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V. Valenta
Enelex s.r.o. U stadionu 427, Chvaletice 533 12, Czech Republic


Knowledge of the world’s coal quality through the utilization of an online analyzer is of
paramount importance for the present and future growth in mine management,
quality control, and coal productivity. For this reason, quick decision could be made
to establish the potential application of the coal and identify coal from different
stockyard for blending. With complete control over productivity, active blending and
homogenization can increase annual production from 5% to 15% and ensure less
overburden material treatment. Enelex is a solution partner in online coal ash
analysis, moisture and calorific value, sampling equipment, safety systems, thermal
monitoring and boiler operation monitoring since 1980’s. The company has long-term
experience in design of coal quality management systems, customized turnkey
solutions, excavation management and has successful projects within Europe and
This presentation will outline utilization of technologies provided by Enelex such as
Gamma-ashmeters, Automatic coal samplers and Thermal monitoring systems (to
prevent spontaneous combustion) and also summarize their potential application to
South African coal Industries.
The Czech Republic uses the domestic coal mostly for power generation. The brown
coal is sourced from 5 open cast mines in the northwestern part of the country. In the
era of communist Czechoslovakia, the production of thermal coal was dynamically
growing with almost 90 million tons produced per year in the 80’s, with figure 1 below
depicting the quantity of thermal coal mined in the country. There were limitations of
growth of mining activities due to legislation prohibiting mining in densely populated
areas, therefore it was deemed necessary by the Government to innovate efficient
coal utilization processes; in order to ensure the power generation independence.

Figure1: Thermal coal mining in Czechia (Mt/yr)

The online measurement of coal quality was identified as a key to improve the
efficiency of coal utilization. The primary idea was to create the systems of electronic
registration of coal quality during the coal transfer from the supplier to the power plant
but also with an option to control the quality of coal produced from the mines. The
first system of coal quality measurement was introduced in 1982 while in 1983, the
pilot project was operated in Vřesová power Plant. In addition, the DGP-2 ashmeters
“known as the second generation meter” was produced by Energostroj Company and
installed at Prunéřov power Plant in 1984.

From the very beginning the early systems did use the dual gamma transmission
method (DUET) with the GM-tubes as the detector. Due to need for stronger radiation
sources and less heavier shielding containers and complicated mechanical design,
further research was conducted in upgrading the GM-tubes system to more efficient
equipment. Fig. 2 below shows the early model of the DGP-2 installed at the
Počerady power plant in 1985 with heavy rail-mounted C-frame and GM-tube
housing. In the 80’s most of the Czech thermal power plants were equipped with
DGP-2 online coal quality measurement, with two installed at the Hagenwerder
power plant – East Germany in 1986, and another two installed at Maritza Istok mine
– Bulgaria, 1987. The research into further upgrade of the DGP series was brought to
an end due to the collapse of the communist era in Czechoslovakia, with unstable
economic situation and privatization of companies by the Government.

Figure 2: DGP-2 at the Počerady power plant stockyard (1985)

In 1991, Enelex was founded as a private company maintaining the DGP-2 on-line
analyzers produced in 1980's and also started development and production of its own
designed GE1100.S online ashmeter. The idea for designing the ashmeter was
based on simple and universally applicable technology, which could be applied right
inside the mine, at the stockyard, coal washery and power plant. The GE1100.S did
already use the scintillation detectors, reduced size of shielding containers, and
simplified frame at low weight. The design of the GE1100.S allowed the use of
bucket-wheel excavator directly as shown in Fig. 3 below. With the collaboration
between Enelex and the Tušimice mine, systematic development of the system’s coal
quality management, which resulted in some unique solutions, was achieved.

Figure 3: GE1100.S at the KU-300 excavator, Tušimice mine (1992)

Economy of coal utilization
The economical effect of coal utilization is virtually at the side of consumers; in case
of the Czech Republic mainly the power plants and heating plants; but possibilities of
improvement of the quality and efficiency of the coal starts right from the mine.

