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1 ABONDON (v) Terk etmek, Vazgeçmek, Bırakmak

Example: Her natural mother had abondoned her at an early age.
2 ABBREVIATE (v) Kısaltmak,Özetlemek, Sadeleştirmek
Example: Network is often abbreviated to ‘’net’’.
3 ABRUPTLY (adv) Aniden, Ani biçimde
Example: Their partnership lasted 3 years, ending abruptly 1994.
4 ABSTAIN FROM (alkol,içki vb)-den sakınmak, uzak durmak =avoid from
(v) Example:Most pragnant women abstain from alcohol.
5 ABUNDANT (adj) Bol, Çok
Example: There was abundant evidence to support the theory.
6 ACCOMPLISH (v) Başarmak, Tamamlamak
Example: The planes accomplished their mission.
7 ACCURACY (n) Doğruluk, Kesinlik
Example: We have confidence in the accuracy of the statistics.
8 ACCURATE (adj) Kesin,Doğru,Yanlışsız
Example: This information can be used to make more accurate predictions
of weather and climate.
9 ACCUSED (n) Sanık
Example: The accused was ordered to stand trial on a number or charges.
10 ACCUSTOMED Alışkın, Alışılmış, Her zamanki
(adj) Example: She quickly became accustomed to his messy ways.
11 ADEQUATE (adj) Yeterli, uygun, elverişli
Example: This Office is perfectly adequate for my needs
12 ADJUST (v) Ayarlamak, Uydurmak, Uymak
Example: He smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie.
13 ADMINISTRATE (v) Yönetmek, İdare etmek
14 ADVANCED (adj) İlerlemiş, İleri
Example: Nagotiations are at an advanced stage.
15 AFFAIR (n) Olay, Mesele, Sorun
Example: I wanted the funeral to be a family affair.
16 AID (n) Yardım
Example: He saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid.
17 ALLIANCE (n) İttifak
Example: All of this activity will benefit the Australia-US alliance across the
18 ALLY (n) Müttefik, Dost
Example: Debate continued among NATO allies.
19 ALTER (v) Değiştirmek
Example: Eliot was persuaded to alter the passage.
20 AMBIGUOUS (adj) Birden fazla anlama gelen, Net olmayan
Example: The election result was ambiguous.
21 APPROACH (v) Yaklaşmak
Example: The train approached the main line.
(adv) Example: Is this film appropriate for small children?
23 APPROVAL (n) Tasvip, Onay, Resmi izin
Example: The road schemes have been given approval.
24 ARBITRARY (adj) Rasgele seçilmiş
Example: Did you have a reason for choosing your destination or was it
25 ARGUMENT (n) Tartışma, sav, iddia

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Example: I’ve had an argument with my father.

