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Pigmentation is the coloring of a person's skin.

When a person is healthy, his

or her skin color will appear normal. In the case of illness or injury, the
person's skin may change color, becoming darker (hyperpigmentation) or
lighter (hypopigmentation).

Hyperpigmentation and Skin

Hyperpigmentation in skin is caused by an increase in melanin, the

substance in the body that is responsible for color (pigment). Certain
conditions, such as pregnancy or Addison's disease (decreased function of
the adrenal gland), may cause a greater production of melanin and
hyperpigmentation. Exposure to sunlight is a major cause of
hyperpigmentaion, and will darken already hyperpigmented areas.
Hyperpigmentation can also be caused by various drugs, including
some antibiotics, antiarrhythmics, and antimalarial drugs.

An example of hyperpigmentation is melasma. This condition is
characterized by tan or brown patches, most commonly on the face.
Melasma can occur in pregnant women and is often called the "mask of
pregnancy;" however, men can also develop this condition. Melasma
sometimes goes away after pregnancy. It can also be treated with certain
prescription creams (such as hydroquinone).

Skin pigmentation implies darkening of the skin or dark patches on the face
and body. It is often caused due to genetics or a hereditary tendency to
develop skin pigmentation easily after any abuse to skin. The most common
catalyst among Indian skin tones is sunlight. Darker skin types tend to tan
very quickly, even on minimal sun exposure, and when not taken care of, can
lead to skin pigmentation. Hormonal changes, clubbed with irregular use of
sun protection, frequently causes stubborn, recurrent patches of
pigmentation known as Melasma. Allergic reactions, weight gain, certain oral
and topical medications and skin disorders such as acne and eczema can
also compound the problem.

Stepping in the sun without applying adequate sun block can definitely
worsen skin pigmentation over a period of time. In the initial teens or early
20s, people tend to generally avoid sunscreen as they are convinced that
their skin is alright despite being in sun. With time, the pigmentation starts
becoming evident. Certain hair removal practices such as frequent, repeated
waxing, bleaching, threading—especially for thick hair—can lead to visible
patches in those areas. In recent times, the wrong use of chemical peels or
facial laser treatments is a growing cause of acquired pigmentation, and so
is self-treatment by using medicated creams containing steroids.
Is pigmentation permanent? Can it be cured?
In case the skin is affected at a deep level, the pigmentation stays in place
for a long period and does not recover completely. When the extent is too
deep, only the superficial component of skin pigmentation will reduce and it
will require constant care and treatments to rectify the damage.

Ways to prevent pigmentation

Sun exposure is a major culprit for skin pigmentation, so ensure that you
only step out with a broad-spectrum sunscreen containing SPF30 or more.
Use a Vitamin C serum—that has an antioxidant effect—in the morning
before heading out in the sun to reduce any existing skin pigmentation. At
night, ensure that you remove your sunscreen and makeup thoroughly.
Then, use a mild cream containing lightening agents like kojic acid, arbutin
or sabi white with retinoid. Oral sunscreens are also recommended as they
contain natural extracts that help prevent and reduce the darkening process
triggered by sunlight. Sunscreens containing the physical blockers zinc oxide
or titanium dioxide are also helpful in blocking daylight’s UVA rays, which
makes hyperpigmentation worse.

Avoid instant brightening creams. These usually contain potent steroids that
provide an immediate clearing of skin pigmentation and fairness, but in the
long run, damage your skin to an unbelievable extent. Avoid regular bleach
and steam on the face. Be cautious while trying home-made remedies as
they can also worsen existing skin pigmentation.

Best treatments for pigmentation

The first step to recovery is understanding the problem—consult a certified
dermatologist to understand the type and cause of skin pigmentation. At
times, minor causes such as acne marks, eczema and skin disorders can be
treated swiftly with basic medications. A religious use of sunscreen is a must
for short and long-term treatment of skin pigmentation. When possible, avoid
prolonged sun exposure in the daytime. Whenever you step out, reapply
your sun block, wear sunglasses and a cap or a hat to reduce sun damage. A
healthy diet containing antioxidants and beta carotenes, coupled with
exercise, also helps balance hormones, keeps your weight in check and
pigmentation in control. As darker skin types tend to pigment easily, it is
recommended to treat the immediate pigmentation with monthly or bi-
monthly sessions of chemical peels, lasers and Medi-facials.

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