In the 1980’s the online monitoring of coal quality at customer side was feasible but it
was found out that there are no options of coal handling to optimize the coal quality
for the boiler while the operations such as coal washing or blending of several coal
grades are quite too expensive. The coal marketing chain - considered as a single
system of creating profit - definitely required the managing of coal quality much
sooner than at the very end. Performance of coal based power generation is directly
connected to stable supplies of coal from the mine.

There are several tasks implemented in order to improve the economy of coal
• Perform coal blending at mine/stock pile
• Minimize the use of coal washing for thermal coal
• Produce the homogenous quality coal at the mines


The traditional use of coal blending method used to be conducted by the customer –
buying coals of different grade (probably from different territories) and then blended
for different applications “boiler”. Usually the power plant uses special facility for coal
blending, and proportional mixing under variable speed. Theoretically this is the most
efficient method of coal blending but practically it is true only in case of having
homogenous coal quality inputs. Unfortunately, in case the quality of the input coals
is fluctuating, the quality of coal blended will fluctuate as well and even the on-line
monitoring of the resulting coal quality does not bring positive effect on stability of
calorific value. Especially if the coal comes straight from the mine, the fluctuation of
quality is usually high and the performance of proportional coal blending is

Possible solutions to improve coal blending

An option for improving the coal quality is to understand the best process parameters
in the coal washing plant. With an improved quality of the final product, the washed
coal becomes much more suitable for further blending. A negative side of such
procedure is that the costs during the coal handling rise significantly to cover
investment and operational expenses.
At the power plant side, if the coal blending is performed, it’s not necessarily the
traditional proportional blending, but sequential blending – feeding different coal
grades in sequences during the bunker feed to achieve suitable coal quality for the
boiler’s application. This method is being used at the Skoenergo plant in Mlada
Boleslav (Czech Republic) as shown in Fig. 4 below, this experimental blending of
hard coal and brown coal started in 2002 with no proportional blending facility. The
method requires the online measurement of coal quality with short response time at
the bunker feed belts but does not require additional blending bunkers so the initial
investment is very low.
Figure 4: Sko-Energo coal handling plant, Mladá Boleslav

Blending and homogenization

The process of coal homogenization as shown in Fig. 5 below produces the coal of
stable quality without big fluctuations. As the homogenization is performed on
existing stockyard, the cost of homogenization is found to be lower than the cost of
washing new coal. In order to satisfy the requirement of the coal-fired boiler, the
homogenization should be performed in order to produce the needed coal quality. In
ideal situation no blending would be required after homogenization. Otherwise, if
there is need to use the homogenized coal for proportional blending, the results of
blending will be stable as well. Coal blending can also be conducted during
homogenization, usually during excavation of coal from different seams and storage
for producing coal of different grades into the homogenized pile. In the mine, there is
an advantage that the excavation can be planned and controlled in order to satisfy
the needs of homogenization. In this case the homogenization process can become
very efficient.
Figure 5: Windrow homogenization method, Tušimice mine


In the Total Quality Management System the control over the coal quality covers the
whole coal treatment process and the coal is monitored by the online analyzers,
samplers and rapid-analyzers. The results from the online analyzers are used for
control and monitoring of the coal quality, at the mining machines, coal sorting,
homogenization of stockyards and management, the coal washeries and boiler feed
etc. The laboratory results of sample analysis are used to validate the online data.
The systems that cover monitoring and management of the coal quality during the
whole coal handling procedure can efficiently decrease the operational expenses,
and also help to save or increase the life of the mine. The procedure for coal quality
management does not only check the coal quality as it leaves the facility, it also gives
the operator the opportunity to affect the coal quality during the process which means
the intended coal quality can be reached smoothly, during normal operation and
without extra costs.

The Total Quality Management Systems can be put in-line with the ISO 9001 and
14001 standards to guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.

Input information
Total Quality Management System has to receive the information on expected input
material parameters to prepare the plans. In case of mine planning it is the geologic
model (Fig.6), otherwise it is usually the average parameters of coal received. The
more detailed information is provided, the more exact are the plans. It has to be
mentioned that properly designed system should be able to handle the coal quality
even in case the coal quality expectations are not true. Other input information
utilized is the feedback data from the laboratory analysis of the coal. The data from
the laboratory usually don’t come on time to be used as an input for operational
management but it is always used to verify the online measurement and system
maintenance as well.
Figure 6: Geologic model - crossection, Tušimice mine

Technical tools of coal quality management

The system of coal quality management uses any available sensors, inputs or
information. The data is usually transmitted online from several sub-systems and
concentrated into one or more dispatching centers, which control the procedure in
order to satisfy the aims of operational planning.

