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Coronavirus Model Announcement for

Hello team,

Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to be top of mind and we’ve been actively monitoring
updates from the CDC, state, and county to help us manage through this rapidly evolving

Based on the most recent guidance from San Mateo and Santa Clara counties and in an
abundance of caution, we recommend that all employees who can work from home, do so
starting tomorrow through the end of March. This guideline applies to full-time employees and
contingent workers who are able to perform their work duties remotely. Please be mindful of
where you work to minimize the risk of exposure for yourself and others. Let your manager know
that you will be working from home, so all our teams remain well coordinated.

For those who must come into the office to perform their jobs, we expect that having fewer
people in the office will meaningfully reduce the risk of exposure and spread of viruses within
our office. We will also take steps to limit contact for those in the office including limiting
in-person meetings, reminding employees to maintain a safe distance (6 ft.) from one another
and encouraging people who don’t need to be in the office to stay home. We will also continue
sanitizing the office, as we have been over the past few weeks. If you have any questions or
concerns with working from home productively, please talk to your manager or People Ops.

If you are sick or have any of the main symptoms associated with COVID-19 (fever, cough or
shortness of breath), you are required to stay home until fully recovered and without symptoms
for at least 24 hours. In addition, the following groups are being advised by health authorities to
avoid interaction in large groups or public settings and should work from home:

● Older adults, over 60

● People with underlying health conditions (heart disease, diabetes, etc.)
● People who have a compromised immune system
● Pregnant women
Since we do not have clarity on how long this guidance will be in place, we will evaluate the
situation on an ongoing basis and provide regular updates as we receive additional information.

Our intent is to keep our employees safe and healthy while staying productive towards our
mission and goals. To ensure that our employees and managers have the support they need for
working remotely, we’ve created Remote Work Best Practices. Please review and take some
time to discuss individual and team expectations.

Here are a few other updates and reminders for the next few weeks.

● Travel:​ All non-essential work related travel, including conferences, should be

cancelled or postponed at this time, unless approved by an Executive. Remote
employees should cancel all scheduled travel to the X office, until further notice.
Please review additional travel precautions on our wik.

● Events:​ All on-site and off-site events will be cancelled. Please postpone team events
and off-sites, until further notice.

● Lunch:​ We will be pausing catered lunches. The cafe will remain open for any
employees who must be in the office.

● Equipment:​ We expect this remote work arrangement to be temporary, so please use

your best judgment. At your manager’s discretion, you can take your equipment home,
including your monitor(s), for temporary use. For questions about monitors or other
equipment, please reach out to TechOps. If there are accessories or office supplies
you need to perform your job, you can purchase these items, with manager approval,
and submit receipts for reimbursement through X. The expectation is that you will
return the equipment when we discontinue working remotely. Additional information
about equipment requests, Zoom capabilities and IT help will be sent out shortly.

● Interviews: ​All on-site interviews have already been transitioned to Zoom interviews.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your coordinator or recruiter.

● New Hires:​ People Ops will notify new hires with an upcoming start date about the
COVID-19 update and work from home guidelines. We are also coordinating with
TechOps to ship equipment to new hires. Hiring managers should reach out to new
hires ahead of their start date to discuss plans for onboarding and any changes
impacted by remote work. We will host a virtual X Academy the week of March 23.
● Campus Gym:​ The X Gym will remain open, until further notice. They currently
provide hand sanitizer and wipe down surfaces. Any changes from the current
practices will be communicated.

● Employee Assistance Program (EAP)​: This is an especially important time to take

care of yourself, both physically and emotionally. All employees have access to EAP
resources that provide 24/7 support. Here are some resources:
● X: Insurance data

As a reminder, the CDC recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of
respiratory viruses:

● Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and/or use
an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
● Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
● Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
Discard tissue immediately into a closed bin.
● Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
● Stay home when you are sick.
● Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

We recognize that this is an unprecedented and unique situation and appreciate your flexibility
and support. We will continue to keep a close pulse on what’s happening and provide updates
on a weekly basis.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to People Ops.

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