Investigating The Differences in The Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Contents Between Inhaled Air and Exhaled Air

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Investigating the differences in the oxygen and carbon dioxide contents between inhaled air and exhaled air

Problem statement:
Does inhaled air and exhaled air contain the same amount of __________ and __________________?

Inhaled air has a _________ percentage of oxygen and a __________ percentage of carbon dioxide compared to
exhaled air.

Manipulated variable : ________________________________
Responding variable : ________________________________
Constant variable : ________________________________

Material and apparatus:

__________________________, __________________________, ____________________,
_________________,__________________________, __________________________, ____________________

(A) To investigate the carbon dioxide and oxygen content in inhaled air

1. One end of ____________ was put into a beaker of water. The ________ was turned until 5cm of water
column was trapped inside the _________________.
2. The ___________ was removed from water. The ________ was turned again to trap 10am of air column
inside the capillary tube.
3. The ___________ was put back into the water and the ________ was slowly turned to draw in some water.
The length of the ______________ was measured and recorded.
4. J-tube was not touched when taking measurement to fix the temperature of the air column when it is
5. The water in J-tube was removed until about 2mm of it was left at the end of the tube.
6. The end of J-tube was dipped into a beaker of _____________________________. The screw was slowly
turned to draw in potassium hydroxide solution into the J-tube. The air column was moved forward and
backward for a few times. The length of the air column was measured and recorded.
7. The _________________________ was removed from the J-tube until 2mm of it was left at the end of the
tube. Potassium hydroxide solution in handled carefully as it is corrosive.
8. Step 6 and step 7 were repeated by using _________________________________.
9. The percentage of ________________ and _________ content in the exhaled air was calculated by using
formula and recorded.
(B) To investigate the carbon dioxide and oxygen content in exhaled air

1. ________________ was collected.

2. One end of ____________ was put into a beaker of water. The ________ was turned until 5cm of water
column was trapped inside the _________________.
3. Immediately, the end of J-tube was inserted into the test tube of exhaled air to collect a 10cm of the
exhaled air.
4. The ___________ was put back into the water and the ________ was slowly turned to draw in some
water. The length of the ______________ was measured and recorded.
5. J-tube was not touched when taking measurement to fix the temperature of the air column when it is
6. The water in J-tube was removed until about 2mm of it was left at the end of the tube.
7. The end of J-tube was dipped into a beaker of _____________________________. The screw was slowly
turned to draw in potassium hydroxide solution into the J-tube. The air column was moved forward and
backward for a few times. The length of the air column was measured and recorded.
8. The _________________________ was removed from the J-tube until 2mm of it was left at the end of the
tube. Potassium hydroxide solution in handled carefully as it is corrosive.
9. Step 6 and step 7 were repeated by using _________________________________.
10. The percentage of ________________ and _________ content in the exhaled air was calculated by using
formula and recorded.

Presentation of data:
Inhaled air Exhaled air

Length of air column at the beginning of experiment (cm)

Length of air column after treating with potassium hydroxide solution (cm)
Length of air column after treating with potassium pyrogallate solution (cm)
Length of CO2 column (cm)
Length of O2 column (cm)
Percentage of CO2 (%)

Percentage of O2 (%)

* The function of potassium pyrogallate solution is to absorb __________________ from the air.

* Potassium pyrogallate solution will absorb both ___________ and _______________. So, we should dip the J-tube
into _______________________________ which is used to absorb __________________ first before dipping it into
potassium pyrogallate solution.

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