krishna Padmasola for this conversion. For more information and
other details related to Astrology information contact

Krishna Padmasola -,

Karthikeyan Madathil -,
Ahto Jarve -
23. TITUS Project
Contribute to TITUS project
(Jost Gippert
Here is another kind of data base accessible to contributors only. A selective
texts are stored or are made available with restriction. A 7bit and a 8bit
encoding format is used to store and display the texts. (Not in Devanagari) The
site description is German and you will need to contact Jost for explanation.


24. Sanskrit Learning

Preliminary lessons for people even starting with Devanagari letter recognition.
Charles Wikner ( has pioneered this collection by
providing a 155 pages postscript file for beginners - Sanskrit Tutorial

A chart of bold Devanagari characters ( chart.itx | | chart.gif ) their

`baaraakhaDii' format (ka kaa ki kii .. etc upto GYaH) ( baaraa.itx |
and a pronunciation table are available
( pronounce.html | pronounce.itx | | pronounce.gif). These will
also help children who are beginning to learn devanagari.

25. Sanskrit in Daily Speech

Prepare a list of 100 sentences in Sanskrit and their meaning which could be
used in daily conversation at home with children, on phone with friends.
(Himansu R. Pota - Sanskrit SambhaashhaaNa group has
already prepared such books.

26. Online Sanskrit Tutorial

Prepare an online Sanskrit tutorial for learning Sanskrit. Some of the texts or
projects such as grammar mentioned in this list can be tied together in a
systematic manner.
(Robert Barulich
27. Sanskrit Common Sayings
Collect details(source and context) and explanations of important common
sayings in Sanskrit (briidavaakya?) including mahaavaakya-s. See the project-
start vaakyasangraha among Sanskrit documents.

Examples are:

vasudhaiva kuTuMbakaM, durlabhe bhaarate janmaH,

tat.h tvaM asi, ahaM brahmaasmi,
praGYaanaM brahma, gataM na shochya,
namaskaar, cha.ndramaa manaso jaataa,
naati charaami (shloka during Vedic marriage ceremony),
satyaM vada - dharamaM chara, svaadhyaanmaa pramadaH,
aachaaryaaya priyaM, prajvaalito GYaanamayaH pradiipaH,
dharmo rakshati rakshitaH, atiparichayaat.h avaGYaa,
satyameva jayate, piNDe piNDe matirbhinnaH,
na aatmaa balahiinena labhyaH (muNDaka upanishhad.h III.iii.4),
na aatmaa pravachanena labhyaH (muNDaka upanishhad.h III.iii.3),
tatoha.nsaH prachodayaat.h (Ramakrishna mission),
ekaM sat.h vipraaH bahuDhaa vadanti,
ahi.nsaa paramo dharamaH,
tamaso maa jyotirgamaya,
aa no bhadraaH kratavo yantu vishvataaH
(Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Journal) etc.

Many such terms are used in emblems of the institutions in India, resembling
the Latin ones in the Western world. A reference to the institutions may be
appropriate. These may resonate collection of subhaashhita but will give direct
explanation of sayings commonly used in Philosophy encoded in the Sanskrit
texts including Upanishhads. The writing could be for a page or two in the form
of an essay or pravachana explaining the intricacies of sayings and sighting
other texts. The first step is to collect such `revealing' messages, and then a few
can start writing on them.

A following format is suggested: vaakya reference complete shloka word by

word meaning overall meaning the context Essay which will include references
of other shloka-s, specific comments, some insights, quotes, notes for
implementations in daily practice. Additional references Anything else?

28. Puja-vidhi

Details on Puja-vidhii. See Bhajans and Puja site This will list shloka-s, reasons
for different prayers or aarati-s, times for pujaa-s, pujaa ingredients, types of
blessings (e.g. shaa.ntiH-pushhTi-tushhTichaastu, diirghaayushhyamaana
astu ), details on sa.ndhyaava.ndanaM, gaayatrii, praaNaayaama, japa,
biijaakshara ma.ntra-s, satyanaaraayaNa-puujaa etc.

