Peer Pressure

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Peer pressure is a type of social influence that produces a particular of acting or

thinking. Childhood or adolescence are the most prone to peer pressure influence. Peers as

defined are the people whom do you identify and spend time most of the time.

Peer pressure by itself can be either positive or negative, for example, both high and low

academic achievements are closely linked to peers influence. Several studies confirm research

findings that value of the peer group with whom their students spend most of their time are

stronger factors in students’ level of academic success or failure.

Peer pressure is a type of social influence that produces a particular way of acting or

thinking. It is associated in adolescents with risk behavior such as cigarette smoking, also. The

researchers conducted the study to find out how peer pressure affects the student academic

performance also, this study seeks to answer the following:

1. What are the most common influences that peers bring to most students?

2. Did the influence affect the student's respondent level of academic performances?


Most students think that the influences of their peer bring them positive effect and help to

improve their social lives. So, the researchers found make ways to find out how reliable those

perceptions are.
Validation of hypothesis

This study will be conduct in Taguig City University (College of Criminology), General

Santos Avenue, Central Bicutan,Taguig City. The researchers made survey questionnaire and

distributed it to some BS Criminology students.


Peer pressure is a type of social influence that produces a particular of acting or thinking.

Childhood or adolescence are the most prone to peer pressure influence. Peers as defined are the

people whom do you identify and spend time most of the time.

Peer pressure by itself can be either positive or negative, for example, both high and low

academic achievements are closely linked to peers influence. Several studies confirm research

findings that value of the peer group with whom their students spend most of their time are

stronger factors in students’ level of academic success or failure.

In study, peer pressure is associated in adolescents with risk behaviors such as cigarette

smoking, cutting classes, drug use and truancy. Studies show that both girls and boys are inclined

to take that they do not want to take because they believe the risky behavior will increase their

standing in the ego of their peers and assure their acceptance in the group. Peer groups provide a

place where an individual feels accepted, and where their self-esteem is enhanced.

However, peer pressure effects depend on the group you belong. Peer pressure is very

powerful because of everyday accompaniment with your friends; you will be able to cope and

adopt their habits either bad or good, only to have the essence of belongingness. Dependency to

your peers gives a great impact of their influence; especially when your parents are away or out

of town. Great supervision been given in choosing who to be friends of.

Peer pressure exists for all ages. Three-year-old Robert insists that his mother take him to the

store right away and buy him the latest fad toy because his friends have it. When she doesn't, he

has a temper tantrum. Nine-year-oldSarah wears a new shirt to school once, then refuses to wear

it again because her friends made fun of it. Jeff, at sixteen, works out three hours a day to have a

"perfect" body. When one of his friends at the gym offers him some anabolic steroids, he

accepts, sacrificing his health for his image. Mean while, Jeff's forty-year-old father just took out

a loan he couldn't afford to buya new BMW because most of his neighbors drive luxury cars, and

he didn't want them to think he couldn't afford one too. No one is immune from peer pressure.

The level of peer influence generally increases as children grow, and resistance to peer influence

often declines as children gain independence from the family or caregivers, and before they fully

form an adult identity. Pre-school children tend to be the least aware of peer pressure, and are the

least influenced by the need to conform. However with more social interactions outside the home

and more awareness of others, the influence of peers increases.

Pre-teens and teenagers face many issues related to conformity and peer pressure. They are

pulled between the desire to be seen as individuals of unique value and the desire to belong to a

group where they feel secure and accepted. The result is that often teens reject family or general

society values, while feeling pressure to conform rigidly to the values of their peer group. An

example of this phenomenon is seen when young people join gangs. In joining the gang they are

rejecting the community's way of dressing and behaving. Yet to belong to the gang, they must

conform to the gang's own style of dress, behavior, and speech.

Why Is Peer Pressure So Powerful?

Peer groups have so much influence, especially with adolescents, because, no matter how

inappropriate it seems to adults, belonging to a group really does give something significant to

the young person. Peer groups provide a place where children feels accepted, where they can feel

good about themselves, and where their self-esteem is enhanced. Some psychologists also point

out that life become simpler when we conform to expectations. Young people tend to gravitate

toward other young people with the same problems and in the same situations as themselves and

where they feel they will be understood and accepted. There is a very, very strong need to satisfy

that thirst for unity and for acceptance. The feeling of belonging is a very powerful force that can

outweigh ties to church, school, family, or community.

In addition to the feeling of belonging and not being alone or socially isolated, some

characteristics that peer groups offer which make them attractive and that families may lack are:

(1) a strong belief structure; (2) a clear system of rules; and (3) communication and discussion

about taboo subjects suchas drugs, sex, and religion.

