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Victory Strategic Prayers And Note


Authored by: Friday D.Okoh


No. Of pages:43

Victory Strategic Prayers And Note; authored by Friday D. Okoh, a minister of God
with :Salvation Healing Church(SHC); is a timely book that provides practical do
it yourself deliverance solutions to all former impossible cases.Those whose
problems persist even after several sessions of deliverance ministrations with
competent deliverance minister. Be still: God has not forgotten you, you can be
Victory Strategic Prayers And Note(is dealing on total deliverance, healing and
restorations).The book is divinely inspired Christian book. Our father tells us
in "Jeremiah29:11-12" that," for I know the though that I think toward you, saith
the lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then
shall ye call upon me and you shall go and pray unto me and I will hearken unto
you". He gave out solutions for our own breakthroughs, in order to overcome bad
dream problems: that confronts many Christians/people today and as well as
physical problems.
The Bible is also telling us in the book of "John10:10"that,"the thief cometh not,
but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy :but thank God, Jesus Christ came and
paid the price of our sins for us and gave us life, and life more abundantly ,if
we obeys Him. What Jesus Christ expect from us to do all the time is to call His
name Jesus, so that, we can conquer our arch-enemy the devil. Christian should
understand that demons are like toys that can be discarded, due to the presence of
Jesus whose name and power is able to dispel Satan, at the name of Jesus every
knee shall bow, including that of Satan (Phil.2:10-11).Victory Strategic Prayers
And Note(dealing on deliverance, healing and restorations)is a basic comprehensive
Christian book dealing about all attacks which human beings receives from forces
of darkness in the dream life and physical states and as well as its
manifestations. And how to overcome them with strategic prayers in the book.
The book is an inspired prayer book that goes a long way to aid in the liberation
of mankind; from the hands of forces of darkness. Since, Satan knows that his time
is very short and discovered that he is losing battles on daily basis; as he
tryst to manipulate many believers to commit sin. He has devised another means to
reach out to many mankind through his devilish strategic attacks upon human
beings here on earth.

He (Satan) reaches many believers in the dream life state; by making many people
to eat in the dream, as well as offering demonic spiritual husbands, wives and
making love in the dream, having demonic spiritual children, and demonic gifts
are as well offered to some people. He denies mankind’s divine gifts from God
through dreams.

In the spiritual realm whether Godly designed or satanic designed; whatever

happens spiritually must surely come to pass physically here on earth, that is why
it is good for believer to pray and to have discerning spirit “power” in order to
be able to know what to pray for; either to claim or to reject what one had dreamt

According to Hosea 4:6, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” ignorance
can put someone in bondage and spiritual blindness. It’s even surprising today
that many church goers (members), nowadays suffers from satanic bondages even
when they appears not to have sinned. Victory strategy prayers and note; have
been inspired and designed for the benefit of mankind , on how one could easily
detect and counter-attacks spiritual problems especially those received in the
dream life state a nd physical problems as well , and thereby setting captive free
from all satanic oppressions for the Glory of God through Jesus Christ which
would enable someone to make heaven, without spot or blemish (Eph 5:27).

Inspiration of: Victory strategic prayers and note; was designed to handle all
human problems in line with the under - listed .
1.First thing to do before starting any prayers
2.Suggested prayer before deliverance commencement.
3.Prayer for losing oneself from star and progress binders.
4.Prayer against eating/drinking in the dream.
5.Prayer for nullifying food/drink already taken via dream ( via act of
6.Prayer against demonic spiritual husband/wife and children.
7.Prayer against demons of manipulations.
8.Special nullification prayer of known and unknown demonic attacks.
9.Prayer for good spirit acceptance and against bad spirit rejection( when there
is recognition conflict "confused").
10.Prayer against ill-progress forces of darkness( manipulations).
11.Prayer for revealing any hidden agenda which forces of darkness and enemies
might have against someone.
12.Prayer against spiritual weaknesses designed by forces of darkness to weaken
13.Prayer against evil forces trying to press someone in the dream or at
14.Prayer for stopping forces of darkness not to be able to draw blood from one's
body to demonic spiritual realm.
15.Prayer to say before starting any spiritual assignment(fasting).
16.Prayer against receiving gift(s) from Satan.
17.Prayer against giving out one's gift(s) out via dream life state.
18.Prayer against receiving accident in the dream.
19.Prayer against rejecting any accident had in the dream( via act of
20.Prayer against receiving any arrest in the dream.
21.Prayer for rejecting arrest that was carried out successfully on someone in the
dream life state.
22.Prayer against sex perversion practices.
23.Breaking the stronghold of marital delay( anti-marriage prayers) for spinsters
and bachelors.
24.Marriage healing prayers.
25.Fruit of the womb comprehensive prayers( for: barreness/
miscarriage/infertility problems in women and impotency/infertility problems in
26.Post pregnancy special prayer points for expectant mothers.
27.Prayer against household enemies.
28.Prayer against spirit of death.
29.Healing prayers.
30.Prayer against marine spirits initiation/fellowship/its unprofitable covenants.
31.Prayer against witchcraft spirits/fellowship/its unprofitable covenants.
32.Prayer against dream life attacks.
33.Prayer against initiation.
34.Prayer for court favour.
35.Prayer for renouncing/rejecting secret cult membership.
36.Prayer against anti-testimonies forces.
37.Prayer against spirit of rejection.
38.Prayer against negative or unholy transference of spirits.
39.Prayer against negative or unholy soul-ties.
40.Family liberation prayer points.
41.Breakthrough healing and restoration prayers.
42.Prayer for empowerment( for ministers/ those gifted with prophetic gifts).
43.Self healing ministration prayer/oral solution.
44.Operation lose him and let him go.
45.Prayer for consecration of :house/shop/office.

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