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 Sex is determined by the epithelial cells and RBC

 Sex determination is done by the buccal epithelium
 Nepal grievous hurt panel 192 two years imprisonment and 25 thousand
 Acid phosphatase test is done for detection of the seminal stains
 Takayama reagent is used in the hemochromogen test and seen as pink
feathery structure
 Myocardium becomes rigid after 60 minutes
 Delayed rigor mortis occurs in arsenic poison
 Lead poison don’t cause hypotension
 System used in the fingerprint is the galton system
 Ist permanent teeth to erupt is molar and to appear is Ist molar
 Baby has o negative and parents wont have ab positive
 Adiopocere: hydrogenation and saponification of fat
 Adiopocere isn’t characterized by the whole body affected
 Height of child is double the birth at age of 4 year
 Delusion isn’t feature of the Datura
 In frostbite the skin becomes black in about 7-14 days
 BAL isn’t used in the poison due to morphine, iron, cadmium, selenium,
silver or uranium poison
 Barbiturate poison: miosis, cyanosis, hypotension and coma are seen
 Arsenic is detected by marsh test and resembles chorea
 In drowning miosis isn’t seen
 Gutter fracture results from the bullet injuries
 Fatal dose of strychnine is 15-30 mg
 Hypostasis with red brown or deep blue color is due to nitrates
 Bluish green hypostasis is due to hydrogen sulfide
 Red brown color hypostasis is seen in nitrites
 Pink color hypostasis is seen in cyanide
 Black color hypostasis is seen in opiates
 The color of stomach in nitric acid poison is green
 Bitter almond smell is of hydrocyanic acid poison
 Foamy lives is seen in putrefaction
 Maggots are found in dead body in 24 hours, flies lay eggs in natural orifice
in 18-36 hours, eggs hatch into maggot or larvae in 24 hours and maggot
develop into adult in 1 to 5 days
 Aconite is incriminated in the cattle poison
 Blackening after firearm is best demonstrated by the infrared photography
 Dermal nitrate test is used in the gun powder residue
 Fetal parts can be detected by x ray usually by 16 weeks or 4 months
 Hashish is produced from the resin exudate
 Rat tail clot is found in the post mortem wound
 Ante mortem fracture differs from postmortem clot by effusion of blood
 Fatal period for copper poison is 1 to 3 days and dose Is 30gm
 Fatal period for sulfuric acid poison is 12 hours and dose is 10-15 ml
 Lightening injury shows arborescent marks and filigree burn
 Locard exchange principle is used in detecting crime
 Brush burn occurs due to friction
 Opium isn’t cardiac poison
 Aconite isn’t stupying poison
 Wilson classification is used in burns
 Detecting the blood group of old bloodstains on fiber is by absorption
elution test, mixed agglut test and absorption inhibition test
 Determining the presence of blood stains: benzidine test and phenop or
kastle mayer test
 Methyl alcohol poison cause blindness
 Viscera should be preserved in 10% formalin for histopathological
 Identification of face by using skull xray is known as superimposition
 Urine sample is preserved by using the thymol
 Male pelvis don’t have triangular obturator foramen
 Sweet tasted poison producing perioral sensation is aconite
 DNA fingerprint is done by sequencing nuclear DNA
 In arsenic poison we don’t use the penicillamine
 In iron ,op and diazepam poison we don’t use the hemodialysis
 Blood antigens are used in the poison due to the saliva
 Vomiting ipeac is used in iron poison
 Hemodialysis is mandatory is methanol poisoning
 Rectified spirit isn’t used in the preservation of the carbolic acid
 A dead born fetus don’t have adiopocere formation
 Species identification is done by precipitin test
 The phenomenon of suspended animation may be seen in drowning,
newborn, anesthesia, cerebral concussion, electrocution, heat stroke,
mesmeric trance, typhoid fever, deep shock, opiates poison
 Patterned abrasion is a variety of pressure abrasion
 Autopsy showing dark brown stain and garlic odor on stomach is likely due
to phosphorus
 Mummification occurs in absent of moisture with high temperature and
air around

 Leishmania brazillensis , Eichinococus and endemic syphillis aren’t
sexually transmitted
 Tinea capitis in children is caused by the Trichophyton verrucosum
 Kerion is caused by the Trichophyton verrucusom or t mentagrophytes
 Wood lamp isn’t useful in the diagnosis of the tinea rubra
 Pinkish red fluorescene of urine on wood light is shown by the porphyria
cutanea tarda
 Psoriasis is exacerbated by the lithium, antimalarials, beta blockers
 Timble pitting, oil drop nails are seen in the psoriasis
 In erythrodermic psoriasis the treatment of choice is the topical
