Cal Phos

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CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA 152 CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA (Phosphate of Lime) One of the most important tissue remedies, and while it had many symptoms in common with Calearea carb., there are some iy 89 -teristic features of its own. It is espe y dentition and troubles incident to that period, bone disease, non-union of fractured bones, and the ias after acute diseases and chronic wasting di vie children who are peevish, flabby, have cold exhienceneea digestion. It has a special affinity where bones form su- physes, and all its symptoms are worse from any change of weather. Numbness and crawling are characteristie ns, and tendency to perspiration and glandular enlarge- nent are symptoms it shares with the carbonate, Scrophulosis, chlorosis and phthisis. Mind.—Peevish, forgetful; after grief and vexation. [Ignat.; Phos. ac.j Always wants to go somewhere. Head.—Headache, worse near the region of sutures, from change of weather, of school children about puberty. Fontanelles remain open too long. Cranial bones soft and tain. Defective hearing. Headache, with abdominal flatulence. Head hot, with smarting of roots of hair. 3 Eyes.—Diffused opacity in cornea following abscess. Mouth.—Swollen tonsils; eannot open’ Complaints during teething; of teeth. Adenoid gro Stomach,—Infant want easily. Craving for bacon, flatulence. Great hunge relieved by sour eructat children. Abdomen.—At every att Sunken and flabby. Col Stool.—Bleeding after fruits or cider; during d undigested, with fetid chest symptoms, Urine.—Increased, region of kidneys when | differences and char y indicated in tard: A fee tures or sym ser as CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA is Female.—Menses too early, excessive, and bright in girls. If late, blood is dark; sometimes, first bright, then dark, with yiolent backache. During lactation with sexual excitement. Nymphomania, with aching, pressing, or weakness in uterine region. [Plat.] After prolonged nursing. Leucorrhcea, like white of egg. Worse morning. Child refuses breast; milk tastes salty. Prolapsus in debilitated persons. Respiratory.—Involuntary sighing. Chest sore. Suffoca- cative cough; better lying down. Hoarseness. ‘Pain through jower left lung. Neck and Back.—Rheumatie pain from draught of air, with stiffness and dullness of head. Soreness in sacro-iliae symphy- sis, as if broken. [A¥sc. hip.] Extremities.—Stiffness and pain, with cold, numb feeling, worse any change of weather. Crawling and coldness. But- tocks, back and limbs asleep. Pains in joints and bones. Weary when going upstairs. Relationship—Complementary: Ruta; Hepar. Compare: Calear. hypophosporosa (is to be preferred when it seems necessary to furnish the organism with liberal doses of phosphorus in consequence of continued abscesses having re- duced the vitality. Give first and second decimal trits. Loss of appetite, rapid debility, night sweats; Acne pustulosa— Pallor of skin, habitually cold and cough; acute pains in Bleeding from lungs; 3 arteries. Veins stand cccurring two hou light food). € Calearea renalis—Ls disease; lessens tt Dose.~-First j ore effective,

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