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sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: VOCABULARY LISTS > TEST PREP Top 1000 Vocabulary Words 1000 woras May 10,2011 By Yocsuusy com “The top 1,000 vocabulary words have boon cara chosen to represent ifcut but common words that appear in everyday academic ard business wring. Mose vores are also the most tkaly to appear on the SAT, ACT, GRE, and TEFL To create ths ist, we started wih tho words that give our users the most trouble and then ranked them by how fequonty they appear n ou corpus ofilons of words fom edited Sources. you only nave ime to study on ist of words, this sth ist to work wih consider deomto be A the moment, artemisinin-based therapies are considered the best treatment, but cost abou ‘310 per dose - far too much for impoverished communities. ‘Seattle Times (Feb 16, 2012) 2, minute Infinitely or immmoasurably small The minute stain on the document wes not visible to the naked eye. 3. accord concurrence of 0} [BXAMPLE SENTENCE: The committee worked in accord on the il, and it eventually passed. 4, evident clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment That confidence was certainly evident inthe way Smith handled the winning play wth 14 seconds left on the clock ‘Reuters (Jan 15, 2012) s. practice a customary way of operation or behavior pumrLesemece: He directed and acted in plays every season and became known fr exploring Elizabethan theatre practices ‘BBC (Fob 16, 2012) 6. intend worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates sn02 sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: have in mind as a purpose “Lipstick, as a product intended for topical use wth limited absorption, is ingested only in very ‘small quantities," the agency said on its website, ‘BusinessWeek (Feb 15, 2012) 7. concern something that interests you because it is important or affects you EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The scandal broke out in October after former chief executive Micha! Woodford claimed he was fired for raising concerns about the company’s accounting practices ‘BBC (Feb 15, 2012) 8, commit perform an act, usually with a negative connotation EXAMPLESENTENCE: {In an unprecedented front page article in 2003 The Times reported that Mr Blair, young reporter on its staff, ad committed joumealistic fraud. ‘Now York Times (Feb 15, 2012 9, issue some situation or event that is thought about XAMPLESENTENCE: [As a result, the privacy Issues suroundng mobile computing are becoming ever-more complex. Time (Feb 16, 2012) 10. approach move towards pawpLesemece: ‘Spain's jobless rate for people ages 16 to 24 s approaching 50 percent. ‘New York Times (Feb 16, 20121 11. establish sot up or found ‘A small Fronch colony, Port Louis, vas established on East Fatkiand in 1764 and handed fo the ‘Spanish three years later. ‘BBC (Feb 16, 2012) 12. utter without qualification; used informally as (ofton pejorative) intensifiors [Noone can blame an honest mechanic for holding a wealthy snob in utter contempt wor vocabulary comiisalS2473#vew=natos 2it02 sisi 13, 14. 15. 16. 7 ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: Ingersoll Robert Groon conduct direct the course of; manage or contro! BaMPLesemENce: ‘Scientists have been conducting studies of individual genes for years. ‘BusinessWeek (Feb 15, 2012) engage consume all of one’s attention or time pampLesemence: We had nearly two hundred passengers, who were seated about on the sofas, reading, or playing games, or engaged in conversation. ‘Field, Henny M, (Henry Martyn obtain come into possession of pamrLeserece: He delayed making the unclassified report public wile anaiting an Army roview but Roling Stone ‘magazine obtained the report and posted it Friday nig. ‘Now York Times (Feb 11,2012 scarce deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand BXAMPLESENTENCE: Meanunile, hesting ol could grow more scaree in the Northeast this winter, the Energy Department vwamed last month, ‘Now York Times (Jon 24, 2012) policy 4 plan of action adopted by an individual or social group pammLeserence: Inflation has lagged behind the central bank's 2 percent target, giving policy makers extra scope to cut rates, Business Wook (Fob 15, 2012) [EXAMPLESENTENCE: ‘Alter three straight losing seasons, Hoosiers fans were just hoping for a winning record Seattle Times (Feb 15, 2012) ‘ww vocabulary comlists!52473#view=notes 31102, sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: 19. stock the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity) SaMPLesenTENce In other words, Apple's stock is cheap, and you should buy i. Forbes (Feb 16. 