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Number : 002/ISL-HRGA/III/2020

Date : March 17th, 2020

To : All Valuable Customer
From : PT. Indomobil Summit Logistics
Notification : Saturday Off Schedule

Herewith PT. Indomobil Summit Logistics would like to inform for new working hours
schedule with the following information :

1. Working days will be changed into 08.00-17.00 from Monday to Thursday and 08.00-
17.30 for Friday. Currently our working hours is 08.00-16.30 from Monday to Friday
and 08.00-13.00 for Saturday.
2. Implementation date will be effective on April 1st, 2020.
3. ISL will designate employees to come to the office. For last week of May including May
30th, 2020 and last week of October including October 31st, 2020 working time remain
unchanged (08.00 – 16.30 from Monday to Friday and 08.00-13.00 for Saturday).
4. Effective Fiscal Year 2021 afterwards, if final calendar date hits either Saturday or
Sunday, ISL working hours remain unchanged for those week (08.00 – 16.30 from
Monday to Friday and 08.00-13.00 for Saturday).

Purwakarta, March 17th 2020

Willianto Husada Nobuyuki Takagi

President Director Vice President Director

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