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Who was Aurangzeb?

Who were the Marathas?

Who was Nadir Shah?
Who was Ahmed Shah Abdali/ Durani?
What was Jizya?
Who was Robert Clive?
Describe the Battle of Baxur.
Describe the Battle of Palassey.
Who was Tipu Sultan?
What was Suttee?
Who was Titu Mir?
Who was Siraj-ud-dulah?
What was the Battle of Kanpur?/ Who was Nana Sahib?
What were greased cartridges?
Who was Rani of Jhansi?
Describe the events of War of Independence?
What was the Doctrine of Lapse?
What was the Proclamation Act of 1858?
Describe the annexation of Sindh?
Describe the annexation of Punjab?
What was Charter Act?
Who was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan?
What was the Essay on causes of Indian revolt?
What was the Muhammadan Educational Conference?
What was Muhammadan Anglo Orientalschool/ College/ Aligarh College/University?
What was the Two Nation Theory?
Describe the Hindi-Urdu Controversy?
What was the Indian National Congress?
Who was Haji Shariat ullah?/ Describe the Faraizi Movement (FM).
Who was Shahwaliullah?/ Describe the services of Shahwaliullah.
Who was Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi?/ What was the Jihad Movement?
Describe the steps taken to promote Urdu language?
Describe the development of Punjabi language after 1947?
Describe the development of Sindi language after 1947?
Describe the development of Balochi language after 1947?
Describe the development of Pushto language after 1947?
Who was Ranjit Singh?
What were the Central aims of Aligarh Movement? /What was the Aligarh Movement?
1. Mughal emperor -succeeded Shah-jehan -became king in 1658` -introduced Jizya -fought
against Marathas/EIC/Pathans -died in 1707

2. Hindu of Deccan/South India -lead by Shiva -Aurangzeb fought them for 25 years -1737
defeated Mughals ;plundered Delhi -Marathas were defeated by Afghans in 1761 at Panipat.
3. Persian Leader -Invaded India in 1738 -Also defeated Mughal emporer Muhammad Shah -...
in 1739 -; at Karnal -plundered Mughal empire

4. Afghan general -In 1747 attacked Kabul, Peshawar, Lahore -In 1749 had control of Punjab -In
1756 attacked Kashmir and Multan -1761 defeated Marathas in Battle of Panipat

5. Reimposed by Aurangzeb -tax on Non-Muslims -displeased Hindus -lost support

6. British General -Defeated Nawab Siraj-ud-Dualah -; in 1757 -; in Battle of Plassey -Was made
the Governor of Bengal after Plassey -died in 1773

7. Mir Qasim joined forces with Nawab of Oudh, Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II -; .to drive EIC
out of Bengal -EIC defeated them -; in 1764 - EIC took control of Bengal, Behar, Orrisa and

8. 1757 -French encouraged Siraj-ud-Daulah to attack EIC base at Calcutta -Captured city but
couldn't keep hold of it -Robert Clive defeated Nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-Dualah -;with help of
Mir Jaffer's treachery -Siraj-ud-Dualah was killed and his body was found in;span
style"background-color: white; ;-Robert Clive was made Nawab of Bengal

9. Sultan of Maysore -was son of Haider Ali -defeated British many times -killed in 1799 by
British -titled "Tiger of Maysore"

10. Hindu Custom -widow was burned alive with her dead husband -British tended to ignore the
practice because of the fear of offending high-caste Hindus serving in the British army and civil
service -However, it was officially banned by British in 1829 -Suttee remained legal in some
princely states.

11. A disciple of Syed Ahmed -horrified by sufferings of Muslim farmers in West Bengal during
1830s -Organised a stand against zamindars-set up his own rule near Calcutta with small army
-provoked British and was killed in battle -... in 1831
12. Nawab of Bengal -in 1756 attacked EIC base at Calcutta -1757 fought Battle of Plassey -;
was defeated by Robert Clive - was killed and his body was found in the River

13. Indian troops led by Nana Sahib rose against British -British forces were trapped -British
surrendered and were given safe passage -However, when they reached the outskirts of the city
they were attacked from behind -300 British women and children were massacred by them

14. 1857 -British introduced greased cartridges made of cow and pig fat -Indians refused to use
them -Mangal Pandey was executed when he refused to use them -reason of revolt against
British (WOI, 1857)

15. Lakshmibai was the Rani of Jhansi -she dressed like a man -she was assisted by Tatya Topee
in WOI -killed by British in a battle in 1858

16. 1857 -a sepoy Mangal Pandey executed -Many sepoys in Meerut refused to touch the
cartridges -were imprisoned and broke out -Meerut sacked and British officers killed -Soldiers
marched on Delhi and captured it -revolt spread and British lost control of a number of towns
(Mathura, Kanpur, Jhansi and Allahabad) -In September British took Delhi back -Bahadur Shah
II surrendered and his sons murdered -Lucknow taken back -Jhansi held out until Rani was killed
in 1858.

