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Process Design WBCH17001

How to proceed:

• Study the literature and look for suitable processes. Make a choice for a suitable process
based on arguments.
• Prepare a block diagram of the process.
• Develop a PFD of the process.
• Model the process with ASPEN. Use the model for sizing of the equipment.
• Prepare a P&ID diagram.
• Estimate the investment costs for equipment, variable costs and estimate the payback time for
the investments.
• Prepare the final presentation and the final report.

The report: here are some hints on reporting.
• Title page with names, S-numbers, title of the project, supervisor(s), course name and
• Abstract, captures the essence of the work, problem statement, major outcomes, major
• Contents.
• Symbols/nomenclature.
• Introduction: p.e. background, significance, purpose.
• Literature survey and process selection.
• Process description, diagrams (block, PFD, P&ID).
• ASPEN modeling and sizing of equipment.
• Cost estimation and payback period.
• Conclusions
Up to this point use max. 25-30 pages.
• Appendices contain for example mass and energy balances, list of equipment costs, drawings,
schemes, etc.

For your information: you can find an example of the assessment form for the course on Nestor.
Note that at two occasions you will be asked to hand in a peer review form. You can find this form also
on Nestor.
The assessment is based on three categories; the first and second category are team-assessments,
the third category is individual where also the peer review scores are taking into account.
To pass the course, each category has to be assessed with at least 5.5.
Teams and Assignments

note: (k)tpd = (kilo)ton per day, (k)tpa = (kilo)ton per year

the required purity is mass based (unless indicated otherwise)

team 1: Jelmer Meijer, Thom Meeuwes, Michiel Meindertsma

Assignment: Methyl-t-butylether from isobutene. Required capacity = 100 tpd. Required purity = 99%.

team 2: Santiago Paredes Montoya, Igy Ignatius Surya Ariffin, Yosua Hanria
Assignment: Ethylene oxide from ethylene: 200 ktpa at 99%

team 3: Celia Lopez Escribano, Elia Savino, Stefanie Bianchetti

Assignment: Cumene from benzene and propylene: 100 ktpa at 99%

team4: Lian Zhen Yang, Max Donadon, Gianluca Donadon

Assignment: Acrylic acid from propylene 50 ktpa 99.9%

team 5: Ariq Dwisena Raharjanto, Alan Herry, Marko Randic

Assignment: Lutein from flowers using SC extraction: input 1500 tpa dried and gound petals

team 6: Fabrice de Maere d'Aertrycke, Mart Oenema, Martijn Meijer

Assignment: Ethylene glycol from ethylene oxide: 100 ktpa at 98%

team 7: Simon Stegink, Yousaf Khan, Bertie Saxby

Assignment: Vinyl acetate from acetic acid and ethylene, 50 ktpa 99%

team 8: Stefan Vasic, Filip Luedtke, Luca Wirner

Assignment: Maleic anhydride from 1-butene: 100 ktpa at 99%

team 9: Robert Lindblom, Shashwat Sinha, Ariba Adnan

Assignment: Acetone from 2-propanol. 100 tpd at 99%.

team 10: Sterre van der Voort, Lotte Top, Mark Sol
Assignment: Vinyl chloride from ethylene: 100 ktpa at 99%

team 11: Adam Tehenics, Anshu Chandel, Minsoo Park

Assignment: Lutein from flowers using organic solvent extraction: input 1500 tpa dried and ground

team 12: Jogchem Brouwer, Matthias Bork, Floris van Lieshout

Assignment: Ethylbenzene from benzene. 100 tpd at 99%.

team 13: Simon Hobbenschot, Petar Živkovic, Reinier Goldhoorn

Assignment: Acetic anhydride from acetic acid. 100 tpd at 98%.
team 14: Marko Sofijanic, Matteo Deketh, Daniel Miedema
Assignment: Phtalic anhydride from o-xylene: 100 ktpa, 99%

team 15: Eva Tapani, Alex Lloyd, Elodie Van Gils

Assignment: Cyclohexanon from phenol: 120 ktpa, 97%

team 16: Noemy Vergara Vera, Ivai Makarudze, Valeria Graur

Assignment: Styrene from benzene and ethylene: 100 ktpa at 99%

team 17: Joline Ridder, Mitchell Groen, Jelmer Dijkstra

Assignment: Allyl chloride from propylene and chlorine 20 ktpa 99%

team 18: Jiyea Kim, Laetitia Vicari, Soyeon Kim

Assignment: Formic acid from carbon monoxide. 100 tpd at 97%.

team 19: Zhuorigebatu Tegudeer, Nils Venema

Assignment: Methanol from CO2 and H2: 500 ktpa at 99%

team 20: Aindrilla Chander, Claris Yew Jo Yee

Assignment: Dimethyl ether from methanol: 200 ktpa, 99%

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