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Paprprwehtd ulthe M&e SttuctutalIns@inn, Malntmana, md MonitorinoSyrrrmium
Shwakm Ndimd HaId, Arhmgtnn,
Vqiniu. Mad I&IQ, 1991

Role Of IACS and the Classification Societies in

Vessel Maintenance
A. d’E. Bourneuf, Jr. for IACS, American Bureau of Shipping, Paramus, New Jersey

The modern internationalship classibtion societies es- mine thatan enrolled vessel is properly maintainedin the
tablishandadministerstandardscalledRulesforthede- sense thatit continues to meet theRule requirementsand
andperiodicsurveyofmerehantships to thatexterk eontitmes to be structurallyand mechani-
andothermarinestructures.Through the work of their ealty fit for its intended service, Periodic surveys are
technical and field surveyors, tie societies certify thatthe requiredannuallyand more concentratedsurveys at irlter-
vessels adhere to these Rules, a procedure known as vals of four to five yms, with intermediatesumeys for
andto thatextentprovideforthemechani- most vessels.
calandstructuralfitnessof thevesselsfortheirintended
service. Perimlicsunreysareperformedby fieldsurveyorsof the
classibtion mieties. Theserequireindividualswith
Because of the way they are organized and operate, the substantiallrairhg and expienee in this marine sp-
class societies are able to maintain an impartial and un- cialty. They mrefully follow the m@rements of the
compromised position in performing classifkation func- Rules in conducting a periodic sumey of a vessel to
tions throughout the worl~ a position which is in the best determinethatthevessel, in fact, adheresto those require-
interest of, and is ftiy endorsed by the marine industry. ments. To assistthem, field surveyors have the kmellt of
In this way, the societies are most effectively able to act circular letters, prepared by the smiety’s htiquarters,
as self-regulatory agencies to the industry. which are guidance notes relative to the particularsand
. peculiarities of certain types of vessels, components,
The Rules uponwhichclassificationis predicatedare structuralarrangementsor other unique features.
establishedfromprinciplesof navalarchitecture,msrine
engineming, and other engirmring disciplines that have In pforming peridie surveys, it is the intent of the
proven satisfactoryby service experience and systematic society to prevent a vessel from fWng into substandard
analysis. condition as determinedby the vessel’s abiJityto meet the
Rule requirements. The periodic survey requirementsare
Most major mieties promulgate and annually update based upn a vast number of ship-years of service ex-
their Rules through committees composed of prominent perience. These are continually reviewcxi and examined
naval architects, marine engineers, designers, ship for their effectiveness in view of industry developments.
builders,manuf%cturersandu ndenvriters,shipwwrsand Also, a recurring problem in a particular typ of vessel
o~ators, governmentrepresentativesand otherindividu- component or stmcturalarrangementcanbeidentikl and
alsintemationally eminentin themarinefield, allof whom isolated for closer scrutinyand, if mnsidered appropriate
serve without compensation, The committee arrange- by the wxiety’s technical committees, nwisions to the
ment has the distinct advantage of allowing all segments Ruks can be made,
of the iadustry to participate in developing the various
Rules. As aresuh of thesepr~, theRules are both It is the owner’s responsibility to maintainthe vessel. The
authmitative and impardal and represent a resounx of field smeyor, and thusthe class society, can only record
experience factors brought to it from experts the world reporLandmeornmendin accordance with whatis seen at
over. It is the marine industry,then, who determinesthe the time of a survey. If the vessel should be found in
standardsfor classi.t%ationwhich are translatedinto pub substandardcondition in the sense thatit is not in compli-
fished Rules and administeredby the claA%ation socie- ance with the class requirements,then recommendations
ties, are made for cormetions. If the corrections are not made
in keeping with the requirementsof the Rules, then the
One of the basic requirementsof the Rules is @ once wiety would terminatethe vessel’s classifkation.
classed, it is incumbentuponthe ownerto presentthe
vesselforperiodicsumeywthisis a conditionofclass.It Because of the significantreservoir of marine experience
is alsoan obligationof theownertopresenta vesselfor and extensive resourm of manpower and technology of
/-., surveythathassustaineddamagewhichmayaffectclass, the major international classification mieties, many
Thesesurveysprovidea meansfor the societyto deter- governments have authorized the societies to act on their