2012 20. apparent clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment {tho eldery creak is beginning to become apparent in MeCartney’s voice, ie (Feb 16, 2012) 21. property a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class ning to these magic properties it ‘Parsons, Mary Elizabeth wos often planted near dwelings to keep avay evi spirits 22. fancy Imagine; conceive of; see in one’s mind 1a time, indood, he had faneled that things wore changed. -Wevmon, Stanley J. 23. concept an abstract or general [BXAMPLE SENTENCE: As a psychologist, | have alvays found the concept of speed dating fascinating including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business. [EXAMPLE SENTENCE When Brown pleaded not guilty fo assaulting Rihanna, their violent past came out in court ‘Slate (Fob 16, 2012) 2s. appoint assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to EXAMPLE SENTENCE: In 1863 he was appointed by the general assembly professor of oriental languages at New worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates art02. sisi 26. 27. 28. 29. 34 ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: Various passage a section of text; particularly a section of medium length XAMPLESENTENCE: is interpretation of many obscure scriptural passages by means of native manners and cust ‘and radtons is patculaly helpful and informiag. ‘Shoots, Emily Churchil Thomeson vain unpreduetive of success [EXAMPLE SENTENCE: An attempt was made to ignore this briliant and regular book, but in vain; it was read all over instance an occurrence of something [EXAMPLE SENTENCE In many instances large districts or towns would have fever representatives than smaller ones, oF prtaps none ata Clarke, Helen Archibald coast the shore of a sea or ocean [EXAMPLE SENTENCE Martello towers must be bul within short distances all round the coast. Wingfiols Levis project a planned undertaking [EXAMPLE SENTENCE The funds are aimed at helping build public projects including mass transi, electricity networks, water utility and ports, it said. ‘BusinessWeek (Feb 17, 2012) commission a special group delegated to consider some matter [EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The developers are now seeking approval from the landmarks commission. ‘Now York Times (Feb 16, 2012 worw.vocabulary comilists/52473tview=nates si102 sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: 32. constant ‘quantity that does not vary SaMPLesenTENce In 1929, Hubble independently put forward and confimed the same idea, and the parameter later became known as the Hubble constant ‘Nature (Nov 15, 2011) 33. circumstances your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you) BIAMPLEseNTENCE The circumstances leading upto the shootings was not immediately available ‘Chicago Tribune (Feb 19, 20 34, constitute to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting” pumrLeserece: i and natural gas constituted almost 50 percent of Russian goverment revenue last year. ‘BusinessWesk (Feb 19, 2012) 3s. level 4 relative position or degree of value in a graded group Only last month cid the men's and women's unemployment rates reach the same level ‘New York Times (Feb 19, 2012) 36. affect have an effect upon The contra! Bank wil start distbuting lowintorest loans in early March to individuals and small and ‘medium-sized companies affected by the flooding, ‘BusinessWeek (Feb 19, 2012) 37. institute set up or lay the groundwork for Corporations have to be more and more focused on Insttuting higher labor standards ‘Washington Post (Feb 7. 2012) 38. render give an interpretation or rendition of worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates e102 sisi 39. a“ 42. 43. 44, ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: But authorios had rendered the weapon and the explosive device inoperable, officals said -Chicago Tribune (Fab 17 2012) appeal be attractive to panpesenTEnce To get tradtional women's accessories to appeal to men, some designers are giving them manly ames and styles. ‘New York Times (Feb 19.2012) generate bring into existence prawpLesomence Qualtos such as these are not generated under bad working practices of any sot Hungerford, Edvard theory a woll-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge th applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena, PraMpLesomeNce Testing that theory begins Saturday night, as the Capitals take on Tampa Bay in anether important contest ‘Washington Post (Fé 12 range a varlety of different things or activities pampteserece: Like American community calleges, admission af an open university isnot competitive, but the ‘schools offer range of programs, Including doctoral degrees. Time (Fab 19, 2012) campaign a race between candidates for elective office At the same point in 2004 — as an incumbent facing o-olection — Me. Bush had taken in about ‘$145.6 milion for his eampaign. ‘New York Times (Feb 18. 