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Por, Kampae 1208
Chronic Bronchitis
What is it?

● Chronic bronchitis is a type of

chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease or COPD (a group of
lung diseases that make it hard
to breathe and get worse over
What is it?

● It is an inflammation and irritation of the

bronchial tubes. The irritation causes
mucus to build up, making it harder for
the lungs to move oxygen in and carbon
dioxide out of the body.

● long-term use substances that damage the lungs and airways

■ cigarette smoke
■ Pipe
■ cigar
■ tobacco

● Exposure to other inhaled irritants

■ dusts from the environment
■ secondhand smoke
■ air pollution
■ chemical fumes
Risk Factors

● Age: symptoms usually show after

the age of 40
● Genetics:
■ alpha-1 antitrypsin
deficiency increases the
■ smokers who have family
history of COPD have
higher risk

● Frequent coughing
● cough that produces a lot mucus
● Wheezing
● A whistling or squeaky sound
when breathing
● Shortness of breath, especially
with physical activity
● Tightness in the chest

● Lifestyle changes:
■ Quitting smoking
■ Avoiding secondhand smoke
and other irritants
■ Ask care provider for an
appropriate eating plan, and the
right amount of physical
activity to strengthen the
muscles that help you breathe.

● Medicines:
■ Bronchodilators: helps open your airways but relaxing
muscles around airways. Mostly taken through an inhaler. The
inhaler may also contain steroids to reduce inflammation.
■ Vaccines for the flu and pneumococcal pneumonia, since
people with chronic bronchitis are at higher risk for serious
problems from these diseases

● Oxygen therapy: Chronic bronchitis reduces oxygen levels in your

blood. This can help you breathe better.
● Pulmonary rehabilitation: Improve the well-being of people who have
chronic breathing problems
■ An exercise program
■ Disease management training
■ Nutritional counseling
■ Psychological counseling

● A lung transplant, as a last

resort for people who have
severe symptoms that have not
gotten better with medicines

● not smoke
● avoid lung irritants such as
secondhand smoke, air
pollution, chemical fumes,
and dusts.
What is tuberculosis?
● a disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
● The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but they can also damage other parts of the
● TB spreads through the air

Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Effects & Symptoms
Symptoms of TB in the lungs may include

● A bad cough that lasts 3 weeks or longer

● Weight loss
● Loss of appetite
● Coughing up blood or mucus
● Weakness or fatigue
● Fever
● Night sweats
● For active tuberculosis, you must take antibiotics for at least six to nine months.
○ The exact drugs and length of treatment depend on :
■ age
■ overall health
■ possible drug resistance
■ infection's location in the body
● Common drugs:
○ Isoniazid
○ Rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane)
○ Ethambutol (Myambutol)
○ Pyrazinamide
● BCG, or bacille Calmette-Guerin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease
● Fact Sheets | Infection Control & Prevention | Fact Sheet - BCG Vaccine | TB | CDC.
(2020). Retrieved 1 March 2020, from
● Tuberculosis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic. (2020). Retrieved 1 March
2020, from
● Tuberculosis | TB | TB Test | MedlinePlus. (2020). Retrieved 1 March 2020, from

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