behalf. This work has increased substantiallyin rwent national Association of Classifmmion Societies - IACS -
years with the proliferation
of nationalregulations,and was formally established as a group with the members
internationalcodesand conventionssuch as those of being the major international classtilcation societies, ,,
Loadline-1966,Tonnage-1969, MarinePollutionPre- namely, American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas,
vention-1973 andSafetyofLifeat Sea-1974,MODU Det norske Veritas, GerrnanischerLloyd, Lloyd’s Regis-
Code,BulkChemicalCodeandotherCodestogetherwith ter of Shipping, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai and Registro Itali-
theirassmiated protuols and amendments. ano Navale. Since then Polski Rejestr Statkow, Korean
Register of Shipping andUSSRRegisk,rof Shipping have
To give you an idea of the magnitu& of the classifmation been added as members and Jugoslavenski Registar
mieties involvement it is estimatedthatmore than %70 Brodova as an associate member. According to the
of all ceficates issued to ships engaged in charterof IACS, the purpose of the association is to work
internationaltrade - nmrkring some 39,000 over a five towards the improvement of standardsof safety at sea, to
year pried - result from surveys by the major inter- provide for consultation and cooperation with relevant
national clasdkation swieties as do 90% of all SOLAS internationaland national maritime organizations and to
Cargo Ship Safety Certblcates issued to ships engaged in coopemte closely with the marineindustriesof the world.
internationaltrade - numking some 26,0(HIover a five Each society is to promote the aims which the association
year @id. holds in common.

Similar to classticationrequirements, certain statutory A focal point of IACS is found in the activities of IMO
regulationsrequire Priodic smveys to determinethatthe and in this regardthe formation of IACS affords the
vessel is being maintainedasrequiredby thoseregulations societies a unified voice for cooperation and consultation
and in thatsense does not become deficient. Some of the with IMO and, in addition, gives it collective input as an
surveys required fm these InternationalConventions and organization to IMO deliberations. IMO, in recognition
Codes parallel those required by class whereas others do of IACS, granted it consultative statusin 1969. It is fair
no~ However, the class societies are working to schedule to =y the IMO looks to IACS, which haa made essential
class and statutmy suweys to the best advantage of the contributions to those portions of internationalconven-
owner - aprucedure which is popularly called harmoniza- tions and cmks which are within the experdse of the class
tion of surveys. societies for assistance. For instance, IACS has
developed ftiy interpretationsof parts of the Load Line
Whenactingonbehalfofthegovernments in accordance Convention in the interestof treatingall shipsalike under
withtherequirements ofa conventionorCode,thesocie- the convention. Most of thesehave been adopted by IMO
tiescanonlyrecordmpomandrecommendbasedupon and more irnportantly,bytheAdministrationswhich have
thatwhichis seenat thetimeofthesurvey.If a vesselis authorized the societies to act as their assigning authori-
founddeficien~the societywouldrecommendto the ties,
Ownerthatwhichis necessaryto fulHltheregulations.
ShouldanOwnernotmakethenecessarycorrections,the The IACS Council has adopted over one hundredtechni-
societywouldrefuseto continuecerdficationandreport cal resolutions on matters relating to classifwwion re-
thistothegovernment whowouldtakeappropriate action. quirements. Overall, about 90% of the requirementsare
implemented in one way or another by the members.
The various aforementionedIntemation~)~ tinventions However, adoption by the Council does not mean auto-
and Codesare developedand promulgawlunderthe matic inclusion into the Rules of member societies, Each
auspicesof IhIO,the InternationalMaritimeOrganim- wiety retains full control over the content of its own
tion,whichh anad@nctoftheUnitedNations.It wasin Rules through its individual rule-making pmess, Coun-
the early 1960sthat IMO,previouslycalledIMCOfor cil memlms are obliged to present adopted requirements
Intergovernmental MaritimeConsultativeOrganization, to their“governing bodies” for consideration,and in some
becamea viableforumfor the developmentof inter- cases, m@rements have been ~jected or modified by
nationalmaritime~gulationsatthegovernment level.At these governing Imdies. Because of this, and because of
thattime,theclassi6cationswieties,as a group,deemed differing philosophies as to just what should be included
it beneficialtoestablisha liaisonwithIMCO.However, in the Rules, the IACS Requirements maybe included in
as a matterof interes~cooperativeeffortsamong.the full, in pm or irrtheform of internationalinstructions. It
smietieshadalreadycommencedresultingtim the1930 is frequently difficult to make a direct comparison h-
InternationalConvention onLoadLineswhichurgedsuch tween the Rules of any society and the IACS rw@re-
efforts“insecuringasmuchuniformityaspossiblem the ments. When dealing with individual ships, each society
applicationofthestandardsonwhichfreeboardisbased.” follows its own Rules.