26 ARRAGNE (v) Düzenlemek
Example: They hoped to arrange a meeting.
27 AT ONCE (phrase) Derhal, Aynı anda
Example: I fell asleep at once.
28 ATTRACT (v) Cezbetmek, Çekmek
Example: He hoped this strategy would attract foreign investment by
29 AVERT (v) Olması önlemek, Başka yöne çevirmek
We tried toavert our thoughts from our massive financial problems.
30 BARGAIN (n) Pazarlık, Anlaşma, Pazarlık etmek,Ucuz eşya
Example: The table was a real bargain.
31 BENEFICIAL (adj) Faydalı
Example: The process was beneficial to both supplier and customer.
32 BIZARRE (adj) Tuhaf, Acayip
Example: His behavior became more and more bizarre.
33 BLINK (v) Gözlerini kırpıştırmak
Example: He blinked his eyes nervously.
34 BREAK OFF (pv) Kırılıp ayrılmak, ilişiğini kesmek, birdenbire durmak
Example: The fuselage had broken off just behind the pilot’s seat.
35 BREAKTHROUGH Büyük buluş, Cepheyi yarıp geçmek
(n) Example: There will no more be any great Breakthroughs or discoveries.
36 BUDGET (n) Bütçe
Example: The government had a limited budget.
37 CALL OFF (pv) İptal etmek
Example: They held a ballot on whether to call of industrial action.
38 CALL ON (pv) Ziyaret etmek, talep etmek
Example: He is planning to call on Katy today.
39 CALL UP (pv) Example: I have a list of people to call up in the morning.
40 CANDIDATE (n) Aday
Example: Candidates applied for their position.
41 CAPABLE (adj) Yetenekli
Example: I’m quiet capanle of taking care of myself.
42 CHARGE (v) Ücret, İtham, Hamle, Sarj
Example: Wedding planners may charge an hourly fee of up to $150.
43 CHARITY (n) Sadaka, Hayırseverlik, Hayır kurumu
Example: The charity provides practical help for homeless people.
44 CLARIFY (v) Açıklamak, Açıklık getirmek
Example: The report was managed to clarify the government’s position.
45 COLLIDE (v) Çarpışma, Çarpma
Example: She sollided with someone in the School Cafe.
46 COMPENSATION Bedel, Tazminat, Telafi
(n) Example: He is seeking compensation for injuries suffered at work.
47 COMPOSED (adj) Birleşmiş, Bestelenmiş, Kedine hakim olma
Example: He is a very talented and composed young player.
48 COMPROMISE (v) Uzlaşmak
Example: In the end we compromised and deferred the issue.
49 CONCEAL (v) Gizlemek, saklamak, örtmek
Example:They were at great pains to conceal that information from the

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50 CONDENSE (v) Yoğunlaşma, Sıvıya dönme, Çözelme

Example: The cold air was condensing his breath.
51 CONFIRM (v) Teyit etmek, Pekiştirmek, Onaylamak
Example: The report confirms that a diet rich in vitamin C can help to
prevent cataract.
52 CONSIST OF (v) Müteşekkil olmak, Oluşmak
Example: The crew consist of five men.
53 CONSISTENTLY Mütemadiyen, Devamlı
(adv) Example: A team that consistently demonstrates a desire to win.
(n) Example: Britain lacks a codified constitution.
55 CRUELTY (n) Zulüm, Acımasızlık
Example: He has treated her with extreme cruelty.
56 COHERENT (adj) Tutarlı, Yapışık
Example: They failed to develop a coherent economic strategy.
57 CRUCIAL (adj) Önemli, Kritik
Example: This game is crucial to our survival.
(adj) Example: She will be asked to find a solution over the controversial issue
of a ban on hunting with dogs.
59 CONVENIENT (adj) Kullanışlı, Uygun
Example: I phoned your Office to confirm that this date is convenient.
60 COMPEL (v) Zorlamak, mecbur bırakmak
Example: A sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions.
61 CONQUER (v) Fethetmek, Yenmek, Galip gelmek
Example: Fatih Sultan Mehmet conquered Istanbul in 1453.
62 CONTEMPORARY Çağdaş, Aynı çağda yaşayan
(adj) Example: The event was recorded by contemporary historian.
63 CONVENTIONAL Geleneksel, Alışılagelen
(adj) Example: A conventional morality had dictated behaviour.
64 DEADLINE (n) Son teslim tarihi
Example: The deadline for submissions is Friday.
65 DECEPTIVE (adj) Aldatıcı, Yanıltıcı
Example: He put the question with deceptive cavalness.
66 DEDICATE (v) Adamak, İthaf etmek
Example: Joan has dedicated her life to animals.
67 DEFEAT (v) Yenme, Bozgune uğratma
Example: Garibaldi defeated the Neapolitan army.
68 DELICATE (adj) Nazik, hassas, narin
Example: Her delicate bone structure and elegant grace would always
turn heads.
69 DENIAL (n) İnkar, Yok sayma
Example: She shook her head in denial.
70 DENY (v) İnkar etmek
Example: They deny any responsibility fort he tragedy.
71 DESPERATE (adj) Ümitsiz, gözü dönmüş
Example: We may feel hopeless and desperate but we have to go on.
72 DETEST (v) Nefret etmek, tiksinmek
Example: Of all birds to carrion crow is the most detested by game
73 DIMINISH (v) Azaltmak, Küçültmek, Eksilmek

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Example: The pain will gradually diminish.

