Bahasa Inggris Narotama Ginting Ajie Samudro

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Topic : promiscuity
Sub Topics : as a result promiscuity
Target : student senior high school
Time : 20 minutes
Day / Date : Monday, October 15, 2018
Place : senior high school hall
Speaker : Narotama Ginting Ajie Samudro

A. General Instructional Objectives (TIU)

After 20 minutes of counseling, it is expected that adolescents can understand and understand
free association

B. Special Instructional Objectives (ICT)

1. After being given counseling for 20 minutes the teenagers were able to explain the
understanding of the dangers of promiscuity

C. Material
Free association among teenagers as a lifestyle

A. Understanding of Youth

            Humans always experience change, both physical changes (body shape) and non-
physical (nature and behavior). Adolescence is a time that must be experienced by everyone.
At this time, our mindset experiences a shift from a still childish mindset to a more mature
mindset. After going through adolescence, everyone will enter a stage or phase called the
maturation phase. In this phase humans experience a change in mindset to become more
mature gradually.

In adolescence, usually every individual is still confused in determining who he really

is (the stage of self-discovery) in the sense of still looking for what he must do in his life. It is
at this time that it is necessary to cultivate the values of the prevailing norms so that when
undergoing the maturity phase do not fall into the deep abyss of error.
Adolescent age restrictions commonly used by experts are between 12 and 21 years.
This time span of adolescence is usually divided into three, namely 12-15 years of early
adolescence, 15-18 years of middle adolescence, and 18-21 years of late adolescence. But
Monks, Knoers, and Haditono differentiate adolescence into four parts, namely pre-
adolescence 10-12 years, early adolescence 12-15 years, adolescence mid-15-18 years, and
late adolescence 18-21 years (Deswita, 2006: 192).

B. Definition of Free Relations

Free association is one of the living needs of human beings because humans are social
beings who in their daily life need others, and human relationships are fostered through an
interpersonal relationship. Humanity is also the human rights of every individual and must be
freed, so that every human being does not may be limited in association, let alone by
discriminating, because it violates human rights. So association between humans must be
free, but still adhere to legal norms, religious norms, cultural norms, and social norms. So, if
medically, free association but regular or limited rules and norms of human life will certainly
not lead to excesses like today.

C. Types - Free Relationships

Free association now has become a new trend for young people today. They are doing
deviations from cultural and religious values. They did not think about the impact of what
happened to them. They only think of their own satisfaction without thinking about the
impact on others. Various examples of promiscuity include:

1. Free sex

One of the causes of free sex is media. It is the media that most influences the
morality of the nation's children. The more teenagers are treated with sexual exploitation in
the media, the more they will dare to try sex at a young age.

In general, groups of teenagers who get the most sex drive from the media tend to
have sex at the age of 15 to 17 years 2 times higher than other teens who see less sex
exploitation from the media. So it is not surprising that the rate of pregnancy outside marriage
in Indonesia skyrocketed, until sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are now a public health

2. Drugs

Drugs are short for narcotics and dangerous drugs. Drugs are the toughest threat for
this nation

3. Nightlife

They consider nightlife to be a necessity of life that cannot be separated from their
routine. Indonesian society's perception of nightlife is taboo, they consider that nightlife is
not in their customs. They assume nightlife is synonymous with free sex, alcohol and drugs.
It cannot be denied when the outbreak of ecstasy and methamphetamine. This type of illegal
drug is often found in nightclubs. Alcohol is easy to find when we enter nightclubs. This
world is much penetrated by the upper class and among celebrities. They waste money for a
moment of satisfaction.

4. Alcohol (Liquor)

Liquor or often called alcohol is easy to find wherever we are. Alcohol is a substance
most often misused by humans, alcohol is obtained from fermentation of honey, sugar, fruit
juice or tubers.

Excessive consumption of alcohol can cause brain shrinkage and heavy alcohol
consumption can pose serious health problems such as intestinal inflammation, liver disease,
and brain damage. Sometimes alcohol is used with a combination of other dangerous drugs,
so the effect is multiplied.

D. Factors Causing Free Association

1. Because of the Frail Life of Faith.

A good and right religious life is characterized by understanding, understanding and

obedience in carrying out religious teachings well without being influenced by any situation.
This is actually the most important factor in providing young people with life. Young people
whose faith is not reliable, have a tendency not to walk in the way of God, including not
praying for their association. Religion and faith are the foundation of an individual's life.

2. Lack of attention of parents.

Parents play an important role in the life of a child. Parental attention is needed by
someone because the parents are closest to him. Parental guidance is very influential on a
person's behavior. If parents give less guidance and knowledge then a child will easily fall
into promiscuity

But there are also children who do have bad personalities, even though their parents
have given enough attention and sufficient direction as well, children who are classified as
having a bad personality will always not listen to the words of their parents. This will leave
regret at the end of the act of the teenager or student.

3. Complete Facilities.

Complete facilities will make it easier for someone to be able to engage in free
promiscuity. But depending on each of them, if they are able to use the facilities provided by
their parents properly, this will not happen.

4. Self-Execution.

This factor does not only come from yourself, for example because already done, a
teenage girl usually believes there is nothing more to be proud of in her, so in her mind she
will feel despair and seek impingement that will plunge her into free association like free
sex .

5. Not Educating Spectacle.

The effect or influence of consuming various spectacles for teenagers is very large.
What they watch, correlates positively and significantly in shaping their behavior, especially
films and soap operas, both films watched on the screen and films watched on the big screen.
Television shows are so busy with shows that make erah hot ’, video clips of dangdut songs
only, now are more daring to show off their genitals and scenes that can increase the passion
of men. Not to mention film shows that make teen brains poisoned with heretical messages.