20121 league an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its membors “When | broke ito the big leagues unt a month ago, Gary kop in touch,” Mts third baseman Davia Wright sai. ‘Seattle Times (Feb 17, 2012) ‘ww vocabulary comfist!52473#view=notes 102 sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: 4s. labor any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted ‘More labor is entailed, more time is required, greater delay is occasioned in cleaning up, and the ‘amount of water used is much greater “Hoskin, Aur J 4s. confer have a conference in order to talk something over (Ms, Stonart said Mrs, Bachmann conferred with her family and a few aides after her eisappointing ‘showing on Tuesday evening. ‘Now York Times (Jan 4, 2012) 47. grant allow to have He had been granted entry into the White House only forthe daly briefing, later that aftemoon. ‘Now York Times (Feb 17, 2012 as. dwell think moodlly or anxiously about something But itis hardly necessary to dwell on so normal an event. Vinogradaff Paul 4s. entertain provide entertainment for Tho fst Super Bown 1967 featured cologe marching bands entertaining the cronds at hatine ‘outers (Fab 6.2012) so. contract a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law PaMpLesomeNce Contacts wih utitis wil bo signed stating noxt month, ho said usiness Wook (Fob 16, 2012) 51. earnest worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates arto2 sisi Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary List: characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions Too much praise cannot be given fo the earnest and efficient missionaries who founded and have ‘maintained this mission, ‘Miler George A s2. yield sive or supply Its very important honey plant, 8 tyes an exceptionally pure nectar and emans in bloom @ ong time. Parsons, Mary Ei 53. wander to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course Write each animal wandered through the maze, its brain was working furiously. ‘Now York Times (Feb 16, 2012] sa, insist bbe emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge Interior Department officials insisted that they had conducted an extensive scientific inuiry before ‘moving ahead with the spil response plan. ‘New York Times (Feb 17, 2012 ss. knight originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovere personal merit pawrLesemeNce: The knight vas gallant not ony in wer, but in fove also, —Crothers, Samuel MeChord 56. convince make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something But though he listened he was not convinced, ‘Reade, Charles s7. inspire serve as the inciting cause of His surpising performance inspired an outpouring of fan adoration that has been dubbed wi. ocabulary.conlistI52473Hviewsnotes sio2 sisi 59. 61 62. 63. ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: “Linsanity." -Chicago Tribune (Fab 19. 2012) convention large formal assembly pammceseece: Last year, the industy® main trade convention, the Inside Sell-Storage World Expo, organized work shops in Las Vegas focusing on lien laws and auction sales. ‘New York Times (Feb 17, 20121 skill an ability that has been acquired by training [BXAMPLE SENTENCE: He says many now divers are temied of motoray driving because they do not have the skills or Confidence needed. ‘BBC (Feb 20. 20121 harry annoy continually or chronically PraMpLesomeNce There's something upitin about hearing a string instrument when Im feeling ragged or harried. financial involving financial matters pamPLeserece: Meanufile, universities have raised tuition every year, puting many students in a financial bind. ‘Now York Times (Fob 20, 2012 reflect show an image of SaMPLesereNce: Teens ranting over chores and whatnot can often reflect deeper feelings ofalisnation or perceived Luncaring onthe part of parants. ‘Timo (Fob 17, 2012) novel an extended fictional work in prose: usually in the form of a story pamPLeserece: Bofore Robert Barr publishes @ novel he spends years in thinking the thing out Anonymous ‘ww vocabulary comlists!52473#view=notes tort02 sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: 64. furnish provide or equip with furniture SaMPLesenTENce Instead, according to court documents, the money went tovard furnishing mansions, fying in private jos, and retaining a $120,000-2:year personal hairstylist. ‘Business Weok (Feb 1, 2012 65. compel force somebody to do something BAMPLEseNTENCE But the flames grew to large, compelling freighters to call ofthe rescue. ‘Now York Times (Feb 18, 2012 6s. venture proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers pumrLesemece: (Clearly he would not venture to descend while his enemy moved. ‘Strang, Her 67. territory the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state On Friday, West Africa regional group Ecowes condemned the rebels, urging them to end hostilties ‘and surrender all occupied territory ‘BBC (Feb 18, 2012) 6s. temper a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling Oscar Wilde, to do him justice, bore tis sort of rebuff with astonishing good fomper and Anonymous es. bent fixed in your purpose pamrLesemence: The business-oriented constituency of the Republican Party, Jacobs said, has been weakened by 2 facion bent on lovering axes and cutting spending BusinessWeek (Feb 17, 2012) 70. intimate marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity vw. ocabulary.conlist!52473Hviewsnotes s¥102 sisi n 72. 73. 74, 78. 76. ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: PAMPLESOTENCE The female sper can choose when fo cl off Intimate relations by eating her partner, o kicking him ou. entic Ams 0.34, 2012 undertake enter upon an activity or enterprise ‘An autopsy has reportedly boon undertaken but the resus are not expected for several wooks: The Guantan (Feb 13, 20121 majority (elections) more than half of the votes PraMpLesomeNce Republicans need ust four seats Inthe Sonate fo take conta as the majority pat outors (Fab 7.20121 assert to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true [EXAMPLE SENTENCE In your talk you asserted the pil's risks of blood cloting, lung artery blockage, heart attack and stroke aro minimal ‘Science Magazine (Feb 18. 2012) crew the men and women who man a vehicle (shi aircraft, ete.) [EXAMPLE SENTENCE: Several pilots and crew members would have fo escape at once, while safety divers watched, ready {o,escue anyone who became stuck. ‘New York Times (Feb 6, 2012) chamber a natural or artificial enclosed space PrawpLesomeNce dy," sad tho old man, “you must push Urough wth me into my most soltary chamber, that we may not bo disturbed.” Cathe. Thomas humble marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful PraMpLesomeNce “Chalongng yoursol playing up against stronger, tougher, and overall bottr competion wl Keep you humble." 12 Post (lan 17, 20121 ‘ww. vocabulary comfist!52473#view=nates raso2 sisi 78. 79. 81 82. ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: scheme an elaborate and systematic plan of action EXAMPLESENTENCE: ‘Some companies in the Globe District of Arizona have started extensive underground schemes for ‘mining large tonnages very cheaply by “caving” methods, ‘Hoskin Adbur J keen having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions [Not ane of his movements escaped her keen observation; she drank in every shiver Wingiec Los liberal having political or social views favoring reform and progress [EXAMPLESENTENCE: Romney’ actualy done well in open primaries where fiscally conservative yet socially barat independents have backed him over his opponents Time (Fab 14, 2012) despair state in which all hope is lost or absent Thore wore wounded love, and wounded pide, and despair, and coming madnoss, alin that piteous ery “Reade, Charles tide the periodic rise and fall ofthe sea lavel under the gravitational pull ofthe moon {In the case of mobile connectivity, a rising lde does not it all boats. ate (Feb 8, 2012) attitude 2 complex mental state involving beliefs and f lings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways [EXAMPLE SENTENCE: "Behaviours have changed and attitudes have changed,” Mr Taylor sai, BBC (Feb 16. 2012) worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates 13/102 sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: 83. justify show to be reasonable or provide lequate ground for Ho felt sure that i the circumstances justified it, the necessary proceedings could be taken.” “Anonymous 34. flag ‘emblem usually consisting of a rectangular pi 10 of cloth of distinetive design Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas dectared three days of mourning and ordered flags flown at half stat ‘New York Times (Feb 16, 2012 as. merit any admirable quality or attribute Thus far in our inquiry extraordinary merits have been offset by extraordinary defects. res, Hany Morgan as. manifest reveal its prosence or make an appearance ‘A 109 rapid transformation of existing conditions might very easily load fo an economic esis, symptoms of which are already beginning to manifest themselves. vax, Peter 27. notion a general inclusive concept Does that old notion that defense wins championships stil hod up these days? “Seattle Times (lan 13, 2012 as. scale relative magnitude EXAMPLESENTENCE: And there might not be much money, so fashion shows are done on a much smaller scale. “Seattle Times (Fab 17 20121 so. formal characteristic of or befitting a person in authority [BXAMPLE SENTENCE: worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates sars02 sisi Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary List: A formal decision to cal off the search is likely on Wodnosday, rescue officials sai -Now York Times (lan 31. 