 Basal cell degeneration is the characteristic feature of the lichen planus
 Discharging sinus is present in the actinomycosis
 Acantholysis have hyperchormic nuclei and perinuclear halo is seen in
the phemphigious
 Berloque dermatitis is due to contact with the cosmetics
 Phynoderma is due to deficiency of vitamin A
 Melkerson Rosenthal syndrome: facial nerve palsy, plication of tounge,
facial edema
 Melanocytes are present in the stratum basalis
 Negative smear is seen in pure neuritic leprosy
 Dose of dapsone is 1-2 mg/kg
 Daily dose of thalidomide in controlling ENL is 200-400 mg
 Half life of dapsone is 24 hours
 Itchyosis is associated with the hodgkins lymphoma
 Crystalline miliria occurs due to the sweat glands
 Ringworm infection affects the startum corneum
 Treponema carateum involves skin only whereas T pertenue involves
skin and bone
 Drug induced phemphigious isn’t seen in furosemide
 Dyskeratosis is the feature of the dariers disease
 4A : ambivalence, autism, affect, association
 In schizophrenia bad prognositic factor is family history, gradual
onset, onset before 25, depression absent, thin physique, absent of
precepting factor
 In schizophrenia good prognostic factor is catatonic features, acute
onset, short duration, age> 35, depression present, precipitating
factor present
 Memory disturbance of ECT recovers after few weeks- few months
 ECT isn’t useful in the chornic schizophrenia
 ADHD is seen with the phenobarbitone use
 OCD are ego synostic
 In OCD drug of choice is clomipramine
 Delusions aren’t seen in OCD
 Constipation isn’t the feature of morphine withdrawal
 Loos of immediate memory isn’t the feature of the korsakoff
 LSD is associated with the flashback phenomenon
 Mania stages:euphoria, elation, exaltation, ecstasy
 Simple schizhophrenia is charactized by the predominant social
 Weight gain isn’t the side effect of the fluoxetine
 Pavor nocturnus is the sleep terror
 Methylphenidate isn’t hallucinating agent
 Sign of the organic brain disorder is seen in the bender gestadlt
test( evaluation of the visual-motor functioning , visual- perceptual
skills, neurological impairment )
 No withdrawal has been reported for the LSD use
 In korsakoff we don’t see the hallucinations
 Catatonia was coined by the karl kahibaum
 Which scientist propagated therapeutic community concept is
Maxwell jones
 Symphaty towards captivator by captivated person is known as
Stockholm syndrome

 Allergic phenomenon are more common with the ester linked local
 Fentanyl causes muscle rigidity
 The muscle relaxant property of the succ remains for 3-5 minutes
 Ketamine has got maximum analgesic property
 Thiopentone is pale yellow color
 Dose of thiopentone is 5 mg/kg
 Barbotage: CSF is alternatively withdrawn and re-injected under pressure
 Maximum dose of the lignocaine for local anesthesia is 500 mg
 Tetracaine is the longest acting local anesthetics
 Shortest acting local is the procaine
 Cycloprophane isn’t the intravenous agent
 Isoflurance cause the coronary steal syndrome
 For manual removal of placenta we use GA
 Headache isnot the complication of the epidural anesthesia
 Diazepam produces its effect by acting on the ascending reticular activating
 Anesthesia was discovered by the lundy
 The most common nerve involved with the spinal anesthesia is 6th nerve
 The noninflammable anesthetics agent is trilene
 Bretylium interferes with the release of the noradrenaline
 Eyeball movement are lost in stage 3 and stage 1
 In second stage of anesthesia the pupils are partially dilated
 Gudels stage of anesthesia is classically seen with the ether
 Brain stem is modified by the mapelson system D
 Althesin is the steroidal anesthestic agent
 Sufentanil is a potent analgesics
 Normal dead space is 30% of the tidal volume
 Longest acting muscle relaxant is atrcurium and shortest acting
nondepolarizing agent is the mivacurium
 First successful demonstration of the anesthesia was done in the year 1846
 Cranial nerve not involved in spinal anesthesia is Ist and 10th
 Slow pulse rate is the sign of the soda lime exhaustion
 Nitrous oxide was discovered by the joseph priestly
 Trendelenberg position is associated with the least vital capacity or
maximum loss of vital capacity by 15%
 Oxygen content in the anesthetic mixture is the 33%
 Sevoflurane shouldn’t be used with the soda lime
 Intubation dose of the pancuronium is 0.08mg/kg
 Thiopentone is contraindicated in the asthma
 Maximum metabolism is shown by halothane and only compound to
undergo the reduction process
 N20 is the anesthetic agent which don’t suppress the CNS
 Intravenous anesthetics agent with the least elimination half life is the
