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Table of Content

Introduction 1

What is Stress? 2

Types of Stress 2-3

Health problem caused by stress 4

Stress problem in high school students 5

What is stress management 6

4A’s 6-7

Stress management for high school students 8-9

Conclusion 10

Reference 11

Nowadays, the stress problem has become one of the

problems of humans. Different ages have different events
around them which leads them to stress problems. Especi
ally in adults, there are many factors that cause them to s
tress such as family, socials, school, life or other extracurr
icular activities. This may lead people who struggle with t
hese things to the stress conditions which also can lead to
serious health problems such as hypertension, depression
or heart disease.
This book will include information about stress, how
stress can lead people to health problems and how to impr
ove our stress management. Also, this book will focus on t
he stress problem in adults especially in high school stude
nts which is one of the turning points of our life. In this p
eriod, the teenager will have a chance to discover themsel
ves. Moreover, there will be pressure from several factors
that lead to stress.
I hope this book will help teenagers who have a probl
em with stress understand more about stress, the danger
of stress and the importance of managing our stress.
What is Stress???
Stress in medical terms means a physical, mental, or
emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Str
esses can be external (from the environment, psychologica
l, or social situations) or internal (illness, or from a medic
al procedure).

Types of Stress
According to APA (, American Psychological Associ
ation). There are three main types of stress which are Ac
ute stress, Episodic Acute stress, and Chronic stress. Eac
h type has its own symptoms and characteristics. Also, ea
ch one required different ways to cure and manage.

Acute Stress
Acute stress is the most common stress caused by reactive t
hinking and making negative thoughts towards the situations, ev
ents that already occur. Also, having negative thinking about upc
oming situations, events or demands in the future. For example,
when we face a new challenge and it seems that the challenge wa
s too hard to step through. It will increase stress and make our m
inds react negatively to the situation.
Episodic Acute Stress
Episodic Acute stress is quite similar to Acute stress.
The difference is Episodic Acute Stress can lead us to ver
y serious health problems. The symptoms were similar to
Acute stress but Episodic Acute stress can be extended to
health concerns such as emotional distress, muscular distr
ess or an increase in heart rate which can lead to heart dis

Chronic Stress
Chronic stress is the most harmful stress. It can dam
age your physical health and make your mental health bec
ome worse. This stress will make people feel hopeless. It
doesn’t happen with the high school students that much.
Most of the Chronic stress caused by long term poverty or
unemployment. But most of the students who have this st
ress are dropout students.
Stress can lead to “Serious Health
Stress can lead to several health problems. Also, stre
ss can make your illness become worse. There were three
types of symptoms in stress which are Emotional sympto
ms, Physical symptoms and Cognitive symptoms. For the
emotional symptoms, people who having stress will have
problems about control their emotion. They will feel wort
hless and lonely. For the physical symptoms, people who
have stress will have an headaches, upset stomach and lo
w energy. For the cognitive symptoms, people will have p
roblems about making the decision and the ability to focus
to something. This is a common symptom of stress in high
school. For the bigger case, the students would be depress
ed and have hypertension. For long terms, they could face
problems with cardiovascular disease such as heart attack
s, high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat and stroke.
Stress Problems in High School St
There were many elements that caused students to st
ress such as school, family, or transitions which are gradu
ation or moving out. The most common thing that caused
students to stress is homework. Social pressure also cause
d student stress, especially parent’s expectations. This ca
n cause students to stress because their parents will plan
and choose the ways for their children which makes their
children be under the pressure. Moreover, some families d
oesn’t support their child to study what they want.That w
here the stress starts. According to the Canadian Educati
on Association, 33.2% of students found that school is the
greatest stressor for them which meant that harder acade
mics can contribute to making the students become stress
ed. All of the lessons and the work will become more chall
enging for students to do which can create pressure for st
udents who struggle with those assignments. Also, transit
ions can caused you a stress because you needs to be in th
e entire new environments, people, organization and routi
nes. It would be problems to you if you can’t adapt yourse
lf to be in that environment.