The online sensors system includes:

• Machine position determination (GPS, RF triangulation, positioning sensors)
• Machine operation status
• Belt weighers
• Coal analysis (as per need: ash, moisture, calorific, sulphur)
• Monitoring equipment (CCTV system, security system, etc.)

The following equipments are used as a support for online technique:

• Automatic samplers
• Rapid-analysis laboratory equipment

All data utilized and obtained are available at the dispatching room (Fig.7), which
allows the operator to take decisions and to ensure the quality of production. The
interconnection with the dispatching room should ensure not only the transfers of
measured data but also decision and action required. In case of need it is necessary
to transfer the commands or instructions to the machine operators with no delay.
Figure 7: Main operator screen, Tušimice mine

Coal flow management

Controlling of the coal flow is the critical point of the coal quality management. The
management of coal flow depends on timing and also the flow operative redirection. If
the travel time from the source to place of consumption is short, there is no space to
create efficient system. There are high demands for technology with fast response
time and corrective actions. The system can only work in automatic mode only, which
is not always ideal. For smooth operation of the coal quality management system it is
suitable to accumulate the coal and allow the time gap to take proper action. In case
of large mines, the time gap is caused by the transportation itself, the transport from
the excavators to the handling plant can take up to 1hour, so in case of online
measurement on excavators, the time to take at least some actions is sufficient. If the
response time of following coal handling technology is too slow, the time gap can be
achieved by use of the bunkers. Even small bunkers can gain a gap of few minutes,
which is good enough for taking action based on online results. Typically, the
accumulation in bunkers can be used in coal washery or at the power plant feed.

Special case is the coal stockyards; where coal can be kept for weeks within the
stockyard as seen in Fig. 8, so there is enough time to take any decisions or to
receive the results of laboratory if needed. Depending on conditions, there is
sometimes a risk of spontaneous combustion, but usually the stockyard can keep the
coal at least for one week, as a prevention Enelex can implement the stockyard
monitoring system with thermal cameras.

In common operation, the coal stockyard is usually not intended to be a primary

technology of coal handling, but in case of coal quality management the use of the
stockyard brings positive impact to the possibilities of quality management.
Figure 8: Homogenization stockyard, Tušimice mine

Operative coal flow redirection is another important feature of coal quality

management, it is used to separate different grade of coal under different condition.
Usually the coal flow redirection requires a special design of the technology in order
to switch the running coal flow. At the mine, low quality coal can be separated either
to store it with overburden or to blend it with higher grade coal to achieve suitable
parameters. In such way, the expenses incurred from washing can be decreased and
the capacity of production increases.

During coal homogenization at the stockyard, the re-direction of the coal flow can
give an opportunity to run the coal in the loop, so the homogenization can be
repeated in case that the result is improper. The re-direction allows the mixing of coal
from several sources into a new pile, so the defined quality can be reached within the
whole pile. In case where stockyards are not designed to circulate the coal in case of
need, there is a chance to improve the design of the new or existing stockyards. The
variability of coal flow at the stockyard ensures proper homogenization even in case
that the coal is having unexpected or exceptional parameters. Proper design of the
coal storage capacity and variable options of coal flow direction is the key to run
efficient coal quality management system.


The Tušimice mine supplies the thermal coal to 4 power plants, while one of them is
within the mine vicinity and the other three are fed by railway. Because of having low
and also fluctuating coal quality at the mine they put the highest importance to the
development of the system of coal quality monitoring and management to reach the
required quality of production and the project was unique in central Europe. Without
the construction of a coal washing plant, the whole process is handled within the
mine and stockyard facility. In the 1990’s the mine started the monitoring of the coal
quality at the excavator outlet boom, with the run-of-mine transported on the belts
and the stockyard using 10 pieces of Enelex GE1100.S ashmeters.
At present the mine uses 21 ashmeters, 5 sulphur detectors, belts scales, GPS
positioning of excavators, thermal cameras and other equipment to monitor the coal
as shown in Fig. 9, while Fig. 10 depicted the homogenization stockyard which uses
the system of automatic mapping of the coal quality. The customers buy the coal of
contracted quality directly from the mine, which is profitable for both. It is also agreed
that the deviations from standard quality are penalized.

