Bus Designer2k2 - Multidisplay Wiki

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11/3/2019 Bus · designer2k2/multidisplay Wiki

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digifant edited this page on Aug 18, 2015 · 1 revision

Signals on Twisted Pair 8-pin wire between MD01 and MD02

hardware I2C (PCF8574P)
software SPI (MCP3208)
+5V, GND

RJ45 pinout

Pin # Seeeduino Mega Pin signal

1 +5V

2 Pin 20 I2C SDA

3 Pin 21 I2C SCL

4 Pin 12 SPI MISO / Datain

5 Pin A3 / 57 SPI MOSI / Dataout

6 Pin 26 SPI Clock

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How the V2 works

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11/3/2019 Bus · designer2k2/multidisplay Wiki

Eclipse development environment

setup preconfigured linux vm
Qt development environment
N900 bluetooth


PCB Data
Build a kit V2
V2 md01 buildup
md02 buildup
md03 buildup
V2 Partlist
V2 LCD, buttons, shiftlight
V2 sensor connection
V2 actuator connection
V2 blueooth connection
LCD connection
Bus between md01 and md02
RPM measurement
TypK Thermocouples
VDO Pressure
VDO Temperature
Boost measurement

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