74 DISINTEGRATE (v) Parçalamak, Bölünmek
Example: When the missile struck, the car disintegrated in a sheet of
searing flame.
75 DISTINGUISH (v) Ayırmak, Ayırt etmek
Example: The child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from
76 DIVIDE (v) Bölmek, ayırmak
Example: Consumer magazines can be divided into a number of different
77 DUPLICATE (adj) Kopyasını yapmak
Example: A duplicate license is issued to replace a valid license which has
been lost.
78 DISPLAY (v) Göstermek, Ortaya çıkarmak, Ekran
Example: The palace used to display a series of Flemish tapestries.
79 DISPOSE (v) Düzenlemek, Kullanmak, İkna etmek
Example: The chief disposed his attendants in a circle.
80 DIVERSE (adj) Çeşitli, Türlü, Farklı
Example: The topics are as diverse as the origins of the students.
81 DEFECT (n) Bozukluk, kusur, hata
Example: A defect in this system may cause fluid retention.
82 DELAY (v) Gecikmek
Example: The train was delayed.
83 DEMAND (n) Talep etmek, istemek
Example: Requests for trade were followed by demand for forts and land.
84 DEMOLISH (v) Yıkmak, Parçalamak
Example: Around AD 150 the villa was demolished for a larger building.
85 DESTINY (n) Kader, Kısmet
Example: She was unable to control her own destiny.
86 DISCRIMINATE (v) Ayrımcılık yapmak
Example: Babies can discriminate between different facial expressions of
87 EDGE (n) Kenar, Avantaj
Example: He decided to pull himself back from the cliff edge.
88 EMBARK (ON) (v) Gemiye binmek, Başlamak
Example: He embarked on a new career.
90 EMBARRASSMENT Utanma, Mahcubiyet
(n) Example: I turned red with embarrassment.
91 EMERGE (v) Meydana çıkmak
Example: Black ravens emerged from the fog.
92 EMIT (v) Yaymak, Çıkarmak
Example: She emitted a sound like laughter.
93 EMPLOYER (n) İş veren
Example: The embroidery industry is a major employer of female workers.
94 ENHANCE (v) Değerini, gücünü, güzelliğini artırma, süslemek, genişletmek
Example: The presence of this extra quality will enhance your mark.
95 ENLARGE (v) Büyütmek, Genişletmek
Example: My son enlarged our garden pond.
96 ENLIGHTEN (v) Aydınlatmak
Example: Christopher had not enlightened Frances as to their relationship.
97 EXCESSIVE (adj) Aşırı, Haddinden fazla

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Example: He was drinking excessive smounts of brandy.

