The Destructiveness of Curses

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TEXT. HOSEA 4:6 " My people perish for lack of Knowledge".

Curse is very dangerous and it is not what we should joke with.

Curse means inflictment of words of punishment or injury on someone. Curse is to
pronounce ill- Luck to someone life. Curse is also the opposite of blessing.


1. Curse can come from God:
“ when I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered,
and the wickedness of Samaria: for they commit falsehood; and the thief cometh in,
and the troop of robbers spoileth without. And they consider not in their hearts
that I remember all their wickedness: now their own doings have beset them about;
they are before my face ( Hosea 7:1-2)”.
When someone commits Sin, then curse will come from God ( Gen.3:16-19).
When someone disobeys the word of God (Deut.28:15-19)
When One fails to pay one’s tithe and offering, such a person is a direct enemy of
God (Malachi. 3:8-9).

Curse can also come from God as a result of immorality/sexual perversion practices
(Leviticus 18:1-30; Lev.20:13, 18:22; Romans 1:26-27). The Holy Bible tells us in
Hosea 4:6, that, "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Examples of acts of
Immorality/sex perversions against God’s wish are as follows:

Homosexuality (lesbianism/gay). : Lev. 20:13

Bestiality : Ex. 22:19, Lev.20:15-16.
Having Sex with one’s parents : Lev.18:7.
Having Sex with one’s step mother : Lev.20:11; Lev.18:10.
Having Sex with one’s Sister : Deut.27:22; Lev.20:17.
Having Sex with one’s aunt : Lev.18:12-13; Lev.20:19.
Having Sex with one’s uncle: Lev.18:14.
Having sex with one’s daughter-in-law: Lev.18:15; Lev.20:12.
Having sex with one’s brother wife: Lev.18:16; Lev.20:21.
Having sex with mother and grand daughter: Lev.18:17.
Having sex with two Sisters : Lev.18.18.
Having sex with Sister-in-law. :Lev.20:21.
Having sex with one’s grand child
Sexual intercourse during menstruation :Lev.20:18; Lev.18:19.
Other abnormal sexual practices are as follows:

Arial Sex practices.

Oral sex practices.
And illicit sex practices of fornications and adulteries (Deut. 20:22-27;
Lev.20:10; Matt.5:27-28).
Harlotry promotions, practices and visitations ( I Cor. 6:9).
Nude beaches promotions, practices and visitations "nude beaches are existing
;presently in some western countries".
As above are some of the easy avenues of coming under curse or curses from God.

2. Curse can also come from men of God (Joshua 6:17, 26; Gen. 9:26).
3. Curse can also come from wicked men and false prophets/ministers (Num. 22:6;
4. Curse can also come from one’s parent. Just like how Jacob cursed his son
Reuben (Gen.49:3-4).
5. Curse can also come from one’s husband or wife, guardians, or any person in
position over someone.
6. One can also place curse or curses on oneself (Proverb 6:2).
7. Curse can also come from those we have wronged; in this case, authority, age or
position doesn't matter, if the person cursed is guilty.


a. It an lead to mental or emotional breakdown.
b. Repeated or chronic sickness and diseases can occur.
c. Repeated miscarriages or related female problems of barrenness/infertility and
male problems of impotency /infertility in the family.
d. Divorce and re-marriage among members family.
e. Inability of male or female persons to get married or in time.
f. Delay in achieving any success in one’s endeavour and it an also led to
g. It can also led to premature death, due to frustration.
Reasons for Curse:
Curse comes as result of Sin of disobedience to God (Deut. 28:1-68). Disobedience
against God can also gives legal ground for Satan/demons to operate.
a. Those who take advantage of the blind( illiterate persons) .And pastors who do
not teach their members the whole truth about God’s word (lev.19:14, Deut.27:18).
b. Those that take advantage of some people’s ignorance or weakness to cheat them
or lead them astray.
c. Willful cheating of people out of their properties, money , spouse, their arms
and objectives, etc. (Deut.27:17; Lev.19:13).
d. These who opposes the widows, strangers, and the fatherless (Exo.22:22-24;
e Idolatry practices/ promotions (Ex. 20:1-5, 22:20).
f. Disobedience to one’s parents (Deut.27:16; Lev.20:9).
All these as stated are some of the reasons of curse coming upon anyone
Curse that cannot be removed:
Curse which God pronounce upon Adam and Even and the old serpent as recorded in
( Gen.3:14-19).
My case study is taking from what happened to Prophet Eli’s family; as I traced
down to prove to us how curses started pursing Eli’s family till it overtook them
all :
a. How Prophet Eli’s sons were acting dis –orderly(1 Sam.2:12-17).
b. How God pronounced curses upon Prophet Eli’s family as a result of bad
attitude of : Hophni and Phinehas” Eli’s sons” (1Sam.2:12-17).
c.(1 Sam.14:3) proving to us on how one of Prophet Eli’s generation family member
that tried to survived as a priest of God .
d.(1 Sam.21:1-9) hw Ahimelech the priest showed favour to David.
e.(1 Sam.21:6-23) how king Saul executed God’s priests/ Abimelech himself.
f.King Solomon concluded the mission by caging out Prophet Eli’s generation. When
he caged out Abiathar the priest” by removing him” , the only surviving priest of
Eli’s lineage.“And unto Abiathar the priest said the king, get thee to Anathoth,
unto thine own fields; for thou art worthy of death: because thou bareth the ark
of the Lord God before David my father, and because thou hast been afflicted.So
Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the Lord; that he might fulfil
the word of the Lord, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh( 1
1. Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your genuine Lord and Saviour. And if yet to
be baptized, go for correct water baptizing in order for the Adamic Sin nature
following you as a result of Adam and Eve Sin in the garden of Eden to be wipe
out, which our lord Jesus Christ has taken over on behalf of you/ all mankind on
the the cross of Calvary (Gal.3:13).
2. Accept and hear the word of God (Exodus 15:26).
3. Obey the word of God (Joshua 1:8).
4. Go for counseling/deliverance.


NOTE: For comprehensive spiritual eradication of "curses" go through ( Victory
Stategic Prayers And Note); written by me.
Aticle by:


Salvation Healing Church

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