What is Stress Management?

Stress management is a technique that is used to cont
rol stress in each person. Each person will have their own
ways to manage their stress. In the early stage of stress,
when you have acute stress, you can manage your stress
by trying to do the things that you enjoy to do, things tha
t make you feel relaxed or an activity that makes your mi
nd clear so you won’t be worried about the situations that
you face right now. When you have Episodic Acute stress
or Chronic stress, It is necessary for you to go see a docto
r. It would be better for a stressed person to be under doc
tor’s control so the doctor can provide medicines and treat
the patient properly.

There are terms called 4A’s which are avoided, alter,
adapt and accept. These can help you improve your stress
management skills and avoid being in stress conditions.

This is the first A of 4A’s. The meaning of avoiding is to av
oid unnecessary stress. It means learning to avoid situations that
may lead you to stress. Not only the situations that you can avoid
, but you also can avoid people and try to control your environme
nt so you will be relaxed.
This is the second A of 4A’s. The meaning of alter is to alte
r the situations. If you can’t avoid the situation. You need to expr
ess your feelings instead of keeping them in your minds. Also, yo
u can make your own schedule to balance yourself so you can ma
nage your lives, activities, responsibilities and social life.
This is the third A of 4A’s. The meaning of adapt is to adap
t to stressful situations. If you can’t change yourself, you need to
be able to adapt to situations. You can adapt to stressful situation
s by changing your attitude and your perspective. You need to tr
y to see the problems more positively. Also, you need to try to be
reasonable with everything so you will know what you can chang
e and improve in several circumstances.
This is the last A of 4A’s. If you can’t change yourself and
adapt to the situations, the only thing that you can do is accept th
ose things that you can’t change. You need to understand that yo
u can’t change everything. But to accept the situation, it would b
e difficult but it would be better in long-terms.

Stress Management in High Schoo

In high school, It's important to manage your stress
because there are many factors that can affect your menta
l health. According to Sam Malik, who is a medical profes
sional comprising doctors, giving tips for students to man
age their stress.
The first tip is managing your time. The biggest prob
lem for students that causes students stress is homework.
They have a problem managing their time so it would be b
etter for students to try to make their own timetable to m
anage their time effectively. It would help students to be a
ble to decrease the levels of stress.
The second tip is to exercise and get some air. It wou
ld be better to go out and get some fresh air on your holid
ay instead of partying all night with your friends. Someti
mes you need to be refreshed and to get some fresh air ca
n help you a lot. Also, you need to exercise frequently bec
ause people who have stress often have problems with the
ir health.
The third tip is to stay positive. You need to always t
hink positive. It will make your mental health become wor
se if you have a negative attitude. For example, If you ha
ve the lowest grade in your classroom. You need to face u
p to reality and try to study harder to improve your grade
next time.
The last tip is to spend time with your friends, family
or people you trust. For me, friends and family are all eve
rything you need when you struggle or stress with somet
hing. Letting the person that you trust know about your p
roblems, it would be effective because they can always be
there for you. They can support and help you past those c

In conclusion, stress can occur in almost every stage
of our life. In each stage, people will be stress by different
factors. There are three main types of stress which are ac
ute, episodic acute and chronic stress. These types of stre
ss can be categorized by symptoms. There are several wa
ys to manage stress. 4A’s is one of them, 4A’s included b
y avoid, adapt, alter and accept. 4A’s are terms that use t
o help you improve your stress management skills. These
terms will guide you to be aware of stress and try to avoi
d or adapt to stressful situations. Also, you can manage y
our stress by manage your time wisely and try to have a p
ositive mindset towards everything. Moreover, friends an
d family would be important to you if you be in the stress
conditions because they will always support and help you
if you need help from them so it is necessary to tell your p
roblem to them so they will help you find the way out of t
hat problems and situations.


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