Statement of the Problem

This study sought to examine the negative effects of peer pressure to the academic performance

of Taguig City University BS Criminology students. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the


1. What are the most common influences that peers bring to students?

2. Did those influences affect the student-respondents and their level of academic

3. How peer pressure contributed to students’ failure or success?

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses only on the negative effects of peer pressure to Taguig City

University BS Criminology students. And to how they can control it.

Significance of the Study

This study will determine the negative effects of peer pressure to the academic

performance of TCU BS criminology students.

The result of this study will help the researchers identify the probable solutions to current

problems on academic performance of students. Furthermore, this study will also help the

researchers. For other research they might encounter.


This chapter explains the research designed used in data gathering procedure and the

respondents and the location of the study.

Research design

This study will utilize descriptive research is intended to give more information about the

particular field of study. The purpose of which was used to identify the negative effects of peer

pressure to academic performance of TCU BS criminology students.


An adopted survey-type questionnaire will be used in collecting data. The questionnaire

maybe defined as a specific type of measuring tools such as computers or books whose general

characteristic is that it gets responses are considered to be indicative of the student skills,

knowledge and attitude.

Data collection procedure

The researchers will ask permission from the dean of the college of criminology Taguig

City University to allow the criminology students to answer the questionnaire. Answered

questionnaires will then be collected and will be subjected for proper instrumentation for


1. Are you easily influenced by your group/friends?

Table 1

Yes No Total

Responses 7 11 18

Percentage 39% 61% 100%

2. Do your friends have vices?

Table 1.1

Yes No Total

Responses 17 1 18

Percentage 94% 6% 100%

3. Friends’ vices
Table 1.2

Smoking Alcohol use Illegal Drug


Responses 9 15 18

Percentage 50% 83% 100%

4. Did they offer you those mentioned above?

Table 1.3

Yes No Total

Responses 14 4 18

Percentage 78% 22% 100%

5. Have you tried those?

Table 1.4
Yes No Total

Responses 12 6 18

Percentage 67% 33% 100%

6. After you tried, did you do it again?

Table 1.5

Yes No Total

Responses 10 8 18

Percentage 56% 44% 100%

7. Did those influences affect your academic performance?

Table 1.6

Yes No Total

Responses 12 6 18
Percentage 67% 33% 100%

8. Did you get failing grades after being influenced?

Table 1.7

Yes No Total

Responses 10 8 18

Percentage 56% 44% 100%

Based on experiences of the eighteen(18) students who were being surveyed, eleven(11)

or (61%) out of them stated that peer pressure caused negative effects to them; on the other hand,

seven(7) or (39%) among them stated that their peers influenced them in a positive way.

The respondents can be a big help in gathering consistent information in this research.

The respondents can give the research a foundation to continuously share facts about the study.

The people concerning the study will finally end the questions and will finally justify the

information that already gathered. In my prediction teens are constantly influenced by those

around them which is the peers because teens spend large amount with them. Teens depend some

of their decisions on their peers but it does not mean that their peers manage or take control of

their life, it still up to them.


As being surveyed, the students of College of Criminology (Taguig City University) are

not easily influenced by their peers. Even though they are not influenced easily by their friends’

vices namely smoking and alcohol used, but as adolescents, they have weaknesses that push
them to try those vices. In addition, adolescents have innate curiosity. That curiosity is one the

main factors why some students tried things that was new to them without even realizing its


In order for a student to socialize, he/she must fit in to the group where he/she belongs.

Unfortunately, some students made a wrong choice in choosing friends or peers. If the peers you

chose are not that dedicated to studies, they are most likely to do things that might lead them to

wrong path.

There are also things that I want to know from perspective of others by the use of

survey/interview. This survey/interview aims to discover the effects of peer pressure within the

teenagers of the modern society. It will help to briefly verify the information that I have been

discovered and will discuss the information that the people need to know about the issue of peer

pressure. The information that will be gathered in this survey/interview will be a big benefit

because it was conducted in a very specific questioning. This research can be a help with the

people who still need knowledge about the positive and negative effect side of peer pressure. 

There are  still things which I do not know yet and still need to discover from views and

experiences from teenagers. Some of the questions that I have formulated are such aswhat are

your consideration when choosing friends you want to be with, why did you choose them as your

friends, how many hours do you usually hang-out with your peers, in what way do you usually

hang-out with your friends, in what ways do your friends affect/influence your life and way of

thinking and doing things, are you being dependent to your friends when it comes with your

decisions in what certain decision, how can you prove that having friends can be a bad influence

or big benefit to your life.  I prefer to get feed backs and responses with the use of 
survey/interview to a two different persons, a teenage girl and teenage boy from my friends or

Facebook friends.


