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Objective Questions on Thermal & IC Engine

1 The unit of energy in S.I. unit.......

Ans B

2 On weight basis, air contains following % parts of oxygen........

A 21
B 23
C 25
D 77
Ans B

3 Zeroth law of thermodynamics........

A Deals with conversion of mass and energy
B Deals with reversibility and irresibility of process
C States that if two system are both in equilibrium with a third system,they
are in thermal equilibrium with each other
D Deals with heat engines
Ans C

4. A spark plug gap is kept from.......

A 0.3 to 0.7 mm
B 0.2 to 0.8 mm
C 0.4 to 0.9 mm
D 0.6 to 1.0 mm
Ans A

5 Theoretically correct mixture ratio of air and petrol is .......

A 10:1
B 15:1
C 1:15
D 25:1
Ans B

6 An engine indicator is used to detaermine.......

A Speed
C Volume of cylinder
Ans B

7 The thermal efficiency of two stroke cycle engine is.....a four stroke cycle
A.Equal to
B.Less than
C.Greater than
D.None of the above
Ans B

8 Supercharging......the power developed by the engine

A.Has no effect on
D.None of the above
Ans B

9 In a four stroke engine,the working cycle is completed in.......

A.One revolution of the crankshaft
B.Two revolution of the crankshaft
C.Three revolution of the crankshaft
D.Four revolution of the crankshaft
Ans B

10 Supercharging is the process of.......

A.Providing the forced cooing air
B Raising exhaust pressure
C. Suppling the intake of an engine with air at a density greater than the
density of the surrounding atmosphere
D.Suppling compressed air to remove combustion product fully
Ans C

11 Which of the following does not relate with spark ignition engine......
A.Ignition coil
B.Spark plug
D.Fuel injector
Ans D

12 The power developed on the surface of piston of an I.C. engine is

known as.......
A.Indicated power
B.Break power
C.Actual power
D.None of the above
Ans A

13 A single cylinder diesel engine has.......

A.1 valve
B.2 valves
C.3 valves
D.4 valves
Ans Do yourself
14 In a gas turbine plant,a regenerator increases........
A.Work output
B.Pressure ratio
C.Thermal efficiency
D.All of the above
Ans C

15 Thermal efficiency of a closed cycle gas turbine plant increases by........

D.All of the above
Ans D

16 The blades of the gas turbine rotor are made of........

A.Carbon steel
B.Stainless steel
C.High alloy steel
D.High nickel alloy
Ans. D

17 The piston of most of the 4- stroke car engines are made of…..
A.Carbon steel
B.Stainless steel
C.Aluminium alloy
D. High speed steel
Ans D

18 The ratio of work-done per cycle to the stroke volume of the compressor
is known as.......
A.Compressor capacity
B.Compression ratio
C.Compressor efficiency
D.Mean effective pressure
Ans D

19 Aeroplanes employe following type of compressor.........

A.Radial flow
B.Axial flow
D.Combination of above
Ans B

20 The multi stage compression as compared to single stage


A.Improves volumetric efficiency for the given pressure ratio

B.Reduces work done per kg of air
C.Reduces cost of compressor
D.Gives more uniform torque
E.All of the above
Ans E

21 The volume of air delivered by the compressor is called.......

A.Free air delivery

B.Compressor capacity
C.Swept volume
D.None of the above
Ans B

22 Ratio of break HP & indicated HP

is known as.........
A.Mechanical efficiency
B.Volumetric efficiency
C.Isothermal efficiency
C.Adiabatic efficiency
Ans A

23 Which of the following boiler is best suited to meet the fluctuating

demand of steam.......
A.Locomotive boiler
B.Lancashire boiler
C.Cornish boiler
D.Babcock and wilcox boiler
Ans A

24 Which of the following is a water tube boiler........

A.Locomotive boiler
B.Lancashire boiler
C.Cornish boiler
D.Babcock and wilcox boiler
Ans D

25 The economiser is used in boilers to........

A.Increase thermal efficiency of boiler
B.Economise on fule
C.Extract heat from the exhaust the gases
D.Increase flue gas temperature
Ans A

26 The number of fire tubes in lancashire boiler is........

Ans C

27 Cochran boiler is a......

A.Horizontal fire tube boiler
B.Horizontal water tube boiler
C.Vertical water tube type
D.Vertical fire tube type
Ans D

28 The unit of temperature in S.I. units is ........

Ans D

29 "The Internal energy of system is always the function of temperature

only". This is known as…………..
A Clausius Statement
B Kelvin plank statement
C Joule's Law
D Avagadro's Law
Ans Do yourself

30 On the temperature-entropy plot of steam, the locus of saturated liquid

line and saturated vapour line meets at........
A.Boiling point
B.Critical point
C.Ice point
D.Triple point
Ans B

31 The temperature value at triple point of water is…..

A 273.00 K
B 273.15 K
C 273.16 K
D 272.98 K
Ans Do yourself

32 Which of the following is correct for free expansion process-

A ∆W=0, ∫PdV=0
B ∆W0≠0, ∫PdV=0
C ∆W=0, ∫PdV≠0
D. ∆W≠0, ∫PdV≠0
Ans Do yourself

33 The entropy change for reversible process must be equals to….

A zero
B positive value
C Negative value
D none of them
Ans A

34 Which one is the example of Intensive property from the following-

A Enthalpy
B Entropy
C Density
D Volume
Ans Do yourself

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