Ensuing cooperative efforts led to worldng parties for Most of the IACS requirements relate to the construction
indepth studies of specific topics, the lkst of which was of the ship and its machinery installation. The process of
the Working Party on Hull StructumlSteel in 1957, fol- unitlcation among the societies began when shipping and ‘-
lowed by Working parties on Electrodes and Equipment shipbuilding became truly internationalin the period fol-
in 1959, and subsequently others. In 1968 the Inter- lowing World WarlI,anddesigners and shipbuilderswere

faced with theproblem of producing serie$ships, some of to help them fulfdl their obligation to maintainthe vessel
which might be ordered to class with different societies. in a condition required to maintainits classification. The
,/-. me Rules of the in@idual societies w@ dev@ped on IACS requirementsreflect what in our collective judg-
the basis of their own experknce and of the engineering men~ is the extent of examination needed to serve that
philosophies, practices and standardsin their own cmm- purpose. Feedback so far reveals thatmost owners appear
Iries, Taken as a whole, each set of Rules provides a to& satisllcd with the new requirements. It will be some
satisfactorysolution to the engineeringproblem of how to time, of course, before we can fully assess the effective-
build a shipwhichcan cotidently b ex~ted to satisfy ness of the system. In the interim, we are monitoring the
FatherNeptune’s requirements. A@.nst thisbaekgrouna effects on stmctuml condition of crude oil washing, inert
it will not be surpridng that most of the IACS R@re- gas, and segregatedballast.
ments concern those items which can be dealt with as
discrete units, anddo nothaveto b integratd intothe Other surveys which have ken considered by IACSare
overall structure. These include steel specifications, tailshafts,intemls for biler surveys, and examinationof
welding consumables, anchors and steering gear, and a the ship’s bottom, together with related items such as
number of other machinery components. Unification is rudderpintles and sea chews.
no~ as some may SUSWL a ‘matterof picking the least
common denominator. It is rather a refinement of the Several of the IACS requirements,which would seem to
individual Rules, taking into account rhe collective ex- relate to new constructio~ have also proven beneficial in
perience ofall the membr societies. In individual cases, the field of ship maintenanm. These are the requirements
some membershave &n able to relax a little,while others for-hull steel, welding ccmsumables, and anchors and
have had to tightenup a bi~ chain. Because the societies’ requirementsfor theseitems
are uniform, surveyors can accept for repair or replace-
In the early days of IACS, surveys afterconstructionwere ment materialswhich are properly documented as being
regarded as an internal matter to k dealt with by each in compliance with therequirementsof any of themember
smiety in accordance with its own prcdures. The in- societim, with a minimum of checking of thematerialsfor
creased intereston the partof the public and Administrat- himself. Thus, repair yards are spared the expense of
ions relativeto ship safetyand@lution hasled us to look maintaininginventories of matmials complying with the
into survey requirements and pmctices. Much of this requirements of each of the individual societies, and
work has ken done in conjunction with lMO, through ownerscanbecotident that suitable material is being
IACS observers and with support from staff members of u- for repair of their ships anywhere in the world.
the IACS societies serving on nationaldelegations. Thus, Naturally, when materialhas to be ordered for extensive
we provided substantialinput to the IMO guidelines for repairs, we expect thatit will be ordered to the specit3c
the MZUIdatoryAnnual Survey and for the Intermediate requirementsof the society with which the shipis classed,
Surveys for Older Tankers. While it is di.fflcultto assess
the influence IACS had on the outcome, the restd~ IMO L430kingahead IACS is taking an active interestin con-
Assembly Resolution A.413(XII) (Guidelines on Surveys ditionmonitoring, which shows promise asasubstitutefor
and Inspections Under the Protmol of 1978), is compat- dismantling many machinery components for visual in-
ible with clas.dkation surveys andprocedurm. TheMan- spection.
&tory AnnualSurveyis essentiallya descriptionof an
annualsurveyforclassas it is normallycarriedoutby a Once the techniques have been stilciently refined and
com~tentsurveyor.IACShaa,in faegadoptedasclass proven, this is expected to be a development which all
requirementsthosepartsoftheResolutionwhichptain OWTI~ will welcome. A variation of condition monitor.
to classitems. mg hasalrwidybeen adoptedby some societies for exami-
nation of tailshafts with oil lubricated karings, where
The requirementson tankersurveys, with which many of checking of wwmlown and analysis of the oil has let us
this audience are familiar, were purely an IACS effcmt extend considerably the intervalsbetween tailshaftdmw-
undertakenin recognition of the fact thatthe older, large irlgs.
tankers,which arestillworldng, will need careful surveys,
and in thelxJief thatit is highly desimble thatthe sacieties Hull surveillance is anotherfield in which IACS is taking
take a common approach to these ships. Some owners an interest,Atpresen~ hull surveillanceis directedtoward
would like us to examine their vessels very thoroughly measuringand recording loads imposed on the hull gir&r
with a view to helping them to plan maintenance fm the and in the slamming area over a period of time, but it is
life of the ship. Unfortunatelytherearea few who would conceivable thatthetechniquescould be usedto assessthe
really prefer thatthe surveyorjust verify the name of the overall strengthof the hull, perhapsmore accurately than
shipsoit willbe correctonhisrepon. is now done by taking gaugings.

