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4reni2 [New Specifications and Standards in Jet Fuel Fitton New Specifications and Standards in Jet Fuel Filtration Velcon Filters LLC category: ation However the overall erorrance of the aircraft is dependent on the jet fue’s cleanness, clarity, and éryness. Contaminated and/or wet fue\in 2 et wil result in a multitude of problems. In order to prevent these problems, and to provide some level of certainty that the fuel being delvered to an aircraft is of the highest efinery tots utemate ‘quality possbi, the fuel must be filtered at vartous points in ite journey from t Ccestination «the fuel tank ofthe aplane Stringent standares and specifications are therefore applied to the process of jet fuel tration. These stancards are created and maintained by the petroleum/aviation industry, which comprised of major oil companies, fiter manufacturers, airport operates ane aires, among others. 1) for jet fuel fration.(Fiter water separator vsses are the primary defense against drt and water contamination in fuel) ‘The specification is “APV/IP 1581 s®*Eaition” (Anerican Petroleum stitute / Intute of Petrleum). This replaces APUIP 1581 3 Eaton, which hag been i pace since 1989. In July 2002 tne avaton industry announced a new specification for filter water separators VN b (CUTAWAY-—TYPICAL FILTER/SEPARATOR Figure 1 ~ Typical Fiter/Separator ‘The key objectives ofthe APIIP 1581 5'e¢ “+ Rage the level of performance of ter water separators so utile the specification 1 dares the miltary requitements se thatthe miltary community © ‘Require development of new products that are more resistant to surf + Change test aust to better smulat fed consitons ‘+ Change test protocol to reduce the time needed to qualify new elements + Adress three-stage fiter/separators ‘To meet these objectives three new categories were established, These are: category ¢ (Commercial) wv arpor nt. com/artce/new-speaiicaions-and-standards-injetuelsitation html 1B sreni2 [New Specifications and Standards in Jet Fuel Fitton ‘This category replaces the previous Classes A,B, & C of API/P-1581 Third Editon. Velcon’s new coalescer cartridges that meet Category C requirements have been develaped to prowde better water removal performance of surfactantiaden fuels, and improved fltration efficiency combined with longer ie. Categery °C Cartridges can be used at any point inthe fuel dstrbution system fram refineries to into-plane fueling. Test fuel this category 1 "Convmercil” Jet AJA, tested with Stade 450, OC-A, category ohiitary) ‘This sa brand new specication for mitary fuels, the JP8 similar to Jet A ut containing antiicing additives. Part ofthe rationale for creating anew edition was to include specifications for mitary applications, tereby ‘enabling Both mikary and cortarcil customers to use API/IP TSE Test fue the category i ‘Miltary, JP-8/35, tested with Stais 450, DA, DHEGME category M100 (itary withe 100) ‘This specification f aso for mikary fuels such as JPB, bot includes a surfactant additive called +109, The “100 allows fuels to run at higher aperating temperatures and reduces maintenance for high performance ritary jot engines. Test fuel inthis category tary w/ 100 a Adee Ne, JPB~100, tested with Stasis 450, DCA, DLEGME,€ Spec Ald 8Q462 Thermal Stabity ‘other Changes Another new feature af the S® Eeiton isa specification that allows operators te incorporate a third-stage ater absorbing cartridge with each category. (Soe Figute2) ‘The fifth eatin of APLIP 1581 aso creates a new description of fiter/separators: Type Sané Type $10. °S ‘opresents significant amounts of water ang ditt in the fue, and “SA” represents low det. Al products that are quaiied 19 Type S are autoratiealy quatities fr Type S40. Figure 2 Cutaway showing © Stage Fiter/Separator Similarity Rules The APLIP-AS8 Sth Eaton incorporates new rules for sinilarty calculations, and these are detaled i the new specification, APMIP-1882 (Feb. 2001) The malor ones ate 1. Maximum flow rate that a vessel canbe qualifies tos 2500 GPA (- 9,500 pm) 2. A vessel can only be qualified by silat the flow rate 's equal to or less than the tested flow rate, 3. Category M cartréges/vessel combinations can be qualified by smtrity te Categories M ane C only 4 Category M100 cavtrdges/vessel combinations can be qualied by sarty to Categories M10 and only 5. Filters already installed nay be cuatifed (see Paragraph 4.41.2 of API/P-ASBI Sth Eaton) by meeting sirwarity criteria as defined in APLIP-1522) for flaw rates above 2500 GPM (9,500 pr) and up to 5000 (PM 19,00 lpm. 6. The sirlarty calculations wil be sinlar to API 158 2°4 Edtion plus addtional caleulation fr vid vwlure and sum volume “est Dust wv. arpor nt com/artice/new-speaiicaions-and-standards-injet-uelstration html 28 4reni2 [New Specifications and Standards in Jet Fuel Fitton ‘mew test dust has been include inthe specifeation. Previously there was a problem with agglomeration of ‘the cust that resulted in clumps being formed uring testing. The new miture is 90K Utrane and 10% Red ron ‘Oxide R.9PHE. Although ths ms sll larger in sie than the “oid” Red on Oxide, does not agalomerate ‘The new dust also more closely simulates fled conditions. ‘Test Protocal Prevous editions required a single element test run with every fullscale test. This has been eliminated. Instead, ‘only one sngle-lement test i required for any particular madel or configuration, thereby reducing the tine needed to quay new elements. [Here are the current speciiations and qualification procedures for Aviation Jet Fuel PUP 1581, SMEGRion | LTERISEPARATORS PUP 1382, TEaition _ [SUARIY FOR APU 196) FL THRUSEPARATORS PUP 1563, 4PEaiion _[FLTER MONITORS WITH ABSORBENT TYPE ELEMENTS PUP 1590, Edition [NIEROFLTERS In Conclusion ‘The major impact for the users is that the ste of new fiter/separator veszels for mabile ecuipment wil be iarger in careter due tothe new requirement to test fRter/separators for mabe equipment with 3% water In place of 8 water as previously specified unis: American Petroleum hatte: hlto://apiep.aptorg/ For more information onthe quaifiation stancarcs Energy Insitute former In For avation related information on this ste: ukiIrdex.ctniPagelD=170 Fora Ist of aviation publications on this ste: tip: www-enerayinstog.ukinéex.cfrPageD=305 ite of eu): het: fw enereyinst.oa.ukl ‘ntact supple Print article rai ati share Arti wv arpor nt. com/artce/new-speaiicaions-and-standards-injetuelsitation html 38

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