006-2-EE 330 Digital Signal Processing

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E(Electrical)-unified curricula 2012

Required Course EE–330 Digital signal processing

Catalog Description: Credit Hours: 3-1.

Discrete Fourier transforms, sampling theorem, Revision of discrete time convolution, Z-transforms. Design of infinite
impulse resistance filters using prototypes and algorithmic methods. Design of finite impulse response filters by
windowing, frequency sampling. Home assignments are to be given to students for filter designing using MATLAB
digital signal processing tool box, fdatool, sptool boxes and DSP processors

Prerequisite: EE-232 Signals and Systems

Co-requisite: Nil
Text Books: 1. Proakis & Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, 4th Ed., Pearson
Education, 2007, ISBN 978-81-317-1000-5
2. Ifeachor and Jervis , Digital Signal Processing, 6th Ed., Prentice Hall,

Reference Books: 1. David deffata, J Lucas & William S Hodgkiss, Digital Signal Processing- A System
Design Approach, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2002
2. Paul A Lynn, Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2002
3. A Ambardar, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, PWS Publishing, 1995
4. Sanjeet K Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2002

Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to build a strong foundation of UG students in the Area of Digital
Signal Processing. It covers in detail the. Specific objectives are to help student learn:

1. Discrete Fourier transforms, Z-transforms, FIR and IIR filters

2. filter designing using MATLAB digital signal processing tool box, fdatool, sptool boxes and DSP processors.
3. Characteristics of dc generators and motors.

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students should be able to:

1. Transform Time domain signals to discrete frequency domain.

2. Calculate and analyze the Convolution sum of signal.
3. Find the Correlation of signals and its analysis.
4. Find z-Transform and inverse z-Transform.
5. Represent a system through State Space Model.
6. Gain an understanding of fundamental principles FIR and IIR Filters.
7. Use MATLAB to find DFT of signals.
8. Use MATLAB to find Convolution and Correlation of signals.
9. Use MATLAB to Design FIR and IIR filters.

Topics: Week

1. The breadth and depth of Digital Signal Processing 1

2. Analog to digital conversion, Sampling theorem, Quantization error, Aliasing 2
3. Revision of Z-transforms, The properties of Z-transform, Region of convergence, Complex 3,4
exponential sequences, Solution of difference equation, Applications of Z-transform, Analysis of
discrete time systems
4. Convolution & Correlation, Graphical method to find Convolution, Analytical method, Matrix 5,6
method, Overlap add and save method, Cross correlation, Auto correlation
5. Discrete Fourier transforms, Properties of Discrete Fourier Transform, DFT of even and odd 7-9
sequences, DFT of real sequences, Complex-conjugate sequences, DFT frequency response
characteristics, Eight Point DFT examples, Fast Fourier transforms, Butter fly diagram,
Decimation in Time for FFT, Decimation in Frequency for FFT
6. Realization structures for FIR and IIR filters, Direct form-I Realization structure, Direct form II 10,11
Realization structure, Cascade Realization structure, Parallel Realization structure, Lattice
Realization structure, Frequency sampling Realization structure
7. Design of Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters using prototypes and algorithmic methods, 12,13
Analog filter approximations, Analog lowpass Butterworth filter approximations characteristics,
Chebyshev filter approximations characteristics, Elliptic filters filter approximations

EE 330 Digital signal Processing 1 PN Engineering College

B.E(Electrical)-unified curricula 2012

characteristics, Frequency band transformation, Digital filter design equations, Low pass, High
pass and Band pass filter approximations characteristics
8. Design of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters by windowing, Introduction to FIR filter, 14,15
Characteristics of FIR filter, Properties of FIR filters, The Fourier series method of designing FIR
filters, Window functions, FIR filter design using Hamming, Hanning, Kaiser window methods

Lab Work:
The course is accompanied by a series of supervised laboratory assignments on topics in the course outline.

Laboratory Topics: Week

1. Introduction to DSP toolbox using MATLAB. Generation of sequences. Generation of 1,2

Sinusoid sequences. Generation of Complex Exponential sequences.
2. Digital Processing of Continuous time Signals. The sampling Process in Time Domain. 3,4
Aliening effect in the Time Domain.
3. Classification of the Discrete-Time System. Linear and Non-linear Systems. Time variant and 5,6
time-invariant System. LTI Systems.
4. Convolution and Correlation. Convolution; Correlation. 7
5. Discrete Fourier Transform. DFT; IDFT 8
6. Z-Transform 9
7. Finite Impulse Response Filter. FIR low pass Filter; FIR filter using different Windows. 10,11
8. Infinite Impulse Response Filter (IIR). IIR low pass Filter 12
Band Specified IIR Filter.
9. Introduction to the TMS320CXXX family Digital Signal Processor. Architecture of the 13
TMS320C3X Digital Signal Processor.
10. Programming of the TMS320C3X using C and Assembly language. Introduction to Code 14
Composer Studio (CCS).
11. FIR & IIR Filter Design using sptool and fdatool toolboxes 15

Evaluation Methods:

Theory: Quizzes, assignments, three exams, and one final exam.

Quiz 10%
Assignment 10%
Tests 30%
Final 50%
Laboratory grade will be separate from the course grade and based on weekly performance in the lab.

Lab: Lab work 70%

Exam 30%

Prepared by: Committee Members Assistant Professor Dr. Bilal Kadri

Assistant Professor Engr. Muhammad Farhan Khan

EE 330 Digital signal Processing 2 PN Engineering College

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