Based on the data that were surveyed, the results obtained that peer pressure has more

negative effects compared to positive effects. Therefore, the researchers concluded that peer

pressure affects the academic performance of students as well their study habits. The researchers

found out that the students’ failure in academic depends on how they choose the group in which

they will spend most of their time.

The difficulties of peer group effects have been well documented. We conducted a

tactical survey and many interviews regarding to our topics achievement.

The results strongly support that peer pressure are most likely to be in a negative way

although there are some instances that it is in a positive way. Adolescence is one of the most

difficult to achieve, because it is a stage where you are very curious in many different things that

resulting to trying it even if it is right or wrong. Being in this stage, you must know how to cope

up things or to control and balance the things you do in your everyday because every single

move you execute there is a corresponding effect that you have to surpass and a responsibility

that you need to achieve.

As the research continuously trying to discover more information of the study, I was

already discussed the some information and facts about peer pressure. 

It is proven that peer pressure is commonly concerned the younger people and peer pressure

influences decision making of an individual that peers manipulate the minds of an individual.

The study already discussed the possible experiences of the teenagers most especially when it

comes to dealing with themselves and the pressure their peers can give them. Teenagers can be

consistently influenced by their peers and the possible solutions that they can apply whenever

they already stuck within the negative situation. This research also discussed the people that

were involved in the study namely the teenagers and the parents. Teenagers are being discussed

because they are the one who are being involved with the issue of peer pressure. And the parents

because for them to be able to guide the teenagers to the right path. 

The researchers would like to express their warmest gratitude to the following who in one

way to another contributed to the accomplishment of this study.

to the dean of the College of Criminology, Dean Jose A. Dela Peña; as wellas to the

faculty and staff of Criminology Department;

to Prof. Emilio N. Timoteo Jr. for approving this case study and for giving as continuous


to the Guidance Counselor Madame Marilyn De Asis, Prof. Asrakal K.. Dawai, Prof.

Bernadeth Bobiles and to Office of the student Affairs and Services(OSAS) for giving us an

opportunity to conduct an interview.

To the TCU BS Criminology students particularly the respondents, for lending their time

to answer our survey questionnaire.

To the family and relatives of the Researchers for the financial and moral support even in

the most difficult times.

To the BS Criminology A21 (pm ) family for the friendly accompaniment and for being

approachable in times of needs.

And above all, to Almighty God for giving us wisdom and strength and for helping us

surpass everything.




Cenas, Gwendolin B.

Edrea, Julius Y.

Borigas, Cristine R.

Bongat, Raiven A.

Maybanting, Mercedes O.

Paco, Kim O.

Fabia, Gerald L.

September 26, 2014



A person who belongs to the same age group or social group as someone else

Supported by evidence strong enough to establish presumption but not proof, likely to be or

become true or real


Existing in, belonging to, or determine by factors present in an individual from birth


Is a practice, behavior, or habit generally considered immoral, sinful, deprave, or degrading in

the associated society.


To become greater, or stronger than, to transcend the reach, and capacity


Able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed, able to be relied on

The organization, identification and identification of sensory information in order to represent

and understand the environment


Wanting to do something, having an interest or in a talent for something, having a slope.


Intentional unauthorized or illegal absence from compulsory education, it is the absence caused

by students of their own free will


Showing something, relating to or constituting a verb form or set of verb forms that represents

the denoted act or state as an objective fact.


 relationship is a strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two or more people

that may range in duration from brief to enduring. This association may be based on inference,

love, solidarity, regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment.

susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.


able or inclined to receive; especially, open and responsive to ideas, impressions, or suggestions.

a of a sensory end organ, fit to receive and transmit stimuli.


is a term used by sociologists, social psychologists, anthropologists, political scientists and

educationalists to refer to the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs

and ideologies, providing an individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating

within his or her


What exactly is peer pressure?

“Peer pressure” is a term used to describe how an adolescent’s behavior is influenced by

other adolescents. While most parents think of peer pressure as negative, not all peer pressure is
bad. Teens may be influenced by their peers to study, to compete in athletics or to attend a

religious function. However, when fellow teens are drinking or engaging in other risky activities,

peer pressure can lead to problems.