 The last muscle to be rendered akinetic is superior oblique
 Helium color code is brown
 Neuro induction and maintained by propofol whereas inhalation agent of
choice is sevoflurane
 Thiopentone concentration used for anesthesia is 2.5%

Community medicine
 The incidence of byssinosis is greater among the spinners
 For milk pasteurization phosphate test is done
 One attack of mumps confers the life long immunity
 Small pox was eradicated in 1977 BS
 Vitamin D requirement for the children is the 200 IU and adult is 400 IU
 Rabies cannot be transmitted by the ingestion
 Neurolathyrisim is caused by the BOAA
 Endemicity of the ankylostomatosis is measured by the chandlers index
which is the number of eggs per gram of stool and >300 is public health
problem wheras <200 is normal
 Drinking water is made cyclops free by the filtration and concentration of
abate for killing cyclops is 1mg/l
 Average life of cyclops is 3 months
 Unicef was established in 1946
 Bcg vaccine is administred intradermally in children
 Paris green are mainly used for killing the surface feeders such as
aneopheline larvae only
 Who was set up in 1948 AD
 Franklin has polio
 Randomization is useful in eliminating the selection bias
 Mala N contains norgestrol 0.3 mg and o.03 mg of ethinyl estradiol
 Trench fever is caused by louse
 Actone killed typhoid vaccine the immunity last for 4 years
 Malathion spary is effective for 3 months
 Multiload device is a second generation IUCD
 DPT vaccine shouldnot be freezed and store at 4 degree
 Immunity develops after the 30 days of JE vaccine
 Infant parasite rate is the best indictor for the recent transmission of malaria
 Seasonal trend is due to the environmental factors
 In lepromin test mistuda reaction is read after 4 weeks and Fernandez is read
after 48 hours
 Index of duration of malnutrition is height for age
 The incubation period for the pertussis is the 7-10 days
 Coconut oil has lowest essential fatty acid wheras safflower oil has got
maximum of it
 The protein content of the rice Is 6-9 %
 True about dracunculosis is it is spread by the vector
 Trickling filter has biological zooglear layer
 Breast milk has more lactose than the cows milk
 Amount of calcium in one litre of human milk is 0.33
 No any drug is suitable for the chemoprophylaxis of the draculonsosis
 Salk polio is an inactivated vaccine
 Headquater of FAO is in Rome
 Diphtheria isnot under the WHO surveillance
 Incubation period for the filariasis is the 8-16 months
 Parateniac host: in which the parasite remains viable without the further
 Ticks arenot classified as the insecta
 Chicken pox vaccine isn’t the live vaccine
 Strength of sewage is expressed in terms of the biological oxygen demand
and this gives the indication of the organic matter
 After refrigeration of 48 hours syphilis cannot be transmitted through blood
 World health day is in April 7th
 The incubation period of the mumps is 18 days
 If any bacterial dividing time given the tick mark 512 straightway
 Treating cholera in a single dose is by the doxycycline
 Methylene blue reduction test isn’t used in the testing the efficiency of the
 Soyaben has hightest content of iron
 IMR don’t include the perinatal mortality ratio
 Average birth weight in Nepal is 3100 for male and 2900 for female
 Tiger mosquito is called aedes
 The decibel sound above which the auditory fatigue occurs is 4000 hz
 The literacy rate of Nepal is 67.9%
 Pit latrine depth should be 75 cm in diameter and 10-12 feet deep
 Nuisance mosquito are culex ones
 There is no vaccination for the plaque
 The infective form of the ancylostoma duodenale is rhabditiform larva after
molting twice
 Population explosion is defined as annual growth rate is more than 2
 Loa loa don’t casuse the lymphatic filariasis
 The effectiveness of the cholera is 50% for period of 3-6 months
 Pasteurization kills around 90% of the bacteria
 The breeding place for the anopheles mosquito is clean water
 Road to health growth chart was discovered by the david morley
 ORS composition must know
 Chronic noise exposure more than 100 db cause the deafness

 Most common complication of the colles fracture is the malunion
 Histological feature of ewing sarcoma shows small round cells filled with
glycogen and arises from endothelial cells
 Card test is done for palmar interossi
 Joint not fused in the triple arthrodesis is the tibiotalar joint
 Maximum shortening of lower limb is associated with the posterior
dislocation of the hip
 The basic unit of the bone is osteon
 Lesion in midline involving the sacrcum which is sclerotic is chordoma and
this is not derived from the endothelial cells
 Olier disease: multiple enchondromas whereas maffuci syndrome we see the