98 EXPAND (v) Genişletmek, Büyümek
Example: Their business expanded into other hotels and properties.
99 EXPLICIT (adj) Açıkça, Açık bir şekilde
Example: The speaker’s intentions were not made explicit.
100 EXPOSE (v) İfşa etmek, Korunmasız bırakmak, Maruz bırakmak, Teşhir etmek
Example: Miranda felt exposed and lonely.
101 EXTENSIVE (adj) Büyük, derin, kapsamlı
Example:They carried out an extensive search of the area but nothing was
102 EXCESSIVELY (adv) Aşırı, Çok fazla
Example: They don’t drink excessively.
103 ELABORATELY Özenli, Dikkatli, Ayrıntılı, Titiz
(adv) Example: The pres conferences have became elaborately staged events.
104 ENDURANCE (n) Katlanma, Tahammül, Dayanıklılık
Example: She was close to the limit of her endurance.
105 ELIMINATE (v) Elemek, Yok etmek
Example: The police have eliminated Larry from their inquiries.
106 ENDURE (v) Dayanmak
Example: It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.
107 ETERNAL (adj) Kalıcı, Ebedi
Example: People are always searching fort he secret to eternal youth.
108 EXAGGERATE (v) Abartmak
Example: They were apt to exaggerate any aches and pains.
109 EXCLUSIVELY Sadece, Yalnızca
(adv) Example: He said there was a big shift toward using trucks and shovels
exclusively about a decade ago.
110 FAINT (n) Donuk, Baygın
Example: She hit the flor in a dead faint.
111 FEASIBLE (adj) Yapılabilir, Mümkün
Example: It is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public
112 FLAWLESS (adj) Kusursuz, Defosuz
Example: He greeted her in almost Flawless English.
113 FLEE FROM (v) Kaçmak, firar etmek
Example: A man was shot twice as he fled from five masked youths.
114 FLUCTUATE (v) İnip çıkmak
Example: Oxygen levels have fluctuated since the air became oxygen rich.
115 FORECAST (v) Tahmin etmek
Example: Rain is forecast for eastern Ohio.
116 FORTUNATE (adj) Şanslı, Talihli
Example: It was fortunate that the weather was good.
117 FADE (v) Yok olmak, Solmak
Example: The noise faded away.
118 FUNDAMENTAL Esas, Temel, Zorunlu
(adj) Example: The protection of fundamental human rights is so important.
119 FURY (n) Öfke
Example: Rachel shouted, beside herself with fury.
120 FRUSTRATION (n) Hayal kırıklığı, Hüsran
Example: I sometimes feel like screaming with frustration.
122 FIRMLY (adv) Sıkıcı, Kesin olarak

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Example: The door remained firmly shut

123 GAIN (v) Kazanmak, Elde etmek
Example: We gained entry to the car in five seconds
124 GOVERN (v) Yönetmek, İdare etmek
Example: He was incapable of governing the country
125 GATHER (v) Toplamak, Biraraya getirmek
Example: As soon as a crowd gathered, the police came
126 HARSH (adj) Sert, Kaba, Haşin
Example: After the gentle, sensuous vowels of Latin-American, this
language sounds harsh, cruel, authoritarian
127 HASTEN (v) Acele etmek, Ettirmek
Example: He hastened to refute the assertion
128 HERD (n) Sürü, Ayak takımı
Example: On the other side of the fence that separates prey from
predator, a herd of zebras huddle together and drink from a nearby river.
129 HESITATE (v) Tereddüt etmek
Example: She hesitated, unsure of what to say
130 HUG (v) Kucaklamak, Sarılmak
Example: He hugged her close to him
131 HAZARDOUS (adj) Tehlikeli
Example: We work in hazardous conditions
132 HINDER (v) Engel, Mani olmak
Example: Language barriers hindered communication between scientists
133 HUMILIATE (v) Aşağılamak, Rezil etmek
Example: You'll humiliate me in front of the whole school!
134 IGNORE (v) Aldırmamak, Görmezden gelmek
Example: He ignored her outraged question
135 IMPARTIAL (adj) Yansız
Example: The minister cannot be impartial in the way that a judge would
136 INCHARGED (n) Sorumlu, Görevli
Example: The incharge of every division should do random checking of the
control rooms’
137 INCLINE (v) Eğilmek, Aşağı eğilme
Example: Lucy was inclined to a belief in original sin
138 INCURABLE (adj) Tedavi edilemez, Çaresiz
Example: Even when the sick are incurable they are never untreatable
139 INDECISIVE (adj) Kararsız, Kesin olmayan
Example: He was too indecisive to carry out his political programme
140 INDICATION (n) Anlatma, Belirti, Gösterge
Example: The visit was an indication of the improvement in relations
between the countries
141 INDISPENSABLE Vazgeçilmez, Zorunlu
(adj) Example: He made himself indispensable to the parish priest
142 INDISTINCT (adj) Belirsiz, Bulanık
Example: His speech was slurred and indistinct
143 INDUCE (v) Kandırmak, İkna etmek
Example: The pickets induced many workers to stay away
144 INFLAMMABLE Kolay tutuşan, Parlayıcı
(adj) Example: I saw a lot of highly inflammable materials stacked together
while 30 to 40 gas bottles were moved from the scene.