2012) 90. resource available source of wealth; anew or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed [EXAMPLE SENTENCE: “Economists assume thal, under normal conditions, markets wil allocate resources efficiently added. [BXAMPLE SENTENCE: Old ideas, long after the conditions under which they were produced have passed avay, often persist in suraving ‘Ingersoll. Robert Green 92. contempt lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike PraMpLesomeNce ‘And vith his backhanded contempt forall things ordinary, Blake is making some ofthe catchiest ‘most dificult music in recont memory. me (Dee 22.2011 93. tour a journey of route all the way around a particular place or area BaMPLEsoTENce He typed in “South Park and took senior executives ona tour of Web sites offering pated episodes. ‘ow York Ti 2012 94. plead enter a plea, as in courts of law ‘Ana pleaded not guity, ut he acknowledged that ho hed violated some laws. ‘New York Times (Fen 18, 2012) 95. weigh to be oppressive or burdensome [BXAMPLE SENTENCE: So far, the political turmoil has not appeared to have discouraged visitors, but prolonged stfe Could welgh on tourism —New York Times (Feb 11, 2012) ‘ww vocabulary comfist!52473#viow=notes 151102 sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: 96. mode how something is done or how it happens Speaking of science, he says, in language far in advance of his times: ‘There are two modes of knowing—by argument and by experiment. “Adams. W. 1. Davenport (Wiliam Henry Davenport 97. distinction a discrimination between things as different and distinct ut such a distinction fs quite extemal; at hear the men may be voy much ake. “Anonymous 98. inclined at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position [EXAMPLE SENTENCE: Such an inclined passage folloning a scam of coal fs known as a slop. Hoskin Amur L 99. attribute an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity [EXAMPLE SENTENCE The authors found that ubien the available prospects varied more in attributes such as age, height, ‘occupation and educational background, poople made fewer dating proposals. ‘Scientific American (Feb 13, 2012) 100. exert make a great effort at a mental or physical task [BXAMPLE SENTENCE: Schoo! boards may come to exert even greater influence over what students reed. Forbes (Jan 23, 2012) 101. oppress ‘come down on or keep down by unjust use of one’s authority [EXAMPLE SENTENCE Those who managed 0 sunive were later oppressed by Poland's post-war communist authorities. ‘Routors (Jan 18, 2012) 102, contend compete for something; engage in a contest; measure oneself against others vw. ocabulary.conlist!52473Hviewsnotes s6rs02 sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: EXAMPLE SENTENCE: But eight men, however bold and stout-hearled, could not long contend vith an enemy atleast four times their number ‘Strang, Herbert 103. Stake 2 strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground His romains were buried in Cannon Street, and a stake was driven through the body. —Andeews. Wiliam 104. toil work hard [BXAMPLE SENTENCE: He toiled inthe sweat of his brow, tiling the stubbom ground, taking out stones, building fences. —Aalor, Foie 105. perish pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain lfe SIAMPLE SENTENCE Simon Wiesenthal’ parents are long since deceased, with his father dying in Werkd War I and his ‘mother perishing in the Holocaust. BBG (Feb 14. 2012) 106. disposition your usual mood DAMPLESEMTENCE Melancholia — the state of mind — can hide behind seemingly sunny dispositions. Seattle Times (Dee 26, 2014 107. rail complain bitterly pxaMPLesenrENce Me. Gray railed against langihy stage directions, saying he crossed them out in scripts before he would bogin rehearsals wih his actors ‘Now York Times (Feb 7, 2072 108. cardinal (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the P and elect new Popes PraMpLesomeNce Each time ho names cardinals he puts his stamp on Roman Cathoicsm’s future by choosing mon who share his viows Tribune (Feb 18. 2012) ‘ww. vocabulary comlists!52473#viow=notes sris02 sisi 109, 110, 11. 