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Chapter 2 – Living Things Undergo Life Processes

Section A
Every question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer.

Figure 1

What are the similarities between the two living beings shown in Figure 1?

I Both reproduce
II Both undergo the excretion process
III Both undergo photosynthesis
IV Both can grow

A I and II only C I, II and IV only

B II and IV only D I, II, III and IV

Figure 2

Which of the following plants reproduce the same way as the plant shown in Figure 2?

A Fern C Papaya plant

B Aloe vera D Water lettuce plant

gas P

Figure 3

Study the plant shown in Figure 3. What can gas P be?

I Oxygen
II Nitrogen
III Carbon dioxide
IV Nitrogen oxide
A I only C I, II and IV only
B I and III only D II, III and IV only

© Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2007 1 my WORLD of SCIENCE KBSR Year 4


Week 1 2 3 4

Plant’s height (cm) 20 25 31 43

Table 1

Name the process that produced the results in Table 1.

A Breathing C Growth
B Reproduction D Excretion

Figure 4

Which of the following animals breathe in a similar way as the animal shown in Figure 4?

I Bee
II Ant
III Earthworm
IV Grasshopper

A I and IV only C I, II and III only

B II and III only D I, II and IV only


Figure 5

Look at the plant shown in Figure 5. What is the function of the part marked P and Q?

A To make food To absorb water
B To excrete To reproduce
C To reproduce To make food
D To absorb water To absorb minerals

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black box

Figure 6

A potted plant as shown in Figure 6 above is watered every day and kept in a black box.
After one week, the plant died. This was due to

A lack of water C lack of space

B lack of air D lack of sunlight

oil layer

green bean seedlings

Figure 7

A few green bean seedlings are kept in a container as shown in Figure 7. After one week, the
seeds had not grown at all. Why?

A There is no water C There is no space

B There is no air D There is no sunlight

9 Why do animals move?

I To escape from their enemies

II To catch their prey
III To find their partners
IV To get food

A I and II only C I, II and III only

B III and IV only D I, II, III and IV


Figure 8

The animal shown in Figure 8 breathes by using its

A gills C gills and lungs

B lungs D lungs and moist skin
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11 Living things reproduce so that

A there will be more food around

B their species will not be extinct
C their young will have friends
D they have more soldiers to fight their enemies


Figure 9

What materials are excreted by the organ shown in Figure 9?

I Sweat III Minerals

II Water vapour IV Carbon dioxide

A I and III only C I, II and III only

B II and IV only D II, III and IV only

13 Which of the following is the correct pair of an animal and its respiratory organ?

A Mackerel fish – gills C Earthworm – breathing pores

B Crocodile – moist skin D Cockroach – lungs

14 Human reproduce in __________ way/s.

A one C three
B two D four


Figure 10

Observe the plant shown in Figure 10 carefully. From your observation, what can you infer?

A The shoot moves towards water

B The shoot moves towards air
C The shoot moves towards sunlight
D The shoot moves towards gravitational pull

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16 Plant respond to stimuli with different parts. Which of the following has been wrongly paired?

A Roots : Water
B Shoots : Sunlight
C Young stem : Anti gravity
D Flowers : Wind

17 Which of the following pairs is correct?

Animal Respiratory organ

A Earthworm Lungs
B Crab Gills
C Grasshopper Skin
D Frog Breathing pores

18 Which breathing structure belongs to humans?

A Gills
B Spiracles
C Moist skin
D Lungs



Figure 11

Figure 11 shows four types of animals labelled, P, Q, R and S. Which of the animals can be
grouped together in terms of the way they breathe?

A P and Q C Q and S
B Q and R D R and S

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20 Which of the animals shown below is a carnivore?




Figure 12

Among the following animals, which has the same eating habit as the animal shown in Figure


22 Adibah found some mosquito larvae living in the drain around her house. She then poured
some oil into the drain. After one week, there was no more mosquito larvae in the drain.
The larvae died because there was

A no water C no air
B no sunlight D no food

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23 Table 2 below classifies the animals and their eating habits. Which one is correct?

Herbivore Carnivore

A Cow, sheep Squirrel, tiger

B Mouse deer, horse Snake, Eagle

C Grasshopper, bee Wolf, rat
D Sparrow, spider Mosquito, owl

Table 2

24 Among the following, which one shows the correct response?


Sunlight Sunlight

moist soil dry soil moist soil dry soil


Sunlight Sunlight

moist soil dry soil moist soil dry soil

25 Among the processes listed below, which involves lungs?

I Excretion
II Defecation
III Breathing

A I and II only C II and III only

B I and III only D I, II and III


• Breathes with lungs

• A carnivore
• Body is covered with hair

The information above explains about the characteristics of an animal. The animal is a

A bat C rabbit
B fox D chicken

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27 Which of the following group of animals is similar in terms of the way they breathe?

A Frog, crocodile, iguana C Human, bear, squirrel

B White pomfret, prawn, whale D Cockroach, grasshopper, worm

28 Which animal is paired wrongly to its breathing structure?

A Grasshopper : Spiracles
B Earthworm : Moist skin
C Bat : Lungs
D Blue whale : Gills

29 Fadhilah found that a plant she had put under the sunlight began to wither. What may be the

I Not enough air

II Not enough sunlight
III Not enough water
IV Not enough fertiliser

A II and III only C II, III and IV only

B III and IV only D I, II, III and IV


W – Faeces
X – Oxygen
Y – Water vapour
Z – Urine

Among the materials listed above, which are produced during excretion?

A X and Z only C W, Y and Z only

B Y and Z only D X, Y and Z only

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Section B
Instruction : Write your answers in the spaces provided.

wire mesh wire mesh

moist dry moist

ants ants ants
biscuit biscuit biscuit
Figure 1

A group of pupils did an investigation about the basic needs of ants. Three containers L, M
and N are prepared as shown in Figure 1.

(a) State the thing that is

(i) changed : ___________________________________________________________

(ii) observed : ___________________________________________________________

(b) Give one inference to compare the observations seen in containers L, M and N after one

L : ____________________________________________________________________

M : ____________________________________________________________________

N : ____________________________________________________________________

(c) What can you conclude from the fair test?



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Quantity of water (ml) 150 300 450 600 750

Number of leaves produced 5 8 11 15 15

Table 1

Table 1 shows the data gathered during an activity on a plant.

(a) State the trend for the number of leaves produced.

(b) Predict the number of leaves produced if the plant is watered with 650 ml of water.

(c) What can you conclude from the activity?

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Figure 3

Observation: (1) The number of plants is the same in both pots P and Q.
(2) The size of pots P and Q is the same.
(3) The size of plant P is bigger than plant Q.

The above information was written in Amir’s report book.

(a) Choose one observation. Based on that observation, state two inferences about the
differences between the plant in pot P and the plant in pot Q.


Inference 1:

Inference 2:

(b) Suggest one other observation to support one of the inference stated in (a).

Inference :

Observation :

(c) What can you conclude from your observation in (b).

© Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2007 11 my WORLD of SCIENCE KBSR Year 4

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