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Worksheet : 7 Name : ________________

Grade : IGCSE - I Date : ____/____/________

Subject : CHEMISTRY Teacher’s Signature : ____


Q.I) Multiple choice questions. Select the correct answers from A, B, C and D from the following list.
1. Substance X does not react with dilute acid but substance Y does, forming a gaseous product.
The graph shows the results of experiments with X, Y and dilute acid.

What do these results show about X ?

2. A sample of magnesium is added to dilute acid in a test-tube connected to a syringe.

The experiment is repeated with different samples of magnesium.

Which sample causes the plunger of the syringe to move out most quickly ?

Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D 1
3. The mass of a beaker and its contents is plotted against time.

Which graph represents what happens when sodium carbonate reacts with an excess of dilute hydrochloric
acid in an open beaker ?

4. In different experiments, 2 g of marble are added to 10 cm of hydrochloric acid.
In which tube is the reaction fastest ?

Q.II) Answer the following questions.

1. A student investigates the speed of reaction when aqueous hydrogen peroxide breaks down using a catalyst,
manganese(IV) oxide. The catalyst remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. The apparatus was set up
as shown in the diagram. 2
Experiment 1 By using a measuring cylinder, 20 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide solution was poured into a conical
flask. One spatula measure of manganese(IV) oxide was added to the flask, the bung was quickly put in the
flask and the timer started.

The volume of gas collected in the measuring cylinder at 10 seconds, 20 seconds and 30 seconds was
The results are shown in the table below.

Experiment 2 By using a measuring cylinder 15 cm of hydrogen peroxide was poured into the conical flask.
The instructions were repeated exactly as given for Experiment 1, but 5 cm of distilled water was also
added to the flask.
Use the diagrams to record your results in the table below. 3
3 3
Experiment 3 Experiment 1 was repeated using 10 cm of hydrogen peroxide and 10 cm of distilled water.
Record your results in the table.

3 3
Experiment 4 Experiment 1 was repeated using 5 cm of hydrogen peroxide and 15 cm of distilled water.
Record your results in the table. 4
(a) Plot your results on the grid for each Experiment.




volume of
gas / cm3


0 50 100 150 200 250 300

time / s

(b) (i) Which experiment has the fastest rate of reaction?


(ii) Explain, in terms of particles, why this experiment has the fastest rate.

_________________________________________________________________________________ 5
(c) (i) State two sources of error in the experiments.

1 ________________________________________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________________________________

(ii) Suggest two improvements to reduce the sources of error in the Experiments.

1 ________________________________________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________________________________

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