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Q. No.

Questions Answers

1 what is a human person C a rational animal

2 why are human beings equal C Because they were created equal

3 what is human dignity E(tentative) it is the foundation of human inviobility

and destiny

4 what is human immanence A it is the uniqueness of humans based

on cosmic time, space, motion, and
human DNA and dignity

5 What is human C it is our capacity for the infinite


6 what is virtue B it is the power and excellence put

together for doing good

7 nelson mandela today is D forgiveness and compassion

respected and honoured
because of his virtue of

8 lakshmi saghal is especially D selfless working among the most

remembered and honoured needy maternity cases in india
for her virtue of

9 Amar bose is remember and A passion for acoustic engineering

honoured for his virtue of

10 one of the four cardinal C Prudence

virtues is

11 what is the virtue of trust D believing in the relevant skills and

honesty of the other

12 an important component of D Vulnerability

mutual trust is

13 how do you trust strangers A by believing in human goodness

14 how do you build a E by building a mutuality of trust from

corporation into a trusting everyone
15 why is trust the cornerstone E Because it enables corporate growth
of corporate success

16 what is critical thinking D It is questioning ones’ own thinking

and learning

17 why is critical thinking D it empowers deliberation, choice,

important for corporation strategy and implementation

18 good critical thinking avoids C invalid presumption

19 the most critical thinking E Problem formulation

stage of problem resolution

20 what is a typical problem in a E(tentative) it is dealing with government

business situation regulation

21 A What is a system as A system is composed of subjects,

understood in systems objects, properties and events

22 D What is systems thinking?

23 A In systems thinking, the word The pattern of interrelationships among

structure implies? key components of the system

24 E The dynamics of system All of the above

thinking is best described by?

25 C What is an environment of a It is elements outside the system that

system? control you but which you cannot

26 Which of the following

systems thinking statements is
most correct?

27 C What is a problem in systems It is something you cannot predict

28 A A problem in systems thinking Every problem is constituted of two sets
is best characterised by? or vectors of variables: a)controllable
variables, say vector X, and b)
uncontrollable variables, say vector Y.

29 E In systems thinking a problem When you cannot control critical

resolution occurs when? variables in Y that control X

30 In systems thinking there are

laws that:

31 In systems thinking there are

archetypes that:

32 A An important concept in The capacity to see where actions and

system thinking is "leverage" changes in structures can bring about a
which is? significant and enduring improvements

33 How would you determine

"high leverage" points in a
system like GST?

34 Which of the following

principles of feedback in
systems thinking is most
relevant for leveraging
management programs in

35 A Systems thinking is best for Our businesses and markets, our work
identifying and resolving and human endavors are systems
ethical and moral problems bound by inevitable fabrics of
because? interrelated forces and actions that
often take years to play out their effects
on each other

36 Historically which of the

following has been the first to
manifest in an aboriginal

37 C Which among these is the An organisation's lived culture of

best operational definition of positive values and beliefs
business ethics?
38 D What is a moral judgement? A decision that firm affirms what is
morally just from unjust

39 D What is moral justification in a A process of validating your moral

business situation? judgement via ethical theories,
principles, standards and rules

40 What is moral reasoning in a

business context?

41. Paid media violates our democratic rights for: - objective and honest views on all political
42. Business ethics mandates us to take joint responsibility for: - ​Reducing buyer-seller
information asymmetry
43. What is business executive moral responsibility? Our moral obligation to be fair to all our
44. Moral business executive responsibility is best described as: - Responsibility for all
executive actions and their outcomes
45. Ethical business responsibility implies at least: -Complying with the company code of
conduct and customs
46. Moral business responsibility at least implies: - Obeying our moral consequence
47. Moral business accountability at least implies: - ​be accountable to all our harmful
outcomes to society
48. Corporate duty to sustainability primarily implies: - Responsibility to leave a legacy to
posterity as good or better than what we inherited
49. Corporate duty to sustainability minimally implies
50. Cosmic duty to sustainability is best described as: - Ethical and moral ecological duty to the
planet and cosmos
51. In welfare society how will you best distribute goods and services: - Based on individual and
family need
52. In free democracy how will you justify individual wealth maximization? By its contribution to
create employment and opportunity for all
53. Corporate moral social responsibility can be best described as- Corporate responsibility for
social progress
54. Corporate responsibility for action as primarily moral can be best described as: - Corporate
55. Corporate responsibility for the harmful consequences for one’s actions as primarily legal is
best described by: - Corporate compensation to the harmed party
56. What is managerial ethics? ​A morals-based business action program
57. What is business ethics? A buyer-seller exchange facilitating action program
58. What is corporate ethics? A corporate wide ethical decision making project
59. What is person-based business ethics? It is the ethics of executive actions/ It is business
ethics based on the dignity of human person
60. What is action based business ethics? Business action based normative ethics

61) What is normative business ethics:

62) good example of normative business ethics​: Teleology or utilitarianism
63) good example of person based business ethics: ​Ethics of human trust.
64)What is free enterprise capitalism​: Open and free market for business enterprise
65) What is an example of free enterprise capitalism: ​Japan
66) Why is free enterprise market system failing today:
67) Free enterprise capitalism is good for India if: ​it develops Indian business talent for
68)A good ground for free enterprise capitalism is found in : ​Adam smith’s book on the wealth
of nations
69) What is fraud​: Deliberate misrepresentation
70) What is corruption: ​Subset of fraud
71) What us bribery: ​it is giving or receiving money or favours to expedite action
72) Why do people fraud: ​because they need money and there is opportunity to get it
73) Why is fraud morally wrong: ​because it violets peoples trust
74)How can you best eradicate corruption in India:
75) how can you best eradicate bribery in India: ​by making all transactions transparent.
76) What is moral reasoning: It is justifying one’s moral decisions, judgements and outcomes.
77) What is moral deliberation: ​It is evaluating almost all choice alternatives to a problem
78) best theory for moral reasoning​: All of the above (i.e. Teleology, Deontology, distributive
justice, corrective justice
79) Technology argues that an action is moral If it ​: produces more benefits than costs and
to maximum people
80) Deontology argues that an action is moral if​: it protects more rights than it violets duties
of the largest number

81. Distributive justice argues that an action is moral if – distributes cost and benefits, right and
duties to greatest number more evenly than any other action
82. Corrective justice argues that an action is moral if it – set up procedures to correct all current
systems that unjustly distribute cost over benefit and right over duties
83. theory of non-malfeasance – do no harm to anyone
84. Protective theory of justice – protect people from all harm
85. Preventive theory of justice – prevent people from all harm
86. ethical theories of reducing harm, one that can be legally mandated -
87 what is positive right – right given by nation or state
88. What is Moral right – right derived from normative ethical theories
89. who give human their natural rights – the one who created them
90. Newcomb Wellesley hohfeld – claims, privileges, power and immunity
91. according to hohfeld –
92. who give human their natural rights – the one who created them
93. our independence day is best celebration of –
94. Our rights and duties in india are best lived under a system of –
95. Golden rules – do unto others what you would have others do to you

Koustav Garai

1) a
2) c
3) e
4) a
15) d
16) d
19) problem formulation
20) b
21) a
22) d
24) e
25) c
26) a
28) c
30) a
31) b
33) c
34) No idea
35) c
36) a
41) b
42) c
43) c
44) e
45) d
46) a
48) e
49) c
50) c
51) b
52) d
53) e
54) d
58) e
59) a/e
60) e
61) c
75) e
86) e
89) d
91) a
95) d

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