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Write a role-cards for the following role play

A telephone call to a colleague, telling that you can’t make it to the meeting
because you urgently need to visit a supplier, and ask for postponement.

Answer- Role play has been so beneficial when comes to communicative

teaching. For a business english class role play provides a realistic interphase
to students where they can use sentence fragments and vocabulary to talk
about practical situations like telephonic conversation, seeing a doctor, ticket
booking and many more. speaking and listening play a vital role in a BE class and
role play provides them tremendous opportunity to use these skills in their
Here i’m going to discuss abut the role card which is related to the a
telephonic conversation between colleagues
Two roles are allotted to two students
1- caller - colleagues -A


You want to call your colleague to You will receive a call made form
postpone a meeting which you colleague A . After knowing the
have today in lunch time at reason
1.00pm at Tim Hilton Cafe you’ll postpone it for tomorrow at
Reason the same time and at the same
You want to meet your supplier place.
urgently today at 1;30 PM.
Instruction - Formal Greetings Instruction - Formal Greetings
-clear pronunciation -clear pronunciation
-Fluency -Fluency
- End talk -End talk

2- Receiver - Colleagues -B
Caller - “Hello This is Jared speaking.”
Jared- Good Morning Tom. Could we reschedule our meeting tomorrow?
Jared- Yes. Just now I’ve received a call from my supplier who is in urgent
need to meet me. to discuss about our products because he has to purchase
them immediately.
Jared- He lives in outskirts area, it will take a long time. so I can’t make it
Jared- I 've to meet supplier around 1:30 pm. and it will take around half an
Jared- So tomorrow at the same place and time. Thank you so much.
Jared:- Bye. See you tomorrow.
Receiver- Hi, Jared Good Morning
Tom- Yes, sure. Is anything urgent came up?
Tom- What about meeting around 2;30 pm?
Tom- Tom - Ok. No worries we can meet tomorrow.
Tom- You’re welcome. Yes at the same place and time.
Tom- Bye. See you.

The Students may come up somewhat like this-

After this role play students can exchange their roles. This will improve their
listening and speaking skills.

It’s appreciable that you have understood the essence of role cards as the
instructions should be clearly given before the execution of role play.
Q2- The following is a draft of a contract. How will you use the draft as a
material for a BE class? Mention the learning outcome, the activity or task the
trainees have to perform using the material, their language level and the
context of the learners.

This Agreement is made between ….. of …….. ( hereinafter referred to as

sponsor), and —— of——- ( hereinafter referred to as a trainer) on June16,
Sponsor will make available certain confidential and proprietary information to
Trainer. Such information may include, but is not restricted to , product
specification, manuals , business plans, marketing plants, reports, contracts
and correspondence. Such information may ne submitted orally or in written

Trainer agrees that the information is to be considered confidential and

proprietary to sponsor, and shall not use the information other for the
purpose of language training with sponsor. Trainer will not disclose, publish, or
otherwise reveal any of the information to any other party whatsoever except
with the specific prior written authorisation of sponsor.

There are so many ways where I can use this material in my BE class because
these students are matured and often involved in any employment. They have
self inclination to learn the things. Listening and speaking are two vital areas
where I usually focus on and apart from this also cover little bit wiring which
usually comprises of vocabulary and definite lexical set which are mostly used
in any practical situation.
There are following activities which can be performed in BE class.
* Listen and memorise :-
Language Level- Intermediate
Learning outcome- This will improve their listening skill as well as their
- Trainer reads out the contract two or three times. Students are pre
instructed to listen the material twice or thrice and write as many
words they can remember. Students writes the words on a piece of
paper and the one who comes up with maximum number of words gets
the points. Later they show it to the trainer
- Subsequently they have to read their words loud so that trainer can
assess their pronunciation.
- Trainer ignores spelling mistakes at first but in the end of the
activities they are asked for correction.
* Listen and repeat :-
Language Level-Beginner
Learning outcome- This will improve their pronunciation, confidence in
reading and build fluency.
- Trainer reads each line loud and students listen to it
- Students repeat each line after the trainer
- The process goes on two three times
- In the end all students are asked to read out whole paragraph.
- After having finished the reading student are called out and asked to
read again.


correspondence a. do business with

Agrees b. protected by copyright
submitted c. mention
orally d. power or right
hereinafter e. make visible
referred f. later/after
proprietary g. consent
sponsor h. open/not hidden
authorisation i. by speaking
reveal j. put before

- This process goes on during next class until all student are done
*Guess the word with definition:-
Language Level- Intermediate
Learning outcome- This will strengthen their vocabulary for speaking and
- Trainer draws two columns on whiteboard A and B
- A side is filled by words and B side is filled by meaning or definitions.
- Students are allowed to use dictionary in case of having difficulty in
understanding the meanings.
- Students will match list A with list B
- Trainer will call the students randomly to ask the right answer, for
example he calls the students and says “answer no 7”. Students speaks
the a or b with definition.
- This is the best way to strengthen the vocabulary.

* Role play :-
Language Level- Advanced
Learning outcome- Enhancing their interpreting and negotiating skills and
concretion in reading any material
- Trainers divides them in pairs and asked each of them to be trainer
and sponsor.
- Trainers and sponsor sit in paris with the sheet of a contract
- All of them are briefed about their roles that as a trainer what they
are supposed to talk with sponsor.
- Trainer students discuss the contract with sponsor students.
- Sponsor students asks about some clarification of points
- Trainer students clarifies the points and doubts as well.
* create a contract:-
Language Level - Advanced
Learning outcome- students will be able to use and understand how to use
definite lexical set and language of contract , as in certain kind of jobs
specially in marketing division where they have to meet the dealers with
certain terms and conditions created by company. They may have to read
through a contract and interpret or amend as well.

- Trainers divides them in pairs and asked each of them to be Librarian

and students.
- Librarian and students sit in paris with the piece of a paper
- All of them are briefed about their roles that as a librarians and
students what they are supposed to talk with each other.
- Librarian and students discuss and write the contract.
- Trainer calls the pairs and librarian is asked to read his contract.
- students are also asked to read through a contract.
- Students are asked to negotiate about the timings of returning books
- Both Librarian and student discuss about the timings and other library
* Running Dictation
Language Level - Intermediate
Learning outcome- students will be able to read and memorise the
sentences as fast as they can.
- Trainer sticks one complete set of the contract around or out of the
- One set of the contract with some blank space is distributed to the
- Students are divided into groups.
- One is recorder and others are teller.
- Each students take turns to be a recorder and teller.
- One student goes out and read the sentence and tells to the recorder
to fill the gap.
- Next move the teller becomes recorder and other one goes out to look
up the sentences.
- The group finishes with accuracy gets the points

Excellent answer! A detailed answer with clarity of concept. It would

certainly help to enhance the language skill as well as understand how
to interpret the draft.

Grade A+


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