The majority want the classification society to winy out The fields of condition monitoring and hull surveillance
enough examinationto assessthevewel’s condition prop- offer considerable promise for improving our ability to
/ .—... erly and to insist on repairs necessary to maintain its assess the condition of ships and theirmachinery. In the
fimess for seMce, atleastuntilthenext scheduled survey, opinion of the author, it will be a long tie before dials,

gauges, and gadgets can replace the eyes, ears, andjudg- industry, such as is evident here today, the classi.tkation
ment of the exptxienced surveyor. wxieties are closely watching this and other potential
problem matters for possible remedial action, such as
Experienceisretdly thecore for the classilkation require- revisions to tbe Rules anclhr circulars of instruction, ~.
ments which, as emkdied in the Rules, form a com-
pendium of experience derived born years and years of
For yourinformation, theIACS Council in February1991,
ship service and the experdse of a worldwide body of
authorizedthe fcmnationof an IACS Quality committee.
individualsprominentin all phasesof themarineindusfry.
This will lead to all IACS Societies being audited by an
This is to my mind one of the great virtues of the major
auditing group to be appointed by the IACS Council.
class society for there is no other organization with this
While details are not complete at this dine, I’m sure that
reservoir of knowledge and empirical dataand I dare say,
members of the indus~ will welcome this action by
no other group that could provide a facsimile to the
clas~cation function.

Concernshavebeenexpresedfromd.meto timethatthe Let me leave you with thethoughtthatit is you, themarine

societiw’requirementsin one way or anotherare not industry,who mustdeterminestandards;we, thesmieties,
stringentenough a case in point here being the corrosion can only translatethem into Rule requirements through
of structuralmembers in tanks subject to crude oil wash- interaction with you through our Technical Committees.
ing, which is ratherironic in view of thepmpoaes of crude We are always at your service and rady to caoperate in
oil washing. Such deterioration from accelerated corro- establishing and administeringRules thatare cmsidered
sion may or may not in fact, be the case. But you may a minimum necessary to provide for a vessel’s structural
rest ~sured thaL through our resources and the input of and mechanical fitness when facing the rigors of the sea.


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