Early adolescence

- is marked by self-absorption and the early struggle for independence. During early

adolescence, teens start to become less interested in what their parents are doing and become

increasingly concerned about their changing bodies and their outward appearance. Young

adolescents tend to develop strong solitary, same-sex friendships. They are highly emotional at

this stage, especially regarding their friends. Peer acceptance is important among early

adolescents; the desire is to look and act like their close friends. Difficulties with impulse

control, along with the desire to be like other teens, can lead young teens to participate in risky


Middle adolescence

-is marked by increased importance of peer relationships and further distancing from

parental influences. During middle adolescence, teens seek to adopt the values and practices of

their peers, often leading to conflicts with their parents. Middle adolescents still desire

conformity, although they do seek some individuality during this period. Feelings of

omnipotence and immortality, along with the need to “fit in,” can lead to high-risk activities

among middle adolescents.

Late adolescence
-is the last phase in the struggle to develop independence. As late adolescents are more

confident in their own identities, they are better able to make decisions independent of their

peers. Late adolescents may once again seek and accept parental advice as they develop their

own moral codes. While friendships are still strong during this phase, romantic relationships

often predominate. Ability to delay gratification, along with increased sense of self can help late

adolescents avoid participation in risky activities.

Navigating the transition from childhood to adulthood can be a major challenge for teens

and their families. The teenage years are often marked by conflicts with parents, as teens try to

assert their independence and test traditional boundaries. Establishing a moral identity and

developing close peer relationships are important parts of being a teenager. In the process of

bonding with peers and developing a set of personal beliefs, teens may experiment with alcohol

or participate in other high-risk activities. As teens try to separate from their parents, they are

increasingly influenced by what their peers are doing. Teens want desperately to “fit in” and to

be part of a group. Thus, they are highly vulnerable to “peer pressure.”

Perceptions regarding peer alcohol use are also a form of passive peer pressure influenc-

ing teens to drink. Although many teens often do drink alcohol to an alarming degree, teens

invariably overestimate the rates at which their friends drink. This false sense that all teens drink

can lead teens to feel that they have to drink to fit in. By eighth grade, nearly half of adolescents

report having had at least one drink and one in five report having been “drunk”. Especially for

younger teenagers, who may tend to worry more about being different from their peers, it may be
helpful to emphasize that four out of five eighth graders have never been drunk, and even those

who have, do not drink regularly. Re-establishing norms — reminding adolescents that “most

teens your age are not doing it” has been shown to be an effective method to counter passive peer

pressure and thus reduce underage drinking.

According to Ryan (2000) an important component of interpersonal attraction and

selection of friends is similarity. Brown, Mounts, Lamborn, and Steinberg (1993) also suggested

that adolescent peer group members select each other based on similar characteristics just as

adults do. It is unusual for a young person to select a friend who uses cigarettes or alcohol if they

do not. Even when a non-using adolescent has a best friend who uses cigarettes or alcohol,

research has shown that peer influence was relatively small and was mediated by family factors,

such as parental monitoring (Fischhoff, Cromwell, &Kipke, 1999). This finding is further

evidence that parents can still have strong influence over their sons and daughters.

In earlier years, Cohen (1983) suggested that whether socialization results in

reinforcement or change depends on initial similarity. If individuals are similar on a particular

characteristic, then the pressure will be to remain the same on that characteristic. On the other

hand, if individuals are different on a particular characteristic, the pressure will be for change to

occur so that similarity may be achieved. Because it is impossible to select friends who are

similar in all characteristics, Ryan (2000) stated that it makes sense that selection focuses on the

characteristics that are most central to an individual’s identity (i.e., the characteristics most

valued). In general, adolescents overestimate how similar they are to their friends and perception

is vital to influence.

As far as socialization is concerned, there are two important dimensions when friendships

are formed that influence the socialization process. These two dimensions are similarity and
value. Similarity on any given characteristic affects the pressure that exists among peers to

change. High similarity results in pressure to stay the same or at least no pressure to change and

low similarity results in pressure to change. This information corresponds with the similarity

principle in that we like people who are like us. Cohen (1977) found evidence for similarity

regarding the use of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and also issues concerning academic outcomes.

Best friends have been found to be similar in regards to frequency of cutting class and time spent

on homework.

Ide, Parkerson, Haertel, and Walberg (1981) conducted a meta-analysis of studies

published from 1966 to 1978 which examined similarity of best friends and students’ lists of

close friends in the academic realm. Across the ten studies reviewed, friends were similar in

regards to academic achievement: An individual and his or her friends’ gradesand test scores

were moderately correlated. In addition, friends were similar regarding college aspirations.

Landau (2002) supported this conclusion by stating that students who care about learning are

more likely to associate with peers who share this interest in academics than those who have less

interest in learning. The personal value that an individual attaches to a characteristic also affects

the individual’s response to change. High value results in resistance to change, and low value

results in receptiveness to change (Ryan, 2000).



Merriam Webster

Brown, Mounts, Lamborn, and Steinberg (1993)


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