Adventist Home Chapaater 32 Farrol, Precious-WPS Office

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Farrol, Precious Mae B.


Chapter 32: Preoccupy the Garden of the Heart


Parents as Gardeners

The heart of the children is a place where parents need to tend carefully, sow good seeds, and
keep it free from weeds that will damage their characters. As the child's first school is the home, the
parents first field of labor is in the heart and mind of their children. They must consider this duty as the
most important because God holds them accountable.

Tending the Garden

Young as the children are, we cannot reason that they are still not of age to be instructed. It is
rather the perfect time to sow the good seed. Let us not join the mindset of the world that allows youth
to follow their inclinations. We must not give the enemy the slightest chance to sow bad seeds in the
garden of the heart. The seed sown in childhood either good or bad often grows and dominates the later
life. Therefore, great responsibility lies in the hands of parents. As much as possible we are admonished
that good influences will be sown.

Seed Sowing, Weeding

Before the seeds are sown, the soil is first prepared. The weeds are removed and the ground is
cultivated. The same process is done in sowing the seeds into the heart. The children are prepared to
know God, learn of His principles, and led to examine self constantly to remove bad habits. The parents
that desires their children to please God must exert effort. Moreover, parents who neglect their duties
allow the devil to convert their children to be sowers of the seeds of death.

Unfolding Natural Beauty

In aiding the children as they grow, the parents must seek the knowledge from God so that in
every stage of their lives they will exhibit beauty of character that will both please their parents and
most of all God.

Farrol, Precious Mae B. BSA-1

Chapter 32: Preoccupy the Garden of The Heart


The title of this chapter is itself a very strong counsel to parents and future parents. At the very
early stage of the life of the child, he or she must be introduced immediately to God. There is no other
time because the enemy is waiting for an opportunity to introduce himself to the child. Truly the counsel
in Proverbs 22:6 is to be heeded "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will
not depart from it".

I have learned that the influences that surround the child must be good and that the parents
must be consistent in drawing the child to God because it was mentioned in this chapter that the evil
influence they have learned, if left alone, would progress faster than the good influence. It is no joke to
raise a child because in your influence dictates his or her destiny.

Lastly, parents must not be afraid to correct their children if they have seen wrong habits
developing in them. They must not reason that in the long run they will just mature and realize that
what they are doing is wrong. This is not a good mindset. The parents must remove every weed that
tries to outgrow the plants of heavenly virtues and they must not allow the bad vines to grow and choke
the plants. As long as it is early, the parents must move and tend the garden for they are accountable to
the Lord.

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