multiple enchondromas with the cavernous hemangiomas
 Best management of the vertical talus or the rocker bottom foot is the
operative surgery done before 2 years of age
 Osteochondroma is the most common benign bone tumor
 Oblique view is for the diagnosis of the scaphoid fracture
 Aviator fracture is the fracture of neck of talus
 Punched out lesion in skull with beveled edge is seen in eosinophilic
 Sever disease is related to the calceneous
 Vertical strations on vertebral bodies are seen in the hemangioma
 Freiderg disease is the osteochondritis of the head of the 2nd metatarsal bone
of the foot
 In fetus ossification starts in the 5th week
 Neuropathic joints don’t occur in the myopathy
 In pseudogout we don’t see calcification
 Trevor disease is also known as dysplasia epiphylesia hemimelacia
 Wrist joint is an example of ellipsoid joint
 Nail patella syndrome is associated with the absence patella
 In children most common cause of paralytic scoliosis is posterior
 In lesser trochanter we don’t see the looser zone
 In osteomalecia serum calcium and phosphate are decreased whereas ALP
are increased
 In achondroplasia we see trident hand
 Abnormally high patella is seen in the recurrent dislocation
 In bone the most sensitive area is periosteum
 In chondrosarcoma we see calcification always remember this
 Alber-schonberg is also called as osteopetrosis
 Treatment of choice for a 50 year old patient with intracapsular fracture of
neck of 3 days is cortical screw fixation
 In rheumatoid arthritis the inflammation begins in the synovium
 Most common site of the unicameral bone cyst is the upper end of humerus
 In the fracture of both bones of forearm at the same level, the position of
arm in the plaster should be mid-prone
 Trendelenburg sign positive: perhes disease, coxa vara, congenital acquired
dislocation of hip
 Amputated digits should be preserved in the immersion in cold saline
 Paraarticular erosion is most common in the rheumatoid arthritis
 In VIC the first sign to appear is pain on extension
 In cold abscess the most common site is the thoracic vertebrae
 Increased density of bone is seen in fluorosis
 Osteochondroma is the most common beingn tumor of the bone
 Delrome is associated with the progressive restrictive exercise
 Chondroblastoma presents with the painful swelling with the immature
fibrous matrix with scattered giant cells and affects the epiphysis
 Ischial tubersities are less commonly involved in pelvic fracture
 33 year old lady presented with the progressive swelling in the distal 3rd of
the tibia with multiple radiolucent lesions separated by the areas of the dense
and sclerotic bone and biopsy showing the island of epithelial cells in a
fibrous stroma the diagnosis is the adamantinoma

 Multiple papilomas are treated with the microsurgery and are the most
common beingn vocal cord lesion in pediatrics age group
 In positional vertigo the semicircular canal involved is the posterior
 A negative rinne test indicates the air-bone gap of at least 15-20 decible
 Caldwell luc operation is done for removing the recurrent antrochonal
 Canal for the tensor tympani is located in the anterior wall
 Greyish white membrane isnot seen in the Ludwig angina
 Cholestotoma basically perforates the lateral part of the semicircular canal
 In cholesterol granuloma we see the bluish tympanic membrane
 In otosclerosis tympanic memabrane is typically flamingo
 In acute tonsillitis the most common lymph node to enlarge is the
 Treatment of carcinoma in situ of larynx is stripping
 Oroantral fistula is common after the extraction of the ist molar
 In vestibular neuronitis we don’t see the deafness
 Bulla ethmoidalis is found in the middle meatus in which the ethmoidal
cells open
 Carcinoma associated with the nickel worker is the ethmoid carcinoma
 Lichtwitz trocar and canula is used for the inferior meatus antral puncture
 The most common site of the lodgment of the swallowed coin is
cricopharyngeal sphincter
 Mumps can lead to sudden sensory hearing loss which is unilateral
 Paranasal sinus are lined by the ciliated columnar epithelium
 In bilateral recurrent nerve palsy the vocal cords lie in the median or
paramedian adducted position due to the unopposed action of the
cricothyroid muscles
 Cortical mastoidectomy: acute coalescent mastoiditis, masked mastoiditis,
incomplete resolution of otitis media, initial step in endolymphatic sac
 The maxillary carcimoma are best treated with the surgery and
 Nasopharngeal carcinoma should be treated with the radiotherapy
 The common cause of otomycosis is actinomycosis
 Actute ethmoidal sinusitis is seen in children when infection has spread the