112, 113, 114, ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: boast show off EXAMPLESENTENCE: ‘Mc Estes was also wal connected polticaly, boasting tat the president ofthe United States took fis calls ‘New York Times (Dec 10, 2011) advocate 4 person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea Welt, safety advocates, consumers and the goverment dragged the automobile industy toward Including seat belts, ar bags, more visible talights and other safety features. ‘Now York Times (Feb 19, 2012 bestow present He bestowed public bullaings and river improvements in retum for votes. inert. Clinton W (Clinton Well allege report of maintain Itis being fired into enclosed areas and homes, the human rights group alleges. BBC Feb 7 2012) notwithstanding despi anything to the contrary (usually following a concession) [EXAMPLE SENTENCE: Ho sooms fo have taken things easily enough, notwithstanding the sorrow and suffering that ‘surourded him an every sid, ‘Adams. W. H. Wiliam Henry Di lofty of imposing height; specially standing out above others [EXAMPLE SENTENCE: He found himself in an enormous hal vith a lofty celing, worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates sarso2 sisi 115, 116. 17. 118, 119, 120. 121. ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: multitude large indefinite number Department store chains in goneral have beon strained in recent yoars as a “multitude” of altematives has emerged, all competing for customers. ‘Chicago Tribune (Dee 28. 2011 steep having a sharp incli XAMPLESENTENCE: ‘twas narrow and very steep, and had precpices in all pars, so that they could not mount upward except one ata time. Various heed pay close attention to; give heed to XAMPLESENTENCE: But Cain was already too far gone to heed the waming voice. Adler, Fels modest not large but sufficient in size or amount ‘A healthy parson living in an unfashionable city wth no student loans to pay off can get by on @ fainky modest income. ‘Slate (Feb 17, 2012) partial boing or affecting only a part; not total Generalizations ofthis sweeping order are apt to contain ony partial truth ‘Clarke, Helon Aechibaig apt (usually followed by ‘to! naturally disposed toward ‘Another reason to asplay beds at an electronies show consumers are apt o use high-tech devices while tucked in ‘New York Times (an 9, 2012) esteem worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates s9rs02 sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary List: the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded) Despite being held inthe highest esteem by his fellow poets, Redgrove never quite achieved the tical reception or readership he deserved. ‘The Guardian (Feb 10, 2012 122. credible appearing to merit belief or acceptance puwmLesemece [Mike Mullen, thon chairman ofthe Joint Chiefs of Staff, has acknowledged receiving the memo but Said he ignored it as not eredible. ‘New Yark Times (Dec 19, 2011) 123, provoke Provide the needed stimulus for EXAMPLESENTENCE: It provoked « bigger reaction than we could ever have anticipate. ‘The Guardian (Feb 10, 2012 124, tread a step in walking or running The farmer went down, his clumsy boots making no sound on the uncarpeted staimay, so careful vs his tread. Woolson, Constance Fenimore 125, ascertain learn or discover with certainty pawpLesemece: Health care providers and manufacturers can ascertain alternative treatment more effectively by tackling predicted drug shortage incidences eary inthe process. Forbes (Feb 13, 2012 126. fare proceed or got along pampLeserece: A recent study breaks down how graduates with various college degroes are faring in today’s Giicut job market. Washington Post (Feb 17, 2012) sar. cede relinquish possession or control over pamrLesemence: ‘ww vocabulary comfist!52473#viow=notes sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary List: Some miliiachiofs say thoy wil oly cede command of their fightors onco an organized miltary ‘and socunty apparatus isin place. Reuters (lan 3. 2012) 128. perpetual continuing forever or indefinitely [EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The river is a perpetual enjoyment, always something going on Waddington. Mary King 123. decree a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge) [BXAMPLE SENTENCE: While the decree takes effect immediately, t requires Pariament’s approval within 60 days to romain in force. ‘BusinessWeek (Jan 28, 20121 130. contrive make oF work out a plan for; devise PraMpLesomeNce The wy Roc, nver taken much by suprise, contrived lo scape, but old Tbutor and hs men wore all captured. Thombury. Walter 131. derived formed oF developed from something else; not original [EXAMPLESENTENCE: Modem kale, cabbage, broccol, caullover, Brussels sprouts, and kobrabl are al members ofthe ‘same species, derived from a single prehistoric plant varity. “Slate (Feb 21, 2012) 132. elaborate marked by complexity and richness of detail But the tobacco industry and oanors of ether convenience stores say tribal cigarette manufacturing Is ust an elaborate form of tax evasion New York Times (Feb 22. 