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145 INITIAL (adj) İlk, Başlangıç

Example: Our initial impression was favourable
146 INSTRUCTIVE (adj) Öğretici, Eğitici
Example: It is instructive to compare the two projects
147 INSULT (v) Hakaret etme, Horgörme
Example: You're insulting the woman I love
148 INTENSITY (n) Güçlülük, Yoğunluk
Example: The pain grew in intensity
149 INTERFERE (v) Müdahele etme, Engelleme, Çatışma
Example: She tried not to interfere in her children's lives
150 IRRELEVANT (adj) Konu dışı, İlgisiz
Example: Theory can sometimes be hastily dismissed as irrelevant to the
151 ISSUE (n) Konu, Yayım, Baskı
Example: Emotions and intimacy issues that were largely dealt with
through alcohol
152 IDENTIFY (v) Teşhis etmek, Kimliğini belirlemek
Example: The judge ordered that the girl should not be identified
153 IMPEACH (v) Suçlamak, İtham etmek
Example: There is no desire to impeach the privileges of the House of
154 IMPOSE (v) Zorla kabul ettirmek
Example: The decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others
155 INDIFFERENCE (n) Kayıtsızlık, İlgisizlik
Example: She shrugged, feigning indifference
156 INEVITABLE (adj) Kaçınılmaz
Example: War was inevitable
157 INHERIT (v) Miras olarak almak
Example: She inherited a fortune from her father
158 INHIBIT (v) Göz dağı vermek
Example: The earnings rule inhibited some retired people from working
159 INJUSTICE (n) Eşitsizlik, Adaletsizlik
Example: She was taken aback by the injustice of Nora's remark
160 INSIGNIFICANT Önemsiz, anlamsız
(adj) Example: The sum required was insignificant compared with military
161 INTENTION (n) Niyet
Example: She was full of good intentions
162 INVOKE (v) Dilemek
 Example: I continue to invoke the Holy Spirit; I rely on the Word.
163 JUSTIFY (v) Doğrulamak
Example: The person appointed has fully justified our confidence
164 LEAK (v) Sızıntı, Çatlak
Example: The roof leaked
165 LOOK UP TO (pv) Hayran olmak, Örnek almak
Example: He needed a model, someone to look up to
166 LESSEN (v) Azalmak
Example: The years have lessened the gap in age between us
167 LITERACY (n) Okur yazarlık
Example: But the yardstick to measure the literacy rate is just the ability

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to read and write one's name.

168 LOATHE (v) Nefret etmek
Example: She loathed him on sight
169 MAJORITY (n) Çoğunluk
Example: In the majority of cases all will go smoothly
170 MEANS (n) Yol, yöntem, Araç
Example: Technology seen as a means to bring about emancipation
171 MEND (v) Tamir etmek
Example: Workmen were mending faulty cabling
172 MERGE (v) Birleştirmek, İçine katmak
Example: He agreed to merge his broadcasting company with a
multinational concern
173 MISTY (adj) Sisli, Bulanık
Example: The evening was cold and misty
174 MODERATE (adj) Ilımlı
Example: We walked at a moderate pace
175 MOIST (adj) Nemli, Islak
Example: Her brother's eyes became moist
176 MAINSTREAM (n) Pek çok kişi tarafından kabul gören inanış veya düşünce
Example: They withdrew from the mainstream of European politics
177 MAINTAIN (v) Korumak
Example: The need to maintain close links between industry and schools
178 MANNER (n) Davranış tutum
Example: Taking notes in an unobtrusive manner
179 MARCH (v) İlerleme, İlerleyiş
Example: Without a word she marched from the room
180 MEASURE (v) Ölçü, Ölçmek, Tedbir, Önlem
Example: The amount of water collected is measured in pints
181 NEGLECT (v) İhmal etmek
Example: The old churchyard has been sadly neglected
182 NEGLIGIBLE (adj) İhmal edilebilir
Example: He said that the risks were negligible
183 NARROWLY (adv) Kıl payı
Example: The party was narrowly defeated in the elections
184 NEUTRALITY (n) Tarafsızlık
Example: During the war, Switzerland maintained its neutrality
185 OBLIGATION (n) Zorunluluk, Mecburiyet
Example: I have an obligation to look after her
186 OCCASION (n) Fırsat, Vesile, Önemli gün
Example: On one occasion I stayed up until two in the morning
187 ODORLESS (adj) Korkusuz
Example: The compound, a white, tasteless, odorless powder, was
dissolved in about 4 ounces of water.
188 OF HIS OWN Kendi isteğiyle
ACCORD (phrase) Example: He would not seek treatment of his own accord
189 ON STRIKE (n) Grevde
Example: Local government workers went on strike
190 OPEN-MINDED Açık fikirli
(adj) Example: Only when all go to non-faith schools have we any chance of
getting a tolerant and open-minded generation.’
191 OBJECTION (n) İtiraz

