Marketing Stretagy

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 Introduction(1 slide)

Aim of the project and structure

 Product and services of Vodafone (2 slides)

1. Overview of the Company
2. Product of Vodafone
3. Services of Vodafone
4. Scheme
 Macro Market Analysis(3 slides)
1. PESTAL Analysis
2. Porter’s 5 Force Analysis
 Micro Market Analysis (1 slide)
1. STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) Analysis
 TOWS Analysis (1 slide): (Conduct TOWS analysis for evaluating the Threats,
opportunities, Weaknesses and Strengths of the Research paper)
 Recommendation (1 slide)
 Conclusion (1 slide)

Enhance the reputation of Vodafone India, building on acceptability and loyalty for the brand
through a focused communication effort.

Main Aim of the Company:

 To be the main supplier of versatile Voice and Data benefits in PNG and the individual in
concern of gainfulness and loyalty
 Project Vodafone as a corporate that understands India and is firmly rooted in the country
 Present Vodafone as a brand that has a strong commitment towards society and invests
 Project Vodafone as a financially sound leader.

Structure of company

Vodafone’s operating company structure will be streamlined to ensure effective and fast
decision-making, enabling improved time to market across a number of business initiatives.
Consequently, the following operating companies and business areas will report directly into the
Chief Executive:
•                  European Affiliates (Belgium, France, Poland, Romania and Switzerland) and
Non-European Affiliates (China, Fiji, Kenya, South Africa and United States), led by Sir
Julian Horn-Smith;
•                  Germany, led by Jürgen von Kuczkowski;
•                  Italy, led by Pietro Guindani;
•                  United Kingdom, led by Bill Morrow;
•                  Other EMEA Subsidiaries (Albania, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Malta,
Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden), led by Paul Donovan;
•                  Asia Pacific (Australia, Japan and New Zealand), led by Brian Clark who will
also be appointed Group Human Resources Director Designate

Product and services of Vodafone

1. Overview of the Company

 The name Vodafone came from Voice Data Fone chosen by the company to reflect the
provision of Voice and Data Services over Mobile phone.
 Vodafone, based in the UK, is one of the largest telecom service providers internationally
 Vodafone is a mobile network operator with its headquarters in New bury , Berkshire,
England, UK now in INDIA .
 It is the world largest mobile telecommunications network company and has a market
value and turnover of about £75 billion (August 2008)
 Vodafone currently has operations in 25 countries and partner networks in a further 42

2. Product of Vodafone
 Prepaid connections
 Prepaid recharge cards
 Top- up’s
 Vodafone post paid calling cards
 Vodafone pco
 Magic box handset
 Broadband services
 I-Phone 3G
 World Calling Card

3. Service of Vodafone
 Tunes and downloads
 Entertainment
 Sports
 Devotional
 News and updates
 Astrology
 Finance
 Travel
 Mobile money transfer
 Internet
 Messaging.

4. Scheme

 Vodafone completed its purchase of airtouch Communications, Inc. And changed its
name to Vodafone Airtouch plc.
 In order to gain anti-trust approval for the merger, Vodafone sold its 17.2% stake in E-
Plus Mobilfunk.
 The Euro approved the merger in April 2000 when Vodafone agreed to divest the
'Orange' brand, which was acquired in May 2000 by France Telecom.
 In January 2006, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka were added to the Vodafone
footprint as Vodafone Group signed a partner network agreement with Telekom

Macro Market Analysis

The marketing environment is a combination of internal and external factor and force which affect
the company ability to build a strong relationship and serve the customer.
PESTAL Analysis

P Stand for Political

Political analysis understanding the following impact-

 It is recommended that the Vodafone Company should invest in the country flexibly.
 Political stability and importance of Wireless Communications sector in the country's
 Taxation - tax rates and incentives
 Wage legislation - minimum wage and overtime
 Work week regulations in Wireless Communications
 Mandatory employee benefits
 Industrial safety regulations in the Technology sector.
 Product labeling and other requirements in Wireless Communications

E Stand for economic

This involves Vodafone Company analyzing economic factors that may hurdle in its operation in
the target countries. Such trade hurdle like restriction of import and export as well as foreign
exchange rate system should carefully evaluated by the management of the company in order to
carry out its operation without economic constraints .
Economic analysis involve understanding of the following impact-
 Type of economic system in countries of operation – what type of economic system there is
and how stable it is.
 Government intervention in the free market and related Technology
 Exchange rates & stability of host country currency.

S stand for Social

This involves the management of Vodafone company analyzing income level, social structures
educational backgrounds, and religion and family unit before marketing its services of network
operation to the entire market.

Social analysis involves understanding the following impact-

 Demographics and skill level of the population

 Class structure, hierarchy and power structure in the society.
 Education level as well as education standard in the Vodafone Group Plc ’s industry
 Culture (gender roles, social conventions etc.)
 Entrepreneurial spirit and broader nature of the society. Some societies encourage
entrepreneurship while some don’t.
 Attitudes (health, environmental consciousness, etc.)

T stand for technology

In Research it show that technology and innovation have taken preference in the modern business
world and firms including Vodafone company attempts to utilize such innovation in the business.
Technology gives the opportunity to Vodafone to expanding its business through utliziation of
advance technology.

 Technology analysis involves understanding the following impacts –

 Recent technological developments by Vodafone Group Plc competitors

 Technology's impact on product offering
 Impact on cost structure in Wireless Communications industry
 Impact on value chain structure in Technology sector
 Rate of technological diffusion
 Micro Market Analysis (1 slide)
# STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning) Analysis


Segmentation is the process of dividing a market of potential customers into groups, or segments,
based on different characteristics, so as Vodafone segments its target users by Income, Age,
Service usage, Nature of customer, life of the service and geographical and psychographic

Vodafone market segmentation based on following analysis:

 Better product and services that attracts its Customers

 Create better marketing materials which appeals the Customers
 Become more cost-effective which respond the best in the market.

Vodafone makes its strategy that it’s always be hard to address a large, vague and undifferentiated
market but it’s easy to address a tightly focused, highly individualized group of people with
clearly defined preferences and needs. This process of market segmentation helps them to isolates
those groups and make them accessible. It helps to understand their market and reach their
Customers and make profit too.


Vodafone makes researches on its target market depend on several factors:

 It shows that how one or more segment is targeted and how well the existing segments
are served by other manufacturers or competitors.
 It shows that how large is the segment, and how it is expected to grow.
 It shows that by appealing to one group of Consumers by having a strength as a

It will be more difficult to appeal to a segment that is already well served than to one
whose needs are not currently being served well. Existing market is already being served
well but Vodafone being a giant had captured the market by providing equally better or
more advanced and pocket friendly costs and services.

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