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In this modern world where we live where people want more of everything,

industries needs to adjust to be able to satisfy the needs of the consumers.

Organizations are changing to adapt to the changes and this also mean that

management practices are changing too. Total Quality Management has provided

solutions and ways to help certain organizations. One of the ways is the infamous

Yellow Brick Road that was best illustrated by the classical story ‘The Wizard of Oz’.

Yellow Brick Road simply express us that if we know what we desire and goes all the

way to acquire it, then our wish shall come true.

Problem Solver

In the story of Wizard of Oz, there were lots of possible problem solvers although

not yet proven as a solution. But in the story, as Dorothy travels through the yellow brick

path in her quest to acquire the solution, the Good Witch is the problem solver, as she

instructed Dorothy to walk the Yellow Brick Path and gave her the ruby slippers.

Statement of the Problem

1) Decline in industry influence, which damages and contribute negative brand image

among its consumers and clients.

2) Organizations change can lessen the effectiveness or ability of the employees to

provide progress because of asserting hierarchical authority and ambivalent authority.

3) Lack of direction and teamwork can result to failure in achieving the new vision and

mission, and overall objectives or goals of the company.

Statement of the Objective

1) Leadership will have to be in tune with every aspect of every changed process to

provide the appropriate change management through training, mentoring, coaching and


2) Managers or leaders will have to use effective communication methods and deal with

it in a proactive manner by effectively communicating the mission, vision, etc. to

determine the right direction for the changes needed to move the organization forward.

3) Organization will have to establish a sense of urgency to create the right cooperation,

behavior and momentum to get people interested in the new vision and mission, and

contributes in achieving the company’s goal.

SWOT Analysis


 They have experience and knowledge about their goal.

 Each of them has unique capabilities.

 They have enough resources, assets and people that will help them to achieve

their objectives.

 They are all creative and smart because they were able to achieve their goal.

 They have active communication which helped them to trust each other.


 Most of them have low self-esteem that becomes a hindrance for them to

proceed with their goals.

 They are doubtful with their own capabilities.

 Some of the members are not cooperative in achieving their goal.

 They are all pressured to achieve their goals because of what others expect

them to become.

 Each of them has their own strength but they are afraid to show it.


 The new environment became an opportunity to Dorothy because she was able

to meet different kinds of persons who taught her important lessons.

 Crossing the yellow brick road is an opportunity because it will lead them to the

right place for them.

 The challenges that they have faced is an opportunity for them to become


 The dream that Dorothy has is an opportunity for her to learn many things.

 The realization of Dorothy that she is in a change state is an opportunity for her

to move and do something.


 There are still many obstacles to be faced.

 There may be misunderstanding within the group.

 Poor team or management strategies may arise.

 Some members might feel insecure with other members because of their


 There may be a change in the environment that would make them difficult to


Alternative Courses of Action

1) The head and department managers will require each supervisor to have their area

monthly meeting.

2) The supervisors will train and evaluate its employees and look for the areas of


3) The management will need a crisis to force a change in the way they do business

and ensure the organization is changing to new vision.

4) Organizational groups and teams will have to become self-reliant and not depend on

the consultants and other people to help them every time.

5) Organizations will have to take time to reflect, self-assess and determine if there will

be any changes in direction needed to keep strategy in place.


• Managers will be able to communicate with their employees in order for them to

set the stage for new vision, mission, values and principles.

• The employees will be prepared of any problems and they could solve it easily

before it gets big.

• There will be a sense of urgency that would create the right cooperation and

behavior of employees.

• They will be able to see things that are right in front of them, which will only come

from a properly engaged and empowered team.

• Organizations will be able to immediately assess the areas in which they are



• It takes a lot of effort and additional expenses in organizing a meeting.

• Organizations must devote more time in improving their inputs and outputs.

• If resistance from employees is not effectively dealt with through communication,

it can derail any project.


Transformation is an essential process in the business industries. It leads to

development and formulation of new techniques and strategies that help the firm to

achieve its target and establish its position in the market. However, marching on such

process have enormous risk, and may consume substantial amount of resources. For

that reason the problem solver recommend to the firm who undergoing in transformation

to take the course of action that "Organizations will have to take time to reflect, self-

assess and determine if there will be any changes in direction needed to keep strategy

in place".

Time is an important factor in making decision, a decision that have enough time

will more likely to be effective. It may reduce misspend of resources and may lessen the

time may incurred in solving the problem. By reflection and self-assessment the firm

may be able to formulate radical methods in production that have possibility to lower

number defects and cost of producing the product. The firm may not just be able to

improve its production line but also may improve its administrative. It also may point out

small details that causes problem, and solve the matters with less resources needed.

Other than the stated alternative course of actions this course of action is more

practical, beneficial, and will not give to much tension to the workers during

Plan of Action

To properly execute the course of action the firm who undergo in transformation should:

1) The management should developed a goals that will give everyone in the firm a

sense of purpose. Having a sense of purpose will empower everyone in the firm and

motivate them to accomplish the firm’s goals.

2) Turn the long-term goals in to short-term objectives to make it more attainable.

3) Group the workforce and assign certain objective. By working as team they may

accomplish more and solve the problem effectively.

4) Give the groups time for brainstorming, and to reflect and assess the problem and

make decisions.

5) Have general meeting with the entire workforce and discuss the plan that all the

groups had conclude and make revision only if needed.

6) Undertake the plans and note for the improvement in the process.

7) Inform everyone in the workforce about the improvement, and give remarks for their


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