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Date Ordered
Generic Name Claforan
Brand Name Cefotaxime Sodium
Classification Pharmacotherapeutic: Third
generation cephalosporin; beta-
lactam antibiotic
Clinical: Antibiotic

Mode of Action Binds to bacterial cell mebranes, inhibits cell wall synthesis .
Dosage Injection, Powder for Reconstitution: 500 mg, 1g, 2g.
Intravenous Solution (Pre-mix): 1g/50 ml, 2g/50 ml.
Ordered Dose
Side Effects Frequent: Discomfort with IM administration, oral candidiasis, mild diarrhea,
and mild abdominal cramping,
Occasional: Nausea and sickness-like reaction (fever)
Rare: Allergic reaction and thrombophlebitis
Adverse Effect Antibiotic-associated colitis, super infections may result from altered bacterial
balance. Nephrotoxicity may occur in patients with preexisting renal disease.
Indication Treatment of susceptible infection including bone, joints, GU, gynecologic, intra-
abdominal, lower respiratory tract, skin or skin structure infection, septicemia,
meningitis and perioperative prophylaxis.
Contraindicatio Hypersensitivity to cefotaxime or cephalosporin antibiotics.
Drug Interaction Drug: Probenecid may increase concentration. May increase aminoglycoside
Nursing 1. Baseline Assessment. Obtain CBC, renal function test, question for
Intervention history of allergies, particularly cephalosporins and penicillins.
2. Evaluate IV site for phlebitis
3. Assess IM injection sites for induration and tenderness
4. Monitor daily pattern of bowel activity and stool consistency. Mild GI
effects may tolerable.
5. Monitor I&O and renal function test for nephrotoxicity.
6. Patient and family teaching

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