29. Sanskrit Email

Sanskrit in Devanagari display over email, PC/Unix based system.

Please see Mahesh Velankar's unique approach dishaa for this feature.

30. Transliteration Schemes

Make a table of transliteration schemes (ITRANS, Harvard, CSX, 7bit, 8bit,

Velthuis-DN , Diacritical marks etc.) This will just list letters and their
equivalents in different formats. The list of individual marks are available, but
someone needs to put them in a single table.

31. Sanskrit Books

Prepare a Sanskrit related list of books, publishers, cost and availability. For
bookstores information please see bookstores.html, And for Sanskrit courses
and books see the file -

A file with a preliminary list is under preparation. Please provide information

of bookstores you know. bookstores.html,


32. Sanskrit Magazines

Subscribe to Sanskrit magazines, books and collect articles about Sanskrit from
different magazines in different languages.

A picturesque magazine Chandamaama printed in many languages was quite

popular in India. Unfortunately it was discontinued due to lack of support from
readers. Funding such projects can be a beneficial task in longer run. The
publisher's address is CHANDAMAAMA PUBLICATIONS, 188, N.S. K.

Subscribe to Sambhashana Sandesha, a monthly Sanskrit magazine available

from Aksharam. It carries book reviews, current topics, short stores, Sanskrit
vocabulary, studied articles, and many more entirely in Sanskrit. Their address
in India is ``Aksharam'', 8Th Cross, II phase, Girinagar, Bangalore -560085 Ph
(80) 6613052 . In US, send a cheque for ???/- as annual subscription payable to
IDRF. Memo - "Sambhashana SandeshaH". Mail it to Shivaram Bhat, 20800
Homestead Road, #36H, Cupertino CA - 95014 India Development and Relief
Fund (IDRF) is a voluntary non-profit organization carrying out social service
activities in India. IDRF is assisting Samskrita Bharathi for Sanskrit activities
in US.

If you know any other publications in Sanskrit, please let us know.

You can also send them as gifts to relatives for nominal cost (much less if they
are in India.)


33. Sanskrit Songs

Prepare a Sanskrit songs book. Some of the songs available are vadatu
sanskritam, manasaa satataM smaraNiiyaM, ke vayaM, surasa subodha vishwa
manodnya, etc.

Atul Narkhede -,


34. Sanskrit Teaching Activities

Support Sanskrit teaching/learning activities in India and outside. A list should

be made for all the major places of learning in India (Sanskrit Vidyapith/
Universities) and other Universities and Institutions having a formal teaching of
Sanskrit. The support will involve monitory contributions, donations of books
and information, participation as volunteers, etc. One can also influence the
schools and institutions to continue teaching Sanskrit. (Professors Ashok
Aklujkar and Madhav Deshpande have contributed funds to provide as awards
to students, their teachers and schools who excel academically in Sanskrit state-
wide examination.
Contact and for more details.

It appears (though this may not be right) that in India, non-hindi speaking states
have emphasized Sanskrit more. This is a topic of discussion. For your
information, all the central schools in India have Sanskrit as a compulsory
language, along with English and Hindi.

35. Sanskrit Documents Preservation

Preservation of Sanskrit documents and knowledge from scholars.

There are plenty of Sanskrit scholars in India. But, computerization has not
touched them. In many areas of Vedas, there are a handful of scholars left in
India and most of them are above 60 yrs age! With them, those branches of
Vedas and Shastras will also die, unless we (in general) make some
concentrated efforts for preservation (in the line of the great scholar Max-
Mueller)! It's an expensive project to record all of them. Unless there is
awareness about these, funds can not be raised. Tirupati temple's trust is doing
some work in this area.

Also, there are more than two million Sanskrit manuscripts, unexplored and
unpublished all over India. Collecting them and preparing a data base itself is
an another project.

Any help regarding this project, monitory or computer hardware/software

related, coordination of various institutes, donating time, providing recording
equipments, volunteering etc, will be appreciated.

