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College of Business

Business Administration Department


Activity Topic: Interrelationship of the sovereignty of nations and its

efficacy on the stability of government policies

Activity Instructions: The student will give their opinion towards the
integration of ASEAN Summit in the Philippines and site Pros and Cons
towards local businesses. In a Long Bond Paper, Margin: 0.5 (top,
bottom, left and right), Font: Book Antiqua.

Deadline: October 29, 2019

Rubrics for Grading:

20 points Excellent to very good: substantive, thorough discussion

and analysis of the topic
15 points Good to Average: Adequate range of discussion, analysis
and synthesis
10 points Fair to poor: Minimal substance of discussion, analysis
and synthesis of the topic
5 points Very poor: Lacking substance in discussion, analysis or
synthesis of the topic

Prepared by: Lovelyn M. Bagares


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