20121 133. substantial having substance oF capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary Dofonce lawyors said tho large number of forensic tests which had been caried out had failed to {rd any substantial evidence linked tothe accused, ‘BBC (Feb 23, 2012) worw.vocabulary.comlists/S2473tview=nates 2uio2 sisi ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: 134, frontier wilderness at the edge of a settled aroa of a country ‘Ang tothe precarious secunty situation, tbesmen kidnapped 18 Egyptian border quaris slong frontier wth Israel n Sinai Peninsula ‘New York Times (Feb 9, 2012) 135. facile arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth pamnLesereNce: ‘As one teacher remarks about a troubled student, “There is no facil solution." ‘New York Times (Oct 11, 2011) 136. cite make reference to The Federal Reserve has pledged low interest rates unl late 2014, elting in part the weakness of the job market ‘BusinessWeok (Feb 21, 2012) 137. warrant show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for In the United Kingdom and Europe the devices are not used unless the need is warranted by the patient's medical caraiton US News (Jan 47, 2012 138. Sob woep convulsively pawpLesorece He cried and trembled, sobbing, while they spoke, ike the child he was. ‘Wevman, Stanley J 139. rider a traveler who actively rides an animal (as a horse or camel) {In horseback riding, 2 rider vill give commands by squeezing or lengtinening the reins and altering the postion of his gs. ‘Time (Jan 5, 2012) ‘ww vocabulary comfist!52473#viow=notes 22102 sisi 140. 141. 142, 143, 144, 145. 146. ‘Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary Lis: dense permitting litte if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter Dense black smoke rose in the distance as demonstrators bumed tes in Shite villages ‘BusinessWesk (Feb 14, 2012) afflict cause physical pain oF sutfering in Melanoma global afiets near 160,000 new people each year. Reuters (Dec 16.2011) flourish grow vigorously His business had been all long steadily flourishing, his patrons had been of high social positon, ‘some most lustrous, others actually royal, Petherick, Horace Wiliam ordain invest with ministerial or priestly authority ne of the present bishops was consecrated vhon quite a young boy, and deacons are ofton ordained at sixteen, ard even much eae. ‘Bird, Isabella (isabella Lucy) pious having or showing or exprossing reverence for a deity ‘Mother, you see, is @ very plous woman, and she attributes it all fo Providence, saying that was the Divine interference in her bohat Various vex cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations There are vexing problems slowing the growth and the practical implementation of big data technologies ‘Forbes (Oct 21, 2011) gravity worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates 2aiio2 sisi 147, 148, 149, 150. 151. 152. worw.vocabulary.comlists/52473tview=nates Top 1000 Vocabulary Words - Vocabulary List: (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for | near its surface EXAMPLESENTENCE: Once captured, the combined abject wil have @ new center of gravity and may be spinning in an uncontroled way. ‘Scionce Magazine (Fob 15, 2012 suspended (of undissolved particles in a fluid) supported or kept from sinking or falling by buoyancy and without apparent attact pannesenrence Frustrating enough at ground level, but can you imagine the agony about a stranded, ever-soggier Oreo being suspended 11 foot above the ground? Washington Post (Fob 21, 2012) conspicuous obvious to the eye or mind SIAMPLE SENTENCE Its bright caret fnts are conspicuous in fate autumn, Anonymous retort {a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or ertical one) pumrLesemece: Having put him in il humour vith this retort, she fed avay rejoicing ‘Coster, Charles Th?odore Hen’ de jet an airplane powered by one or more jet engines Typhoon fighter Jets, helicopters, two warships and bomb disposal experts vil also be on duty to guard against secunty threats ‘Seattle Times (Feb 20, 2012) bolt run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along The blare of bugios was heard, and a few seconds afterwards Jackson, stil facing the enemy, shouted! "By Jupiter, theyre bolting, siz” ‘Strang, Herbert assent to agroe or express agreement 2ei02

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