17. Lord Dalhousie introduced it -... in 1852 - it extended British control -when a ruler died
without a natural heir the British would annex his lands e.g. Oudh

18. Introduced in 1858 at Allahabad by British after WOI -This act recognized the rights of
Indians -e.g. no interference in the religious belief of people -However, in practice British paid
little attention to their promise

19. British were worried about expansion policy of Ranjit Singh -Sir Charles Napier provoked
the Amirs of Sindh -Amirs of Sindh attacked British Residency -... in 1843 -British got an excuse
to attack Sindh -Amir of Sindh were defeated and Sindh was annexed
20. British signed treaty of perpetual with Ranjit Singh in 1809 -After his death in 1839, Sikhs
were worried that British might invade Punjab so they attacked British -Sikhs were defeated in
1846 -In Second War 1848-49, British defeated Sikhs and Sikh Empire came to an end;

21. introduced by British in 1833 -it said that Indians could be part of Civil Service in India - its
exams were held in England(in English) -So Indians could take part in it and so India was
entirely ruled by British officials;

22. born in 1817 -founded Aligarh Movement -founded Mohammadan Anglo Oriental
College(MAO) -tried to improve B-M relations after WOI e.g. wrote Loyal Mohammadens of
India -Gave his TNT -known as ; Father of Pakistan Movement';

23. Written by SSAK -in this pamphlet he pointed out the main reasons for the WOI -; e.g.
forcible conversion, poor management of Indian army -Some British read it with sympathy while
others got angered.;

24. Established by SSAK in 1886 -was setup to publicize new educational schemes to be used at
MAO school -;and to raise the educational standards of the Muslims-it was a political platform
for Muslims of India before formation of ML -after its 20th session, ML was formed.;

25. SSAK MAO school was set in 1875 -it gave education on English Public school pattern
-offered western and Islamic education -later the school became college and then university in
1920 -it became a symbol of Muslim unity -Leaders like LAK and Ayub Khan studied here and
later contributed to the Pakistan Movement;

26.; by SSAK -that Hindus and Muslims cannot live together -because they have cultural
differences e.g. Hindi-Urdu Controversy and political differences e.g. domination of Hindus
through congress or civil service TNT became basis of Pakistan Movement so SSAK is also
known as ; Father of Pakistan Movement
27.; 1867 -Hindus demanded Hindi be the official language instead of Urdu -Sir Syed and
Muslims shocked at attack on Urdu as it had a special meaning to them -Even Hindu members of
his Scientific Society wanted their journal published in Hindi -Growing belief that Hindus
working against the interests of Muslims led to his Two-Nation Theory.;

28.; -established in 1885 -so that British could hear the views of educated elite class -would
represent all communities of India, regardless of their religion -However, it became a Hindu-
dominated body and was working to have Hindu supremacy over Muslims;

29.; -Born in 1781 -FM founded by Haji Shariat Ullah -to restore pride of Muslims -revive Islam
-remove Hindu practices in worship -emphasis on praying for past sins -promising to lead a
righteous life in future -alarmed Hindus -his work carried on by son.

30.; Revived Islam -Promoted his message through writings e.g. 51 books on fiqh and Hadiths
-translated the Holy Quran into Persian which would enable more people to read it -persuaded
Ahmed Shah Durani to defeat Marathas to have Muslim rule in Subcontinent -emphasized on
social justice and equilibrium etc.;

31.; -Born in 1786 -religious reformer who worked for revival of Islam in sub-continent
-Believed that Muslims should be ruled by fellows Muslims -launched Jihad Movement Sikhs of
Punjab -gathered Mujahideens -was killed at Balakot by Sikh army (1831)

32.; -national language of Pakistan in constitution of 1973 -medium of instruction in educational

institutions;-dictionary has been published -medium for radio and television-Urdu film and play
are famous -novels, poetry and magazines are widely read.;

33.; Punjabi is the local language of the Punjab -It was a popular language amongst the Sufi
poets who used it for their romantic folk poetry and contributed to the popularity of Punjabi -The
Government have ensured its development by giving support to those institutions that are using
it. Radio, TV and film promoting classical and folk literature -Punjabi theatre is also popular
-Punjabi literature is taught up to MA level

34.; used mainly by people of Sindh -Sindhi literary board which prints books and magazines
e.g. G. Allama, Faqir N. Bakhsh -BazmeTalib-ul-Maula was setup to promote Sindhi literature
-Sarmast Academy was established in memory of Sachal Sarmast -Sindhiology department in
Sindh univeristy Jamshoro;

35.; Radio Pakistan Karachi broadcasts in Balochi -Balochi Literary Association setup -weekly
and monthly magazines published -Quetta TV station -development of Balochi literature, writers
and poets e.g. Atta Shad, Ishq Shamin, Gul Khan Nazir and Azad Jamal Din.
36.; Pashto is mainly spoken by people of NWFP -push to literature is taught at Peshawar
university -Push to Dictionary has been prepared by the academy -has played an important role
in driving out British in 1947

37.; Ranjit Singh annexed Punjab, Kashmir and most of Afghanistan -In Sindh he signed a treaty
with Great Britain in 1809 -Great Britain worried about Russian expansion into Afghanistan -;
agreed with Ranjit Singh -ruler of Punjab -Ranjit Singh didn't support Great Britain and they
went ahead anyway but in 1841 Great Britain troops were killed in Afghanistan

38.; Introduced by SSAK at Aligarh -aim was to improve British-Muslim relations -Aim was
improve political and economic position -aim was to remove threat of Hindu domination

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