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Example: They have raised no objections to the latest plans

192 OBSERVE (v) Gözlemlemek
Example: She observed that all the chairs were already occupied
193 OCCURRENCE (n) Vukuat, Olay
Example: Vandalism used to be a rare occurrence
194 ORPHAN (n) Yetim, Yetim bırakmak
Example: He was left an orphan as a small boy
195 OVERLOOK (v) Gözardı etmek, Görmezden gelmek (Bir evin denize, ofisin otobparka
bakması) –e bakmak
Example: He seems to have overlooked one important fact
196 PARTIALLY (adv) Kısmen
Example: The work partially fulfills the function of a historical memoir
197 PEAK (n) Doruk, Zirve
Example: Tatters of fog clung to the peak of the mountain
198 PECULIARITY (n) Özellikle, -e özgü olma, Tuhaflık
Example: For all his peculiarities, she finds him quite endearing
199 PEDESTRIAN (n) Yaya
Example: The road is so dangerous pedestrians avoid it
200 PIONEER (n) Öncü, Yol açan, Öncülük eden
Example: She has been a pioneer in the field of eco-tourism
201 PLENTIFUL (adj) Bol, Bereketli
Example: Coal is cheap and plentiful
202 POSE (v) Ortaya çıkarmak, Poz vermek
Example: The sheer number of visitors is posing a threat to the area
203 POSTPONE (v) Ertelemek
Example: The visit had to be postponed for some time
204 PRECAUTION (n) Tedbir, Önlem
Example: He had taken the precaution of seeking legal advice
205 PREJUDICE (n) Önyargı
Example: English prejudice against foreigners
206 PRESUME (v) Varsaymak
Example: I presumed that the man had been escorted from the building
207 PRIDE (n) Gurur, İftihar
Example: The faces of the children's parents glowed with pride
208 PRIVATE (adj) Özel, Şahsa ait
Example: All bedrooms have private facilities
209 PROFOUND (adj) Derin, Bilgili, Etkileyici
Example: The implications of this discovery are profound
210 PROMOTE (v) Terfi etmek
Example: Some regulation is still required to promote competition
211 PROMOTION (n) Terfi
Example: The promotion of cultural and racial diversity
212 PROPOSE (v) Önerme, Niyet etme, Evlilik teklifi
Example: He proposed a new nine-point peace plan
213 PROMTLY (adv) Derhal, Hemen
Example: He paid the fine promptly
214 PURIFY (v) Temizlemek, Arındırmak, Saflaştırmak
Example: The filtration plant is able to purify 70 tons of water a day
215 PURSUE (v) Peşine düşmek, İzini sürmek
Example: The officer pursued the van
216 PUT OFF (pv) Elbisesini çıkarmak

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Example:He put off his clothes.