Mine data

• Production 15 million tons of thermal coal per year

• Coal extraction by 6 bucket wheel excavators in 3 locations
• Overburden extraction by 3 bucket wheel excavators
• 2 stockyards – homogenization stockyard and auxiliary stockyard
• Raw coal CV range 8 to 14MJ/kg
• Ash content range 17% to 43%
• Sulfur content range 1.2% to 6.7%
• Homogenized coal range 10.5 – 11.5 MJ/kg, sulfur max. 3%

Figure 9: Tušimice mine – coal handling diagram

Homogenization of stockyard
The mine previous problem was as a result of poor quality, which leads to coal
rejection of about 2 Mt per year. This resulted into low overall mine production, but
with the blending of the very low quality coal and high quality coal, production
Figure10: Homogenization stockpile mapping, Tušimice mine

The system works in cooperation with the excavation, controlling of excavation and
stockyard management to reach the optimal quality output. The quality manager
requirements are directly transferred to the mining machine operators through the
data network. All the extracted coal is preceded at the homogenization stockyard and
the pile content is updated online. At normal operation, the coal is stacked into the
piles with windrow method and the result is verified by the online monitoring system.

In case of serious deviation from the required quality there are several options
available to correct such limitation:
• Addition of extra coal to certain section of the pile
• Re-stocking of some coal from one pile to other pile
• Usage of auxiliary stockyard

Lastly, the coal can be operatively transferred in between piles of homogenization

stockyard and the auxiliary stockyard until the coal is homogenized and ready to
dispatch to the customer.


The analyzers could be used in controlling the quality of coal being loaded into the
train, to ensure that the customer’s coal product meet the stipulated specification as
agreed. The management system also supports the optimization of blending through
the application of real time online ash analyzers.

Quick decision could be made to establish the potential application of the coal and
identify coal from different stockyard for blending. The system is designed
considering the fact, that sometimes the blending and homogenization could be
insufficient and there should be an option of corrective actions.

The system provides reliable and complete control over productivity, active blending
and homogenization, which ensure less overburden material treatment.
Due to an increasing need for monitoring the quality of coal been loaded into the
bunker, silos, and the need to maintain consistent coal quality required by customers
within South Africa, Enelex have decided to provide an alternative approach in
meeting the needs of the mines.

The Enelex online analyser can provide online monitoring of actual values of the non-
combustible content in coal, provide information on quality and quantity of coal
passing through conveyer belt in real time. With these attributes, mining process
efficiency and selectivity of different coal grade for different application can be
achieved, which will definitely leads to significant costs saving for Mining companies
within South Africa.
Enelex’s Thermovision systems which are used for contactless temperature
measurement, thermal imaging, security or fire protection applications in power
industry, heavy industry or building industry, could also be used in monitoring and
preventing spontaneous coal combustion within the South African mines coal
The entering of Enelex into South African market is to provide technology with
multiple sensors, integrated online analysis systems with full automatic control, high
efficiency and higher production rate. The above benefits will further reduce cost
spent in mine expansion, increase mine lifetime through blending of low and high
quality coal and providing homogenized coal with calorific value required for each
power plant within South Africa.

Our idea is a simple solution with great efficiency, not complicated solution but step-
by-step improvements with relatively small investments leading to the Total Quality
Management Solution in the end. The outlines of our technologies are Gamma-
ashmeters (GE 3000, GE 3030 and GE 3000.CM), Automatic coal samplers and
Thermal monitoring systems.


Pastorius (2011): Těžba hnědého uhlí na území České republiky

Ško-Energo, s.r.o. (2005): ŠKO-ENERGO 1995-2005

Enelex s.r.o (2012): Coal quality management systems

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