Sanskrita Bharati at Bangalore has taken few steps regarding these activities.
As you would realize, a single institution cannot really perform this task
efficiently without the help from others. Please contact Prasanna G.
Basavapatna ( for more details and for suggesting some

Dr. Ajay Jani of Jiva institute is organizing a large scale operation of obtaining
and preserving old Sanskrit texts. Please contact him at or
reach him at Western Residential, Singleton Hospital, Sketty, Swan Sea,
SA28QA, U.K., Tel: 1792-205-666/5484, FAX 1792-285-975/84.

36. Sanskrit/Devanagari OCR

Implement OCR capabilities for Devanagari scanning.
Most of the modern OCR software have the rudimentary ability to ``learn''
letters, and with a bit of experimenting it may be possible to develop a
capability to scan a `learned' lettering style into certain transliteration format
with 90the realm of a dedicated professional or professional organisation
(object recognition, neural network etc. high-tech treatment). Some people will
need to explore such possibilities due to tremendous advantages.

37. Daily Sanskrit News

Someone can work on getting daily Sanskrit news from All India Radio in New
Delhi. It will involve contacting Embassy and the AIR to get the typed text in
some format. This will be a very useful addition to people desirous of learning

38. Miscellaneous Sanskrit Projects

Some people who cannot devote time and efforts on certain projects but would
like to influence the progress in learning or promoting Sanskrit can do so with
monitory contributions. Specifically one can donate funds for following ideas
to their own choice of institutions.

o Send subscriptions for Sanskrit publication

saMbhaashhaNa sa.ndeshaH or cha.ndamaamaa
as a gift to relatives and friends in India and abroad.
o Donate set of books to libraries in your hometown and schools.
o Send contributions for purchasing a hard drive and internet address to
store Sanskrit documents.
o Donate to give gifts of Sanskrit books to prospective and bright children.
o Donate for the promotion of Vedic literature.
o vide donations to get your favorite Sanskrit texts encoded. A needy
student can benefit from this effort.
o the larger case campaign for creating new professorial positions in the
subject of indology and Sanskrit.
1. Sanskrit Topics

The topics connected with Sanskrit may get very comprehensive. Here is a list
of them which were prepared for the 10th World Sanskrit Conference which
will be held on 3-9 January 1997 in Bangalore, India.
(Dr Shivamurthy Swamiji
Xth World Sanskrit Conference
Taralabelu Kendra 3rd Main, 2nd Block, RT Nagar
BANGALORE 560 032 India

Tel +91-80-3430017, +91-80-3332759, Fax +91-80-3334541


1 Agamas and Tantras
2 Art, Architecture and Archaeology
3 Buddhist Studies
4 Classical Sanskrit Literature
5 Dharma Shastra and Artha Shastra
6 Epics and Puranas
7 Hindu Studies
8 Jaina Studies
9 Manuscripts and Historical Resources
10 Modern Sanskrit Literature
11 Music and Performing Arts
12 Philosophies (Darshanas)
13 Poetics and Aesthetics
14 Sanskrit and Regional Languages
15 Sanskrit Scientific Literature
16 Sanskrit Medical Literature
17 Sanskrit and the Environment
18 Sanskrit and Computer
19 Veda and Vedangas
20 Vyakarana and Linguistics

It depends on what you can do to enhance your and others' knowledge about
these subjects. Please get involved in whatever capacity you can.

o Your Own Ideas

Add your own ideas to the list here as possible new projects.

news groups and lists

Sanskrit Mailing List/Digest

Contact Sai Rama Krishna Susarla at OR . A
summary of details relating to the Sanskrit Digest/Mailing List is available as a Text
File. The Sanskrit mailings and digest postings are automated. Please follow the
directions give below. The digests are also archived and can obtained by sending a

Email sent to is automatically posted to sanskrit- To contact the maintainer of the Sanskrit digest, please


Send a message to as follows:

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