217 RECAST (v) Yeniden çıkarmak, Değiştirmek
Example: His doctoral thesis has been recast for the general reader
218 RECESSION (n) Gerileme, Durgunluk, Azalma
Example: The country is in the depths of a recession
219 RECKLESS (adj) Aldırışsız, Kayıtsız, Dikkatsiz, Pervasız
Example: You mustn't be so reckless’
220 RECKON (v) Hesaplamak, Tahmin etmek
Example: The Byzantine year was reckoned from 1 September
221 REFUGEE (n) Mülteci
Example: Tens of thousands of refugees fled their homes
222 REGARDED AS (v) Gibi görünmek, Kabul edilmek
Example: She regarded London as her base
223 RELEASE (v) Serbest bırakmak, Salmak
Example: The government announced that the prisoners would be
224 RELENTLESS (adj) Amansız, Acımasız, Merhametsiz
Example: The relentless heat of the desert
225 RELIEVE (v) Hafiflemek, Rahatlamak
Example: The drug was used to promote sleep and to relieve pain
226 RELOCATE (v) Yerini değiştirmek, Yerinden etmek
Example: Sixty workers could face redundancy because the firm is
227 RELUCTANTLY Gönülsüzce
(adv) Example: He reluctantly agrees to do his duty
228 REMAIN (v) Kalıntı
Example: In the end, with absolutely no time remaining, a deal was cut
229 REMARK (v) Söz söyleme, Fark etmek, Belirtmek
Example: You're very quiet,’ he remarked, breaking into her thoughts
230 REMARKABLE Dikkate değer, Sözü edilmeye değer
(adj) Example: One of the most remarkable achievements of capitalism is the
drop in infant mortality.
231 REMOTE (adj) Uzak, Irak, Issız, Ücra
Example: Similarly, several families have moved closer to urban centres
from the remote villages.
232 REPUTATION (n) Ün, İtibar
Example: His reputation was tarnished by allegations of bribery
233 RESENTFUL (adj) Darılmış, Alıngan
Example: He was angry and resentful of their intrusion
234 RESIGN FROM (v) İstifa etmek, Ayrılmak
Example: He resigned from the government in protest at the policy
235 RESTRAINT (n) Zaptetme, Sınırlama, Hakim olma
Example: Decisions are made within the financial restraints of the budget
236 REVEAL (v) Açığa çıkarma, İlhamla bildirme, Gün yüzüne çıkarma
Example: Brenda was forced to reveal Robbie's whereabouts
237 REVERE (v) Saymak, Saygı göstermek
Example: Hank loves and reveres the music, but has fun with it too.
238 REVISE (v) Gözden geçirmek
Example: The book was published in 1960 and revised in 1968
239 REVIVE (v) Yeniden canlandırmak
Example: Both men collapsed, but were revived

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240 RIDICULOUS (adj) Gülünç derecede saçma

Example: It seems absolutely ridiculous that anyone would try to pull a
stunt like this
241 RUSH (v) Aceleyle koşmak, Hücum etmek
Example: I rushed outside and hailed a taxi
242 RELIEF (n) Rahatlama, Ferahlama
Example: Much to her relief, she saw the door open
243 RUBBLE (n) Enkaz, Yığın
Example: Two buildings collapsed, trapping scores of people in the rubble
244 SCATTER (v) Dağınık
Example: His family are hoping to scatter his ashes at sea
245 SCOLD (v) Azarlama, Paylama
Example: Mum took Anna away, scolding her for her bad behaviour
246 SEED (n) Tohum
Example: Cut open the peppers and remove the seeds
247 SEEK (v) Araştırmak, Bulmaya çalışmak
Example: They came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds
248 SEVERE (adj) Acı, Sert, Şiddetli
Example: The baby spent 19 days in the hospital's neonatal intensive care
unit with severe brain damage, resulting in permanent disabilities
249 SHATTERED (adj) Mahvolmuş, Bitmiş, Yorgun
Example: He was said to be absolutely shattered after losing his job
250 SHIELD ( n) Kalkan, Korumak
 Example: The children are also learning to march like a tortoise as the
Romans did, with shields at their side and on top.

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