lamina papyracea
 Bony labyrinth: vestibule, semicircular canal, and cochlea
 Vocal cords are lined by stratified columnar
 Posterior auricular nerve isn’t the content of tympanic cavity
 Superior thyroid vein drain into common facial or internal jugular, middle
thyroid vein drain into internal jugular and inferior thyroid vein drain into
the left brachiocephalic vein
 Internal ear is situated in the petrous part of the temporal bone
 Cilia movement in the nasal mucosa is 5-10 mm/min and cleared into the
pharynx every 10-20 minutes
 90% of the localized nodule of squamous cell carcinoma is treated by the
 The mechanism for the anterior ethmoidal neuralgia is the middle turbinate
pressing on the nasal septum
 In presbycusis we see SNHL
 In case of conductive hearing loss rine test will be positive if the conductive
hearing loss Is more than 15-20db

 frequent changes of presbiopic glasses are seen in the early manifestation of
the open angle glaucoma
 vossius ring is seen in the anterior surface of lens
 we don’t see retinal hemorrhage in retinitis pigmentosa
 in vernal catarah we see the cobblestone appearance of the conjunctiva
 astigmatism is caused by the curvatural ametropia
 Symphatetic ophthalmia: bilateral non-suppravative uveitis is seen
 Tobacco amblyopia and cone dystrophy don’t cause night blindness
 In toxoplasmosis macula is most commonly involved
 The most common eye manifestation of allergy to tubercular bacilli is
koeppe nodule
 Depth of anterior chamber of eye is 2.5 mm deep
 Myopia is an indication of the high radial keratomtomy
 In anterior uveitis the atropine works by resting the ciliary muscle
 Jack in a box phenomenon is seen in prismatic deformity
 In leukoma the treatment of choice is lamellar keratoplasty
 In angular conjunctivitis treatment given is zinc
 Chronic uveitis isnot seen in herpetic uveitis
 Iris is thinnest at the pupil margin
 Termination of descment membrane is ring of Schwalbe
 Band shaped keratopathy is seen in vitamin D poison and sarcoidosis
 Circulus arteriosus iridis major is at the root of irs
 In tobacco amblyopia field defect is centro-cecal but not the peripheral
 Vortex vein drains into uveal tract
 In ophthalmology ultrasonic wave frequency used is 8-10 mhz
 Tonography detects the drainage of aqueous humor
 In fluorescence angiography expanding dot sign is seen in CSR
 Kappa angle is the angle between the visual and pupillary axis
 Blind spot enlargement indicates the avulsion of optic nerve
 Maxiumum vision loss occurs in the papilits
 Polychromatic lusture is seen in complicated cataract/ posterior cortical
 Iris bombe occurs due to ring synechia
 In AIDS most common ocular manifestation is cotton wool spots
 Shortest acting mydriatic is the tropicamide
 Not true about the Laurence moon biedl syndrome is the retinal detachment
 Features of zonular cataract is the riders
 Xylocaine used in the tonometry is 4%
 Ocular manifestation of the mumps is the dacroadenitis/keratitis
 Intercalary staphyloma is the ectasia of sclera with incarceration of root of
 Diabetic retinopathy: hard exudates with the deep hemorrhage
 Opsolonus: conjugate and nonrhythmic
 Most common congenital cataract is the punctate
 Type of senial cataract notorious for glaucoma formation is the hypermature
 High grade anisometropia is treated with the contact lens
 Early visual rehabilitation is seen with the phacoemusification
 Color blindness is mostly deuteranomaly( green)
 Instrument not used in the intracapsular extraction of lens is phacoemulsifier
 Pseudoconvergent squint is seen in broad epicanthus
 Loss of vision is the most common indication of the cataract operation
 Amsler grid is used in macular disorders
 Radiation hazard has got diffuse cataract
 Foster kennedy : ipsilateral optic atrophy with contralateral papilledema
 The most common ophthalmic affection of diphtheria is isolated ocular
 Thickest layer of cornea is the stroma and thinnest is the endothelium
 In phlyctenular keratitis we see the fasicular ulcer
 Albinism: photophobia, nystagmus , and defective vision and not glaucoma
 The commonest cyst of the conjunctiva is lymphatic cyst
 Campimeter is used in measurement of field of vision
 Hirscheberg sign indicates the angle of deviation
 Inert intraocular foreign body is gold
 Vortex vein invasion is seen in malignant melanoma
 Koeppes nodule is seen at the papillary margin of the iris
 Treatment of choice for advanced panopthalmitis is evisceration
 Common ocular manifestation in trisomy 13 is bilateral microphtalmus
 Complication of trachoma is trichiasis
 Polychromatic lusture is seen In complicated cataract

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