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Read the following passage carefully answer the questions.

A man was put into jail without any fault, When the king visited the jail, he told him that he was
innocent. The king found out that it was true. He gave him a sum of money and set him free. He
went straight to the market where some birds were kept in cages for sale. He purchased all the birds
and set them free. At this the bird seller was surprised. Then the man said to him. If you had been in
prison like me for no fault, you would have also done the same.
Why did the king set the man free?
What did the man say to the bird seller?
Write one word for the following:
The person who has not done anything wrong _________
Find the word from the passage which is opposite to
(a) False _____(b) found _____(c) question _________
2. Answer the following questions 10x2=20
1. Why did the king organized a competition?
2. Ranthambore was “alive and kicking” What does this phrase mean?
3. How did the proud man help the poet when he was in deep distress?
4. Why were Abhay’s parents shocked?
5. Who do you think has planned to put rots in Abhay’s room?
6. Who are Kartik and Dashrath?
7. What does brunch means?
8. What are the preferred options for managing waste?
9. My life would have been a tragedy without you why
10. What does Vidya want?

3. Find out one word for the group of words 3

(i) A house in which a king lives _______
(ii) To give judgement ________
(iii) Killing of people in a large number. _______
(iv) Having Knowledge of repairing machines _________
(v) Mean of carrying way dirty water _______
(vi) A pupil who does not live in the school hostel ________

4. State whether the following sentences are True or False 3

(i) The king of the great kingdom, Mahapal had many sons
(ii) Amrita Devi succeed to stop the men from felling the trees.
(iv) Rat brought the change in Abhay’s life.
(v) The queen suggested the king to adopt a child
(vi) Only one man brought a pot with many beautiful plants.

5. Write the meaning of the following words: 3

(i) Anxious (ii) Poaching (iii)Stunned (iv)Suffocation (v) Glee (vi) Desire

6. Change the following sentence into passive voice sentences 2.

(a) The teacher checks our exercise.
(b) Ashok has written this letter.

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable words 3.

(i) Lions eat raw _____________ (meat, meet)
(ii) I want a _______ toothbrush (knew, New)
(iii) The curd is very _________ (soar, sour)
(iv) We live in Multi ______ building. (story, store)
(v) I need _______ money (sum, some )
(vi) She gave him a_____of cloth.( piece,peace)
8. Fill in the blanks 3
[expert, diet ,pond, amusement, roasted , appointed]
1. __________food is good for health
2. Aruna was ___________the leader of the campaige.
3. Abhay was an________ in playing video games
4. Proper ________is the secret of good health
5. There is a big _________ in the fort of chittorgarh, namely Gau mukh kund
6. A water park is a kind of modern _______________park
9. Find the odd one 2
A. 1,Surprise 2.promise 3.wise 4.spice
B. 1. Father 3.aunt 4. Have
C. 1. Father 2. Base 3,dance 4. Father
D. 1. Cool 2. Look 3.fool 4. Soon
10. Write opposite of the following words 2
1. Aware 2.never 3. Rapid 4.fertile
11. Rearrange the letters 2
1. Snomth 2lepope 3. Slgas 4. Tawse
12. Write masculine gender forms of the following words 2
1. Niece 2. Bride 3. Mare 4. bitch
13. Write plural words of the following words 2
1. Difficult 2. Way 3. Goose 4. Tooth
14. Rearrange the following words in proper order 2
1. Playground /in/ the /not /we/ playing /were
2. Market/ ready/ you /are /to /go/to
15. Rewrite the following sentences after filling suitable phrasal verbs 1
1. Why did you __________ from the moving train? [ get off/get on]
2. The government ordered to ______________the new scheme.
16. Fill in the blanks with preposition [in/into/on/at/ over] 1½
1. My brother is sleeping __________the room.
2. He is staying ______my home now a days .
3. One of the __________ scientists was Sushruta.
4. Rekha is ________ than Sureeti.

17.Join the following sentence using conjunctions 2

(i) He is an engineer. He is a doctor. (either……...or)
(ii) It was very dark. I could not find my way (so)
(iii) Ankit won the match. Ankit is very hard-working. (for)
(iv) She is attractive. She is intelligent. (both- and )

18. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination. 3

19. Write a paragraph on a “ Railway Journey “ 3

20. Write a story- The Elephant and the Tailor 3½

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