6. Low knowledge of the dangers of promiscuity.

They assume that promiscuity is a natural thing for their association. The factor of
minimal knowledge plus high curiosity, lack of knowledge of the impact and consequences of
what we do can make it easier for us to fall into negative things. In general we as a teenager
have a very high curiosity, if we find or see something new then we will automatically want
to feel it or try it.

7. Environmental Factors Like Parents.

Parents need to realize that the times have changed. The communication system, the
influence of mass media, the freedom of association and modernization in various fields are
rapidly influencing our children. Culture lives young people today, in contrast to the parents
of teenagers.

8. Incorporating

Friends are people who are very influential for teenagers and students. If a teenager or
student is wrong in choosing a friend, the consequences will be fatal. Choose

9. Teenage failure to absorb norms

This is because the norms that have been displaced by actual modernization are
westernization. We may follow modernization but still must be adapted to the norms of
custom and culture and religion.

10. Change of Age

Along with the times, culture also developed or more commonly known as
globalization. Teenagers are usually more interested in imitating western culture that is
different from our culture, which triggers them to get along like freer Westerners.

11. Factors of the Self.

Young people as the main actors in association, of course, must first be aware of their
vulnerabilities in association. Here we talk about how to take a stand in determining the good
and the bad.
E. Society's view of free association

                After we enter the era of life with a global communication system, with the ease of
accessing information both through print, TV, internet, comics, mobile media, and pirated
DVDs that roam the community, it certainly provides great benefits for our lives. Every
phenomenon that exists and happens in the world, of course will give both positive and
negative values. It really depends on the mindset and personal foundation of each of them.

Every individual of us will feel happy with the presence of a more sophisticated and
practical product or service. Internet technology is no exception, which has broken down the
world boundaries and television media that provide entertainment, information and actual
news. Likewise, cellphones have helped to communicate with fellow human beings at any
time even though one another is in the North-South or East-Sea world.

But with the presence of these various technologies basically has changed the thinking
of the community. like free promiscuity, many of us have assumed that this is something
natural. In ancient times, if Maghrib prayer was reverberating then all family members should
have been in the house. But, not now that nightlife has become normal. Indeed, at first they
took the positive side of life at night like working for example. It starts from a small thing but
has now run on a bigger impact. Cafes from the outside look ordinary but there are amazing
treats, for example: feuds, drug parties, liquor and even free sex.

F. The consequences of free association

As a result of the negatively oriented free association that he does will have an impact
on himself and is very detrimental to both physical and mental. Even though the act can
provide a pleasure but it is all just a momentary pleasure.

Here are some of the consequences of free association:

1. Loss of Honor.

The loss of honor, the loss of dignity both before God and fellow humans and
damaging its future. Honor is very important for every human being, especially for women. If
the honor has been lost then it will clearly be seen the difference with women who still
maintain their honor.

2. Achievement tends to decrease.

If a teenager or student has fallen into promiscuity, then his mind will always be
focused on the negative thing. The feeling of wanting to repeat it is always there, so that the
level of focus in following the learning process at school or college will decrease. Lazy
learning, lazy to do assignments and so on can reduce the achievement of a teenager or

3. Pregnant Outside Marriage (free sex)

Being pregnant out of wedlock will be very problematic for my nurse. Especially for
teenagers who are still in school, the school will issue my staff if it is found that there are
pregnant students. Whereas for the offender who is going to get pregnant out of wedlock,
there will be tremendous shame, especially parents.

4. The good name of the family is smeared.

All parents will feel hurt if the child who is proud is also dreamed of falling into
promiscuity. The good name of the family will be tarnished because of this, and this will
leave a deep wound in the family heart.

5. Inner pressure.

Deep inner pressure due to remorse. As a result of these regrets my staff will often be
depressed and think irrationally.

6. Infected with Disease.

Free sex, sharing needles and syringes, liquor is a means of spreading deadly diseases.
Like HIV / AIDS etc.

7. Missing the Future

        Teenagers who have entered into promiscuity are the same that they have eliminated
some of their future.

G. Solutions to Prevent and Overcome Free Relationships

Free association that occurs in adolescents and students can be prevented by several
efforts. These efforts include:

1. Strengthen faith and obedience to God.

2. Embed religious, moral and ethical values.

3. Instill the Eastern Tilapia.

4. Education.

5. Sex education.

6. Counseling about the dangers of promiscuity.

7. Enforce the Law.

8. Honest On Yourself.

9. Improving the Way of Communication.

10. And others.

H. Images - Images of Free Relations

D. Method

1. Lecture
2. Questions and answers

E. Media
1. Poster
2. PPT

F. Process of Counseling Activities

Of Activity
No Stages Time
Extension Target
1. Opening 5 minutes 1. Greeting 1. Respond to greetings.
2. Introduce myself 2. Listening
3. Explain goals

2. Core 10 Explain about: 1. Listening

minutes 1. understanding of teenagers 2. Listen
2. understanding of promiscuity 3. Record if necessary
3. types of promiscuity 4. Ask questions about
things that are not yet

3. Cover 5 minutes 1. Question and answer 1. Asking

2. Summing up 2. Answer the
3. Greeting question
4. Evaluation 3. Answering
G. Reading Resources

Enterprise,Quantum.2010.Etika pergaulan remaja dalam pandangan.

Gunarso,singgih D.1988.Psikologi perkembangan.Jakarta:PT Gramedia

H. Evaluation

1. Ways: Oral
2. Types of questions: Open Questions
3. Time: After counseling
4. Problems:
kinds of promiscuity
due to promiscuity

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